I have my role as well. In fact, I got my role the second Wuba said he was sending him. Therefore he loves me more than all of you combined. Go ahead, prove that he doesn't.
I got my role before he posted he was sending them >_>
You weren't first. I was sending them before I was saying I was sending them.
Alright, let's get started!
Dear Sir or Madam,
You have been cordially invited to Webadict's 13th Birthday Party. Please come dressed as your favorite... something!
See you there,
WebadictAnd 17 of the 20 guests made it, dressed in very odd and different costumes, ready to eat cake. Because everyone knew that Webadict's dad made the best cake in the whole state. It was judged at the statewide Cake Contest. He even had a ribbon stating so.
But, when Webadict's mom went get the cake, all of it had been eaten. But, by whom?
Clearly, this was a case for over-imaginative preteens instead of simply baking another cake, which Webadict's dad was currently doing anyhow.
It is now Day.
Vote Count
4maskwolf -
Cheeetar -
flabort -
Imp -
IronyOwl -
Jack A T -
Jiokuy -
Nerjin -
notquitethere -
Persus13 -
Scripten -
Shakerag -
Silthuri -
Tiruin -
Toaster -
TolyK -
Varee -
Not Voting - 4maskwolf, Cheeetar, flabort, Imp, IronyOwl, Jack A T, Jiokuy, Nerjin, notquitethere, Persus13, Scripten, Shakerag, Silthuri, Tiruin, Toaster, TolyK, Varee,
9 To Hammer. Day ends Tuesday 7 PMish CST.