Lets'a go!
Diary of Nail Risenodroz
1st of Granite, 256
I have finally managed to make my claim to overseership be recognized by the local government. When I arrived at Slingblock I expected them to have everything ready for me to get started since it was a direct order from our beloved Queen(who I think isn’t a necromancer after all), but apparently word had never reached them! Of course I immediately set to rectifying this mistake and asked around for the mayor, eventually finding him practicing in the barracks. He, August the second, told me he was too busy to deal with me and sent me to file my issue to the manager. That was ohh,
HALF A YEAR AGO! And now that I finally hold the office I’m supposed to, I have a good idea of why it took this long: The situation of the nobility (except the mayor’s, of course) is atrocious! These are the office of our manager and our bookkeeper, right next to waste disposal:
'Meager' Offices
It seems the mayor and several of my predecessors were quite, let’s say, military minded, which isn’t bad in itself, but it seems to me someone who has
and is
can’t make a good leader.
His activities in the military likely are the cause of my missing assignment as well, since he isn’t just too busy to deal with me but also with the liason:
I shall be replacing him as mayor, though I will leave him his quarters.
I will also assume the position of guard captain as for some Armok forsaken reason some imbecile decided that punishment for crimes is just too inhumane to inflict on our widdle community! Prisons will have to be made as well to make clear to the common rabble that getting away with a beating is not something they can count on. I will post application papers for the position of hammerer in the dining room. (The new hammerer will receive luxurious housing in addition to the fancy hammer! [OOC: You guys feel free to apply! ] )
Other things I noted while I was waiting for my assignment were:
The new hospital is great, but for some reason the old hospital zone hasn’t been decommissioned.
There are two unnecessary meeting zones where dozens of unpastured chickens loiter.
The well, which I was told was secured, is actually only separated from the caverns by a flimsy floodgate:
And a few levels below:
Zan Mörulorshar’s corpse floats in the middle of the cistern. How did he get there? We may never now.