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Author Topic: ☼"Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Fortress☼ - Under new management!  (Read 61265 times)


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Greetings Clanorcs, we welcome you to Blackhold!

---14th Flux, 120. Year 23 of The Age of Heroes---

It was gloomy as ever in the taiga reservations. The cold sank into the orcs' bones as they carried on about their day. There was the usual grumbling about the conditions they were forced to live in thanks to the wars over a century ago that ended in disaster, their deep holds demolished or conquered. Since then it had been endless harassment outside the “reservations” set aside for them by the alliances of “civilized” races. Blendecs, stranglers, and beakwolves were an ever present threat even before to smaller clanholds, and were now a source of much aggravation. And within? Not much better.

It was generally cold and dark much of the year, and while in recent times they'd been allowed to spread further north to warmer climes, their populations were spread far and wide in hostile lands teeming with centauren and likely others not friendly to the orcish clans. Conflict The Rusty Evils were not in the mood to seek was likely.

Some however, had gone to the elder council in the farthest south parts of the clanholds. They petitioned for the right to ignore the alliance mandated cruelties and make a permanent home for their people in the warm forests near the coasts of The Smoldering Blueness. Most of the somewhat younger elders were against this of course. The Scorpions of Incinerating had made a similar move, and were now being hunted to the last by the powerful clans of the badgermen. However, the three oldest of their number simply smiled at the paltry group of seven. They quieted the rest of the council and turned to their chieftain Gazga, and asked the venerable dreamwalker her opinion.

Her response was one of silence, as she stood and went into her chambers, returning with several old maps. She gifted them to the younger orc, and said nothing as she returned to her seat.

She had granted her approval.

The choice was made. The forests are a deadly place, teeming with beak wolves and centaurs, never mind the elves. It is said those who enter the forests enter only a Vale of Tears. Death and sorrow await the orcs there, nothing more. But some, such as the orcs of clan Dushakhkrat lead by the orc Yagratak Morbai, saw only potential. For both a new home, and a graveyard for the enemies of the clan.

Yagratak Morbai has been quite content lately. 
She is forty-four years old, born on the 18th of Sandstone in the year 78. 
Her burnt umber hair is extremely long.  She is incredibly muscular. Her ears have small lobes.  Her skin is dark olive.  Her eyes are raw umber. 
She is mighty and extremely agile, but she is quite susceptible to disease. 
Yagratak Morbai likes ***FLUX***, green glass, rock crystal, treant wood, serval tooth, the color pine green, statues, steppe aurochs for their strength, white stork men for their long legs, spore trees for their stickyness and armok's shrooms for their most delicious liquor.  When possible, she prefers to consume hungry head, fungiwood bark and insomnia wine.  She absolutely detests toads. 
She has poor analytical abilities and a very bad sense of empathy. 
She has a calm demeanor. She doesn't often experience strong cravings or urges.  She is assertive.  She is mostly unaware of her own emotions and rarely expresses them.  She likes to try new things.  She is put off by authority and tradition.  She finds helping others rewarding.  She lacks confidence.  She often bites her nails when she's trying to remember something.  She likes working outdoors and grumbles only mildly at inclement weather. 

A powerful humanoid creature with violent tendencies.  Orcs build their strongholds in the twilight lands at the margins of the world.

She had talked a rather weak specimen of an Uruk, Bolugd Evilsneak, into coming along to provide protection with a saber. In turn she was able to easily sway his companion Gradbul, an Olog orc, with promises of shiny gems.


`Bolugd' Latuulazatab has been quite content lately. 
He is forty-seven years old, born on the 10th of Hematite in the year 75. 
His burnt umber hair is extremely long.  He is very weak.  His raw umber eyes are round.  His ears have small lobes.  His skin is dark olive. 
He is tough, but he is quick to tire and unquestionably weak. 
`Bolugd' Latuulazatab likes dark grey brick, ironbone, emerald, blowguns, taiga sabrecats for their silver dappled fur and bullfrogs for their mystery.  When possible, he prefers to consume tuber beer, donkey's milk, whip vine seeds and longland leaves.  He absolutely detests bats. 
He has great intuition, a great kinesthetic sense, a lot of willpower and an ability to read emotions fairly well, but he has a shortage of patience and poor creativity. 
He is frequently depressed.  He is somewhat reserved.  He is assertive.  He isn't given to flights of fancy.  He is guarded in relationships with others.  He is modest.  He is occasionally given to procrastination.  He likes working outdoors and grumbles only mildly at inclement weather. 

A powerful humanoid creature with violent tendencies. Orcs build their strongholds in the twilight lands at the margins of the world. Uruk caste orcs are incredible physical specimens even by Orcish standards.


Gradbul Alatabmatuurzishi has been quite content lately. 
He is forty-five years old, born on the 19th of Malachite in the year 77. 
His burnt umber hair is extremely long.  He is weak.  His nose bridge is slightly convex.  His nose is slightly upturned.  His raw umber eyes have slightly large irises.  His lips are slightly thick.  His skin is dark olive.  His ears have small lobes. 
He is slow to tire, but he is susceptible to disease, clumsy, very weak and really slow to heal. 
Gradbul Alatabmatuurzishi likes corpse-shock acid, silver, obsidian gem, crystal glass, black piranha bone and the color raw umber.  When possible, he prefers to consume shad, cragtooth boar cheese, shadowleaf bushes, prickle berry wine and whip vine flour.  He absolutely detests slugs. 
He has a lot of willpower, a sharp intellect and a feel for music, but he has quite poor focus. 
He is comfortable in social situations.  He is somewhat reserved.  He is unassertive.  He does not display his own emotions and has no awareness of them.  He prefers familiar routines.  He dislikes intellectual discussions.  He is slow to trust others.  He doesn't like to compromise with others.  He is not easily moved to pity.  He lacks confidence.  He likes working outdoors and grumbles only mildly at inclement weather. 

A powerful humanoid creature with violent tendencies.  Orcs build their strongholds in the twilight lands at the margins of the world.  Olog are a caste of thick-skinned brutes from the deepest mountains, slow to learn most tasks.  They are deadly with blunt weapons, and surprisingly fond of working quietly with stone or jewels.

The aspiring artisan Lat was quick to join when she heard this discussion, eager to hone and prove her skills as a craftsorc away from the established smiths and fletchers of the hold.


Lat Alatgazatug has been quite content lately. 
She is twenty-seven years old, born on the 22nd of Obsidian in the year 95. 
Her burnt umber hair is extremely long.  She isn't tall but has incredible muscles.  Her raw umber eyes are round.  Her nose is somewhat broad.  Her ears have small lobes.  Her skin is dark olive. 
She is mighty and agile, but she is slow to heal. 
Lat Alatgazatug likes blue ethereal, empyrean, soul gem, giant drowspider silk, the color purple taupe, kite shields, quivers and orcish wolves for their ability to hunt the most dangerous game.  When possible, she prefers to consume moleweasel, clownfish and plump helmet man wine.  She absolutely detests rats. 
She has a good memory, an ability to read emotions fairly well and a sum of patience, but she has a poor kinesthetic sense. 
She is always tense and jittery.  She is somewhat reserved.  She is assertive.  She loves a good thrill.  She isn't given to flights of fancy.  She has a good awareness of her own emotions.  She is modest.  She likes working outdoors and grumbles only mildly at inclement weather. 

A powerful humanoid creature with violent tendencies.  Orcs build their strongholds in the twilight lands at the margins of the world.  Although Orcish smiths are best known for the terrible spectacle of their crude factories and slag pits, Clan artisans also remember some of the secret arts of metal folding and fletchery passed down from their clanmothers.

As she searched for other orcs to join her, maps in hand, two snaga had approached. They sought a place they could be respected, and while she was loath to do so, she was keen to recruit them both. She would need whatever hands she could get, even if they were pitiful snaga.


Agrat Uzguumlatuurz has been quite content lately. 
She is twenty-nine years old, born on the 5th of Timber in the year 93. 
Her burnt umber hair is extremely long.  She is weak and short.  She has a deeply recessed chin.  Her raw umber eyes have large irises.  Her skin is dark olive. 
She is susceptible to disease, quick to tire and very weak. 
Agrat Uzguumlatuurz likes gneiss, exploding, aquamarine and trousers.  When possible, she prefers to consume disease resistance draught and bone bush meal.  She absolutely detests cave crabs. 
She has a good memory, but she has a shortage of patience and a meager ability with social relationships. 
She prefers to be alone.  She is assertive.  She loves a good thrill.  She is completely uninterested in art.  She doesn't like to compromise with others.  She would never let an objective judgement be tempered by mercy or pity.  She takes time when making decisions.  She clicks her tongue occasionally when she's bored.  She likes working outdoors and grumbles only mildly at inclement weather. 

A powerful humanoid creature with violent tendencies.  Orcs build their strongholds in the twilight lands at the margins of the world. Snaga have mixed Goblin blood and are treated as an inferior caste, although they are quite agile and make fine bow-orcs.

Latuurz Burzumpburub has been quite content lately. 
He is thirty years old, born on the 7th of Sandstone in the year 92. 
His burnt umber hair is extremely long.  He is average in size.  He has a recessed chin.  His raw umber eyes have slightly large irises.  His skin is dark olive. 
He is very flimsy. 
Latuurz Burzumpburub likes fine light red brick, spring steel, cat's eye, the color sienna, boots, quivers, thrones and squiggly beasts for their adaptability.  When possible, he prefers to consume herring, tears of armok and nether-cap spores.  He absolutely detests facehuggers. 
He has a lot of willpower, the ability to focus, a good feel for social relationships and good creativity, but he has an iffy memory and very bad analytical abilities. 
He enjoys the company of others.  He is assertive.  He is a risk-taker and a thrill-seeker.  He can be very happy and optimistic.  He finds helping others rewarding.  He is disorganized.  He strives for excellence.  His hands become animated when he gets angry.  He likes working outdoors and grumbles only mildly at inclement weather. 

A powerful humanoid creature with violent tendencies.  Orcs build their strongholds in the twilight lands at the margins of the world. Snaga have mixed Goblin blood and are treated as an inferior caste, although they are quite agile and make fine bow-orcs.

Last to join was an orcish miner, who'd become rather dissatisfied with her work leader. She left without so much as a word, and joined the band to avoid the potential dagger in the neck as she slept.


Alatuul Latughgaak has been quite content lately. 
She is thirty-two years old, born on the 14th of Malachite in the year 90. 
Her burnt umber hair is extremely long.  She is average in size.  Her round raw umber eyes are sunken.  She has a prominent chin.  Her ears have small lobes.  Her nose bridge is slightly convex.  Her skin is dark olive.  Her lips are slightly thick. 
She is agile, but she is quick to tire. 
Alatuul Latughgaak likes (research finished), nickel, fossil, figurines and taiga sabrecats for their silver dappled fur.  When possible, she prefers to consume armok's wine, lichfinger spawns and cave wheat leaves.  She absolutely detests crayfish. 
She has a deep well of patience, a good intellect and good creativity, but she has little linguistic ability. 
She is very assertive.  She lives for risk and excitement. She has a fertile imagination.  She is eager for new experiences.  She loves to defy convention.  She is slow to trust others.  She winks during conversations.  She likes working outdoors and grumbles only mildly at inclement weather. 

A powerful humanoid creature with violent tendencies.  Orcs build their strongholds in the twilight lands at the margins of the world.

They had settled upon The Gloved Jungle for their new home, and the name of Thashumghoshakh, Blackhold. The forest would burn and bend to their will, and become a boneyard for the slain. It would also become a haven for their kin away from the horridness of the taiga. They had a few basics to survive, plants and meat to eat, a saber for Bolugd, and tools to dig and lumber.

They had the approval of their elders.

And they would not, could not fail.

Hello everyone! It's me again, with yet another story fort!

With all but Riverrun basically put down like an unruly rabies-foaming mutt and a new release with some shiny updates for them, I come bearing a gift of an orc stronghold! Or uh... Soon to be stronghold. Now, before we begin I want to point out some stuff.
The following races are not in play, as I doubt they'd come looking for a fight with the orcs for no reason when there's easier races to pick on or I simply didn't feel they'd have much to offer sending lone units rather than full blown attacks.


Instead, several fortress defense races are being employed to hopefully provide a steady stream of combat.

Spoiler: Our new foes (click to show/hide)

Amazingly enough they all survived worldgen to be a threat to us! Now, for a flavor thing I concocted a sort of renamed clander for the orcs, in the spoiler below.

Spoiler: ORCISH CALANDER (click to show/hide)

Fairly straightforward parallels to the dwarven one. I have also modified the Forest Clan embark to support some extra animals, traded an axe for a saber, and moved a bunch of skills around. We got a surprisingly goood embark crew with an uruk, artisan, olog, two regular orcs, and only two snaga.

Well, enough babbling. It took me an hour and  half to put together a good starting story so lets have it it! The first update will come at some point tonight; still gotta get the rest of the thread's organization taken care of after all. ;)


  • Bay Watcher
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    • worldbicyclist
Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterowk Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2014, 08:58:54 pm »

« Last Edit: August 07, 2014, 09:54:38 pm by Meph »
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterowk Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2014, 09:02:58 pm »


All of our walking hate factories are available unless otherwise indicated, with the number of orcs in each wave still alive listed beside the wave number, x/x indicating number of survivors from this wave. Relations/descriptions available on request.
NOTICE: I've lost track of exact numbers and all so this list will likely be perpetually out of date barring me figuring out casualties.

Yagratak Morbai, Common Orc, Leader
Bolugd Evilsneak, Uruk Orc, Clan Warchief [Claimed: Splint]
Gradbul Blightedimmortal, Olog Orc, The Snake Eater [Claimed: Monitor Lisard]
Palu Vilepuke, Artisan Orc, General metalworker and craftsorc [Claimed: palu]
Alatuul Wrackwhirled, Common Orc, Miner
Lugbok, Snaga, Woodworker [Claimed: SilverDragon]
Numrakin, Snaga, Farmer [Claimed by: Arcvasti]

WAVE 1 5/5
Lat Barberousfence, Female Uruk, Metalworker
Khaziraad Ghoulseige, Male Dreamwalker, Acolyte (strand extractor) [Claimed by: DreamerGhost]
Hoshnazg, Male Snaga, Mason
Krimbur Cruelbaits, Female Corsair, Engineer/Miner
Senshuken Teriffyrobust, Male Uruk, Blademaster

WAVE 2 9/10
Ashduuk Covenmaligned, Female Artisan, Bone Carver
Latak Blighttapers, Male Common Orc, Mason (formerly peasant.)
Bugh Demoncomplex, Female Common Orc, Ranger
Krat Narakkrat, Male Common Orc, Mason
Zatalat, Male Snaga, Farmworker
Guul, Female Snaga, Mason (formerly Peasant)
Lat, Female Snaga, Metalsmith/axeorc
Alatuul, Female Snaga, Trapper/Rifleorc [Claimed: Illogical_Blox]
Gorlshk Taintyarns, Male Uruk, Herbalist/Warband Sergeant [Claimed: Shadow of Fate]
Ughorn Curledscourge, Male Common Orc, Farmeroker/Axeorc

WAVE 3 21/22
Duul Stealgristle, Female Common Orc, Woodworker
Beirus Lustedincest, Male Ronin, Metalcrafter/Axeorc [Claimed: Beirus]
Uzgash Stupidhexed, Male Common Orc, Ranger
Snazguul, Male Snaga, Ranger
Duul Hoistedghoul, Female Common Orc, Admin/Axeorc
Thrak Stumpteddoom, Male Uruk, Bonecarver/Maceorc [Claimed: Frontestro]
Burzump, Female Snaga, Metalcrafter
(No first name) Cruelreigns, Male Common Orc, Dyer
Buruk, Male Snaga, Metalcrafter
Azguub Hatewilled, Female Uruk, Farmworker
Duum Sinfrightened, Male Common Orc, Shearer/Axeorc
Azguruuk Vileitched, Female Uruk, Farmworker/Axeorc
Latugdur Clearsteal, Male Common Orc, Herbalist
Krat, Female Snaga, Trapper
Ama Badchuks, Female Artisan, Metalsmith
Ughorb Corruptvulture, Female Common Orc, Furnace Operator
Malatug Malignedblights, Female Corsair, Legendary Scribe
Latugh, Male Snaga, Spinner
Gluuk Hexjoined, Male Dreamwalker, Trapper [Claimed: smakemupagus]
Baguuruk, Female Snaga, Fisherorc (formerly peasant)
Krishump, Male Snaga, Brewer/Swordorc
Malatug Armoredwitch, Female Common Orc, Leatherworker

WAVE 4 9/10
Azguuruk Sinnedconfused, Female Common Orc, Researcher
Talata Whisperdevils, Male Uruk, Tailor
Azguuruk Spiderkings, Female Common Orc, Acolyte
Krat killedmenace, Female Common Orc, Trapper
Guul, Male Snaga, Miner
Krimbur Bloatcorrupts, Male Common Orc, Ranger
Thrakugga Talonjackal, Male Common Orc, Dragon Warrior [Claimed: Swords-Otter]
Goluurz Lyingpits, Female Common Orc, Farmworker
Azuuruk Uncertainhate, Male Uruk, Farmworker
Krat Dabbletheif, Female Common Orc, Fisherorc/Boworc

WAVE 5 9/9
Ashduuk Twinesinful, Common Orc, Spinner
Thashum Hatefulhedge, Female Common Orc, Farmworker
Zatalat Bindfiends, Female Common orc, Tailor
Yagratak Fishsin, Female Druid, Grand Master Hunter
Gradbul Affectionblight, Male Dreamwalker, Legendary Wound Dresser
Hoshnazg Werecradles, Female Common Orc, Great Mason
Adgrabug Ditchblights, Male Uruk, Craftsorc
Bolugd Plaguebore, Female Corsair, Engineer
Talata Unnamedshafts, , Farmworker


Lots and lots of them. I forgot to keep track.


The Honored Dead


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterowk Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2014, 09:04:19 pm »

Warlocks wouldnt attack either way, and Succubi are your allies.

I would have preferred you waited until the available orcs post was up. Succubi didn't appear to offer much as partners that I would have wanted and warlocks would have just taken up space for races we could fight. Hence why they were removed from play.


  • Bay Watcher
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    • worldbicyclist
Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterowk Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2014, 09:21:47 pm »

You did not mention anywhere that you would post four times in a row. Your "ORCS" post can easily be moved one up, just add the content in the post above. But I cant delete my post, only edit it.
::: ☼Meph Tileset☼☼Map Tileset☼- 32x graphic sets with TWBT :::
::: ☼MASTERWORK DF☼ - A comprehensive mod pack now on Patreon - 250.000+ downloads and counting :::
::: - Follow my bike tours around the world - 148 countries visited :::


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterowk Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2014, 09:51:20 pm »

Artistan please.
Hmph, palu showing off that reading-the-instructions superpower.
The internet encourages thoughtful, intelligent discussion and if you disagree I hate you.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterowk Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #8 on: August 07, 2014, 10:28:57 pm »

OOC Note: I'll probably vary it with regular writing for my own practice, and journal entries. Just sayin'.

“Is this the place?” Agrat asked as the wagon slowed to a halt. She was quite sick of having to walk along, leading the other aurochs. The other works were getting out, helping her lead the livestock to the pond they set up beside.

Morbai took out one her maps and consulted it closely, be fore rolling it back up and striking a triumphant pose. “It is. This forest and all we can see is now ours!”

“das great boss, but now wut?” The Olog said, scratching his head. He looked genuinely confused by the lack of exposed rock. “Where's... Uh... Hmm...”

Morbai pointed to the snaga pulling their only axe from the wagon. “You. Get to chopping. Doubt we're alone out here. And you, take the olog and start digging.... There!” She pointed away from the wagon, walked over, and marked out a space. “Mineshaft. Go.”

The smaller orc sighed and nudged the olog. “Want that shiny stuff? Lets get digging.”

“Bolugd... Ehm... How are you at training animals? The wolves could use some training.”

The Uruk looked at her quizzically, having been giving his saber a few test swings, and pointed to his tools “If these aren't enough of a clue, not so good, but if you want them butchered I can totally help you there.”

“No you idiot. Train them. Just show them where to bite or something. And help the Snaga with the crops. We're low on supplies as it is and I'd prefer to have food growing before we're living on rats and roaches.”

The Uruk's tone and response showed how much he approved. “What.” He was not amused.

“Just do it you big baby. If you want to eat, you help the runt. Stamp down those grasses and shrubs over there and there, and then get to planting.”

The Uruk just sighed with contempt, following the snaga over to the appointed site near another pond.


Several days have passed since their arrival. The miners report a large amount of shale below the clay and dirt. A good stone, gray like a good orcish stronghold should be! Plots were furrowed, happily awaiting seeds. It would probably be some time before they would actually begin use of the plots though; with nowhere to store the eventual saplings and berries, they could not begin to farm. Not that Bolugd seemed to really care. He taught the wolves how to fight though, showing them the proper spots to bite and claw.

As they dug, getting useable amounts of stone to build with, the olog in particular was exceptionally happy when they blundered into a cluster of rose quartz. 'Boss' had promised shiny stones and here they were!

She sat in the wagon with rolls of vellum and charcoal however, brooding. This forest needed to be reshaped, bent to the will of the clan... A temple to the ancestors and their gods... Yes, that's what they would do... But it would be some time before they could do so. They would need a sawmill for wood, and only goblins were small enough to work the damned things and keep them functioning.

And they would put it on the hill.

She started to sketch things. It would need to be large, with columns of mithril and walls of wood. It would need a safe place for more than one shaman to rest, and space for a place of power and totem poles...


That would be their eventual plan, and all the clans would look on in jealousy, and the elves, seeing their precious trees worked into planks and walls with their axes and chisels, would weep.

Okay, so, first update! I got an idea to work on a little picture as we work closer and closer to completion of a mighty wood-mithril temple; as you can see right now, tis but a spark and some smudges on our leader's paper! But it will not be so forever... So far we've gotten a small mineshaft dug, some wolves trained for battle, fields readied, and wood is starting to come down. Not bad for a week's worth of work. Also decided to leave the z level thing on for now, though that may change in short order. Seems to be giving kind of a very slightly misty look to the place.

Over all, thing should be smooth sailing for a time and next update will probably be a journal entry one. I'll be honest, I’m really eager for our first strangler/beakwolf attack just so I can give the olog a club and imagine him going all “GRADBUL SMASH!” on the poor things :P

Artistan please.

Done and dusted. She's all yours.

Your "ORCS" post can easily be moved one up, just add the content in the post above. But I cant delete my post, only edit it.

In all the time I've spent on these forums, I've never once learned how to do that, so...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterowk Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #9 on: August 07, 2014, 11:24:50 pm »

Might I have Latuurz, the male snaga? Also, have you changed the site you host your images from?
Apparently coding DF is equivalent to slaying hydras.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterowk Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #10 on: August 07, 2014, 11:25:46 pm »

Might I have Latuurz, the male snaga? Also, have you changed the site you host your images from?

Certainly, any specific name? And no I haven't. Been tinypic, same as always.


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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterowk Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #11 on: August 07, 2014, 11:28:16 pm »

I'd like the male snaga.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterowk Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #12 on: August 07, 2014, 11:30:25 pm »

I'd like the male snaga.

SilverDragon kinda beat you to him sorry to say. Just waiting for a name or not.


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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterowk Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #13 on: August 07, 2014, 11:43:09 pm »

I'd like the male snaga.

SilverDragon kinda beat you to him sorry to say. Just waiting for a name or not.

I'll have the FEMALE snaga then. As Numrakin.
If you expect to live forever then you will never be disappointed.
Spooky Signature
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterowk Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #14 on: August 08, 2014, 12:15:33 am »

I'll take an orc warrior once we start getting migrants. A male one by the name of Senshuken.
Cause every silver lining has a cloud, and it won't be alright on the night; There's nothing at the end of the rainbow and there's a tunnel at the end of the light!
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