The Gift: The Gift of Magic, as it is called. You can use magic. You have 5(+5 per every level of Intellegence above Average) points to divide between the 11 Paths of Magic (Creation, Destruction, Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Light, Darkness, Illusion, Essence and Necromancy). You can only have up to 10 points in each Path. When choosing Paths, you can specialize in a Path, which increases the power of your spells of that Path and decreases your resistance to spells of the opposite Path (for Necromancy, that's one random Path chosen by RNG). You can also spent points on Metamagic Principles that increase the power of spells regardless of their Path. These Metamagic Principles are Bellum Archanum (Metamagic Principles that cover the mastery of magic combat), Potestas Archanum (Metamagic Principles that cover the recovery and use of magical energies), Esoterus Archanum (Principles that cover the use of magic energies indepedently from spells or to increase their effects) and Cognos Archanum (Principles that cover the greater knowledge of spells, increasing, showing mastery beyond just knowing how to use them). Each Metamagic Principle can have up to 15 points spent on it. If you choose the Gift as your only power, you get extra +5 points.
Ki: Ki is the power of soul and body. It increases the physical capacities of its users, and lets them do impossible things. You get 5 points +1 per every level of Strenght, Dextery, Power, Willpower, Toughness or Agility above Average and spend them on several specialties. These are Offense, Deffense, Physical Increase, Speed and Movement, Supernatural Detection and Hiding, and Superhuman Combat. If you choose Ki as your only specialty, you get +2 points for each of those levels of Attributes above Average.
Summoning: Summoning is the power of dominating supernatural entities. You get 10 points +3 per level of Intellegence and Power above Average. You can spend those points on Calling, Dominating, Binding and Banishing. You can specialize in a kind of creatures (fire elementals, demons, and so on), which increases your skill level on all of those by 1 when using it on that kind of creature and reduces it by 1 when using it on any other kind of creature. You have to choose this power alongside Ki or Magic.
Nemesis: Nemesis is a power related to Ki, but different. It counters supernatural powers, diminishing their effects, and makes its users more resistant to damage. Nemesis has no specialties/points to spend, but is stronger when not used alongside another power.
Psychic Powers: The Power of Mind. You get 5 points +3 per every level of Willpower above Average. You can spend these points on Telepathy, Telekinesis, Pyrokinesis, Cryokinesis, Physical Increase, Teleportation, Chaos Control and Electromagnetism. The more points you have on one of these Disciplines, the more powers related to it you will be able to use. If you choose this as your only power, you get 10 points +4 per every level of Willpower above Average.
Physical Might: This represents mere combat skill and natural abilities. This has no points, you choose three specialties from the list. Even if you don't choose this Power, you get one Specialty:
- Movement and Reflexes
- Resistance
- Metamorphosis
- Natural Weapons
- Martial Arts
- Armor