...the powers are never wanted?
So every single superhero/villain suffers from 'It Sucks To Be The Chosen One' and 'I Just Want To Be Normal'? None of the thousands of kids who dream of getting powers ever gets any?
Sounds fishy.
In any case, I'm reading the series, pretty damn interesting(really reminds me of Grrrl Power, which uses the same classifications, I think, as well as Spiderette, though that has more to do with both being insect powers) so far. Like that the villains aren't psychopaths down to a man. Makes me wonder if we'll get the chance to be villains in the game.
As well, I think I've decided on a basic trigger event(as in the overriding urge/emotion that would be going through the char's mind during it), and a general personality and character archetype.
Two things to note first, though. One, I don't think I really mind what kind of power it would be as long as it did keep in touch with the trigger event, and two, I worry more about the GM being able to come up with creative powers for everyone by themselves more than I do about the powers themselves being unwanted. No offense to you or Dejavu, just that one or two people simply cannot satisfy everyone and will rarely be able to come up with unique, interesting powers for five or six people easily. I don't want to design my own power, either, mind you, since I don't know enough about the series, though I have some ideas what it might be.
What the trigger emotion or whatever would be, by the way: Refusal. Flat, absolute, total refusal. Not quite denial, since that has implications more of simply words, or the item in question being true regardless of being denied. Refusal, with a capital R. Sure, it's a refusal to give in, to let X happen, to be defeated, to stop going, and so on, but that's basically just window-dressing on the emotion itself. I'm really not sure what the power would be, probably Shaker or Trump, in all likelihood, though Breaker and Stranger would also fit somewhat with that. *shrugs* I really don't mind in any case, and any power set can typically fit any trigger, just based on the way the justification for it works. (Brute could be seeing refusal as incredible endurance and an unwillingness to let anything stand in your way, Tinker could be the same but in scientific terms, Master could be refusing to let other people do what you don't want them to, and so on)
I just know that I want that to be more or less their trigger event, and I want them to be a Knight In Sour Armor, more or less. Existentialist and whatnot.
...i have trouble thinking of what his name would be, though it would of course depend on the power.