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Author Topic: ☼"Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Fortress☼ - Under new management!  (Read 61198 times)


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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #180 on: April 08, 2015, 07:16:47 am »

Alright you scrubs, I have a serious question, hence the double post.

Following one more update here, would anyone here be interested in following a fort based around a dwarf seeking to kill at least 500 elves with a mace in honor of the legendary Queen Cryptbrain? I want to use a mace because can't go full copying of heroes after all. If people give me a rough time that would be best to post updates and thus maximize the chance you guys'll see them in a timely manner, I'd also be quite open to any direction towards building monuments and other small projects to focus on. Preferably involving wood.

This is a legit question, as I'd like to chronicle it but I won't follow through if you guys feel I shouldn't. I have an itch to kill elves, and so I've even gone out of my way to make sure they'll have due cause to face us down (including jacking up thier max site population, reduced length of childhood, and crapping out sprog in pairs, and intent to drop the fort right in the middle of thier turf with no other dwarves nearby for them to harass.)

'Course one more update will follow sometime in the next couple days for here before I put it on pause if you guys think it's worth undertaking.


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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #181 on: April 08, 2015, 08:15:06 am »

And here I was hoping that Senshuken's last stand would be to enter hell alone to hold back the demon tides while the breach was sealed behind him.

Five hundred elves beaten to death with a mace? I'll follow it provided I get a dwarf who's goal is to kill five hundred dwarfs with a sword. See who reaches the goal first.
Cause every silver lining has a cloud, and it won't be alright on the night; There's nothing at the end of the rainbow and there's a tunnel at the end of the light!


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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #182 on: April 08, 2015, 08:54:06 am »

Whatever keeps you excited and motivated to create these stories, is great :)  That's a lot of elves.


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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #183 on: April 08, 2015, 03:02:59 pm »

Following one more update here, would anyone here be interested in following a fort based around a dwarf seeking to kill at least 500 elves with a mace in honor of the legendary Queen Cryptbrain?
Did you actually just ask DF players if they're interested in the bludgeoning to death of 500 elves by a single insane mace dwarf?

Welcome, newcomer, to this place of madness, also referred to as the forums of the Twelfth Bay. I hope you enjoy your stay.
Quartz Mace cancels living: demons embedded in everything.
Ass möde is a way of life
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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #184 on: April 08, 2015, 05:00:01 pm »

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Five hundred elves beaten to death with a mace? I'll follow it provided I get a dwarf who's goal is to kill five hundred dwarfs with a sword. See who reaches the goal first.

I'll assume you meant elves. It'd be a tad difficult to kill 500 dwarves with a sword in fortress mode.

Following one more update here, would anyone here be interested in following a fort based around a dwarf seeking to kill at least 500 elves with a mace in honor of the legendary Queen Cryptbrain?
Did you actually just ask DF players if they're interested in the bludgeoning to death of 500 elves by a single insane mace dwarf?


Yes, yes I did. And... Well, I wouldn't call them insane, just... Vengeful.

Whatever keeps you excited and motivated to create these stories, is great :)  That's a lot of elves.

The vote of confidence is appreciated. I'm just worried about cluttering things up. And yes, it is. But sites with thousands of elves means it's possible.


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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #185 on: April 09, 2015, 06:13:50 am »

Lorkan had nothing better to do, so he dug. He could hear a mumak fighting outside, but he couldn't help the poor beast. At least for now he had drink, and the earth provides: Cave fungus!

He was sure there was something going on topside. Frantic building, fighting... it didn't matter for him though. He needed to focus on surviving.

The sounds of the demons seemed distant, and he admitted to himself he had an idea: Perhaps he could kill the monsters on his own? He had marble, he could make lures... Draw them in... And crush them under a pile of orcish engineering!

In the meantime, he was certain he heard a rumbling somewhere above him. Whatever it was, he was certain it'd run afoul of the horrors down here eventually. But meanwhile, above him, a terrible battle was underway. In a prepared (sort of,) arena, filled with trolls to soak up incoming fire or webs, orchestrated by a dreamwalker named Gradbul. If he'd been up there, he'd know it hadn't gone off flawlessly...

And he finally hit the switch, unsure if the demons were even in his trap.

After the noise had settled, he realized he didn't hear the noise anymore... It... It was over! He frantically pulled open the hatch and ran through, but found no demon remains... He ran back into his hideout and locked the hatch, and rolled the boulder that had kept him alive.

And he broke down crying at what he saw.

“Lorkan?!” One of the soldiers blurted out. “What're you doin' down here??”

The sobbing snaga looked up at the surprised warriors and answered “g-gettin my shield... Got trapped... Can't... Can't believe you're here!”

“So doz dis mean that boom an hour ago was him?” Gradbul asked, turning to Bolugd, who just shrugged.

“Gotta give you credit Snaga, figured we'd be finding your corpse. All we found of your squadmates were charred bones.” The Chief said. They all jumped when Ugluk yelped. They turned, and Grabul stood there, open flask in hand.

“Wot? His cloak caught fire again.”


Migrants came not long after the dead had been buried and way to the underdark sealed. They'd find the madman responsible in due time, but for now, the new arrivals needed tending to. Among them was a foolhearty snaga, who demanded the right to  bear arms amongst the uruks. His sheer audacity gained him this request.

That and three orcs having been killed by the demons.

Before long, life had, well, returned to normal. Preparations were being made to build a number of additional barracks, production of armor resumed for the militia (as it was sorely lacking much that it could make use of,) and the orcs made merry as was normal at the end of each month.

Gradbul had grown to love his ridiculously long hammer in time, and even named it, “Cardinalplanks, The Dangerous Grove.” Following this, an artisan is possessed by a spirit! The end result, an ashland glass spear, leads most to assume he was channeling the spirit of the slain warrior Ughorb, who was kicked to death by a Nightmare in the last stages of the anti-abomination mission.

The badgermen attacked sometime into summer, and the warriors went into battle. In the wake of the pile of carcasses, Ugluk was granted the right to wield a proper orcish katana in battle, as it was found he'd fought against not just the demons, but many other using only his masterful wooden shield.

And two months later, they were unveiled. Using stone salvaged from the underdark, three katanas, two exceptional, one superior made, forged from sacred adamantine. Bolugd, Talata, and Ugluk were given the weapons, Bolugd as the ultimate sign of his skill, Talata for surviving being lit on fire four times, and Ugluk in recognition of his bravery, facing badgermen and demons alike with only a lamellar helmet and wooden shield.

And in celebration, it was declared a raid would be launched on an ancient orcish fortress. Their hopes weren't high, but they'd had the map for several years according to the dreamwalkers, and this seemed a good cause to use it. As the preparations began, several weeks pass, and Ugluk proves to be a swift learner of the ways of the sword, and is declared a swordmaster. In celebration, a spear receives its name! In wake of this, little happens. Months pass uneventfully, besides the new training spaces being built. But then they see them. The Skiffs have returned!

And they've brought loot! It was eagerly cracked open, and amid several simple trinkets and obsidian weapons, were four bars of orichalcum and a set of Deep Bronze Greaves! It was with this, that a chamber was dug in the quarry, one whose walls would be spared the pick once finished. Bolugd took the greaves for himself, leaving the other items to the discretion of the populous.

Within a few days however, there were signs of aggression from the woodlands: Two arrows flew over the walls, narrowly missing a pet condor. Elven warriors were somewhere outside the wall! Bolugd's squad moved to investigate and exterminate, while Gorlshk's squad moved to protect the gate, and keep any further intruders away.

As they advanced, they stumbled into a group of strange elf-spirits; Senshuken had seen their ilk before, patrolling with human archers in a town he'd once passed through with a caravan. They were easy enough to destroy, but their webs proved a hindrance to getting to the archers. Once they wre dead, the warriors assaulted the mounted archers.

In the ensuing chaos of the usual melee, Gradbul wound up blocking a unicorn's charge with his hand, getting his hand speared for the trouble. In retaliation, he killed his attack and two other unicorns in rapid succession, spiking his first enemy and bashing in the skulls of the other two, sending their riders tumbling to the ground. He flexed his hand and thankfully could still move it; nothing permanent was damaged.

Meanwhile, mounted pike-elves attacked the gate, requiring Gorlshk's squad to get their hands dirty, slaughtering the bulk of them before turning their attention to a small pack of dire wolves, which fell with little effort.

Just as Gorlshk declared the gate clear, Bolugd's squad found themselves outnumbered horribly, and yet the chief tried to order Gradbul to fall back and get his hand patched, insisting they could handle the horde of elves.

Gradbul would have none of that. Swinging his polehammer about one-handed, what he lacked in landing fatal blows he made up for in shattering bones left, right, and center. Such was his and his comrades' bloodlust that even with the elves dead or fleeing into the deeper woods, several giant louse weren't even spared before the red mist cleared from their vision.

They'd made quite the mess.

They returned to the gate, Senshuken heading in to refill his billion flask while Gradbul had his hand tended to. A passing crafts orc who was recovering a breastplate much too big even for an Olog to wear then told them several groups of human soldiers were in the area, state troops by the looks of them. Bolugd went into the settlement to consult Lugbok on positions, since he was always the one spending time on the temple or mead hall, and generally the one to see them.

He returned with Senshuken, wearing the plate of the old tales on his body. He Directed Gorlshk's squad to a group of archers on the far side of the hold, and told the gathered fighters: “The ancient Centurions walk with us my brothers!” Referring to his armor. A cheer came from them, and once Gorlshk and his orcs returned, they went back inside, celebrating with their fellows.

As winter came, drow assassins were found dead in the traps. Morbai was livid, and ordered the raiders to launch an attack on the drow while the river would still allow them to go assemble their men. But Bolugd told her to relax, after all, thanks to their dreamwalkers' past efforts that had gone largely forgotten, the mightiest legacy of the Orcish people was rekindled.


I won't summarize some of it. Speaks for itself.  But I will fess up to: Slayracing three spirits of fire (due to combat log spam when they tried to kill a stone elemental fruitlessly, and the human siege's horses (prompting most of them to flee.)

We killed a shitload of elves and unicorns, Gradbul was injured (sigh, again,) the bulk of the militia has training spaces, had an artifact spear made, and one of the best? A successful raid on our ancestor's old holds! And better than that?

Years ago after I got the Treesinger Pagoda and Runesmith, I left the dreamwalkers to just walk the ancient dreamlands till they ran out of dreamwalk talismans. I was looking through some bins, just to see what sorts of garbage we had exactly, and lo and behold... An Ancient Foundry blueprint was mixed in there! Along with an assault plan, which is what prompted the siege; I attacked a crusader abbey with it and the humans took exception to that. Anyway, that foundry's been decorated to look like a real nice forge with platinum doors, ruby candelabras, ruby fireplaces (standing in for forges,) platinum braiziers, and marble racks, stands, chests (tool boxes basically,) and tables to display fine weaponry for our heroes to peruse.

Among our warriors, two boworcs and a spearorc were killed, and several wound up with the fat melted off them, among them Beirus and one or two of his soldiers, showing once again Beirus is the unluckiest squad leader.

Now, this will probably be the last update to my 34.11 forts for a while (save a tour of Blackhold sometime this week,) but I have a plan for Blackhold. Are there any takers for either providing semi-regular updates, or turning this big boy into a succession? I'll still keep a save as it is now for my own use, either if there's no takers or if things go sour in an unentertaining way to resume as normal.

Basic and many advanced industires run just fine on their own or with very little overhead, and most recurring threats can be dealt with by parking the elites by the gate and waiting for the enemy to commit suicide. That leaves only some kind of challenges or monuments to do.

Anyways, here's another fairly short one! Enjoy guys. Time to begin preparations for Operation: Bludgeonskulls.

Oh, and before I forget, here's your orc Quartz_Mace. He's a badass. Survived fighting Spirits of fire and badgermen with just a wooden shield as a weapon and he picked up sword skill disturbingly quickly. Within a couple months he became a swordmaster under the other swordsmasters' tutelage.

Sorry this one was so short guys, enjoy!


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Your new dwarven hero will have his work cut out for him before he's half the elf-slayer that the champions of Blackhold are!

Great place to pause, the ancient foundry room looks amazing.


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Did any of my squad die? If not, it's still an improvement. Also, is all the fat burnt off? And this time it wasn't being unlucky, it was a "Trial by Fire". Heh.
Because everything is Megaman when you have an arm cannon.


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Did any of my squad die? If not, it's still an improvement. Also, is all the fat burnt off? And this time it wasn't being unlucky, it was a "Trial by Fire". Heh.

Nope, but you and one of your squadmates did get lit on fire (you both survived, and now have no fat on some parts of thier bodies.)

Here's the save my clanorcs.


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Did any of my squad die? If not, it's still an improvement. Also, is all the fat burnt off? And this time it wasn't being unlucky, it was a "Trial by Fire". Heh.

Nope, but you and one of your squadmates did get lit on fire (you both survived, and now have no fat on some parts of thier bodies.)

Here's the save my clanorcs.
Yay, partially fireproof now.
Because everything is Megaman when you have an arm cannon.


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Did any of my squad die? If not, it's still an improvement. Also, is all the fat burnt off? And this time it wasn't being unlucky, it was a "Trial by Fire". Heh.

Nope, but you and one of your squadmates did get lit on fire (you both survived, and now have no fat on some parts of thier bodies.)

Here's the save my clanorcs.
Yay, partially fireproof now.

And doing better than the swordmaster Talata. he got lit on fire no less than four times. For some reason he only lost the fat on his ass and his cloak was all that ever caught fire besides that.

Monitor Lisard

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Re: ☼"Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Fortress☼ - Save posted, any takers?
« Reply #191 on: April 10, 2015, 02:29:03 am »

Well, can I have the save then? In case something goes terribly wrong, it can become an alternative timeline... Or just blame everything on Gradbul.
ML's forum games and other good stuff

This artwork relates to the killing of the troll Ozyydif Kuilat by the cheese Eritoy Awexog in the early spring of 71


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Re: ☼"Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Fortress☼ - Save posted, any takers?
« Reply #192 on: April 10, 2015, 02:55:06 am »

Well, can I have the save then? In case something goes terribly wrong, it can become an alternative timeline... Or just blame everything on Gradbul. The Mountainking.


Go for it! I'm getting an initial update and stuff ready for the elf-killing fort as we speak, but I may hold off until around six-ish to actually set up. Don't wanna clutter the board too badly right?.

Monitor Lisard

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Re: ☼"Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Fortress☼ - Save posted, any takers?
« Reply #193 on: April 13, 2015, 02:11:24 pm »

Hi there, guiz! Ah am Gradbul. And 'tis is Blackhold, da best orish fortress in all da world! We live here, fight here, work here, play here and kick sum mudberd and humie and elfpussie arse here! Just come and see 'dose bloody fieldz over 'dere! Look at 'dat mess... We orkz loves to clean our crib, but hey, who doez care about battlegund? Well, it's surly gud to have a nice lil meadow around wit pretty flowers and such, but dose ugly sharp ears just keep comin'! I say, they do nut appreciate nature.

So, uhm... Wut we've git 'ere... Oh, it's a map! Look here, gaiz! Ah found a map!

We have many thingz 'round here, even skyscrapers, just like ones I saw in da huimie town, and also many shrines and hovels.

A while ago, Bolugd and Morbai approched me wit' an interestin' offer. They said they wanted to have a "day off" or sumthin'. So, they wanted me to manage all current dealz, and run tis' place like a real warboss! Ah wuz scared a lil', but they said I wus suitable for tis' task! So, uhm, ah'm da big ork now.

Oh, noblez want to see me! Ah'll be right back in a minute.

Man, they surly want zo much.

Zir Gluuck, why do ya want tis' in yo office? Ah can hardly imagine anyone willin' to have a meeting next to tis' thing. But, like, whatever. Those noblez are a weerd bunch.

Meanwhile, guyz decided to paly sum gud ol' bowl. Yeah, pass dat bowl, have a nice trainin' session.

Oh, and Ah alzo found a stash of rusty coinz... They don't seem to be valuable, they are not even shiny! Why did anyone order to make dose anyway, when they could have made weaponz? Ah ordered to have the plainest of dose coinz melted.

And yeah, we are goin' to fulfill all da needz of our brave warboss and his crew!

Alright, time to check on our animal logz!

Oh, doze lil' kittenz are so adorable! Just look at dose neat ballz of fur!

So, uhm... Sir, ah wanted to ask you abot that request...Excuse me? What do you mean, ya don't want any coffins in your office? Well, okay den...

Sum guy was actin' real weerd recently, and he has actually created sumthin of use! A real nice shale fireplace! Should Ah give it to someone?

Oh, it has a picture of a giant guy stomping a tiny dog man into dirt. It happened about 20 years ago... Ah haven't herd anything 'bout tis, tho. Must have been an epic stomp.

See? We can do this. Jarl must be really proud of us now, that we have completed his mandate.

Here's a sketch of Urb's new mausoleum. It's all studded wit bronze, like dose drums and toy hammers made by mudberds.

Well, here's my first Blackhold update. Sorry for taking so long, I had some important things to do. As you see, my style's a bit different from Splint's, I prefer to give more pictures and less text, only describing few things that might be funny or interesting to readers. My English is somewhat mediocre, so it's so much easier for me to write as Gradbul because of his unique speech style. Also, if you have any questions or want me to switch to another style, feel free to ask.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2015, 03:57:19 pm by Monitor Lisard »
ML's forum games and other good stuff

This artwork relates to the killing of the troll Ozyydif Kuilat by the cheese Eritoy Awexog in the early spring of 71


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Re: ☼"Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Fortress☼ - Save posted, any takers?
« Reply #194 on: April 13, 2015, 03:23:50 pm »

The rusty coins are for the raider drydocks, gold coins the caravnserai shops , platinum for the shadowbroker. Hang onto those. The sabercats were meant for combat (since they're bigger and thus meaner than the dire wolves,) and lots of orcs  have them as pets already. Putting them all up like that is a good way to cause an detrimental  big cat-splosion.

Looks pretty good so far! Wish you the best of luck on this, and take your time with the updates if you need to. Not like I'm a paragon of timeliness myself . :P
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