Some of these runes break the cosmic laws, which in-game functions like the Tower's equivalent of the laws of physics (but different from mundane laws). Basically all magic, runes, scrolls and potions, as well as magic items follow the cosmic laws:
I. Infinity must end. There is no infinite energy or ammo.
II. The Soul was, is, and always will be. Souls cannot be created or destroyed, but they can be altered, transferred, corrupted or purified.
III. Reality follows suit. Matter and energy, like souls, cannot be created or destroyed.
These are the three basic cosmic laws (mostly because some runes are too OP.) There are more but they aren't relevant right now.
I'm gonna work on the post now.
Regarding rule I, "infinity" is hyperbole. Presumably it get's exhausted, similar to how stasis, speedup, runic creatures, etc. don't literally last forever? With the ammo one, I also asumed it'd be runic material like the other things we can seem to create.
None break rule 2, in fact you are *explicitly* allowing for transferring the soul, which is exactly what I want.
Rule 3 sees really odd, in the sense that of the runes we already have break it more often than not. If you mean that the destruction runes and such has some energy source, presumably mine could run of the same one as well. Likewise, if the runic matter summons are made of don't count (maybe due to being temporary or "not real"), just asume my runes also make the same thing. This was sort of what I meant with the [base:] notation, but that might have been unclear.