Hrmm I've never had particularly interesting dreams...maybe I should try some of this stuff sometime.
Is having frequent dreams necesary for this? I only ever really recall a dream like twice a month, and the ones I do remember aren't very lively. Hallucinated once or twice when semi asleep, but then I always went full awake after 3 seconds.
I think most of us want to do this to become dream wizards.
Yeah, that's my objective as well.
My alarm failed to wake me up last night, but I woke up on my own about half an hour after it was supposed to go. It's possible that I forgot to turn it on. I had no lucid dreams.
Shadowhammer's log, day 3I woke up, but I read/walked around for a much shorter time than was recommended, only about two minutes instead of five. I'm not sure why.
After I turned off the light, I lay down with my hands on my stomach, but I found myself to be very sleepy and unable to focus well. I attempted FILD, but moved several times (most of them without making a conscious decision to do so), and fell asleep within ~15 minutes of starting.
I had several dreams, including hiding behind a semi trailer truck with a bunch of classmates while being shot at; being at a swimming pool with a friend who decided to take my shoes, light them on fire (in the swimming pool), and then pull the fire alarm; and wearing a bandana with a knife sheath on the back. None of them were lucid.
Tonight I will ensure that I am fully awake before going back to bed, and I will double check that my alarm is actually on.