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Author Topic: ☼"Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Fortress☼ - Under new management!  (Read 61253 times)


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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterowk Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #15 on: August 08, 2014, 12:17:58 am »

I'd like the male snaga.

SilverDragon kinda beat you to him sorry to say. Just waiting for a name or not.

I'll have the FEMALE snaga then. As Numrakin.
Done, she's yours.

I'll take an orc warrior once we start getting migrants. A male one by the name of Senshuken.

Can do buddy.


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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterowk Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #16 on: August 08, 2014, 12:18:41 am »

Orc me please!  Anyone convenient for the story would be fine..  perhaps the first dreamwalker/druid?


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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterowk Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #17 on: August 08, 2014, 12:29:51 am »

Total Current Casualties: 15
NOTICE: Due to impropriety on my part, names not being translated on memorials, and the prevalence of fucking pets, I'm having a hard time keeping track of casualties. As such, the ones I was able to figure for sure are here and I'll try to be better about this in the future.

Ashduuk Covenmailigned, Melnacholy/Dehydration
Guul Burrzashduuk, Melancholy/Dehydration

Azuuruk Uncertainhate, Fell down Ramp
Krat the baby, Mother Died/Neglected by the hold
Azguuruk the Baby, Mother Died/Neglected by the hold
Ughorb the Artisan, Construction Accident

Palu Vilepuke, Artisan Orc, Gunned down by marksgnomes
Baguuruk, Snaga Boworc, Screwdriven skull
Uzgash Stupidhex, Boworc, Also Screwdriven skull.
Goluurz, Warrior, Moonsilver spear skullpoking.
Glugburz, Warrior Moonsilver spear to brain



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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterowk Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #18 on: August 08, 2014, 02:24:17 am »

-The following is a leather bound book adorned with blue condor feathers. On the bottom of the first page there is the name “Gradbul” and above that a crude depiction of a happy orc surrounded by gems. Much of the earlier writings are mainly about various people the owner disliked, gems, and one particularly nasty two page essay on why slugs are horrible things, though you finally come to something regarding the area you found it in. the whole thing is mind bendingly painful to read due to the poor grammar, which implies the owner was an olog.-

Commonrock 122

Minings slow goin. Found some shiny gubbins down there, but the boss sez I can't touchem for a while. More portant stuffs that needs hittin' with a pick. Shes been actin odd, scribblin all kindsa nonsense on some paper. Stuff about temples and elves and such.

But not my place t judge.


Boss says to dig out a nice big place fer the food and brew, and lotsa stone. We'll do it quicks we can, but I wanna fight them big bugs that been buzzin around the camp.

Real mean lookin things, an I dont want Bolugd t go fightin without me. Aint been easy makin friends with the others n I dont want my oldest friend t get himself all stung n chewed up.

The artsy orc made some rock stuff to bash things with. Wanna test it on the bugs, but boss says no. Not till we got a place to get the meat outta them and make stuff outta the bugskin.


Bin a while. Got a food place made, and the shop, but the bugser all gone. Now theres lots of big birds flappin about makin noise.

Wanna smushem to makem shut up. Boss is gonna make me a shield n let me and Bolugd have atem tomorrow!


-The following page as a good bit of crunchy red-black staining on it-
Hehehehe them birds squished gud! Me n Bolugd got one each then he got another, then we took'em back to get some meat outta them. Then Blougd told the boss he werent gonna work with the snaga anymore since we can kill plenty a stuff to feed the clan!

I wanted to smash more but the stupid things kept goin too fast for me t keep up. Need Bolugd to scareem to me so I can smashem with the maul.

Graystone, 122

Spent the last week diggin up more rocks ro make stuff out of. The artsy orc Palu's happy as hell cause a all the bones and leather we got from the birds, and the totemsll make the dreamwalkers happy to have too if we get some.


Saw the reeds lookin all puffy n thought they were sick, since orcs that get all white and puffy usually got somethin bad pokin around the caves under the holds back south. The farmin snaga says theyre fine and said thanks for pointin out, cause it means the first spring cottons comin in an she can make some pretty good brew out ofem.

The artsy orcs also planin on makin some a that fancy stuff for me n Bolugd the ancestors used when the big war over a hunderd yeers ago started goin bad. Holds up gud tho.

Im pretty happy I got an armor stand to put the stuff on for when Im not out smashin heads when it gets done.


Got a bunch a cots and somewheres to eat now, which is gud. Last couple times we ate we had t do it on the floor. Dont like eatin on the floor, stupid roaches keep tryin t steal my meat.


Boss says she wants me n Bolugd t go out n hunt again! Says theres some big fuzzy things none a us has seen before roaming around near the brook n that they shouldnt be able t get away from me like the birds could.

-Once more, the writing is  smeared with crumbling rusted blood.-

Bolugd got two, n I got one. Boss was right! Stupid fuzzy thing should got itself some wings if it didnt wanna get squished. The others are gonna get the bodies so Bolugd can get cleaned up and start workin onem.

Second update! Oh yeah! So, this one was done from the perspective of our very own (and very.... Slow-witted,) Gradbul the olog. Palu made some stuff for use in beating the shit out of things, which the big guy was able to put to good use. Total kill count from a hunt at the end of Granite and Slate: 5 giant sparrows and 3 pandas respectively, with Bolugd in the lead because he's faster (what with not having to lug around a huge lump of rock to kill things.)

Sorry if its an eyesore to read, just wanted to convey that as an olog, Gradbul's grasp of grammar is a bit on the weak side.

We now have a healthy supply of meat, bones, and leather for the time being, at least until Palu burns through it all. Kinda nice to be able to attack things in a savage biome real early and not worry about them biting my guys in half! Er... Okay, if mantises show up I may still need to worry, but still.

Birdies and bear things smash good.


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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #19 on: August 08, 2014, 02:46:09 am »

Sorry for taking so long, series of RL problems. Anyway, I'd like Lugbok as the Snaga's name. Thanks :)
Apparently coding DF is equivalent to slaying hydras.


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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #20 on: August 08, 2014, 02:47:48 am »

Not a problem man, and hope things aren't too serious. List will be updated accordingly.

Monitor Lisard

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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #21 on: August 08, 2014, 03:29:49 am »

Can I have the olog? Call him "Adder Face" if possible.

EDIT: Oh wait, have you taken him already? Then I'll probably have to switch to the common ork miner instead.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2014, 03:39:01 am by Monitor Lisard »
ML's forum games and other good stuff

This artwork relates to the killing of the troll Ozyydif Kuilat by the cheese Eritoy Awexog in the early spring of 71


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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #22 on: August 08, 2014, 03:35:01 am »

Can I have the olog then? Call him "Adder Face" if possible.

EDIT: Oh wait, have you taken him already?

You can have him if you want him, just used him because he was unclaimed. I'll switch his profession to the requested, since I kinda like the name Gradbul, if that's an acceptable compromise.

Monitor Lisard

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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #23 on: August 08, 2014, 03:41:24 am »

Can I have the olog then? Call him "Adder Face" if possible.

EDIT: Oh wait, have you taken him already?

You can have him if you want him, just used him because he was unclaimed. I'll switch his profession to the requested, since I kinda like the name Gradbul, if that's an acceptable compromise.

Well, then make him a "Snake eater".

Gradbul the Snake Eater sounds pretty good.
ML's forum games and other good stuff

This artwork relates to the killing of the troll Ozyydif Kuilat by the cheese Eritoy Awexog in the early spring of 71


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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #24 on: August 08, 2014, 03:51:30 am »

Alrighty then! I'll reserve any references to the big lug as such for when he actually beats a snake to death.


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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #25 on: August 08, 2014, 07:45:20 am »

2nd Lavarock

The bear-things are going to be some damn good eating. Slow, easy to kill. Saber works just as good on them dead when it did alive! Morbai's been on my ass though for chopping off the heads, says its “inefficient” and “waste's time.” The fuck does she care? I'm the one who has to scrape the meaty bits off these things, and I happen to not give a fuck about it.

She's got Gradbul working on expanding our wonderful little hole here, the other guy's asleep. Some fuckin' clanhold this is turning out to be.

8th Lavarock

Palu's working on making enough leather for armor. Well, we have enough leather but she's insisting we use the good stuff, lamellar. If it means I don't get my ass torn in half  by some fuck all mantis or a bear I'm all for it.

15th Lavarock

Big critters on the hill above the camp. Prickly. Porcupines from the looks of them, but I've never seen porcupines that large before.

And even better? Me and Gradbul are gonna be hunting in style.

22nd Lavarock

Killed three. Gradbul managed to head them off and force the stragglers right to me! Heh, if only every hunt were that easy. I... May have been a bit overzealous with one of'em though.

[He did that twice and chopped the head off the third one. Gradbul proved indispensable because he got distracted by one and on the way back scared the rest into Bolugd. Two escaped sadly.]

No big deal though.

1st Iron

Happy summer Blackhold! Tonight will be spent the same as any other – shitfaced and full of meat.

7th Iron

Got the farm snaga brewing up some wine from the berries she's planted. Good. Some wine never hurt anyone from time to time.

13th Iron

Palu saw some damned rodoents poking around the armor stands and they made off with some armor. The fuck would they even do with it!? I told Gradbul he can't go leaving his armor laying around next time.

Morbai was more pissed than I'd seen her in a long time and she's making Gradbul dig out a storage space for armor and weapons by himself. Personally I vote we sell off his set to a goblin caravan. It's no use to him incomplete anyway and Palu's been staring at the armor stand like she wants to beat it with the pieces missing.

25th Iron

Gradbul's been taken off mining detail, and the other miner's shown she's quick with a chisel. Gradbul's helping her out with building a solid floor for a trading post. After that we're gonna get a barracks. Gradbul's getting bored without stuff to do.

3rd Copper

Depot's up. Talked to Alatuul about getting the blocks made so we can build a barracks.

10th Copper

Clanorcs have arrived, two married couples. One dreamwalker, a Corsair, Snaga, and two Uruk. Told one of them, Senshuken, thet he better be able to beat something with a club. Said he'd rather use a fletchette gun or musket so I had Gradbul persuade him into using a melee weapon instead.

When you have a big lug like him tell you to do something, dense as he is or not, you do it unless you wanna get bitch whipped with a big hunk of rock.

I'll be honest though, that dreamwalker gives me the creeps. Always does. I'm not a fan of magic and those weirdos practically bleed the stuff anywhere they go.

15th Copper

I owe the Corsair 30 shillings. Fucker beat me at a dart throwing contest. Think I'll have the cook mix some crumbled aurochs shit into her meat.

18th Copper

The Corsair was put on digging duty and hit an old chest. Dunno if we'll be able to break it open, but hey. Might be able to and get us some goodies!

Updaaaaaaayte yeauh! Okay, so, we got a little stuff done, killed some shit, and got a depot built! Oh, and last thing, I let the game run a minute or two while I got a drink and Palu made a masterpiece gauntlet. Oh and some fucking racoons stole some armor.

We got one dreamwalker available, a sorcerer which from the manual is apparently an orcish warlock, once he's all powered up anyway. So if someone wants an orcish warlock, first come first serve. Senshuken got luck, and has his male warrior even! We now have three full sets of lamellar armor and one mangled set that the racoons messed up, some totems, and more than enough food and drink for a paltry little group like ours. I'm sure that wont last for long.

Anyway, I got Senshuken set up on arrival, though for now he only has a club for a weapon. I'm gonna see about getting some ash made so we'll have some better weapons to work with.


`Senshuken' Srithmogazagrat has been quite content lately.  He admired a fine Trade Depot lately.  He has been satisfied at work lately. 
He is married to Azguub Spiderloved and has 4 children:  Yagratak Smitheddoom, Duul Rednessdisloyal, Bagroqu Whisperedcursed and Yagratak Ponderblight.  He is the son of Latak Monstrouscheerful and Agradbug Wracknude.  He is a worshipper of Gashuurz and an ardent worshipper of Uduump. 
He is a citizen of The Rusty Evils.  He is a member of The Lawful Menace.  He is a former member of The Sacrificial Wrack.  He arrived at Thashumghoshakh on the 8th of Malachite in the year 122. 
He is eighty-eight years old, born on the 25th of Felsite in the year 34. 
His burnt umber hair is extremely long.  He is short and very weak.  His nose bridge is incredibly concave.  His ears are flattened.  His head is somewhat broad.  His nose is slightly hooked.  His skin is dark olive.  His eyes are raw umber. 
He is tough, but he is susceptible to disease, very slow to heal and unquestionably weak. 
`Senshuken' Srithmogazagrat likes fine brown brick, ironbone, amethyst, wolverine bone, the color sky blue, lupine masks and dolly vardens for their coloration.  When possible, he prefers to consume disease resistance draught and philosophum seeds.  He absolutely detests crayfish. 
He has a deep well of patience, very good creativity, a good feel for social relationships and an ability to read emotions fairly well, but he has a poor memory and little linguistic ability. 
He prefers that others handle the leadership roles.  He is entirely averse to risk and excitement.  He is highly adventurous and loves fresh experiences.  He dislikes intellectual discussions.  He is not easily moved to pity.  He lacks confidence.  He is disorganized.  He is self-disciplined.  He  sticks out his tongue when he's thinking hard.  He  laughs loudly when he's excited. 

A powerful humanoid creature with violent tendencies.  Orcs build their strongholds in the twilight lands at the margins of the world. Uruk caste orcs are incredible physical specimens even by Orcish standards.


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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #26 on: August 08, 2014, 07:58:23 am »

Two questions:

1) How long do Orcs live?

2) What gods do we worship?
Cause every silver lining has a cloud, and it won't be alright on the night; There's nothing at the end of the rainbow and there's a tunnel at the end of the light!


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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #27 on: August 08, 2014, 08:06:34 am »

Two questions:

1) How long do Orcs live?

2) What gods do we worship?

1. 80's the lower limit, 110's the upper limit. I hate migrants that arrive in the "drop dead randomly" range.

the orc taiga deity Tarak Sculptedpainted (twilight, dawn, sun)
the orc taiga deity Ugbuump the Radiant Talon (valor, war, death)
the orc taiga deity Gimalat Strifefulgorged (freedom, revenge)
the orc taiga deity Ashuur (food, agriculture, rain, plants, animals)
the orc taiga deity Gashuurz (healing)
the orc taiga deity Radbur the Most Butterfly (persuasion, poetry, inspiration)
the orc taiga deity Uduump (salt, oceans, lakes, rivers)
the orc taiga deity Taradbug (trickery, treachery)
the orc taiga deity Grimat (fertility)


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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #28 on: August 08, 2014, 08:59:32 am »

So Senshuken is 88 and worships the gods of Healing and Salt, Oceans, Lakes and Rivers.

I can work with that.
Cause every silver lining has a cloud, and it won't be alright on the night; There's nothing at the end of the rainbow and there's a tunnel at the end of the light!


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Re: ☼Thashumghoshakh, "Blackhold," A Masterwork Orc Story Fortress☼
« Reply #29 on: August 08, 2014, 11:13:44 am »

Great updates, and that's a pretty awesome pantheon. 
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