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Author Topic: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).  (Read 12087 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #75 on: August 20, 2015, 05:43:41 pm »

Sounds like one hell of a plan man.


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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #76 on: August 23, 2015, 03:54:31 pm »

ooc Indeed, not sure if the fort will get there or die to stupid mistake or FPS death first..

Diray Of Doc: 264, 3rd Granite

The forgotten beast Usmat is trapped.

and flattened:

1 down, 3 to go.

More foul smoke is drifting across the steppes.

Flooding of the old fort is slowly proceeding, less of a flood than a dribble.



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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #77 on: August 30, 2015, 04:19:09 pm »

263, 11th Slate

Meng informed me that the second cavern layer beast trap is complete. Time to let the beasts in and see if thier destructive tendencies will draw them to their doom.

Lur is the first to be drawn into the trap. He quickly destroys the first set of bars protecting the ditch, but is dispatched by a hail of crossbow bolts.

Lur has barely fallen, before the next beast charges through the door. Next is "Odshith Oarsplash - the night of paddles". As the huge feathered shrimp charges through the door, it emits a cloud of dust, which throws it across the room into the far wall, breaking it's own leg in the process.

Immobilized in front of the Marksdwarfs, it is an easy target. The remaining beast lacks deadly dust, Dobar headed out to challenge it a moment ago.

The huge nose-less sheep squirms and fidgets as it charges Dobar, it's stinger poised overhead. Dobar get's in a few solid blows with Rashgurstukon before he is knocked tumbling by the weight of the beasts charge. Dobar settles down to dodging and blocking Ugosh' blows, waiting for an opening.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Disaster nearly strikes as Dobar is knocked down into a ditch and slams into the wall, but his armour absorbs the impact, leaving him unhurt.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Ugosh charges down into the ditch with him and the battle continues.

Finally an opportunity presents itself, Dobar leaps out of the way of Ugosh, who crashes into a wall, momentarily stunned, Dobar finally has his chance:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Remarkably, in spite of it's wounds, the beast shakes Dobar off and charges again. The Axelord is forced back onto the defensive, but the beast is wounded and slowing down.

The beast, pale from it's wounds, keeps Dobar at bay for several more minutes, but it is only a matter of time. The beast stumbles, it's charge missing again, The axe Rashgurstukon is waiting.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The mutilated beast collapses dead at Dobars feat. Thus ends a month of forgotten beast slaughter.

263, 1st Felsite

With all forgotten beasts layed to rest, the second cavern layer has been resealed.

Dakost Itonenkos, Zasit Mokezablel, Olon Urithas and Iton Urmimerith have been relieved of all duties but mining. Long since legendary in this endevour I have given them a task worthy of their skills. They will focus north of the fort on the preparations for the new dining room. The first task is to create 3 powerhouses using controlled cave-ins to the lower cavern lakes. These will house the waterwheels and pump stack bases to raise water and magma to the top of the fort for consturction and industrial use and dam up the cavern lake, allowing the center of it to be drained to form the magma lake.

263, 17th Felsite

The elves have arrived to trade. we could do with some more cloth. Other than that I'm not sure they have anything we need.

263, 20th Felsite

Snatchers have been spotted near the entrance, the military stand to in case they are the vanguard of an attack.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #78 on: August 31, 2015, 11:59:26 am »

263, 25th Slate

No sign of an attack, so the military return to training.

263, 10th Hematite

I'd hoped the death of 4 forgotten beasts this year might give them the hint, but it appears not. This one is made of crystal glass and gives of period bursts of nasty looking dust. We'd best set up a suitable trap for it. At least it's in the second cavern and therefore no threat to the ongoing construction in the 1st.

We traded booze, seeds and cloth from the elves for some cut gems. Overall a fair trade and it gives our new broker a little practice.

263, 11th Hematite

Hmm, another one! this one is in the first cavern layer and therefore a threat, especially with it's webs. The crazed pillars rush to intercept.

Sure enough Cona heads straight for the work site:

The Crazed Pillars surround it, whilst marksdwarfs loose their bolts from the fortifications over the cavern gate.

Lokum Siknugkadol is caught in a blast of web and can do nothing but watch in horror as the beasts claws swipe at her head. Her masterwork steel helm proves it's worth, twice deflecting the claws, leaving Lokum bruised but alive.

fighting free of the webs Lokums axe bites repeatedly into the creature. It is still spewing webs and clearly dangerous but though it can immobilize a few attackers at a time, their companions distract it from doing any serious damage to the incapacitated. Finally, Lokum gets a solid cut in on the distracted creature, her axe bisecting it at the lower body. The forgotten beast Cona the Seizure of Barbs is no more. Lokum stands for a moment and stares at the axe. "I name this Axe Amnoglesh Raduknadak - Openedsavage, the bitter defender." She cries, inspired by the fight.

263, 19th Hematite

It transformed into a dwarf and ran when it saw Dobar bearing down.

263, 20th Malachite

A giant olm wandered into the cavern work site. The sculpted rocks were on guard duty and swiftly dispatched it.

263, 18th Galena

The human caravan arrived and was escorted inside today. The goblins must have been attempting to intercept them, but we were alerted by the screams of their leader when he walked across the cunningly hidden trigger of a weapon trap. The remainder were swiftly dealt with.

263, 23rd Galena

The first stage of cavern 3 work is done! A great block of stone hangs suspended over the lower cavern, supported only by 2 stone supports. By lottery, the Dwarf Momuz Amoststizash (our manager) was chosen to pull the artifact lever at the far end of the dining room.

Deep in the 3rd cavern layer, a chunk of rock drops through the cave roof, neatly sealing a section of the caves off.

OOC That's the first part of the lower cavern works done. 3 more large blocks to be dropped (2 for additional power stations, 1 for the magma pump stack base) and we will be able to start building the pump stacks to deliver water and magma to the worksites anywhere in the caverns. Work on the first cavern layer northern fortifications is nearly complete, soon they will protect against non-fliers. By the end of the year I hope to have the 1st cavern North secured and the second powerstation dropped.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #79 on: September 01, 2015, 09:22:56 pm »

Noice :)  Maybe I missed this, but... what exactly are you planning to do with all that power?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #80 on: September 05, 2015, 03:04:23 pm »


@Immortal-D - Welcome to the story! The first power plant (when built) will power a water pump stack, the next 2 will power a double magma stack. These will deliver water and magma to near the surface (with enough power remaining to deliver it a bit higher if required at some point in the future).

This should provide pressurized water and magma to the entire fort (hopefully only in a planned fashion), most urgently so I can get started on an obsidian cast dining room spanning the 3 cavern layers and various other smaller projects. - Mounf.

Apologies in advance for the wall of text and pictures - this is a big update.

263, 4th Sandstone

Well, that's an ugly creature. Luckily the 1st cavern layer is secure against anything that cannot fly. Once we have a new exit built (the old fortified exit is inside the walls), someone will have to go deal with it.

263, 7th Timber

Another one.

In the second layer this time, so not an immediate threat, however it will have to be dealt with when we begin work on fortifying the north of that cavern.

263, 15th Timber

The Goblins have returned to lay siege once again! 60 Goblins, about half mounted. Formost in there ranks comes a fell beast:

Ngordax Stuzdokem Sadummu: Ngordax Ivorypink, the Glowing Guise. Leader and law giver of the Goblins of the Curses of Teaching for 200 years and our mortal enemy! I've ordered the gates closed, whilst the military move into position. Here is an enemy that must not be permitted to escape. The Watchful Gazes and the Crazed Pillars take up position before the spiral ramp. The other melee troops on the ramp itself as a reserve.

Above the inner gates the Marksdwarfs of the Brass Bastions and the Mechanical Pulleys ready their crossbows.

With the Goblins committed to an attack on the entrance, I've ordered the lever to the lake bridges pulled. With luck we will catch some of them on it, at least we will cut off their escape.

Unfortunately, the lever was pulled a little quickly, trapping some Goblins on the wrong side, I've ordered it reset. It also appears it was not correctly linked as only one of the 3 bridges activated. Oops. Still, the result is entertaining.

We may hate the demon which leads the forces, but we cannot doubt it's courage. Far in advance of the rest of the siege it storms the gates, throwing balls of fire as it comes.

Stinthad had lived at Rhymedmansion since the second year since it's founding. Life had been good for her. By trade a stonecarver, she had realized quickly that her skill with a short sword would be more valuable to her new home, so for many years had been perfecting her art under the tutalage of Meng. Her skills had in time become legendary and she now stood, a member of the fortress guard, facing the monstrous goblin leader down the entrance of her home.

As it came in range a series of thumps from above came from the Marksdwarfs as they loosed their first bolts, all missed. The creature gibbered maniacally and with a gesture threw a ball of fire at the waiting dwarfs, setting an unfortunate war dog on fire. As the entrance way filled with blinding smoke, Stinthad charged, brushing asside fire with her shield and closely followed by the Hammerlord Tholtig Thukkanokim, she layed into the monstrosity.

Caught in the flames and smoke of the foul creature, she sees Vabok Ekastzaneg, Hammerlord, fall, overwhelmed by the flames. Stinthad, joined by her squad leader Tholtig, landed numerous terrible blows on the demon, but it will not fall. In spite of a shattered spine and skull and the loss of one hand, it fights on and its fire is still deadly.

Spoiler: Ngordax' injuries (click to show/hide)

Finally, beaten beyond endurance, Ngordax simply collapses after one final blow from Tholtig, dying from loss of blood from its many wounds. Tholtig and Stinthad run to rejoin the stunned military at the entrance, to await the rest of the siege.[/i]

The goblins appear to be disheartened by the loss of their leader and refuse to move, so Meng takes the melea squads out to deal with them. An unfortunate Kobold thief finds itself right between the Dwarfs and Goblins as it tries to sneak in.

A second thief has the misfortune to be spotted as the 2 side collide.

Dodok Mogshumlibash, dodging a pike, disappears off the edge of the entrance walkway, she lands 3 levels below with a crash, but her armour prevents serious injury.

The entrance descends into bloody chaos as Goblins are cut down.

With these dealt with The Watchful Gazes head to the west entrance bridge and the goblns trapped there.

264, 2nd Moonstone

The siege is over, the last goblin, mounted on a giant cave swallow, is sent plunging into the lake by a well aimed bolt. The goblins are destroyed, a few escaped as the bridge seems to have been lowered again during the confusion, no doubt a mistake in my orders. They will return to there homeland with news of their leaders death.

It has not been a bloodless victory however, Vabok Ekastzaneg, hammer lord lies dead. Slain by the fire of Ngordax, the Goblins demonic leader.

264, 4th Moonstone

To commemorate the battle, Kol Sakrsthastesh Etomgmom Rul, leader of the Crazed Pillars has bestowed the name Rerraszeg Tetothkar Mingkil upon her silver warhammer - "Fissure Tattoo the lone dimension of leopards" - quite poetic really.

264, 12th Opal

The loss of Vabok has reduced the crazed pillars to 4 members. Now that the Problematic Doors are fully trained, it is time to re-organized the military to 3 melea squads of 6, plus 2 training squads of 3.

264, 12th Obsidian

Work continues in the first and third cavern layers. I've ordered a new control room for the  power plants and magma and water stacks to be built next to the existing dining room.

The northern fortifications for the first cavern layer are now complete and most of the old unnecarsary walls have been removed.

The mechanisms in the water stack power plant are completed and construction of the water stack is under way. Meanwhile, the miners continue working to drop the second power station block into the lake.

264, 17th Obsidian

Morul Buzattekkud, Hammer Lord and member of the Sculpted Rocks has named his masterwork steel warhammer: "Almoshenshal Ikthagonesh - Gleambudded the Squeezing Confederations"

265, 1st Granite

The end of our 11th year passed peacefully. A military reshuffle has been completed. The backbone of our military remains the Watchful Gazes, the Sculpted Rocks and the Crazed Pillars, now each extended to 6 dwarfs.

Spoiler: Melee squads (click to show/hide)

12 dwarfs form our crossbow squads.

Spoiler: Crossbow squads (click to show/hide)

and finally, there are 2 * 3 dwarf training squads, one for hammers, the other for spears.

Spoiler: Training (click to show/hide)

I've posted the ledger and fortress plans in the usual places.

Spoiler: Ledger (click to show/hide)

The new year party was as usual a success, we toasted Vabok, killed by the Goblins daemonic leader, now interred in the hall of memories and celebrated the death of said leader and a major victory over the goblin forces. We can now look forward to another year of construction. The top cavern North fortifications are complete,  work can move on to the second cavern (once the forgotten beasts are once again cleared out). The water power plant was successfully dropped into the 3rd caverns, the first magma stack power plant should soon follow, hopefully with a 2nd one towards the end of the year. It seems reasonable to look forward to all the pump stacks being complete and working by the end of 267.

The smiths remain busy producing more masterwork armour for our expanding military.

The end of year 11. As Doc says work on the pump stacks and power systems is going pretty well. For once the narration is caught up with the fort as well!



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #81 on: September 08, 2015, 04:13:01 am »

265, 1st Granite

Rith Unibgatiz, Gem cutter has been found dead. Remarkably it appears he died of old age.

Shortly afterwards, Ineth Kirurist was also found. Another death of old age. Ineth was one of our Master weapon and Metal smiths.

265, 16th Granite

Work on the second block is now complete, suspended only by 4 frail supports, 3 great stone blocks dangle over the 3rd cavern layer:

This time, the honour of setting things of falls to our book-keaper, Dastot Listlokum. With a pull of the artifact lever, it is done:

As the dust clears, we see that for the most part our work was successful, however, a gap remains, part of the cave in failed and will need to be corrected once the work site is again safe enough to access:

265, 28th Slate

In the second cavern layer, another beast stirs. That makes 3. Oddly, last year they all turned up there as well...

At least we have nearly got some traps ready to deal with them.

265, 1st Felsite

The Folded standards have just finished there first 2 months training, from what I saw they already looked pretty competent:

265, 12th Felsite

The elves have arrived to trade. I've ordered some of our gold crafts be sent to the depot. Goden Cattenburg, one of our clothiers just uncermomoniously ejected everyone from a clothes workshop.

265,17th Felsite

Our attempt to trap 2 of the forgotten beasts in CL2 was succesfull:

Meli and Nelaru are crushed, only Madum is left lurking in the 2nd cavern.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #82 on: September 10, 2015, 02:33:58 pm »

265, 19th Felsite

It appears that Madum is more canny than the other 2 (now flat) beasts on the second cavern layer. In spite of the invitation of fine furniture in the Marksdwarf trap, it is staying well away..

265, 20th Felsite

I really do wish people wouldn't keep going outside.. Catten Lashedkol, Furnace operator springs an ambush and is forced to run for it.

The watchful gazes are dispatched, I can only hope they get there in time. I was briefly distracted by Goden waving some rope or another round, but have more important things on my mind..

Luckily, the axegoblin leading the attack ran over one of our traps:

Spoiler: Ouch (click to show/hide)

Falling into the ditch his situation is made worse by his own halberd landing on his head. Remarkably, Catten appears to be outrunning the Marksgoblins accompanying him. The entire squad of crossbow goblins decide to demonstrate their courage (if not their sanity) by charging throught the same trap which wounded their leader The one remaining - uninjured - goblin runs, the wounded are killed by the Watchful Gazes.

I finally have time for Goden and his rope:

Nice, if not very useful.


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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #83 on: September 14, 2015, 03:48:19 pm »

265, 7th Hematite

We carefully opened the inner gates of the fort on the second cavern layer to tempt the beast Madum into the marksdwarf trap. As soon as it entered the tunnel, the gates crashed shut and the trap is sprung.

With Madum dead, we can start work on fortifying the North of cavern 2. Just in time as the water pump stack has nearly reached this level.

265, 20th Hematite

Endok Koganmogshum, one of our furnace operators, just gave birth to a boy, our first birth for several years.

The new fortified entrance to the 1st cavern layer is completed. Dobar has used it to head out and challenge the forgotten beast therein.

Yonali spits venom and charges, but in vain as Rashgurstukon strikes again and again. Dobar soon has the advantage and Yonali falls at the end of a long but ultimately one sided fight.

265, 27th Hematite

Dobar is relaxing after the last one and suggested someone else might like a go. I've asked Meng to find a volunteer.

265, 8th Malachite

As the only member of the Watchful Gazes not yet to have taken a name, Risen Kubukusen has volunteered to face Urepe. He heads down to the second cavern to await the beast.

65, 9th Malachite

A giant fire breathing shrew. Lovely, this is one for the Marksdwarfs in the upper cavern..

One cavern lower, the beast Urepe and the speardwarf Risen meet.

Risen gets in a single accurate strike before the charging beast reaches him. His spear smashing through the beasts ribs and twisting in it's lung, then it is back to the familiar attempts to keep away from the beast and look for an opening.

Spoiler: combat report (click to show/hide)

An opening soon presents itself and Risen strikes, his spear disabling one of the beasts legs. It is now an easy target and Risen strikes again and again at the squirming beast, seeking a vital spot.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Finally, Risens spear strikes through the beasts other lung, Urepe collapses, dead.

I'm  really beginning to wonder just what it is that attracts forgotten beasts to this place, considering what keeps happening to them.


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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #84 on: September 15, 2015, 04:59:35 pm »

265, 9th Galena

The purple smoke is back. A single weasel was caught in it. There was a moment of farce at the entrance as the weasel faces off against the Watchful gazes. Being so small it is propelled halfway across the lake every time it is hit, swims back and is then batted away again. Eventually, it is to battered to swim and is swept away downriver.

265, 16th Galena

More foul smoke. Thankfully, nothing gets caught in it this time.

265, 18th Galena

The 3rd power house is dropped succesfully.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #85 on: September 16, 2015, 04:02:30 pm »

265, 20th Galena

A goblin snatcher tries to sneak in with the human caravan and is caught in a cage trap. The Watchful Glazes move into the entrance in case there are more.

265, 24th Galena

Following behind the snatcher a squad of goblins spring an ambush on a lone dwarf. Unfortunately for them they have ambushed Kol Blazedcudgels, the Innocent Dourness of Muting.

She retreats into the entrance way away from the lake (hmm, I must look into some swimming training for the militia). Then turns on them.

Spoiler: Combat report (click to show/hide)

The survivors run.

265, 14th Limestone

Excellent news, Melbil Degulluzat, weaponsmith, has claimed a magma forge. Unfortunately the first item grabbed was a bar of pig iron. I'm still curious to see what he will produce with that.

265, 18th Limestone

A pig iron short sword - how very useful. On the plus side he seems to have become even more skill, this is good as excavations are ongoing around some very interesting spires of stone near the magma see.

265, 2nd Sandstone

Everything at the base of the water stack in the first power house is ready to go, we just need to breach the walls, deal with the hungry heads behind it then channel out sluices and we can then test the mechanisms. A few swings of a pick axe smash through the wall. The hungry heads float in, The Mechanical Pulleys are waiting. The hungry heads are dragged off to the corpse stockpile and work can continue.

265, 21st sandstone

The sluices are soon channeled out and new walls built:

powerplant 1 lower level

powerplant 1 upper level

A pull of the lever controlling the sluice gates and the wheels are powered. A succesfull test!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #86 on: September 16, 2015, 04:38:07 pm »

Well, at least the sword was made of actual metal. All my weapon moods are made out of bone...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #87 on: September 16, 2015, 04:46:08 pm »

That's a really, really beautiful entrance tunnel you got there, with the colored designed and the statues, and the overarching ramparts. Shame about the whole demon thing tho.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #88 on: September 17, 2015, 07:24:56 am »

265, 8th Timber

Work on extending the water pump stack through the 2nd cavern layer and fortifying the north of the layer is proceeding fast. A stray blind cave Ogre was quickly killed by the Watchful Gazes when it got to close to the Masons. I hope they can get the section walled off before any more forgotten beasts show up.

265,13th Timber

The dwarfen caravan has arrived. We have an insane number of trade goods due to our Dukes recent insistance that we need more crowns (I think he really misses the King).

265, 25th Timber

We barter some golden crafts for huge amounts of leather, coal, lignite and platinum. The leatherworkers get to work on coats, boots, shoes, gloves and cloaks. I order all Dwarfs to tidy their rooms (there are far to many slowly rotting pieces of clothing around).

Another unfortunate kobold thief is discovered by the guard animals in the entrance.


265, 26th Moonstone

Odd, I was just thinking how quite things had been when Inod Logemarros, a legendary clothesmaker, wandered past me, walking strangely and muttering under her breath ".. yes, yes, finally, this unworthy vessel shall be the means.... .. Finally you will be reality." I followed (at a safe distance) until she came to a clothiers workshop and began feverishly collecting all sorts of material.


@Taupe: Thanks, I was rather glad the demon turned up though, it made the siege a lot more interesting!

@Splint: Yep, we have a bone artifact warhammer and short sword around some place  - mind you our one legged militia commander is fairly efficient with the bone short sword, when she doesn't prefer smashing heads with her crutch.


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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #89 on: September 28, 2015, 01:11:30 pm »

Finally, Inod put down her tools and stared at what was in her hands. Looking up, into the eyes of Doc, "Did.... I make this?"

Doc Nods, "What will you call it?"

Inod sighs, "It said it should be called Absamdid - 'Searchedchar' in the common tongue, but, I don't remember making it". She wonders off sadly.

265, 25th Opal

Having left the second cavern entrance open, I'm a little startled to find the caravan heading home that way, apparently, they feel more comfortable travelling underground. There are 15 or so crundles down there, so I send the Watchful Gazes to clear the way.

That was messy. On the surface however, a more deadly threat has arisen:

A small group of horses were caught in a cloud of foul smoke, we had become allmost oblivious to it's threat, indead, the weasal episode made it seem allmost comical. Now, however, slavering, behooved, killing machines are galloping across the surface above us.

265, 9th Obsidian

The horse smoke thralls don't seem interested in attacking and are mostly wandering around the surface, chasing the occasional cat. I've stood the military down for now, whilst we wait for the horses to move away from the evil lands.

256, 12th Obsidian

One horse thrall got to close to the entrance, after a long battle, it is bisected by the Swordsdwarf Mafol Keskalasmel.

265, 27th Obsidian

Well that is an anticlimax, the remaining smoke thralls are seen disappearing into the distance. Perhaps they just didn't know we were here.
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