Long, long ago I became interested in creating (and releasing) a tile/graphic set of some kind. this idea passed through several incarnations, starting with more graphics heavy sets, and eventually becoming more and more minimalist as my taste changed and I started playing with ASCII more. Originally I had been working in 16x16 and later in 12x12, but once I switched to playing with ASCII I found myself in love with 10x10. Something about this size offered the right amount of resolution to my eyes; big enough to get some detail, small enough to be nice and simple (and "retro"). After trying the 10x10 tilesets currently available I noticed that all of the ones I found seemed to be based on a fairly "purist" mindset. Now, don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with a pure ASCII experience. I play lots of games that are pure ASCII anyway, so it's not foreign to me by any means. Still though, I found myself eventually pining for certain conveniences and decorative qualities of graphic sets. So I decided to make this tileset as a compromise by compiling parts of various 10x10 tilesets that I liked as well as hand drawing things that I couldn't find anything satisfactory for to create something simple, but enjoyable to look at (including a little Tile Magic on the floors and walls) without sacrificing the simplicity and elegance of the ASCII aesthetic as much as possible. The result, which I am proud to present, is Dwarf State of Mind.
This tileset wouldn't be possible (or at least would have been a lot more work) without the work of others. Taffer's Tileset was the main inspiration for/jumping off point for this set, and most of the tiles came from his set. Other sets I've used/modified parts of are: Vherid's "Ra" tileset, Tocky's Tileset, Anikki's Tileset, and MLC (I believe just the flask). Vherid also created the Mishka colorscheme, which is my recommended scheme for this set. Thanks also to Ironhand for answering some dumb questions I had about Tile Magic a long time ago, back when I started this crazy pipe dream. And a finally shouts out to Jolly Bastion and Grim Fortress, both of which were used as inspiration at times.
This set is still a work in progress and will likely continue to evolve. Feedback is appreciated and will help with the evolution process.
DOWNLOADThis tileset features a heavily modified d_init, so please download the DFFD version (in the link above) instead of just saving the image for best results. The download also includes Vherid's Mishka colorscheme, which is again, my recommended colorscheme for the set. The download also includes (slightly wonky) optional dwarf/human/goblin/elf graphics for you to use or not. Also included is a 20x20 version of the tileset for people who like that.
Anyone is free to include my set in packs and such, and if you wish to modify it in any way please just credit me (and also credit those who I have borrowed from if you don't mind). Also, if any of the original content creators for any of the sets I've borrowed from DON'T want me using their tiles and such please just contact me and I will find a suitable replacement.
EDIT 12/17/2015:
Updated to not conflict with the changes to tiles in 42.xx versions. Sheets have a unique graphic and sky graphics have been rearranged on the tilesheet.