Well,against my better judgment,I am now making another RtD,and sooner then I thought I would.
I'm very lazy so updates are probably going to be rare,but it'll vary a lot.
I'll probably ditch this RtD after 10 rounds.
I'll be keeping this silly.(unless it somehow takes a turn for grim,don't see that happening though.)
I'd like at least some realism,so no blasting the universe/planet or committing mass genocide as soon as you join.
No all cap's.
I'll be using a 12 die for some more wriggle room when giving bonuses,and to give me a easier time to judge how horribly you failed.
And last of all...
I couldn't think of a decent name for the RtD.
Now,onto the RtD!
As you probably guessed,this is about Christmas,but it's also about corporate sabotage...wars...blackmail....and delivering stuff under Christmas trees without being discovered by children.
If you haven't figured it out,this RtD is about
sort of being Santa Claus.
You are all sort of Santa figures,all of you vying to be the sole one,this means sabotaging production of toys/product to be distributed and leading attacks on HQ and other dirty tactics that shouldn't be in something about Christmas.
If you get spotted by children then it's game over for you,though you can get a roll to not lose if it's something along the lines of a faint outline spotted on the roof during thick snowstorm at night,so if no one get's a really good look at you and you roll decently then you are still in the game,but if you are directly spotted then you won't get to roll,you won't have to worry about adults though,they are less sensitive to the supernatural so they won't be able to see you.
If you want then you can even wage your war inside houses,of course you have to keep it quiet and someone will have to clean up the mess.
You get "belief points" for making children believe in you,like putting your products under the Christmas tree and stuff,you can also get points for other stuff.
These guys are your HP and strength for stuff like attacking the enemies bases or skirmishes,more "Elves" are generally better,you also get bonuses for keeping them better equipped and stuff.
This section is kinda sparse right now.
Right then! Story stuff that doesn't really matter! Which is good because it's going to be short!
After old Santa's Elves went on strike,and he got stuck in a chimney and choked to death on the smoke,5 years passed without any toys for the children,no one believed in him,and now 5 other entities have decided that now is the time to seize power.
Product Type:
(For all I care you could put down)
Name:Urist McOverseer
Minions:Drunk depressed midgets.
Product Type:Toy anvils and mini-forges.
(Actually no,don't do that.)
There will be 5 players,I will decide which ones get in by using dice.
I may or may not make a NPC faction and I may or may not dramatically change the rules if this manages to come around the time of Halloween.
Everyone has 10 minions,I'll get around to getting stuff when someone gets 30 belief points.