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Author Topic: (SG) The World of Ricovero - Ghost in the Rain  (Read 16143 times)

Harry Baldman

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Re: (SG) The World of Ricovero - Lost in the City
« Reply #45 on: August 02, 2014, 05:21:20 am »

True but i'm sticking with my guns. Also aren't the helmets standard issue? We'd stick out alot more with it on.

It's less of an issue of sticking out and more of an issue of not getting stabbed in the face or bashed in the head, in all honesty.


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Re: (SG) The World of Ricovero - Bloodbath in Governor Square
« Reply #46 on: August 02, 2014, 12:50:33 pm »

Why not just avoid combat until we have more info then? We'll buy a non-guard helmet when the fighting is over and buy when people aren't trying to kill each other.

Harry Baldman

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Re: (SG) The World of Ricovero - Bloodbath in Governor Square
« Reply #47 on: August 02, 2014, 01:15:59 pm »

Why not just avoid combat until we have more info then? We'll buy a non-guard helmet when the fighting is over and buy when people aren't trying to kill each other.

Because we've already killed the guard captain and are marked for death by the current powers that be? And if we don't act now, these fellows fighting the power my very well die? Fellows we'd probably be better off befriending, to boot. Even if we've been manipulated into this, there's nothing to gain from not playing along.


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Re: (SG) The World of Ricovero - Bloodbath in Governor Square
« Reply #48 on: August 03, 2014, 05:59:49 pm »

((Sorry for the lack of an update. Preparing for my second test tomorrow. Update tomorrow evening.))


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Re: (SG) The World of Ricovero - Bloodbath in Governor Square
« Reply #49 on: August 03, 2014, 07:13:38 pm »

Voting in favor of the surprise attack.  Hit the guards with everything that we have, then take a moment to observe the course of the battle.  Is "our" side winning?  If so, stay on the periphery of the battle, helping occasionally (but carefully and therefore probably in a limited way) to make sure the guards don't turn the tide.  Otherwise, flee.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2014, 07:15:37 pm by Nunzillor »


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Re: (SG) The World of Ricovero - Bloodbath in Governor Square
« Reply #50 on: August 04, 2014, 08:23:13 pm »



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Re: (SG) The World of Ricovero - Bloodbath in Governor Square
« Reply #51 on: August 05, 2014, 01:29:59 pm »

((Sorry for the delay. Update will be done in a few hours. Chores come first.))


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Re: (SG) The World of Ricovero - Bloodbath in Governor Square
« Reply #52 on: August 05, 2014, 05:57:31 pm »

((Chores took longer than I thought.....Tired as I've been at college all day too.....

Luckily, half day tomorrow. So expect an update tomorrow afternoon.

Got the suggestions in order, and a brief plan done though.

Sorry again for the delay.))


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Re: (SG) The World of Ricovero - Lost in the City
« Reply #53 on: August 10, 2014, 06:46:41 am »

((You got some really nice (and lucky) rolls here especially in the combat (or else you would have been far more injured), although it did fluctuate. Unfortunate about the end roll though (a 1....). Sorry.))

Regarding the two little girls, Kill the guard that looks the most menacing and then scram. The warrior will hopefully use the small distraction to finish off the warrior and take the girls somewhere safe. After that one don't stick around, try to get on the roofs of the buildings and STAY hidden. We are wanted by the military here and we need more information.

When on the roofs look out for any important military men/officers or someone important looking. Maybe we can shadow them.

We take out the guard that looks to be trying to hurt the girls and then hope that unknown warrior can finish the last one. What happens after we kill that one guard ( with a magic missile/arrow/dagger or w.e else we use) is evade the the authorities and get on the roofs to see what can be seen from up top.

We have no friends and were against the ROYAL ARMY and the ENTIRE Police/Gaurd forces of the city for killing a Guard Captain or THE guard captain. We need to evade conflict where possible.

Springing into action, you secure you satchel to your belt at your back so it doesnt get in the way, whilst at the same time drawing your longsword and charging forward towards the two little girls and their attackers. The guards spot you however, and one turns to face you, preparing to receive your attack.

Your first attack the guard manages to parry and sidestep, however your elven speed and agility quickly come into play as you whip the sword around at lightning speed, finding a weakness in the mans armour, leading to his legs being severed at the mid thigh mark cleanly and efficiently.

He screams as he collapses, his halberd falling to the ground. The other guard yelps, but cant do much else thanks to the unknown warrior pressing him hard. You do notice that an attractive young women comes hurtling out one of the market-side houses and scoops up the girls, tears in her eyes. With a quick nod of the head, she carries them back to what you assume to be the family home.

You turn to leave, hopefully to get to the rooftops to observe. This is, you reason, not your fight; not really. And, as a rather high profile wanted person in this city, you will become a major target if your presence gets out.

However, as you turn to leave, a guard nearby notices you and makes to shout about you. Using your speed, you charge towards him, in an effort to silence him before he can alert anyone. Unfortunately for you, a fighting pair made up of a warrior and one of the guards gets in your way, preventing you from getting close as he shouts.

His information quickly disseminates through the ranks of his nearby fellows, and soon enough a detachment of five guards come charging towards you. You turn to run hoping to lose them as you reach the rooftops, but you find that the battle has moved to enclose you and there is no easy way back to the edge of the plaza.

Unfortunately, that means you are unprepared for the first strike against you, and the sword of what looks to be a Guard Officer hit you in the back. Fortunately, your armour and surprisingly the cloak you acquired stop the blow, without a hint of damage. This gives you the chance to spin around, bringing your sword clean across the guardsman's neck, a blow he manages to parry at the last second, but not without getting a cut on his jaw bone.

You fall back a bit further and get into a fighting stance. A small clearing in the battle seems to have formed, and it looks like the guards around the edge are keeping the unknown warriors and any civilians out of this fight. You also keep seeing glimpses of something moving through the battle, although your mind has better things to be focusing on at the moment.

Two guards come at you at once, one with a halberd and another with a mace and shield. You countercharge, ducking under the halberdier's weapon as if he was moving in slow motion. As you try to dodge the macemans attack, you slip, his mace hitting you but only for a glancing blow on your lower stomach.

In one smooth motion, you counterattack with a flurry of kicks against the maceman, the main attack being against the macemans right leg, causing him to kneel, his large tapered rectangle shield digging into the ground. Noticing the halbardier coming back for another try, you use the shield as a spring board and jump, back-flipping over the stunned halberdier. In one quick motion, you get your sword under the back of his cuirass and thrust upwards, skewering him, the point of your sword coming out of his mouth.

Withdrawing your sword as you thank the gods for your elven agility, you dont realise a third guardsman has started attacking you until his mace hits you in the lower back, knocking you forward as well as causing you to lose your breath and fall to your knees. Quick as a flash, and much to your lungs complaint, you are up again, parrying.

The two macemen attack you in a very coordinated way. You use the halbardier's surprisingly still standing body as an obstacle between you and your current attackers. You know this wont work forever as there are still two others circling around, trying to find an opening in your defenses. The guard officer who first attacked you and a man armed with a flail and shield keep trying to get behind you.

As the macemen again attack, they this time attack together from two different directions. You duck and spin, catching the back of the right leg for one of the first macemen, which sends him to his knee again. You stand, kneeing him in the face, which seems to knock him out cold.

You turn instantly to receive the attack of the second macemen, which has fumbled his attack. Feeling like you have some time, you mumble the short incantation for a fireball. As your left hand erupts in flame, harmless to you and not to your enemies, you gesture to the fumbling maceman, his eyes now wide. Three fireballs the size of a medium coconut hurtle toward him, bursting and spilling their flaming contents all over the guardsman. He starts screaming and flailing as he runs into the battlefield.

The guard captain looks outraged, and the flailman looks uncertain. This time you mutter the incantation for magic lance, a ranged spell that causes a lance of light roughly three feet long to fire towards an enemy before impaling them and causing them to explode. Your hand glows white as you gesture towards the flailman. He doesnt even have time to react as the lance rockets towards him, impaling him in the lower stomach. A second passes before it explodes, blowing him in half, his upper section firing off into the air high above the battlefield.

With a scream, the captain charges you. You smile coquettishly as you unleash you colour spray spell, which dazes and stuns the captain, causing him to stagger and fall on his face. You walk up behind him, as he struggles to get up. In one quick motion, you sever his spine at the neck.

Seeing another team of guards coming your way, you unleash another spell called firewind which causes a wind so hot it feels like fire to start swirling around a target or targets. You hit the squad with it as you try to make your escape. Only half of the team is effected as the rest jump out the way and stay out of the effected area.

You target them with a sleep spell each, each one hits, and they fall to the ground, unconscious. You feel your energy reserves are still mostly full, however you keep seeing a fleeting image of something flitting about the battlefield. You know it has to be magical, but you cant identify what it is.

Back on your original objective, you make for the rooftops. You get there without incident. You find a nice little observation point on the roof of a four floor tavern. The sight that opens up to you is one of sheer carnage.

The entire city square is covered in blood and bodies, some piles as tall as a man. What is not covered in bodies is a gruesome battlefield. The Guards seem to have taken a hammering at the hands of the unknown warriors and civilians, but the military are carving a bloody swath through the square with ruthless efficiency.

And even now, yet more of those mysterious warriors and their civilian supporters are arriving to the battle. You wonder, just how many men do they have?

As you mutter your swords self cleaning enchantment, you notice a dozen or so men on horseback who are obviously military enter the square behind the troops. Using your elven sight, you can see a large man dressed in magnificent full plate armour giving commands. It is obvious that he is the military commander responsible for this slaughter.

You also notice that on the fifth floor balcony of the governors residence, the man you assume to be the governor is standing there with his wife, and what seem to be his three daughters, drinking expensive liquor and laughing at what is happening below.

The actions of both men makes you sick to your stomach.

You decide you have to do something to help down below.


Surprise attack the full time soldiers as they join the melee, then! Unleash the Color Sprays, the Stinking Clouds, the Sleeps and the stabs, then run away as they start to retaliate. If you kill any, don't forget to steal a helmet off them. It's shameful that you're walking around without a helmet, really. This place is damn dangerous, don't you know?

Voting in favor of the surprise attack.  Hit the guards with everything that we have, then take a moment to observe the course of the battle.  Is "our" side winning?  If so, stay on the periphery of the battle, helping occasionally (but carefully and therefore probably in a limited way) to make sure the guards don't turn the tide.  Otherwise, flee.

You circle around the edge of the plaza until you are behind the military troops and the armoured horsemen, who you believe to be the generals retinue. From your vantage point, you can see that they are heavily armed and armoured. Thankfully, you cannot see any mages in their ranks, unless they are battle mages like you or disguised as soldiers.

Slipping down to ground level, you try to sneak up behind the general and his men. If you are going to initiate a surprise attack, it would be best against the general, you reason. As you get closer, your elven sense tip you off that you are not alone. You stop and turn. Above you, you see three of those flitting apparitions circling above you.

As you watch, they get lower and lower, until the reach ground level and materialise into three human sized beings. Two obviously female due to the way their robes hang and their obvious assets underneath. They stand to your front left and front right. Glancing behind you, you see a male clad in the same robes.

The two women speak in unison. However, you are surprised when they speak in your home tongue; High Elven.

"We will not let you harm our master and commander." You then realise that the general and a few of his men are now looking your way. The general has a triumphant looking grin on his face.

'Damn.....' You think to yourself. 'I should have known he would have had mages...and i let off a fireworks display when i used mine on the battlefield....I might as well have held a big sign with the words OBVIOUSLY HERE on it......'

"Shit...." You angrily growl.


What do you do now?
« Last Edit: August 10, 2014, 06:48:38 am by kahn1234 »


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Re: (SG) The World of Ricovero - Bloodbath in Governor Square
« Reply #54 on: August 10, 2014, 07:43:08 am »

You guys probably aren't going to like this, but:

"Ah.  Well, I was just leaving anyway."  Flee!  But take out the governor and his wife with ranged magic as a parting gift.


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Re: (SG) The World of Ricovero - Bloodbath in Governor Square
« Reply #55 on: August 10, 2014, 10:28:45 am »

You guys probably aren't going to like this, but:

"Ah.  Well, I was just leaving anyway."  Flee!  But take out the governor and his wife with ranged magic as a parting gift.


Harry Baldman

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Re: (SG) The World of Ricovero - Bloodbath in Governor Square
« Reply #56 on: August 10, 2014, 10:39:34 am »

You guys probably aren't going to like this, but:

"Ah.  Well, I was just leaving anyway."  Flee!  But take out the governor and his wife with ranged magic as a parting gift.


+1! There's only so much fun we can have in one day, no? Also, that governor is far too much of a card-carrying villain to be permitted to live.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2014, 11:03:09 am by Harry Baldman »


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Re: (SG) The World of Ricovero - Bloodbath in Governor Square
« Reply #57 on: August 10, 2014, 11:39:06 am »

Mega edit: That's 2 guard captains killed by us and like 4 other deaths.

GM do you use an actual military rank system or just a some soldier, officer, and commander/General system?

I want to know because they've lost important sounding people.

Another question is captain of the guard and guard captain different?

Hope you can answer when possible and I'm also not picky about anything as just requesting info.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2014, 11:00:23 pm by 3man75 »


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Re: (SG) The World of Ricovero - Bloodbath in Governor Square
« Reply #58 on: August 11, 2014, 10:59:26 am »

Mega edit: That's 2 guard captains killed by us and like 4 other deaths.

GM do you use an actual military rank system or just a some soldier, officer, and commander/General system?

I want to know because they've lost important sounding people.

Another question is captain of the guard and guard captain different?

Hope you can answer when possible and I'm also not picky about anything as just requesting info.

((Yes, i do use ranks, however as you (the MC) is not native to this city, the markings denoting different ranks is unknown to you.

Captain of the Guard is pretty much the Guard Commander, whereas a Guard Captain is something like a Sergeant or other NCO.

As far as the MC is concerned, the enemy is pretty much Soldier, Officer, Commander, General, as you do not know any better at this point.))

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Re: (SG) The World of Ricovero - Bloodbath in Governor Square
« Reply #59 on: August 11, 2014, 02:00:01 pm »

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