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Author Topic: \Legends/ - Simple Freeform Wild West RPG - Back to the Action  (Read 52261 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: \Legends/ - Simple Freeform Wild West RPG - Bondage Battle
« Reply #225 on: August 16, 2014, 03:05:16 pm »

Well, i am still banking on a miraculous recovery by way of the dice.
You are now having excessive amounts of fun


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: \Legends/ - Simple Freeform Wild West RPG - Party Time!
« Reply #226 on: August 17, 2014, 07:33:42 pm »

Begin preparing to become Indian knife spirit that may or may not exist in order to aid shadow in ways that may or may not have actually been just coincidences. with the potential to manifest later in potentially disprovable ways.
"One second sir!"
The Shadow goes over and double taps, then triple taps, the bandit before going back and grabbing the knife, checking on Stamping Feet and then going to help the person in the wagon.

Stamping Feet sends his spiritual energy into his knife his spirit may fight on in its next holder. [3] He gives the blade one last good look at the shimmering metal, the intricate custom design, before falling out of the wagon.
Stamping Feet bled out from two bullet wounds.

The Shadow jogs over to where Starn Gundar lies on the ground, his ribs shattered, laying unconscious in the sand by the road. The bounty hunter grabs his Shotgun by the barrels and prepares to slam the butt into the bandit's head. [9] Three crunching noises can be heard from the brush, which The Shadow emerges from victoriously.
Starn Gundar's brain was mangled by a Shotgun bludgeoning.

After reloading his firearm, The Shadow goes back to his wagon to check on Stamping Feet, only to find the native lying on the ground. The Shadow lowers his hat briefly and then picks up his companion's knife, as was the dying man's wish.

The Shadow finally enters the Stagecoach afterwardes to find an older, upper class couple tied up. He uses the Wolf Knife to free both of them. The man helps his wife to her feet, "Thank you sir. That bandit outside had the gall to attack us and kill my entourage! Well, I assume you've taken care of him. Would you mind riding us into New Jamestown? We must report this incident."

uphold my end of the bargain rebuild the brothels façade to be less conspicuous, keep the homosexuality hidden behind closed doors out the back well away from everything else and keep quite about it, and give them there share of the profits then begin business also try and find somebody to untie me

Jim casually steps towards Tuypo and unties him, before quietly stepping into the crowd, looking for Jonah. If he finds him, he grabs the man, and shows him his badge.

"The duel's over, big fella. Stop trying to cause a riot or I'll have to throw you in jail."

Jonah was having entirely too much fun in his role as anonymous rabble-rouser.
He doesn't pay much attention to the strange spectacle of the duel, instead he cups his hands to his mouth, rocks back on his heels, and continues shouting, doing his best to inspire more chaos. He moves about in the crowd between salvos, not wanting to be elected the group's spokesperson, or recognized by the law for that matter.

"C'mon! Are we goin' ta let this go on? We gonna let these [REDACTED]ing [REDACTED]'s just [REDACTED] each other [REDACTED] in our town?! Are we? What sorta folk's that make you?! You jest gonna stand by and do nothin'? Burn the [REDACTED]in' place down!"

Shout some more, try to fire the crowd up enough that they cause further property damage and mayhem.
Subtly move around amongst the crowd in between sentences, alter my voice somewhat, and try not to be too obvious.

Jonah Clay continues barking out obscenities in the crowd, attempting to get them back in their fighting moods from before. [5] He manages to get a couple of the drunks riled up, but the partying people drown out most of his speech.
Jim Henson unties Tuypo, before hearing one particular voice continue to try and create more pandemonium. Jonah notices the lawman coming right his way, and dips into the crowd. [1] The crowd shuffles away from Jonah, some unconsciously, some because Jonah is some ugly son-of-a-bitch creeping around. He's left right out in the open, face-to-face with Jim, who gets a very good look at his figure. "The duel's over, big fella. Stop trying to cause a riot or I'll have to throw you in jail."

Tuypo stands up, his profits slashed and his dignity wounded, but at least he's still alive and well. He allows some men to make the facade of the Brothel less flashy, and marks the room in the very back of the establishment as the only one where any sort of Homosexuality goes on. After settling his business with the law and the church, he finally opens his doors for business. It just so happens that a few prostitutes come in from a nearby town, looking for safe employment. [6] Three girls, fairly young and average looking.

"Shame that was over so quickly. Still, that was a fine job of tyin'." Michaels comments before looking around for anything else interesting going on, although he doesn't leave the fringes of the celebration just yet. If there wasn't anything interesting, maybe he could see if the gun store had anything special in stock.

Look around for anything else interesting, or maybe go check the gun store to see if they have any special revolvers.

Shawn Micheals stays in the midst of the party, looking around for anything of interest. It appears that the Brothel is now in business, as well as news of a poker tournament to be held in the Saloon.

He heads over to the Gun Stand, looking for special weaponry. The selection is nice, but overall it is generic. The guy running the store leans in, "Hey, I shouldn't tell you this, but if you're looking for really good stuff, I know somewhere you can get it. I'll surely tell you, provided you pay me a $10 information fee...."

"What an utterly strange duel."

Enough of this. Get on my horse, then ride out of town to seek the local Hontato tribes.

Sister Marjorie Swift decides she has had enough of psuedo-civilization's tomfoolery for one day and hops on her horse. She rides off to the cries and pleas of men begging her to stay, but she ignores them until their voices give way to the sound of the evening wind. Within a few hours, she arrives at the entrance to the land of Homesteads and Hontato. [4] She searches around the prairie, but does not find a single Hontato man, woman, or child. Next to some tall grass, she does find a couple arrows embedded into the ground.

Carter Duffield speaks to his debtors.
"Gentlemen, I would be more than happy to pay out your bets right now, but that would mean the fun would have to stop and you would lose out on the opportunity to make so much more money.
"For tonight I shall host a poker tournament attended by the best poker players in town. There will both be a prizes for top-ranking players and the opportunity to bet on placement for spectators, so everyone has a chance to make it big! And you can even play and bet, to double your odds!
"And as for your debt, gentlemen, I've got your names and payouts all down here," he shows them their names on his notebook (Carter could either have retroactively started with a pencil and notebook or just bought one from the general store.) "and all of you winners who let me keep their money until after tonight's payout get either a ten percent discount on your tournament entry fee (that's tithe for you less-mathematically-inclined folks) or five percent added to your betting payout (that's half a tithe again for you folks).
"Now that's an 'either or' situation, so if I was you I'd choose the discount, since ten is a bigger number than five. Oh and for those of you taking the betting route, I recommending picking an underdog. Not only is the payout much bigger, but you get value added with the increased payout. Really go for someone who looks like they have business competing at all; you'll have a chance to make so much money."
Carter tries to organize an impromptu poker tournament for tonight, setting a modest entry fee and promising a large payout. He'll also organize a bet on the outcome of the tournament. He's promised his debtors can have either a 10% discount on their entrance fee or a 5% increase for their betting payout if they let him keep their money till the end of the night. Also, anyone can both play and bet, but debtors cannot receive both a discount and an increased payout.

Carter Duffield stands before his crowd of clamoring debtors, who jostle him for their fair pay. Rather than make any payments back directly, Duffield states that their payments can be used to gain bonuses in the upcoming tournament. [9+1] Every single one of the betters decides to let the businessman hold onto their funds so they can utilize their bonuses in the upcoming tournament. They entrust Carter with their winnings, for now, and each one of them takes the offer for the discounted entry fee.

Duffield enters the Saloon, moving some tables and chairs together to form a designated playing area. He already has a guaranteed player base of 17, that being the number of betters who previously invested in him. With 17 debtors, paying $9 to enter, (10% off the regular entry fee due to the discount), Duffield procures $153 before the tournament even begins! Now he waits to see if any more townsfolk are willing to try their hand at Poker.
The Bartender notices what's going on, and leaves the bar for a moment to speak to Duffield. He says that he's fine with him setting up a tournament in the Saloon, provided that the businessman pay a $50 rental fee.

[The Tournament starts next turn. If anyone wants to participate, now's your chance to sign-up!
Kadzar, I'm retroactively giving you Poker Chips in your inventory, for the sake of efficiency and simplicity. How many would you like to give to each player? What shall the Big Blind and Small Blind be?

As for the different Poker Styles:
Aggressive - Bigger bets, more bluffs, less folding. High risk, high reward.
Standard - Regular amount, mix of calling and folding.
Conservative - More folding. Unlikely to win game, but less likely to lose current money.]

Bet someone $10 that I would beat them in a fistfight

Greg Whiskey runs around, betting ten bucks that he could beat anyone in a fistfight. 6'4, 230 pound, Peter "Mammoth" Morrison takes the bet. "Alright then, come on. I'll let you get the first swing."

Now I just need to wait. And what better place to do that than a saloon, accompanied by a glass of whiskey.

Time to chill in the saloon with some whiskey.

John Ashwood heads into the Saloon, sitting down at the bar. He waits for the Bartender to return after discussing something with an affluent Eastern-type fellow in a suit, who's setting something up at the tables. John buys a glass of Whiskey. [6] This results in him quickly getting a buzzed followed by a tipsy feeling, his grip on the glass less steady.

Check where he got hit, see if it a broken bone or an infection, or something else. Do what I need to do to heal him.

Doctor Drew Whiteford inspects the wounded Hontato hunter, lifting the blanket. He was gored badly in the lower right side, one of the floating ribs broken, and the pierce wound going far back, maybe even reaching the kidney. Whiteford takes out his Medical Kit, his armed guide sitting next to him. [4+2] The doctor moves the rib out of the way, inspecting the wound. No sign of infection or heavy blood loss. Still, with the scale of the injury, it could take several weeks to heal even with the best medical attention.

To complicate matters, a Hontato woman enters the adobe, visibly shocked to find Whiteford inside. She begins conversing loudly and aggressively with the guide, who responds in a pleading manner. She turns to the doctor, "Who you are? Why in? Why you touch husband?"

"Well you drive a hard bargain viejo... Fine we will pay you your price."
I take out $82.50.
"Will you hitch in the missing amount Padre?"
I pay the man for the ownership deed.
As we go far from the mans ears I speak with Father Gregor.
"I will go and look around for a translator Padre. Could you ready a hunting rifle or two for me? I'm willing to gift them to the Hontato chief to soften him up a little. Also what do you think about starting a mission on their land? We could start regular trade with them this way and gain even more money! We could also use a small percentage of our profit for charity so the people trust us and depend on our generosity even more."
After that is look around town for gossip about recent happenings, if there might be some Hontato speakers and if the law might be on my trail. If I hear about the poker contest I sign up to be a player, as it is going to be night soon anyway.
"Of course. My purse is open to those who need it."
Pay the remaining fee. Give Josse a hunting rifle (or the next best gun I have).
"I am sure there is one who speaks Hontato in this town. She's a nun and a missionary. I'll try to get her to help us."
Look for Sister Marjorie and offer her a job as a translator.

Josse and Father Gregor hand over the money to the proprietor, who graciously accepts it and hands them back the Deed. "I pray all goes well for you gentlemen, I'll be on my way now." In a more private alleyway, the two of them discuss their future plans. Before they depart, Father Gregor gives Josse a nice, gently used Repeater Rifle.

Josse snoops around with some of the shadier residents of New Jamestown, seeing if he can get any information regarding recent events, Hontato translators and the law. [8] He hears that the Brothel has been successfully opened, and that while the law isn't on his tail yet, there are plans to expand the power of the police around here. There are no Hontato speakers in town, but they tell Josse that he would have better luck out West.
Josse also hears of the tournament. He enters into the Saloon and pays Carter Duffield his $10 entry fee.

Father Gregory  looks around for Sister Marjorie Swift, as he learns that she is able to effectively communicate with the Hontato. However, his search turns up empty. A few dejected men tell him that she has left town and already rode out towards the Homesteads.

Blood Opal wanders off to the Saloon, mood a bit sullen. It was unlikely now that she could have her riot without drawing more attention than she was ready to deal with. The murderous bandit was far from the subtle type, but for now the law still outnumbered her.
Still, there was a bright spot. Some people were fired up. She could use those people.
Go to the Saloon. Have one drink. See if any of the angry mob shows up for a drink. If there is a window, sit near it so I can see if an actual riot does defy expectations and break out.

The Queen of Chaos sulks over to the Saloon, where she sits back down, awaiting for her angry mob to appear, yet they seem content and happy with partying. The whole thing makes her a bit sick. She orders an ale, watching the party outside. Not even a single fight breaking out, save what looks like that drunk Greg Whiskey challenging one of the biggest men in the town to a fistfight. That could be interesting. [7] The Ale quickly hits Opal's system, alcohol spreading throughout her system, the warmth and slight drowsiness flowing within her.
Joe Baxter walks into town late in the evening, witnessing some sort of town-wide celebration, the modification of the front of what appears to be a Brothel, and word of a Poker Tournament in the Saloon.

The Celebration begins to gradually die down.

Spoiler: Characters (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Reserve (click to show/hide)

New Perks & Detriments:

Demolition Expert - Something or someone obstructing your way? You know how to fix that. +1 to Explosives: Dynamite, Firebombs, etc.
One with Wilderness - You have an unspoken connection with the natural world. Undomesticated animals will be less likely to attack you, and are more likely to befriend you.
Green Thumb - You have many bountiful harvests ahead of you. +1 to Agriculture, +2 if playing as a Farmer, Rancher, Botanist, or similar role.
High Tolerance - How could a dozen bottles of booze hurt anyone? +2 to Drinking Rolls.

Amnesiac - Wait, where am I? 10% chance of performing a random action each turn, (buying something, insulting someone) and not being aware of it.

As always, suggestions for new Perks & Detriments are welcome.
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: \Legends/ - Simple Freeform Wild West RPG - Party Time!
« Reply #227 on: August 17, 2014, 07:38:45 pm »

Wallop him, straight in the jaw
Yep, the sig is here
Whoops. Well, shit. Typical salsacookies.
I don't need my cavities checked. I just went to the dentist! Ba-dum-tiss.
I am a Christian


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: \Legends/ - Simple Freeform Wild West RPG - Party Time!
« Reply #228 on: August 17, 2014, 08:03:46 pm »

((Well, that escalated quickly, two turns and I'm already in.
Though if you want I could wait for a few more deaths so you don't have to keep track of so many people.))
He knows how to fix River's tiredness.
Alan help.
IronyOwl   But Kyuubey can more or less be summed up as "You didn't ask."
15:52   IronyOwl   Whereas Dungbeetle is closer to "Fuck you."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: \Legends/ - Simple Freeform Wild West RPG - Party Time!
« Reply #229 on: August 17, 2014, 08:13:46 pm »

((Well, that escalated quickly, two turns and I'm already in.
Though if you want I could wait for a few more deaths so you don't have to keep track of so many people.))

Nah, it's good.
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: \Legends/ - Simple Freeform Wild West RPG - Party Time!
« Reply #230 on: August 17, 2014, 08:29:08 pm »

((Well, that escalated quickly, two turns and I'm already in.
Though if you want I could wait for a few more deaths so you don't have to keep track of so many people.))

Nah, it's good.
Right then, off I trot.

"*oh little dar-Lin, in the moon-light, I see you standin' there, please don't leave meee oh noooo...*

"..Still, that was a fine job of tying."
jeez, was I really in here that long? I don't remember any tying going on, wonder what he's taking about.
Oh wait, shit, forgot about the revolver thing, that can wait.

After waiting for them to finish talking, Joe finally decides to interject.
"hey, mate, what's been going on out there? What, some kind of lasso fetish thing going on?"
« Last Edit: August 17, 2014, 08:31:06 pm by Execute/Dumbo.exe »
He knows how to fix River's tiredness.
Alan help.
IronyOwl   But Kyuubey can more or less be summed up as "You didn't ask."
15:52   IronyOwl   Whereas Dungbeetle is closer to "Fuck you."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: \Legends/ - Simple Freeform Wild West RPG - Party Time!
« Reply #231 on: August 17, 2014, 09:39:44 pm »

((Do I get a bonus to playing poker since I rolled a 10 last time I played? Please? Don't make me get out the pictures of puppies and kittens for leverage.))
Because everything is Megaman when you have an arm cannon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: \Legends/ - Simple Freeform Wild West RPG - Party Time!
« Reply #232 on: August 17, 2014, 09:43:29 pm »

((oh we can suggest perks and detriments? Big appetite, requires more food rations, and thick headed, -1 to actions that require common sense.))
You are now having excessive amounts of fun


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: \Legends/ - Simple Freeform Wild West RPG - Party Time!
« Reply #233 on: August 17, 2014, 09:45:51 pm »

((Do I get a bonus to playing poker since I rolled a 10 last time I played? Please? Don't make me get out the pictures of puppies and kittens for leverage.))

((It's going to take more than 1 10 to get a special Poker Bonus Trait. Besides, that's what the Queen of Diamonds Perk is for.))
((oh we can suggest perks and detriments? Big appetite, requires more food rations, and thick headed, -1 to actions that require common sense.))

I don't keep track of food that much unless the players are doing long distance travelling, so it was good for Doctor Whiteford to get a bunch of Apples, but it's not too applicable elsewhere. What would commonsense actions be?
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: \Legends/ - Simple Freeform Wild West RPG - Party Time!
« Reply #234 on: August 17, 2014, 09:47:50 pm »


Pay $10 for the information.
Because everything is Megaman when you have an arm cannon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: \Legends/ - Simple Freeform Wild West RPG - Party Time!
« Reply #235 on: August 17, 2014, 09:54:47 pm »

((Any action with the word "Carefully" in it or any variation thereof, and things like "tell the sheriff and the mayor about the bandits in town, but don't talk about the mayors heroin addiction in front of the sheriff". possibly a random roll every so often for non-specified things.))
You are now having excessive amounts of fun


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: \Legends/ - Simple Freeform Wild West RPG - Party Time!
« Reply #236 on: August 17, 2014, 10:05:45 pm »

((Any action with the word "Carefully" in it or any variation thereof, and things like "tell the sheriff and the mayor about the bandits in town, but don't talk about the mayors heroin addiction in front of the sheriff". possibly a random roll every so often for non-specified things.))

Interesting. I'll consider it.
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


  • Bay Watcher
  • A tricky dick that can't be impeached
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Re: \Legends/ - Simple Freeform Wild West RPG - Party Time!
« Reply #237 on: August 17, 2014, 10:09:01 pm »

"Might as well. Do you want to take this carriage or would you mind ridin' in the wagon I rode up in? It would be better to use the wagon, then I only have to continue on my trip afterwards."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: \Legends/ - Simple Freeform Wild West RPG - Party Time!
« Reply #238 on: August 17, 2014, 10:10:53 pm »

"Might as well. Do you want to take this carriage or would you mind ridin' in the wagon I rode up in? It would be better to use the wagon, then I only have to continue on my trip afterwards."

"I suppose not, come on dear." The couple step out and look at the transportation wagon. "Well, it's better than a mugging..."
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


  • Bay Watcher
  • A tricky dick that can't be impeached
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Re: \Legends/ - Simple Freeform Wild West RPG - Party Time!
« Reply #239 on: August 17, 2014, 10:12:35 pm »

The Shadow nods.
"Thank ya. Try not to look in the back."
Drive back to New Jamestown.
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