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Author Topic: GrizzleMerchant and the Cave Government  (Read 11576 times)


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GrizzleMerchant and the Cave Government
« on: July 28, 2014, 01:55:27 pm »

So I was embarking in 40.05 (in a world with many caves of large size) and noticed that one the the civs had only one site listed, which was a cave. I embarked there to see what is there, and I found the lair contained twenty or so lair creatures and also almost a hundred dwarves, including all notable figures for my civilization. All of them are hostile except for one, who is listed as a visitor. The hostile dwarves immediately burst out fighting with the cave creatures in the lair.
All of them have military skills, so maybe this is some army or bandit behavior bug?
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Edit: One of them just got promoted to Queen.

Edit: Their general has died and been replaced.

Edit: It hasn't been the dozens of hostile dwarves killing us but the one lableled "Visitor". He killed the carpenter aboveground, then wandered to the hastily dug meeting zone like a regular dwarf before slaughtering most of the war dogs and the expedition leader. I am now trying to distract the other dwarves an make a new meeing zone in the middle of the fighting to lure him to his death.

Edit: The vile, treacherous "Visitor" has killed every cave creature remaining with no injuries, though after he assaulted the new expedition leader and departed for the "meeting hall" he has been kept away from the remaining dwarves. Now to keep the surviving dwarves busy until they can be locked in so they don't try to go to the "meeting hall" themselves to meet their end...

Edit: Things have quieted down some. The cave creatures are either dead or cowering in terror (and oddly being ignored by the cave dwarves for the most part). The murderous "Visitor" sits in the meeting areas as they are assigned, slaying any cave creatures nearby. Two of the initial seven are dead, one is unconscious from falling out of a tree but appears stable, and the rest are working more or less normally.

Edit: It seems that ONLY the "Visitor" is actually hostile; one of the wrestlers labeled "Hostile" wandered into the stairway that was dug next to the cave (to avoid the aquifer) passing several of my dwarves without issue.

Edit: Things are fairly calm now. The friendly "Hostile" dwarves wander in and out of the stairwell at times, and the hostile "Visitor" is contained in his meeting place among the "Hostile" dwarves, which he does not appear aggressive towards. I am building a cage trap to see if the "Hostile" dwarves are cage-able and digging a dry moat around the map edge. I am curious what will happen when the caravan or migrants are scheduled to arrive...

Edit: Next post for Summer.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2014, 12:22:10 am by EveryZig »
Soaplent green is goblins!

My Urist Eternal

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Re: Entire own civ hostile in embark cave
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2014, 03:28:39 pm »

How did you get this information about the civilization and how did you know where to embark?  (newbie here)


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Re: Entire own civ hostile in embark cave
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2014, 03:31:38 pm »

How did you get this information about the civilization and how did you know where to embark?  (newbie here)
You can look at menus for civilizations you have encountered (only your own at embark) by pressing 'c' and 'Enter' to select once you have embarked. On the embark map one of the modes available with 'Tab' lets you choose which civilization to start as and see their sites flashing blue on the global map.
Soaplent green is goblins!


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Re: Entire own civ hostile in embark cave
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2014, 03:42:36 pm »

Ptw. No idea how that happened.
My Area

It's it's its, not it's, not its its, not it's.


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Re: Entire own civ hostile in embark cave
« Reply #4 on: July 28, 2014, 05:41:45 pm »

Summer has come, and with it disaster. While trying to manipulate meeting zones to send the hateful "Visitor" against a surviving giant mole that had killed several wrestlers, he somehow made his way into the fort and murdered the Planter in the entry stairway before returning to the lair. One day I will find a suitable revenge for this.
To make matters worse, I discovered that the "Wrestlers" are not wrestlers but the game's way of making Cave Dwarf civilians. While they had wandered past my dwarves multiple times peacefully, the armed Cave Dwarves are actual military and decidedly NOT friendly. Without notice a speardwarf slew the Blacksmith, and now we are three, a miner, a miserable mason/mechanic, and a Weaponsmith/Herbalist still injured from falling out of a tree and unconscious in the makeshift hospital.
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Edit: 15th of Hematitie, Early Summer: The survivors of the early summer's slaughter are now locked in their fortress belowground, while above the Cave Dwarf military kills more of the remaining cave creatures. Even the queen of our civilization, Onget Amkolzasit attacked an elk bird unarmed. With the well dug and stockpiles of wood and food, we are now self-sufficient. As we treat our wounds and ponder the situation, it all becomes clear: the Manor of Kingdoms has been reduced to this one cave by the ineptitude and corruptness of our leaders and military. We bide our time in our secret base, plotting the liberation of our people from the ruthless oppressors above who would stamp us out if given the chance. We are... the Dwarven Crime Squad.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2014, 10:29:57 pm by EveryZig »
Soaplent green is goblins!


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Re: Entire own civ hostile in embark cave
« Reply #5 on: July 28, 2014, 06:05:19 pm »

You should check the entity-memberships of your dwarves. It could be that you ended worldgen during a civil war, and the entity is sending you members of boths sides of the civil war?

Better keep a save backed up, in case it turns out to be a bug...
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Re: Entire own civ hostile in embark cave
« Reply #6 on: July 28, 2014, 10:01:40 pm »

You should check the entity-memberships of your dwarves. It could be that you ended worldgen during a civil war, and the entity is sending you members of boths sides of the civil war?

Better keep a save backed up, in case it turns out to be a bug...
All of my dwarves belong to the embark group and The Manor of Kingdoms, which is the same civ as all the cave dwarves showing up and listed in the civ menu are. How do I check the entity membership of the cave dwarves?

Also, I just found another, probably unrelated bug: The ghost of a cave dwarf has just reported the death of another cave dwarf who drowned in the first cavern layer:
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« Last Edit: July 28, 2014, 10:21:12 pm by EveryZig »
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Re: Entire own civ hostile in embark cave AKA Dwarven Crime Squad
« Reply #7 on: July 29, 2014, 03:21:11 am »

In 40.04 I tried to reclaim an "inhabited" World gen fort that had been owned by the dwarf civ I was playing as, and upon loading (with it acting as a un-retire, so no starting 7) a few dwarves were "hostile" and I got the your fort has crumbled message. I had assumed it might have been something along the lines of the hostile immigrants issue, but haven't tried it again. Your little cavern experience here makes me think it's probably something a little different.

Maybe make a backup and check Legends to see if it gives you any info?

My Urist Eternal

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Re: Entire own civ hostile in embark cave AKA Dwarven Crime Squad
« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2014, 08:16:24 am »

This is a terrible embark that has turned into an awesome embark.  :D  Good luck, DCS!


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Re: Entire own civ hostile in embark cave AKA Dwarven Crime Squad
« Reply #9 on: July 29, 2014, 12:11:06 pm »

28th of Hetatite, Early Summer: The Mason was driven insane in the hospital by the loss of his friends, the miasma, and the ghosts of the Cave Dwarf wrestlers. Fortunately he is extremely weak, so while continually attacking the Herbalist he has not been able to kill him. The Miner fled in terror repeatedly, then got tired and went to sleep in a bed right next to the mad Mason who was still punching the Herbalist in the adjacent bed.

Edit: 9th of Malachite, Early Summer: Migrants have somehow arrived, despite there not being anywhere in particular to arrive from. Together they were able to put down the Mad Mason, so now we are again seven. Oddly, the same Cave Dwarf speardwarf who cut down the blacksmith made no move against the migrants as they appeared next to and walked right past her.

Edit: 9th Limestone, Early Autumn: Autumn has arrived, and with it a caravan from the same non-existent site as the migrants. No outpost liason arrived with them, of course, since the liason was here all along, lurking in the cave with the rest of the so-called government.
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« Last Edit: July 29, 2014, 03:47:12 pm by EveryZig »
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Re: Entire own civ hostile in embark cave; now with more bugs
« Reply #10 on: July 31, 2014, 05:16:57 pm »

16th Sandstone, Mid-Autumn: Another week, another strange occurance. The merchant caravan from nowhere has departed, but halfway up the entry stairway one of their horses dropped its load, wandered off in a different direction, where it stayed after the merchants left wit ha designation changed from "Merchant" to "Friendly". Hopefully they won't be missing its hauled goods in the un-place they cam from.
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Re: Entire own civ hostile in embark cave AKA Tantrum Spiral o'clock
« Reply #11 on: August 01, 2014, 02:02:59 pm »

Seeing as your visitor seems to be some crazy badass invincible monster-dwarf, you can send him to fight in the HFS, and at least you'll get SOMETHING good out of this embark.


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Re: Entire own civ hostile in embark cave AKA Tantrum Spiral o'clock
« Reply #12 on: August 01, 2014, 05:56:57 pm »

bookmarking this for future reading. absolutely fascinating. :D
All is silence. The road is straight, without turning, in darkness. Now let there be an end to all things.


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Re: Entire own civ hostile in embark cave AKA Tantrum Spiral o'clock
« Reply #13 on: August 02, 2014, 02:57:37 am »

What kind of profession "Visitor" even is? Is he an alien? :O


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Re: Entire own civ hostile in embark cave AKA Tantrum Spiral o'clock
« Reply #14 on: August 06, 2014, 10:26:06 am »

28th Obsidian, Late Winter: After a season of planning, the treacherous Visitor Kemus Steamygrowls has finally been struck down. In the end he was destroyed using the very meeting-place lurking that made him so deadly, as a false meeting place was set up at a new entrance, and when he came there looking for more dwarves to slay the doors were locked and the wooden spikes were triggered until he lay dead. His weapon is to be melted, and his corpse will be left to rot.

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What kind of profession "Visitor" even is? Is he an alien? :O
He was an axedwarf listed in the creatures screen as "Visitor" and "Friendly", despite being very deadly to a new fortress due to his behavior of waiting around meeting areas like an idle dwarf then attacking any actual idle or otherwise nearby dwarves he saw.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2014, 10:33:25 am by EveryZig »
Soaplent green is goblins!
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