I liked the look of this mod, but it wasn't updated to 0.43.05 and reviewing the raws with a diff utility, there were a number of little fixes here and there in the vanilla RAWs that Wanderer hadn't incorporated. (For example, Wanderer's muskox don't have horns, Gorlaks can't open doors). So I
cleaned and updated it. Lots of differences that weren't mentioned in the OP and didn't seem to be in the scope of the mod. If it's not mentioned in the OP and didn't seem like a deliberate change, it's been removed. In the process, the files picked up a few minor fixes.
Creature_reptiles has been updated, and Wanderer's material changes added to the new creatures. I wasn't at all sure what to do with the plants files, as the original post doesn't mention anything that explains the extensive changes: I kept the new plant_potions file, but deleted the others: they didn't seem to be referencing plant_potions and were far too different from 0.43.05's raw files to easily sort out. I can harvest branches and craft things perfectly fine with the vanilla plants files intact, but perhaps I'm missing something.
I probably screwed up in places, but I get no errors with this on vanilla 0.43.05, provided that reaction_adv_carpenter.txt is deleted. It should be easier to update to new releases now using diff utilities, and easier to blend this with other mods. This is still Deon's work on Bay 12's files. I'm mostly just posting this so that Deon can consider using the files. I'm still uncertain why some tags are duplicated: ie, [NATURAL_SKILL:DISCIPLINE:*] is duplicated for many of the creature_megabeast and creature_semimegabeast creatures. [NOPAIN] is duplicated for Rocs and Griffons, among others.
I hope you don't mind my questions and cleaned version, Deon. Thank you kindly for the mod. It plays well, and I like that it helps to balance the game. Personally, I merged it with Grimlocke's Modest Bodies patch (which doesn't require either mod), the Appearance Tweaks mod and the Fantastic mini mods.