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Author Topic: (SG) The World of Ricovero - Ghost in the Rain  (Read 16146 times)


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Re: (SG) The World of Ricovero - Lost in the City
« Reply #30 on: July 31, 2014, 07:31:54 am »

((Anyone else want to comment? This is a pretty important choice.))

Harry Baldman

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Re: (SG) The World of Ricovero - Lost in the City
« Reply #31 on: July 31, 2014, 08:01:09 am »

I vote for Ala'tirn Vor'lenshai, because 1 and 2 are overplayed archetypes, while 3 and 4 are boring because they're dwarfs.

By the way, what sound do the apostrophes stand for?
« Last Edit: July 31, 2014, 08:03:07 am by Harry Baldman »


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Re: (SG) The World of Ricovero - Lost in the City
« Reply #32 on: July 31, 2014, 08:24:53 am »

I vote for Ala'tirn Vor'lenshai, because 1 and 2 are overplayed archetypes, while 3 and 4 are boring because they're dwarfs.

By the way, what sound do the apostrophes stand for?

((A 'h' sound coupled with a short pause, so the pronunciation would be Alah-Tirn Vorh-Lenshai. Its a language 'rule' i've made fairly common for all surface elf races.))
« Last Edit: July 31, 2014, 08:30:35 am by kahn1234 »

Harry Baldman

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Re: (SG) The World of Ricovero - Lost in the City
« Reply #33 on: July 31, 2014, 08:37:47 am »

So basically like a hard sign that also works on vowels. Merely checking.


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Re: (SG) The World of Ricovero - Lost in the City
« Reply #34 on: July 31, 2014, 01:45:35 pm »

((Gonna wait for a tiebreaker vote or votes until I write the next update)).


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Re: (SG) The World of Ricovero - Lost in the City
« Reply #35 on: July 31, 2014, 03:28:14 pm »

I vote for Ala'tirn Vor'lenshai, because 1 and 2 are overplayed archetypes, while 3 and 4 are boring because they're dwarfs.
Agree, plus that's about the LAST thing *I* want to see from this kind of game - author spending valuable development time on useless graphics.

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Re: (SG) The World of Ricovero - Lost in the City
« Reply #36 on: August 01, 2014, 03:02:12 pm »

((You guys got a lot of 5's and 6's on the dice this update....))

You take a few minutes to study the wanted poster, marveling at the level of detail some unknown artist managed off of eye witness statements.

Aside from your body shape, proportions and beautiful looks, the Artist also got your long, wavy silver-white hair and your blue eyes. When you look closer you can even see the artist has even included the silver speckles that you have in your eyes as well. Looking at the height, you see they have you down as 5 foot 10". You scowl as you notice they included 'Short for a High Elf' on the poster. 'I'm not short, just vertically challenged!' you think to yourself indignantly.

They also give a description of what you are wearing as well. With a little smile, you wonder if they've missed anything. Indulging your curiosity, you see they have you wearing your now discarded blood stained cloak, as well as your armour consisting of a mixture of scale, splint and plate armour attached to a padded leather backing. They also included your sword and daggers, although only a description of their hilts. And they also got the mundane, such as your gloves, knee high boots and heavy belt, with its pouches and water skin.

You briefly wonder just how the guards and the eye witnesses managed to get so much information about your equipment and looks with only a short look.

'No matter' you think to yourself as you grab the poster and tear it from the wall, tearing it up and shoving it in the nearest barrel.


Looking both ways along the road, you see that not many people are out and about, even if it is only early evening. You check your provisions, and find that you have very little in the way of food on you, but you do have several water skins which feel full.

You set off towards what you think to be the City market to your left. You decide that if you are to leave, you'll need food first. As you walk, you realise that you are in fact missing something, something rather dear to you. Your fathers bow. Even the twin quivers you usually wear on your back are missing. You also seem to have misplaced your small buckler.

"Damn!" You say, angry. You have no idea where they could have gone. Knowing your luck, they are probably somewhere back in Vellenberg, which, if your geography is right, is about 500 miles, or 8 days travel at the average High Elven walking speed, to the North West, in the mountainous regions of central Feritul Continent.

Your anger makes you increase your pace, and your mind starts drifting to other things. You begin to think of when you last spent your birthday with your family. "The last time...." You mumble to yourself. "...Was my 645th, about thirteen years ago. I really have to go visit sometime....."

Now you start to feel lonely as well as angry. You realise you have been without a companion or lover for so very long, decades at least, drifting through the continents with little guidance. You make yourself a promise that as son as you can, you will return to visit your family in your home town of Dewlinnia.


Shaking yourself out of your reverie, and calming yourself with the meditation techniques taught to every young High elf that helps them maintain the Faradunian's famed stoicism, you begin to think of the reason you are here, kidnapped from your comfy tavern room.

You are nothing really special. Skilled in armed combat and magic, yes, but there are plenty of others who are your equals or even superiors. Knowledge? You are no spellweaver, intellectual nor a famed engineer and you are privy to no sensitive information as far as you know.

Could it be some gullible mages believing you to be part of some ridiculous prophecy? If so, then why murder the Guard captain, and frame you? Murder is punished with torture and ultimately execution in the Southern Clanlands.

"So someone must want me dead.....But why? I have no dangerous enemies. Unless it is a case of mistaken identity......"

You are so lost in thought you almost walk right into a guard patrol. Fortunately for you, the young male and female members of the guard that make up the guard patrol near you are too busy mating, whilst seemingly trying to suck each others faces off, just inside an alleyway to pay you much attention. They, at the very least, seem to be enjoying themselves in this shit hole of a city.

You hurry past, trying to make as little noise as possible, which you pull off with great success. You power walk away as fast as possible, until the sounds of early evening coitus disappears from your very sensitive hearing.


After almost getting lost several times in the labyrinth like road system of the city, you eventually find yourself at a large, rather attractive, open air market and plaza. Unfortunately, it is far, far busier than the roads. Fortunately for you, though, it seems there is a large angry crowd gathered in front of a very large and imposing mansion like building on one side of the plaza, and the dozens of guards present in the square are too busy trying to control the crowd to pay any attention to someone wearing a hood cloak.

You make your way around the still surprisingly well stocked market stalls, first buying a nice large satchel to hold your provisions in, followed by dried meats and fruits, and then preserved vegetables. Lastly, you buy several blocks of travel-cheese wrapped in thick waxed paper. On an impulse, you buy a dwarven brandy flask full of Stoneguard Brew Brandy, in case you want to get drunk or possibly bribe someone.

Smiling that everything seems to be going well and you'll be able to set out on the road soon towards Vellenberg, everything goes wrong.

Just as you close and secure your padded satchel closed, the angry crowd, now several times larger than it was before your little shopping spree, starts getting violent. They charge in a rather cohesive formation towards the line of prepared guardsmen, trying to break through and get to the still open gates of what you assume to be the governors building.

The guards fight back, massacring the people. It doesnt take long for the flagstones of the square to be running red with blood, growing piles of civilian bodies dotting the area. To make matters worse, more civilians appear from the side roads and alleyways that lead onto the square intermingled with what appear to be armed warriors, the warriors not wearing or carrying the colours of this city, storm into the square, clashing with the blood-drunk guards.

The square erupts into a brutal battle, the skilled guards fighting the equally skilled newcomers.

You see all civilians not involved run for their homes as the sound of battle grows louder. You then spot something that horrifies you.

Two little girls, clinging to each other for dear life surrounded by bloody, fighting men and women. One of the unmarked warriors is fighting two guards desperately, as if to protect the little girls. Your suspicions are confirmed when one of the guards, either driven insane or into a battlefield bloodlust, tries to cleave his halberd blade down on top of one of the girls, only to be stopped by the warrior.

At this same moment, you notice that the full time soldiers, no doubt this cities military garrison, have just arrived on the scene.

'This is turning into one giant disaster......' Damn, your mind is good at stating the obvious sometimes.


What do you do?

Save the girls and aide the warrior? Run away and leave the city? Something else?
« Last Edit: August 01, 2014, 03:12:48 pm by kahn1234 »

Harry Baldman

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Re: (SG) The World of Ricovero - Lost in the City
« Reply #37 on: August 01, 2014, 03:28:25 pm »

Quick question: do High Elves sleep (or "meditate", if you prefer) at all, which is to say, do they spend any significant amount of time in a day/night cycle in an unconscious state as a rule?

Now the more important question - how many soldiers are on either side? The full-time soldiers, for instance? Do you think you could perhaps surprise them from behind and make them break formation with blades and magic just as they join the melee, then withdraw quickly? After all, you should be pretty fast on your feet.


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Re: (SG) The World of Ricovero - Lost in the City
« Reply #38 on: August 01, 2014, 03:34:26 pm »

Quick question: do High Elves sleep (or "meditate", if you prefer) at all, which is to say, do they spend any significant amount of time in a day/night cycle in an unconscious state as a rule?

Regarding the two little girls, Kill the guard that looks the most menacingly and then scram. The warrior will hopefully use the small distraction to finish off the warrior and take the girls somewhere safe. After that one don't stick around, try to get on the roofs of the buildings and STAY hidden. We are wanted by the military here and we need more information.

When on the roofs look out for any important military men/officers or someone important looking. Maybe we can shadow them.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2014, 03:37:22 pm by 3man75 »


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Re: (SG) The World of Ricovero - Lost in the City
« Reply #39 on: August 01, 2014, 03:37:45 pm »

Quick question: do High Elves sleep (or "meditate", if you prefer) at all, which is to say, do they spend any significant amount of time in a day/night cycle in an unconscious state as a rule?

Now the more important question - how many soldiers are on either side? The full-time soldiers, for instance? Do you think you could perhaps surprise them from behind and make them break formation with blades and magic just as they join the melee, then withdraw quickly? After all, you should be pretty fast on your feet.

((To answer the quick question, High Elves do sleep, and they do need sleep, but its only needed for a few hours. The rest of their relaxation is meditation, deep thinking and for some, self reflection/analysis.

To the more important question, you dont know exactly the number of troops, but there are quite a few. Uncountable numbers of civilians and many unknown warriors, dozens if not several hundred guards and at least several dozen regular troops who just joined.

In the main characters initial assessment, she did not notice any mages, however they could be there. Magic-less troops are vulnerable to magic, unless they are magic users themselves, which guards and regulars arent (usually, in this part of the world).

To make the full time soldiers break or waver would be a had job, even for a powerful high elf against humans.

There is no at the moment known reason why a surprise hit and run attack as you suggest would not work. Just be careful of surprises.))
« Last Edit: August 01, 2014, 03:39:31 pm by kahn1234 »

Harry Baldman

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Re: (SG) The World of Ricovero - Lost in the City
« Reply #40 on: August 01, 2014, 03:41:53 pm »

Surprise attack the full time soldiers as they join the melee, then! Unleash the Color Sprays, the Stinking Clouds, the Sleeps and the stabs, then run away as they start to retaliate. If you kill any, don't forget to steal a helmet off them. It's shameful that you're walking around without a helmet, really. This place is damn dangerous, don't you know?


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Re: (SG) The World of Ricovero - Lost in the City
« Reply #41 on: August 01, 2014, 03:52:02 pm »

Surprise attack the full time soldiers as they join the melee, then! Unleash the Color Sprays, the Stinking Clouds, the Sleeps and the stabs, then run away as they start to retaliate. If you kill any, don't forget to steal a helmet off them. It's shameful that you're walking around without a helmet, really. This place is damn dangerous, don't you know?

-1 we can't risk just fighting hundreds of these Guards and their military reinforcements for bravado's sake. We take out the guard that looks to be trying to hurt the girls and then hope that unknown warrior can finish the last one. What happens after we kill that one guard ( with a magic missile/arrow/dagger or w.e else we use) is evade the the authorities and get on the roofs to see what can be seen from up top.

We have no friends and were against the ROYAL ARMY and the ENTIRE Police/Gaurd forces of the city for killing a Guard Captain or THE guard captain. We need to evade conflict where possible.

Harry Baldman

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Re: (SG) The World of Ricovero - Lost in the City
« Reply #42 on: August 01, 2014, 04:00:20 pm »

-1 we can't risk just fighting hundreds of these Guards and their military reinforcements for bravado's sake. We take out the guard that looks to be trying to hurt the girls and then hope that unknown warrior can finish the last one. What happens after we kill that one guard ( with a magic missile/arrow/dagger or w.e else we use) is evade the the authorities and get on the roofs to see what can be seen from up top.

We have no friends and were against the ROYAL ARMY and the ENTIRE Police/Gaurd forces of the city for killing a Guard Captain or THE guard captain. We need to evade conflict where possible.

You forget an important detail. They are filthy humans. We are a proper elf. We have the element of surprise, and these people that are fighting the local guards would obviously be helpful to us if we helped them somehow. Also, quick skirmish. Just to keep them on their feet. You can't make friends without killing a few enemies, as the saying goes. Also, free helmet if it works.


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Re: (SG) The World of Ricovero - Lost in the City
« Reply #43 on: August 01, 2014, 04:01:56 pm »

-1 we can't risk just fighting hundreds of these Guards and their military reinforcements for bravado's sake. We take out the guard that looks to be trying to hurt the girls and then hope that unknown warrior can finish the last one. What happens after we kill that one guard ( with a magic missile/arrow/dagger or w.e else we use) is evade the the authorities and get on the roofs to see what can be seen from up top.

We have no friends and were against the ROYAL ARMY and the ENTIRE Police/Gaurd forces of the city for killing a Guard Captain or THE guard captain. We need to evade conflict where possible.

You forget an important detail. They are filthy humans. We are a proper elf. We have the element of surprise, and these people that are fighting the local guards would obviously be helpful to us if we helped them somehow. Also, quick skirmish. Just to keep them on their feet. You can't make friends without killing a few enemies, as the saying goes. Also, free helmet if it works.

True but i'm sticking with my guns. Also aren't the helmets standard issue? We'd stick out alot more with it on.


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Re: (SG) The World of Ricovero - Lost in the City
« Reply #44 on: August 02, 2014, 05:14:30 am »

((Any more input or ideas? If not, i'll start working on an update))
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