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Author Topic: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).  (Read 12089 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #60 on: August 05, 2015, 08:24:04 pm »

lol, 'slight' delay :P  Still glad to see a new story here.  Or at least a revived one.


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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #61 on: August 05, 2015, 08:29:36 pm »

Gasp! SOmething sputters to life with intent!

Nice way to revive it, kinda sucks about the caravan though.


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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #62 on: August 06, 2015, 04:05:04 pm »

262, 21st Timber

Things are certainly getting more active, a second ambush party of bow goblins, led by a dwarf have been spotted on the hill overlooking the old compound. Luckily they seem to be content to take pot shots at a couple of cats running around the rubbish tip. The sculpted Rocks deal with them easily.

262, 26th Timber

A flock of ravens have taken up residence in the upper cavern, where they have proceeded to peck, scratch and generally annoy everyone working in the area. I've sent the Brass Bastions crossbow squad to deal with the problem. I guess ravens must be hard targets though, crossbow bolts are liberally strewn across the area and the kitchens and brewery in the food hall is now painted in raven blood and vomit, strangely this does not appear to have made any difference to the quality of the meals prepared there.

262, 3rd moonstone

Catten Nicatshorast, a weaver, encountered a kobold thief at the fort entrance whilst fetching thread to be woven into silk from the broken down trade cart. Showing unfortunate bravery, she grabbed the thief, only to lose her hand to his dagger. The thief got away before he could be intercepted.

262, 8th Moonstone

A cloud of purple smoke has is drifting across the foul steppes again, luckily it just missed the herd of musk oxen.

In spite of loosing a hand Catten still seems quite cheerful, I was a little concerned about her mental state, but when I asked she explained that though loosing a hand was inconvenient, it does not particularly effect her weaving and the fantastic dining room, food and beer in the fort all make it worthwhile. Well I can't really argue with that and as chief medical Dwarf I can only approve the positive attitude and recommend more booze...


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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #63 on: August 09, 2015, 04:21:46 pm »

262, 24th Opal

A crundle interrupted the workers in the second cavern work area. Someone must have left a gap somewhere in the fortifications. Fortunately, the dwarf that was interrupted was Kol Sakrithastesh Etomgomom Rul, Elite hammerdwarf and captain of the Crazed Pillars who quickly and efficiently takes care of the problem before going back to hauling stone. The mystery of how it got in is quickly solved when it is pointed out to me that the door leading to the second cavern is unlocked. Apparently at my own order. Oops.

262, 4th Obsidian

Things seem to have gotten quieter again over the last few weeks. Work on a second power plant required to extend the magma stack up to the first cavern layer is in progress. Most idle dwarfs have been kept busy moving stone from the work-sites so the mechanics can get in to build the pumps and power axles. The tunnel from the artificial lake above us to replenish the lake at the centre of the first cavern layer has been completed. We just need the frozen surface lake to thaw. The outpost liaison finally finished his meeting. Unfortunately we really can't hide how far along the fort is from him any more. I think the Duke was having a great time showing him around and pointing out all the things we have achieved in glowing terms for him to report to the nobility.

The farming area is complete and producing. It appears we have sufficient alcohol reserves for 14 months and food for twice that. We also appear to have run out of storage space for all the booze. Oh well, the traditional new years party should deal with that.

262, 8th Obsidian

Dobar headed down to the 2nd cavern layer to welcome our uninvited guest a few moments ago.

262, 10th Obsidian

The fight was disappointingly quick, the creature proved to be extremely fragile and was split in 2 by a strike from the pommel of his axe, the 4th forgotten beast to fall to Dobar.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

262, 11th Obsidian

It's taken many years longer than expected. But at last the Kings predictions are coming true:

It appears that the Goblins have decided to take us seriously, over 35 attackers, all well mounted on Ruthers, voracious cave crawlers, giant rats and sparrows. It appears the routing of the first siege has got their attention.


Finally, a serious siege turns up. But after 9 years of training, the military should be up to the job....


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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #64 on: August 09, 2015, 04:44:56 pm »

>Rutherers - Alright, that's fair.
>> Cave Crawlers - Pretty standard for 34.11 goblins, alright.
>>>Giant rats - Unusual, but not unheard of.
>>>>Sparrows - One of these things is not like the others.~

In all seriousness, it's about time. And glad to see you moving along with the fort again!


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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #65 on: August 11, 2015, 08:58:15 am »

At the east entrance Sazir Thickuthal shades his eyes to stare at the approaching bow goblins, well mounted on a variety of giant cave creatures. Turning he can see Zon, spearmaster and captain of the problematic doors training squad racing for the entrance from the road building site, though skilled in battle Zon is wearing only light training armour, alone he may quickly be overwhelmed. "OK", he says to Doran and Morul, "Dobars still on his way back from the caverns, the others on break and if we don't fall back now, we'll probably be cut off from the entrance. Only one thing for it, CHARGE!"

Remarkably however, Zon outdistances the goblin archers to the apparent safety of the fort. Unfortunately this just means he runs into the second group of goblins coming in through the west lake entrance. The rest of the military waiting at the entrance spiral charges in.

Sazir and his companions, seeing that the bowgoblins are standing around doing very little also fall back through the entrance, joining the chaotic slaughter.

Meng glanced around the destruction and wreckeage of the dead goblins in the entrance hall and did a quick headcount, "Where's Kosoth?" She yelled, coming up one short, Dobar points to the east entrance after 2 fleeing Goblins. "Armak! There's half a siege still up there!"

Meng gestures to the eastern entrance with her crutch. "Right, the first wave is running, so Gazes and Rocks with me, lets go find Kosoth, the rest of you, clear out the west entrance!"

Kosoth knew he was in trouble. It had seemed so simple, chasing a pair of fleeing goblins up the stairs, now here he was dodging and batting aside bolts and arrows, whilst being repeatedly knocked over by enraged giant cave crawlers and trained War Jabberers. Dodging yet another bolt he gives a cry as the ground vanished and he drops into a ditch, one of Zay's old capture pits! The 2 Goblins that leap in after him and stopped dead at the huge grin on their foes face. No longer distracted by the constance onslaught of arrows he plants his feet and waits...

Meng and 2 squads of Dwarfs charge into the remaining bowgoblins, making short work of them. A squad of axe goblins by the Western exit runs when they see the Crazed Pillars heading their way, perhaps having been disheartened by the slaughter of there compatriots at the Eastern entrance.

Piles of corpses lie around the entranceway, but astonishingly the fight has resulted in no serious injury to any dwarf. A few bruises from dodging off walls or into ditches and one dead war dog is all. Over 25 goblins and their mounts lie dead around the entrances. The rest have fled.

Spoiler: Entrance hallway (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: East lake entrance (click to show/hide)

262, 21st Obsidian

The military barely have time for a rest before they are called down to the second cavern. It appears that the Mayor, Alath Siknugurvad has decided to hold a meeting with our outpost liaison outside the second cavern fortifications.

The result of this is a Dwarf vs. Troglodyte wrestling match.

The mayor seems to hold the upper hand for a few minutes, but gradually the Troglodytes toughness begins to tell.

The arrival of Meng puts an end to the Troglodyte, a swing of her sword taking off it's left arm, the backswing removes it's head. Meng points at the doorway leading into the cavern. "Get that walled up" she snaps. She and the rest of watchful gazes stand guard to deal with a half dozen more Troglodytes. It is hardly a fair fight.

262, 29th Obisidan

It looks like there is no more excitement for this year. Time for a party, we need to deal with the excessively large stock of alcohol in an appropriate manner!


@splint - in the Goblins defence they were giant cave swallows...


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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #66 on: August 11, 2015, 09:13:39 am »

Yes, but those aren't sparrows now are they? :P

In all seriousness, good to see the militia acquit itself well.


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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #67 on: August 13, 2015, 05:15:26 pm »

Doc stands on the walkway above the crowded dining hall. Dwarfs are jostling each other in the limited space as they eat and drink, but for now everything seems good humoured.

"Another good year has passed! After a quiet start, it appears that the Goblins have taken note of our pressence and begun there war against The Earth Of Temples in earnest! I think we all know that we owe our continued prosperity and indeed our continued existence to the skill and bravery of our military. I hope you will join me in a toast to the Dwarfs of the militia!" Doc downs his drink, all others follow suit, including the heavily armoured and armed militia.

"I congratulate you all on the work done on the entrance lake. A year after we completed construction the lake has fully flooded and work on the roads is nearly complete!"

Spoiler: Entrance (click to show/hide)

"It will not be long 'ere work on the surface is complete and we can concentrate on carving out the caverns to our liking."

"Only a single section ofwall remains to be placed to fortify a safe area on the second cavern layer. This year we will be able to start work on the 3rd!"

Spoiler: Food Hall view (click to show/hide)

"I am sure you have all noticed the increase in the quantity and quality of food! The new food hall is now active and our underground farms have already delivered the first crops. We have a 15 month supply of alcohol and twice that of food. So eat drink and be Merry, for tomorrow there will be more!"

"With work on the surface complete, the pumps to deliver magma to the upper fort and the new glass works will be a high priority."

"Our military have proven themselves against the threat of the goblins and we will be ready for them again next year. We have prepared and are now self sufficient, it is time to turn this fort into a home to be proud of! To this end I propose a new undertaking for the next Decade, to build a new dining hall worthy of Dwarfs! A dining hall that shall span the caverns, with views over a great magma lake that will delight all dwarfs who look upon it! Dwarves, I give you a toast, RHYMEDMANSION!"

"For any who wish to see it, the fortress plans are available"

Spoiler: List of projects (click to show/hide)


It's been a good year, finally the Goblins turned up in force (naturally, just as I was beginning to think they never would), 10 years of training has turned most of our military into killing machines and forgotten beasts continue to be killed almost offhandedly by Dobar (though I didn't send him up against the fire spewing one), he'd probably have killed it but melted in the process.

The fort is finally in a state to begin major project work, the new dining hall should be a major undertaking, along with the plans to join the separate cavern layers with some fairly major geo-engineering. First though will be some clean up and dwarfen time and motion studies to try to get my framerate back up, the siege may not have killed any dwarfs but it's certainly hurt the CPU!


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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #68 on: August 14, 2015, 05:32:57 pm »

263, 3rd Granite

I seem to have lost a few days after the new year party... Oh well, At least I'm not the only one. I'm told that Vabok Cuborudib, one of our master masons and engravers has been wandering around with a glazed look, hissing at anyone who tries to use the craftshop he has claimed. Well, we all recognise the signs by now!

263, 10th Granite

Removing all of the corpses from the entrance has nearly filled our refuse pile. I've decided it really is time to do something about this. After all, why do we have a messy, vulnerable, above ground refuse pile, when magma is so much cleaner, safer and more hygenic? I've ordered some works. First a small corpse refuse pile, this will be directly below the entrance and dump via minecart into a pit which leads down to the magma see for disposal. A sequence of bridges in the pit will ensure that nothing unpleasant comes back up. A second general dump will be located the other side of the cavern lake, net to the food hall. With a minecart system to dump into the same pit. In time, this can be powered from a power system located on the 3rd cavern layer.

263, 22nd Granite

Behold, rulushrotig nirurlanzil a chert crown.

I also happened to take a wander through the hall of memories to admire the engravings of our history. I'm not to happy about one of the most recent ones though:

Thanks Kubuk, I'll remember that. In my nightmares.

253, 13th slate

The liaison finally decides it is safe to leave and bids us farewell. I thought he was going to stay permanently!

253, 11th Felsite

Workers in the second cavern have reported a loud scuttling sound outside the fortifications. It appears we have a new un-exepected guest. There is nowhere for Marksdwarfs to stand to deal with this, but I'll not risk our Melea dwarfs against the noxious vapours it gives off, so in time we will have to dig some tunnels and firing points to deal with it.

253, 12th Felsite

The Elven caravan arrives. I wonder what they make of our goblin corpse entrance decorations? I've sent Kol and his Crazed Pillars up to meet them.

254, 23rd felsite

The elves made it to the trade depot. They are quite unbothered by the new entrance decorations, looks like they've had there own problems with the local Goblins. Solon, our broker seems to be getting quiet the expert, having exchanged a few old trap components for a mix of exotic alcohol and plants.


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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #69 on: August 15, 2015, 03:22:47 am »

254, 25th felsite

Our mayor, Alath, just stormed into my office to demand that his order for a fine pewter bed be fulfilled. I've pointed out to him that this is impossible, but she insists. There are times when I miss just being an insignificant medical dwarf in the Mountainhome. I fear the boxing match with the trogladyte last year may be affecting his brain, I just hope that she forgets about this before it upsets her too much.

254, 10th Hematite

Iton, one of our glass makers slipped and fell whilst removing a floor. I'm on the way to the hospital now to evaluate him. At least this should help stop my medical skills from getting rusty.

254, 15th Hematite

The Elves are on there way.

Itons injury is not to serious. The hand will heal with time and there is no sign of infection so far, hopefully our forgoten beast soap will keep it that way.

Scene - a hallway below the main entrance
Kib Urithgrard was a butcher and brewer by trade, he had no idea why he had been ordered to pull this particular lever. Doc had scribbled something about "Sorting out our garbage problem" on the work order, Kib wasn't sure what that meant but with a shrug pulled the lever. There was a brief rumble behind the doors to the south then silence. He wandered off, back to his first love... Brewing!

Doc's diary

Success! We now have a chute from the main level down to the magma sea. Now we have somewhere to dispose of all the siege and kitchen detritus safely.

10th Malachite

The Marksdwarfs are sent down to the 3rd level fortifications and the entrance to the caverns opened. They sit and wait. Siga charges towards the entrance... And straight past before anyone can even loose a bolt. Dwarfs stare at each other in surprise as the beast dives into the lake. Odd, surely there is nothing there to tempt it!

The scene-a small cramped coridoor off the main stairs

The child Deduk Avuzisir screams in terror as he rounds a corner and comes face to face with a huge feathered flying snail. Only  a few of the military are nearby, but, led by Kol Blazedcudgels, the innocent dourness of muting (and Deduks mother) they charge at the beast.

Spoiler: combat report (click to show/hide)

Diary of Doc

Remarkably, apart from a spattering of ichor on the wall, little of the beasts blood has been spilt. I've ordered the corpse left and walled up. We tracked the beasts entry point down to the water egress of the origional (failed) power plant. The hole is being plugged.

254, 17th Malachite

 Perhaps inspired by the recent slaying of Siga, Dobar has named his shield Kosoth Ust - "The Palace of Breaching"
263, 21st Malachite

Our masons just sent me a note to inform me: "Song Moboturar, Ghostly recruit has been put to rest". Erm, who? I'm  a little confused, I don't have a Song Moboturar in our list of dwarfs. There is however a ghostly body in one of the sarcophagi in the memorial hall, perhaps she was one of the recent siege attackers (OOC- dfhack gives cause of death as "Memorialized" - weird.)

More foul purple smoke is drifting across the steppes.

263, 10th Galena

Our Duke has requested we produce more weapons (namely spears) with which to equip the military. Well fair enough, we are a little low on spare weapons. I've also noticed that we are a little short on masterwork armour. We have enough for all our melea dwarfs, however, marksdwarfs and training squads are still equiped with mixed quality iron. I'll have to chat with Meng about how they should be armoured. I've put in work orders to produce more steel as well. We have plenty of idle dwarfs around so I'll get the armourers back to work.

Meanwhile our Mayor is starting to get upset about the lack of a fine pewter bed. I wish she'd stop going on about the quality of that chair in her quarters. Yes it's nice, now shut up and let me work.

263, 12th Galena

The human caravan has arrived to trade.

263, 17th Galena

Looks like the forgotten beast wandering around in the second cavern has bought a friend. We're not doing anything down there for a while (next cavern projects are establishing a secure foothold in the third cavern and extending our control over the northern area of the 1st cavern. I'll have the miners dig out some fortifications overlooking the second cavern when they are free.

263, 13th Limestone

Hmm, Another one in the second cavern! I wonder what could be attracting them?

263, 26th Limestone

Our first attempt to start up the new power plant failed as there was not enough water under the wheels to reliably power them. A quick redesign has solved the problem though and the magma glass furnaces are now in operation.



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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #70 on: August 16, 2015, 04:20:16 pm »

263, 4th Sandstone

I think I just heard Zay emit a sound which sounded disturbingly like "Squeeee".

There's a lot of people milling around not doing anything, so I've ordered a cleanup of the main entranceway. The crazed pillars have been deployed in case Goblins happen.

263, 20th Sandstone

The forgoten beast Ufsmat has arrived, this sounds nasty.

Thats the 5th one this year. He's in the upper caverns, so we can deal with it when it gets close to the fortifications.

263, 13th Timber

The dwarfen caravan has arrived. In the caverns. Ufsmat has gotten near enough to the fortifications for the crossbowdwarfs to have a go.

263,22nd Timber

Ufsmat is proving to be incredibly tough, in spite of having been quickly knocked to the ground by bolts and being almost entirely cracked and broken it seems to have no vital organs, bolts just fracture small pieces off. The miners are working on a cave in to finish the job.

263, 1st Moonstone

We get a good trade, plenty of cloth, some leather and fuel for gold crafts. Down in the caverns, Ufsmat is still somehow alive and a Kobold thief is detected by the war animals at the entrance and torn apart.

263, 16th Moonstone

Ufsmat must have been hit by upwards of 500 bolts by now but has managed to get up and drag itself out of the range of the crossbow dwarfs, just before a cave in could be engineered to kill it. Annoying, as we really need the top cavern cleared to begin work on fortifying the northern section.


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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #71 on: August 16, 2015, 04:35:40 pm »

Clearly there is some kind of Forgotten Beast nip in there somewhere.


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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #72 on: August 17, 2015, 06:48:37 am »

263, 17th Opal

Este just wandered by with a familiar glazed look in his Eyes, he was last seen heading towards the glass forges.

263, 13th Obsidian

A dragon! I have heard tell of these fearsome creatures but did not think I would ever see one with my own eyes. The Marksdwarfs have been moved to the fortifications. Melee dwarfs wait on the spiral stair. All others are ordered into the safe areas of the fort.

Sadly it appears that Solon, our broker and veteran of many a trade deal is not more, having been caught out on the surface by the dragon he vanished in a brief burst of fire. At least it would have been quick.

Luckily it would seem the dragon is not very observant. One of our few weapon traps catches it on the way past. Doing some serious damage to it's legs, it certainly has slowed down.

Just before the dragon reaches a cage trap it snaps closed - on a Goblin snatcher. The dragon continues slowly along the entranceway and is met by a hail of iron bolts as it approaches the inner gates.

Crippled by the trap and now barely able to move, in view of 7 Elite Marksdwarfs, it's fate is sealed. Berayi Ofisatha, Dragon, falls, slain by Deler Duralsazir.

With 2 forgotten beasts and a Dragon to her name, Deler is now known as: Deler Duralsazir Ingish Nicat - Deler Honourbridges the Bodice of Chains.

263, 18th Obsidian

Este' work is done. Behold Dakalfeb Vakistselor - Skirtedarrow the Lacy Rites. A truly stunning grate depicting the founding of this fort (and giant rats for some odd reason).

Spoiler: Dakalfeb Vakistselor (click to show/hide)


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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #73 on: August 19, 2015, 11:32:35 am »

263, 19th Obsidian

An ambush! A goblin spearman springs from ambush and stabs Ineth Kirurist, legendary weapon and blacksmith in the leg as he goes to clean the entrance. Luckily Ineth is fast on his feet in spite of the wound and the Watchful Gazes and The Sculpted rocks, still on alert due to the snatchers caught in the traps are quickly on the scene.

A second ambush on the surface catches Rakust Cattenluller, a novice blacksmith. A single bolt strikes him in the head, killing him instantly. The Watchful Gazes are on the scene moments later, Kosoth Uthmikvabok in particular shows great efficiency in exacting revenge for the death of Rakust.

It's been a quiet, productive year, sadly ending in tragedy. However spring and the new year are finally here.


It's actually been a kind of dull year for major projects, but a lot of clean up was completed, old minor works were completed, the old fort was abandoned and traps have been set up to deal with the forgotten beasts that turned up mid year. I've also got some thoughts on major projects for the next 10 years, time to make the caverns a bit more interesting!


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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #74 on: August 20, 2015, 07:04:38 am »

Doc looks around the crouded dining room, though everyone is clearly happy she shakes her head. They really need more space.

"10 years since seven of us set up home here! As I am sure many of you knew when you set out, we were not expected to succeed, but simply to vanish like the first expedition, proving yet again for the commons back home that change and expansion is to risky to work. We have proven them wrong!"

"It seems that news of our wealth has spread beyond the goblins, 3 fell beasts roam the second cavern layer and 1 is on the top layer."

"I would ask we all raise our drinks to Solon, our Broker of many years and the victor in many a trade deal, who was killed by the Dragon Berayi Ofisatha. Also to Rakust, a novice Blacksmith, killed by a goblin ambush just a few weeks ago. Finally, to the ghostly recruit Song Moboturar. None of us are entirely sure who she was, but her ghostly remains can are resting easy in the crypt."

All dwarfs raise a drink silently to the fallen.

"There is some fortress news to share."

"The old fort is now closed off. All operations have now moved to the caverns."

"Garbage is now being disposed of efficiently and cleanly directly into the magma sea."

"Sadly our cave crocodile eggs have not yet hatched. We will give them a bit longer, but Zay informs me we may need a captive, tamed male cave crocodile. We will have to see what turns up."

"Finally, the new magma glass forges are in operation and are turning out high quality glass goods by the wheelbarrow load."

"Fellow Dwarfs, I am proud to present my plans for the future! With so many windows is it not time we had something to look at? Picture if you will, the North of the fortress, beyond the new glass works. The caverns are fine, but they are small and they lack the excitement of magma. We will cut deep into the earth, creating a single cavern to the north from the top of the fortress down near to the magma see. At the bottom of this cavern we will build a great magma lake which, together with the lakes of water on the middle and lower caverns will provide us with all we require for dwarfen industry! We will build a new great hall at the edge of this new cavern, with new drinking area, dining hall and statue gardens that will astonish all who visit here. Rising from the lake will be new magma forges! Magma and Water falls will decorate this great cavern to provide inspiration to our artisans and smiths! Finally, we will continue to support and train a standing militia capable of defending all of this, for rest assured, as news of our achievements gets out, our enemies will not sit back quietly! Finally I will build a hospital to put all others to utter shame!!"

Doc stops, panting slightly and stares out at her audience and the mix of expressions. Awe, fear, shock, delight (and a lot of drunken confusion). Duke Eturcog stands to speak:

"Many of you, like myself, left the Mountainhome and other fortresses to get away from the stultifying influence of some highly placed nobles:

It cannot be done - so they said,
Expansion is to Risky - so they sent us here to die,
we mustn't antagonise the Goblins - they whined...

Hah! The council of timidity and fear! It can be done, it will be done and we damn well will antagonize the Goblins doing it!" - he hefts his crossbow, "Let them come and try to take what we have built!"

"Doc, myself and Meng are in agreement with these plans, representing the Commons, the Nobility and the Military. If any wish to bring forward there own ideas, do so. We will try to incorporate them."

Doc speaks again. "Thank you all for everything we have done here. The fortress plans will be [[ posted]] as usual. Let us achieve as much in the next decade as we have in the last!

Spoiler: ledger (click to show/hide)


Work on the new dining room can begin once the upper cavern is clear, I can also start on dealing with the 2nd cavern layer forgotten beasts. With them out of the way, walling off the North section of the top cavern can begin.

The dining room structure is planned to be about 20x40 and span ~30 levels (though the dining room will only be a part of this). It will be carved out of a block of obsidian, so the first task is to dig out and wall in a suitable casting space and build the magma and water pump stacks for the casting. To power these pump stacks will require 12 water wheels, these will be fed from the lower cavern lake. The blockhouses containing the wheels will form part of the Dam which will allow us to drain the centre of the lower cavern lake and dig it out ready to form the magma lake. Creating the blockhouses will require a controlled cave in to drop stone from above the third cavern. this year I plan to create the water pump stack powerhouse, possibly the Magma stack powerhouse and get started on digging out the cast. We should also get the top cavern layer North and east walled off and make a start on the second cavern layer. Going along with this will be the minecart system to shift valuable rock from the work sites to the forges and possibly moving the forges to a new location.

The North of the 3rd cavern layer. The plan is to drop large blocks to form the power houses, which take water from the lakes near the cavern edge, pass it under water wheels and dump it back off the edge (via. fortifications). The water powerhouse also contains the water pump stack inlet. Power houses 2 and 3 provide the power for a double magma pumpstack, the pumpstack base being between the 2 powerhouses. White lines show where retaining walls will be places to block off the cavern lake for draining. The area of the lake will be dug out and turned into a Magma lake instead.

The light blue outline shows the approximate base of the new Great hall structure.

Bit of a wall of text there.
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