bogeymen teleport, making running away not that great of a survival strategy because the one you had left behind will probably be in front of you soon enough.
bogeymen climb and fly, making trying to climb a tree as a survival strategy failing unfortunately.
if you're doing action that are slow (climb, moving) , nearby bogeymen will punch/kick you several time in a round, basically game over situation.
if you're touched in a bone by a punch/kick, you will fall unconscious, game over.
1vs1 is hell, a bogeyman will dodge nearly every attack even from adept skill fighters, while it will have not much problem punch/kicking you, but 1vs1 is the best situation because bogeymen do not come alone, if you can't be extremely lucky enough to kill your opponent, he will soon be joined by another bogeyman, game over.
bogeymen are unaffected by stealth, probably they have blood detection.
possible solutions
- do not be alone, always get at least a companion, it's enough to prevent bogeyman to spawn.
- if alone, be sure to end in a mountain (area you can't fast travel into) , deserts or beaches at night, bogeymen do not spawn in such tiles. I don't think they spawn in water too, so if you can swim and find a single land tile in water, you should be fine
- sleep in a house, but do not sleep in hillocks or elven trees, probably a bug, those 2 civilised location do not stop bogeymen from spawning.
- if forced to travel around, good idea would be to have some swimming skill and travel around river, so you can jump into one, bogeymen shouldn't follow you in
- in previous version you could surround you with the eternal campfire when alone at night, in new version they're not eternal anymore, but if you have the patience, you may still try that to re-ignite them when they go out, hoping a bogeyman will not go melee once it happens