It's not much, but here are a few screenshots I took a few games ago when I was dead and in observer mode.
He's a shot from the viewpoint of a warden hiding in the ruins from the monster. The monster just ducked behind one of those walls.
This one is from the monsters point of view as it sneaks up on a warden. It also teaches us all a important lession about how just because you are standing in shadow, you might still be visible because of your silhouette.
This is again from the wardens prospective and he hides and keeps a wary eye out for monsters.
In a much better hiding spot, the warden relaxes for a moment as he watches the sea.
Edit: I've resized the images to make them easier to see all at once. I think if you click them they will blow back up to normal size.
That's fantastic! Do you mind if I link those in the OP?
Also, game news that will seem very minor but could turn into something awesome. This... a bump.
There's more.
Specifically, it's a procedurally generated starting area with three smoothing passes. This is the first time I've looked into procedurally generated terrain, but a few of the players at the last testing session pointed out that the map is too easily memorized, and asked whether I had considered procedural generation. I hadn't put much thought into it, given how inexperienced I was earlier in the development cycle, but at this point I decided that I'm competent enough to pull it off.
So this morning I started working on terrain generation. I hadn't done anything besides use Unity's in-editor terrain system, but I have a simple terrain creation system set up already. It can take 'rooms' (areas, either outside or inside) and project them onto a terrain mesh.
While it currently only has the one predefined starting area, my task now is to work out a simple logical process to grow areas off of that; for example, it starts with a random number of exits from the starting area, determines biomes of sorts (not necessarily biomes, but they can be defined as hills, valleys, forests, ruins, etc.) that can logically connect to the current area, and repeat until the map is filled.
Where is the system at now? It can read room data, display it on a terrain, and smooth sharp edges. Beyond that, it will need to be able to create paths (smoothing specific areas so players can walk up and down them), apply textures (I have an idea for using the slope normals and path data for that), and create rooms. Rooms need to be able to place prefabs (boulders, cliffsides, trees, etc.) in logical spots, but that's a problem for a later date. Not much later, but at least a few days from now.
Will this work? Who knows! Let's find out.