I'm sure some Bay12er could contribute a few models. I'm not a professional texturer myself, but I can try.
If you aren't terribly picky about the quality, I could toss together some placeholders in Blender. They almost certainly won't come out well, and should definitely not be used for any major release, but if you don't mind using interim models to further development while somebody more skilled than me makes some proper models, I could try to get something made.
I appreciate the offers, guys! Last night I ran a couple games with the friends I mentioned in a previous post and
it went better than I expected. After that, I'm feeling a little less hopeless about the game, but I think I'm going to go back and start overhauling Warden and monster abilities instead of bemoaning an inability to create new models. It's fun working on creative gameplay again after spending so long bugfixing and rewriting network code.
A couple things I noticed during gameplay:
-Monsters suck at locating hidden Wardens.
-Hiding is way more useful than placing wards.
-There's no incentive for Wardens to work together.
To fix the first problem, I'm going to give each monster a unique method of locating the Wardens. A few ideas we tossed around after playing were things like one monster being able to detect movement (scent trails, sort of) and another being able to detect Wardens who have been sitting still for a certain length of time, which would encourage the Wardens to actually pay attention to what form the demon currently is in. I'm also planning on adding a banshee-like monster who uses echolocation, which the Wardens will be able to hear and avoid if they're quick enough (as well as possible laying false trails with wards).
To combat the problem of teamwork (or rather the lack of teamwork) there'll be different classes of Warden filling a few basic roles of an adventuring party: a tank, a healer, a DPS, and a... bard, I guess? That's not quite accurate. A utility class, at any rate. The tank can create more powerful shields and wards, the healer can mitigate and repair sanity loss, and the DPS is a glass cannon. The utility class can lay more complex traps and track the demon in various ways. The demon will be getting a health meter: when it gets to zero, the demon goes into an incorporeal ghost form and has to make its way back to an altar to regenerate. While it's doing so, the Wardens can take advantage of it's weakness and track it back to an altar.
But first, double checking to make sure the level editor works correctly. I'd prefer to have that loose end tied up neatly before moving on to the next task.