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Author Topic: ☼"Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Fortress☼ - Under new management!  (Read 61262 times)


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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #60 on: August 10, 2014, 03:01:56 pm »

Thrak's Deer Diareah:

Deer Diareah, dis pass munth has been sumntin else. If ya hadn't notice I crusted out mah ol' name dat was on ya and wrote muh new I. I 'ad been wantin ta change dat IIII sum thyme nuh but addn't tought uff anytin gud till recent. I 'ope muh wife Burzump dun mine it II much seen az I ad dat ol' name from back when we gotz married an ad Buruk but I digest.

Da 'ead 'onchos of dis place finally decided ta giv me a propah weapon. Although I've always ben moar uf a basha dan a slasha dis new sword I got bee as keen as dey come un pershunaly I can't wait ta tri it out on sum foes. Pershunaly I 'ope I'ze gets a chance ta make sum fanci totem outta a big beastie sum time soon. Tha statue o' da clan motha and does fanci dice da snagga made make me ope I make sumntin jus az grand, but fuh now I jus wanna chop sumntin up good wit da boyz.


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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #61 on: August 10, 2014, 11:12:51 pm »

Good neeeeeews, everyone! A siege came! And left in bits and pieces! An update's gonna come soon, just wanna get a little more done first. I'll set about updating the community section first though.


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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #62 on: August 11, 2014, 12:47:51 am »

The dead uruk is laid to rest in a small grave near the brook, and to celebrate the uruk's passing the warriors hunt moose. “Let his passing be remembered with meat and wine, not sadness.” is what the Warchief said. Senshuken claims them all, age having failed to catch up with the old uruk. He is swift, and severs the body of the first moose cow. The bull is decapitated. The next cow, the final one, knocks him down and nearly flees into the deeper woods, but is slain, its head sent to the air in a blood-trailing arc. Once it is done, Senshuken expresses joy at the quick hunt, but then in a low tone informs him that more bows, arrows, armor, and tomahawks are needed.

A warrior expressing concern in such a hushed way rattles some of the youngers. A shaman is appointed, to calm them and tend their needs. It is decided only one shall be called on, the dreamwalker Gluuk. He is given the central suite below the eventual temple.

Days pass, and there is an alert: A member of the centauren tribes is spotted, but she is alone, seeming to be tracking something else, and unarmed.

The Warchief takes no risks, and mercilessly chases and strikes down the man-horse with one rake of his tribal blade. After the new shaman makes an outrageous demand for large gems, a commodity they cannot hope to produce.

However, the peace that has blessed or plagued the hold, depending on who is asked, is broken by a long-time enemy of the orcish clans: The folk of magma and industry, beard and blade. The dwarves.

The warchief calls his orcs to arms, and they muster between the huts.

Bone arrows fly and a copper tomahawk thrown, as Senshuken races ahead! The fury of his forebearers fills him and he enters the fabled warrior's trance, where all seems to come at them slowly, while they strike as normal.

A hand and foot fly, not Senshuken's. The mudbeard cries out in pain. Another dwarf is bowled over by a raging Gradbul, who's first strike hits the dwarf in the head but fails to dent her helmet. So he instead shatters ribs and legs.

The Uruk Lat makes the first dwarven kill, her ironbone spear punching through the foolish dwarf's copper helm as Gradbul continues to pummel the pained dwarf with his great rock maul, and a she-dwarf is seized from behind by Bolugd, who remorselessly slits her throat. Lat then strikes down another dwarf, her head punctured and her hand nailed to it with the serrated spear. Blugd's victim succumbs to her slashed throat and a severed arm shortly after.

The orcs' dire wolves leap into the fray next, distracting the dwarves who would harm their masters but are gravely harmed in the battle. Three more dwarves fall, mainly to blood loss as the tribal swords take off limbs, and they begin to break and flee. Several dwarves escape.

Most do not.

There is a clamor of joy from the victorious warriors! Weapons and severed dwarf heads are raised in victory as they return to the main hall. Blugd hefts the bloodsteel morningstar of the felled enemy officer and gives it to Thrak, telling him he swings a blade clumsily, and that mace  like the one he gives will probably work better.

Soon, more opt to join the warband, with only an unsteady supply of solid orcish weapon preventing a flood of recruits.

Shops are quickly raised so that the piles of dead dwarves may be processed, the meat sheared from their bones and their souls and scalps awaiting the dreamwalkers and tanners. Soon after, they approached by a small boat coming up the creek looking for the source to make camp: Freelancers.
A goblin offers to set up shop as a freelancer contact, in exchange for a second drydock being built.

Soon after, more new life is blessed to the clanhold with two common orc babies, one of the clan leader Yaragtak Morbai and the Warchief. Many breath a sigh of relief, fearing that they would only have snaga in this place, like the forest was playing some sick joke. Not long after, it is declared enough scalps are handy to begin crafting the sacred honor standards, and the dreamwalkers are ready to walk the ancient dreamlands and dwarven runes.

The event's celebrations are slightly dampened when it is found that someone neglected to properly store the ashland glass saber which is found to be stolen by a leprechaun, and in his fury over a much needed blade lost to a wretched little human-looking thing Bolugd slays the two that remain, seeking to steal more weapons and armor.

Days later, the freelancers guild is set up, and construction begins on the second drydock.

Alrighty guys! Update! We got attacked by the dwarves and their generous scalp donation gives us two standards of honor. We got a couple common orc babies, got more houses built mainly a handful underground, a sword got stolen, and the freelancers have made their presence known.

And the kill count is as such: Barring Lat's kills which were thanks to his spear punching through some cheap copper helmets, all the kills were due to blood loss thanks to severed limbs or in Bolugd's case with two kills, slashed throats. Good thing those direwolves got involved or we'd have had a bunch of injured orcs. Instead they got all the broken bones and the worst injury an orc got was a bruised foot and shin.

Senshuken: 1 kill
Thrak: 2 kills
Gradbul: No kills, but he beat the fuck out of four dwarves before someone else got them. Gonna need to make him a new metallic maul soon.
Warchief Bolugd: 3 kills
Warband Sergeant Gorlshk: 2 kills
Lat: 2 kills
Warband Sergeant Duum: No Kills
Azguuruk: 1 kill
Boworcs: No kills for either one.

So there you have it folks, blind luck kept any of us from being killed or injured and we got some stuff done!


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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #63 on: August 11, 2014, 02:31:34 am »

The call of the majestic moose; Or 'Why you young bastards should listen to your Elders!'

I was right damn it!

The other shoe has finally dropped and we were invaded by dwarfs! Fortunately we had the blessings and favor of the gods and not a single one of our number died. Some of the wolfs have suffered some injuries in our stead and I hope we can do right by such proud warriors in turn. Most of the invading dwarfs died for their trespass and we will be offering their souls to the gods as thanks for such a clean and overwhelming victory!

Some of the dwarfs fled however... Word of this victory will spread and more of our enemies will come now. Dwarfs, Elves... just to name a few. Now more than ever we need to prepare for the coming storm. Luck is useful and all but it tends to favor those who are prepared.
Cause every silver lining has a cloud, and it won't be alright on the night; There's nothing at the end of the rainbow and there's a tunnel at the end of the light!


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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #64 on: August 11, 2014, 03:10:49 am »

If the male Ronin is still unclaimed, can I have him? Name him Beirus. I know he's an axeorc, but can we start training him as a swordorc and maybe get him a Dragon Arms kit if we ever make any?
Because everything is Megaman when you have an arm cannon.


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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #65 on: August 11, 2014, 03:14:36 am »

If the male Ronin is still unclaimed, can I have him? Name him Beirus. I know he's an axeorc, but can we start training him as a swordorc and maybe get him a Dragon Arms kit if we ever make any?

He hasn't been claimed or drafted yet so consider it done. I'll set him up with a squad next time I play.

Monitor Lisard

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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #66 on: August 11, 2014, 03:51:28 am »

"From ze diary of Gradbul the Snake eter:

Hello, deer diary! Today we finaly faced a real enimy on ze batlefield! A bunch of dwarves came in, swinging their hammers. We easely ambushed dem and killd em all. Now we can call ourselvz a real warband!

One of ze dwarves was holding a piece of cloth on a long pole. That's what they call a "banner", I guess. There were some writings in dwarven scribbled on it, "3rd Battalion, 87 Royal Infantry Reg." or somethin' like that. I gave it to the warboss right after ze fight. We ork dont usually use those anyway, but I think we should make ourselves a war totem. It'll be a plasure for me to carry it into battle along wit muh club. Just need to find a scull good enough... Do we still have that one of a giant porcu-something?

We should think of a good name for our band as well. The Rollin' Stonez, maybe?... No, that sounds kinda weerd. I'll share my ideaz wit everyone, maybe someone wud come up with somethin' suitabel."
« Last Edit: August 11, 2014, 08:10:40 am by Monitor Lisard »
ML's forum games and other good stuff

This artwork relates to the killing of the troll Ozyydif Kuilat by the cheese Eritoy Awexog in the early spring of 71

Shadow Of Fate

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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #67 on: August 11, 2014, 07:43:04 am »

Warband Sergeant Gorlshk: 2 kills

Heheheh... Nice. I was worried the sieges would never come. Or that my Orc would miss out on a chance to kill anything. Also, I have a couple small requests:

1. I looked over his information again and found out Gorlshk is married. Alatuul Permanentimmoralities? How's that for a name! Could you give me the specs on that Orc? Also, could you include any potential children?

2. Could you let me know if he is woodcutting, herbalist, or whatever. I don't care what you decide. Do whatever is best for you. It will just help me write his story if I know.

3. I read up on orc castes and it seems that Uruks are more likely to be able to equip weapons one handed. If Gorlshk has this capability then I would like to potentially start a long term plan of moving him to dual wielding weapons or a weapon and shield as a back up. Again, I don't know that this is possible and I'm not sure how long it would take for this to happen if it was considering it took so long to get an axe. It's just a long term thing and I wanted to see if it was eventually possible. I want to start to consider the options of it.

In other news, I got part 2 of his story:



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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #68 on: August 11, 2014, 08:35:57 am »

@ Shadow

1. Sure thing.


Alatuul Srishgoiduul has been ecstatic lately.  She talked with the spouse lately.  She slept in a very good bedroom recently.  She has been satisfied at work lately.  She made a friend recently.  She dined in a great dining room recently.  She admired a fine Door lately.  She admired own fine Cabinet lately. 
She is married to `Gorlshk' Taintyarns.  She is the daughter of Ughorb Cursedfasten and Alatuul Doomplant. 
She is a citizen of The Rusty Evils.  She is a member of The Lawful Menace.  She is a former member of The Crescent Ghoul.  She is a former member of The Enchanted Curse.  She arrived at Thashumghoshakh on the 5th of Sandstone in the year 122. 
She is fifty-four years old, born on the 25th of Slate in the year 69. 
Her burnt umber hair is extremely long.  She has a broad body made broader still by no shortage of surrounding lard.  Her ears are somewhat narrow.  Her nose is somewhat short.  Her skin is dark olive.  Her eyes are raw umber. 
She is very strong, quite durable and very rarely sick, but she is slow to heal and quick to tire. 
Alatuul Srishgoiduul likes white brick, exploding, amethyst, reindeer wool and the color silver.  When possible, she prefers to consume boozebelly rum.  She absolutely detests pillbugs. 
She has a great feel for social relationships, good creativity and an ability to read emotions fairly well, but she has little willpower and a questionable spatial sense. 
She has a calm demeanor.  She enjoys being in crowds.  She loves a good thrill.  She tends not to openly express emotions.  She is highly adventurous and loves fresh experiences.  She dislikes intellectual discussions.  She is compassionate.  She possesses great willpower. 

A powerful humanoid creature with violent tendencies.  Orcs build their strongholds in the twilight lands at the margins of the world. Snaga have mixed Goblin blood and are treated as an inferior caste, although they are quite agile and make fine bow-orcs.

Yes, you also own your own place (the small apartment in the main hall that is second in from the right; used to be Gradbul's before he moved into one of the hovels,) and none of your kids are present, though you do have a brother- and sister-in-law present.

2. He's still on herbalism duty. He arrived with 11 (great) herbalism so retraining him in a different job would be more trouble that it'd be worth, combined with the usual problem having a woodcutter in the military presents. Plus we only have two axes, his and Lugbok's. Once I sift through the orcs and find a couple extra recruits he'll be going on full-time training as a warrior. Also, he's friends with nearly every claimed orc barring a handful whom he seems to be on good terms with (including several snaga, and he's friends with Lugbok :P)

3. Most are large enough to use stuff like mauls and great axes one handed, however those require more materials we don't have right now. He does have a shield already though, as does the rest of the melee militia and the tomahawkers I think: Wooden kite shields! Best protection an orc can have made from wood (to save on weight; a soldier light on his feet is a soldier less likely to be killed or injured.)

On that note, I checked and most of the militia (barring the ranged troops I think, just because I hadn't gotten to them yet,) have full suits of lamellar armor plus bone lupine masks (save Bolugd who has a mithril one as badge of office, made from melted dwarf gear.)


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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #69 on: August 11, 2014, 09:09:55 am »

You mind giving me some information on Senshuken's family in the fortress? Also some information about his skills and what not would be nice.
Cause every silver lining has a cloud, and it won't be alright on the night; There's nothing at the end of the rainbow and there's a tunnel at the end of the light!


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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #70 on: August 11, 2014, 09:31:54 am »

You mind giving me some information on Senshuken's family in the fortress? Also some information about his skills and what not would be nice.

His family in the fortress consists of an aunt, uncle, and four cousins, he is friends with Bolugd and Gorlshk (and several unclaimed orcs,) and has a grudge against Khaziraad, Lugbok, Palu, Numrakin, and several others (most of his grudges are snaga with a dreamwalker, artisan, and a common mixed in.) Given his age his wife might have died of old age through sheer dumb luck, and his kids are probably slightly close to him in age (the oldest is most likely in thier 50s.)

He is an Adept Swordorc, Great Fighter, Skilled Armor User, Competent Shield user, and Competent Rifleorc (Rusty)

Shadow Of Fate

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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #71 on: August 11, 2014, 09:53:50 am »

Yes, you also own your own place (the small apartment in the main hall that is second in from the right; used to be Gradbul's before he moved into one of the hovels,) and none of your kids are present, though you do have a brother- and sister-in-law present.

Interesting. I find it amusing that my Uruk is married to a Snaga. Oh well. At least she has pretty good traits for a Snaga.

Also, he's friends with nearly every claimed orc barring a handful whom he seems to be on good terms with (including several snaga, and he's friends with Lugbok :P)

Lol. That's absolutely hilarious. I guess because of his social prowess my Uruk gets along with everyone. Although, it's still funny that he's friends with Lugbok after all that. I'll have to find a way to fit that in sometime.

2. He's still on herbalism duty. He arrived with 11 (great) herbalism so retraining him in a different job would be more trouble that it'd be worth, combined with the usual problem having a woodcutter in the military presents. Plus we only have two axes, his and Lugbok's. Once I sift through the orcs and find a couple extra recruits he'll be going on full-time training as a warrior.

That's fine. I think the military probably suits him best anyhow.

3. Most are large enough to use stuff like mauls and great axes one handed, however those require more materials we don't have right now. He does have a shield already though, as does the rest of the melee militia and the tomahawkers I think: Wooden kite shields! Best protection an orc can have made from wood (to save on weight; a soldier light on his feet is a soldier less likely to be killed or injured.)

I see. It's totally fine the way things are but I like to plan ahead. I had contemplated the idea of eventually having my Uruk dual wield an Axe and an Longsword to get the advantages of two different types of weapons, but it probably wouldn't matter much considering the are both edge weapons anyway. Axe and shield is fine for now. Please let me know what my options are when you are ready to upgrade, which I understand may be awhile.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2014, 09:56:49 am by Shadow Of Fate »


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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #72 on: August 11, 2014, 10:06:04 am »

Your upgrade options are either a Cave Bear Berserker Kit (a standard orc axe + battlepick, which requires raiding dorfs if I'm not mistaken,) or a great axe.


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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #73 on: August 11, 2014, 10:16:24 am »

Wow, it's almost as if he wants a musket for some reason...

Seriously, if Sen dies before he get him a gun, I swear he is going to haunt the hell out of those in charge of the hold.
Cause every silver lining has a cloud, and it won't be alright on the night; There's nothing at the end of the rainbow and there's a tunnel at the end of the light!

Shadow Of Fate

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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #74 on: August 11, 2014, 10:30:18 am »

Your upgrade options are either a Cave Bear Berserker Kit (a standard orc axe + battlepick, which requires raiding dorfs if I'm not mistaken,) or a great axe.

That's fascinating. Would a battlepick be better against armored foes than an edge weapon? Although, it's impact might be lessened if I'm not a miner. A great axe might be nice if I'm not going to become a woodcutter. Would the great axe be with my current axe or with my shield?
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