(Dermonster) -===> Examine DEPLOY MENU. Attempt to see if I can pick SOMETHING up. Like this PILE OF WRAPPINGS. Examine SWURB PACKAGE for SECOND DISK. Install.
The DEPLOY MENU has a few different OBJECTS, all of which are free, such as a CRUXTRUDER, a PUNCH DESIGNIX, an ALCHIMITER, and a PRE-PUNCHED CARD. It seems to be the BARE BONES.
You grab the PILE OF PLASTIC WRAPPING, and drop it onto Jess, who starts SNEEZING profusely.
Turning away from your COMPUTER, you look at the LETTER containing your KEY-CODEs. No, no DISKS located here. Funny, the GUIDE you keep on your BOOKSHELF mentioned a DISK. All you did was DOWNLOAD the game.
The PAPER seems unusually THICK. Aha! There are TWO PAGES.
One is a DUPLICATE of the SECOND. But there's TWO DIFFERENT CODES on the second LETTER.
(Arcvasti) -===> After blocking friend, retrieve FIZZY BEVERAGE from sylladex using the COMPUWATCH.
You sure showed her!
Let's see... the COMPUWATCH says the FIZZY BEVERAGE was ENCRYPTED with the GOOFY SUNGLASSES for a key, which was ENCRYPTED by the REALLY SHARP SHOVEL. Which was ENCRYPTED with...
You skim over the list of encryptions and get to the last thing you DECRYPTED in that CHAIN of ITEMS, the VEGETABLE MEDLEY PIE. You then feed the KEYS of the items, in order, so that the COMPUWATCH prints out the KEY needed to unlock the FIZZY BEVERAGE.
You put the KEYCODE into the FIZZY BEVERAGE card and it pops out, into your HAND. This particular BEVERAGE is an AWESOME IMPORT, GENCOLA brand SODA. The GAMER'S best FRIEND in BEVERAGES.
(Jack A T) -===> READ the INSTRUCTIONS while heading to my COMPUTER
It seems pretty SIMPLE. You go to this WEBSITE, you type the CODES into a PROMPT, and DOWNLOAD and INSTALL a GAME. Which according to this LETTER is a MULTIPLAYER ONLY game.
You reach your COMPUTER without INCIDENT.
(Tiruin) -===> Find and SEND INSTANTLY that other CODE to my friend!
You grab your LETTER with the CODES, and relay the OTHER CODE. Only every time you do, the CHAT CLIENT blacks it OUT.
This is a tad FRUSTRATING, and it only gets more FRUSTRATING when a big pile of PLASTIC is dropped on your HEAD by some FLOATING ORANGE CURSOR.
-===> Get SOMETHING TO EAT in the meantime (Like a SANDWICH or a CHEESEBURGER)
You go back to the LIVING ROOM, and then into the ATTACHED KITCHEN from there. You look in the FRIDGE, where you find it is stuffed with SOFT ANIMAL SLIPPERS. Getting those out of the WAY, you find a BOXED CHEESEBURGER, which is still PIPING HOT.
Either the BOX is that EFFICIENT, or your SIS did one of those REALLY FAST SWAPS again.
-===> CHECK the MANUAL or the INTERNET why there needs to be more than one CODE!
It seems that the TWO CODES serve SEPERATE PURPOSES. If Marie used the SERVER CODE and has some sort of ISOMETRIC VIEW, but your CLIENT PROGRAM doesn't have that, then your OTHER CODE must do whatever MARIE'S code does.
At least, after you check the INTERNET for answers that's what you CONCLUDE.
(Elephant Parade) -===> DOWNLOAD more MACROS
Already on it. Or, you have a MACRO already trawling the INTERNET looking for more MACROS to DOWNLOAD.
You CLICK it and INSTALL them all INSTANTLY. Now BAN-HAMMERING should take even less WORK.
(TheFroggyNinja) -===>
The PROTOTYPE CONVERSIFYER reports that you've been BLOCKED, and gives you a YES OR NO PROMPT for continuing the CONVERSATION.
You click YES and keep TYPING.
Your ENGINEERS get back to WORK, and go RADIO SILENT. They STOP replying to your MESSAGES at all.