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Author Topic: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).  (Read 12094 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #45 on: September 06, 2014, 06:13:49 pm »

I'm sure they'll decide to nose around the joint eventually, probably during caravan season.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #46 on: September 09, 2014, 05:11:16 am »

260, 1st Granite

New year is hear again, as usual I delivered a qick summary of the works in progress to the assembled dwarfs (minus our Marksdwarfs, still taking pot-shots at Urnot in the lower caverns.

"Before I give the speach, I have one last task for this year!" - Doc pulls the artefact level on the dining room east wall. There is a now familiar rumble from the caverns.

"The forgotten beast Omethu is no more!"

"Clothing production has now moved to the new clothiers shops and looms in the caverns. This leaves only food production in the old fort. Soon this will be moved and it will be time for the old fort to be shut down forever!" A number of dwarfs in nicely tailored clothes are looking pleased.

"I apologize for the lack of progress on our obsidian farm, the intricacies of water power have been giving myself, our mechanics and our architects a headache. However, I am pleased to say that as soon as Urnot is dealt with the sluices in the lower cavern will be opened, providing power for a magma pumpstack and obsidian farm!"

"More positively, the entrance spiral is completed, as are the lower barracks layer! I confidently expect the upper barracks to be complete this year!"

"I have placed the fortress blueprints in the
usual place
, along with this years ledger.."

"Finally, I have recieved word from the Mountainhome that the Goblin forces are on the move at last! We will have a warm welcome for them if they come here!"

Spoiler: Ledger (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: List of projects (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #47 on: September 09, 2014, 04:00:52 pm »

260, 10th, Granite

Finally a bolt finds the heart of the forgotten beast Urnut. For the first time since the founding year, the caverns are clear of forgotten beasts.

I order the sluices in the 3rd cavern layer open. Time to see if the new power plant will work.

260, 27th Granite

I pull the lever for the power plant myself. Water pours through the opening sluices and under the water wheels.

260, 7th slate

Another minotaur, no doubt Dobar will deal with this one too.

Or maybe not... The kill goes to Mafol Shootmerchants, one of our swordmasters. Seeing the Minotaur dodge the weapon traps at the entrance, she charged out to engage it. The battle was long and extremely painful (for the Minotaur at least). But the end is inevitable. Dobar arrives just in time to congratulate her on the kill. She is not even scratched.

260, 24th slate

Success! After a few more minor adjustments, the waterwheels for the magma stack are steadily turning, the glass smiths have just started on the glass tubes and giant corkscrews. By the end of the year I hope to have our first harvest of obsidian! Whilst debris is removed from the upper level of the obsidian farm, I ordered the miners to begin construction of the new farms in the cavern.

260, 8th Felsite

Fath Sobirasob, a farmer, has created Masoskeskal a vulture bone pick. A truly stunning piece of work:

260, 15th Felsite

The elves are setting out there wares in the trade depot. We can always use more cloth.

260, 17th Felsite

Following close behind the elves was what we had long been expecting. The Goblins are upon us! It appears they seriously underestimate us though, having only sent a single squad of a dozen crossbowmen, led by a hammergoblin on a giant rat. Not exactly terrifying. They are approaching from the foul steppes to the north, so I order all non-combatants to take shelter. The military takes up positions in the compound.

260, 19th Felsite

The goblins have stopped their advance and are milling around in the middle of the steppes. I just hope they don't get husked whilst they wait. That could be problematic.

260, 22nd Felsite

Thay finally make their move, charging the compound entrance, protected by the fortifications our marksdwarfs kill 2, the rest break. The melee squads charge out to finish the rout.

A Kobold chooses a particularly bad time to try to sneak through the gate.

One goblin manages to escape, the others are cut down as they run. There are no casualties on our side. The Kobold does not survive.

260, 26th Felsite

We traded more gold goblets to the elves in return for plants suitable for brewing and a small quantity of rope read cloth. I'd honestly hoped for more cloth, maybe it's time to start producing our own. We also got a leopard and a female wolf as potential pets.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #48 on: September 09, 2014, 04:13:00 pm »

Here's to victory!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #49 on: September 10, 2014, 03:29:12 am »

260, 17th Malachite

Melee and crossbow squads head down to the upper cavern entrance to intercept it.

The beast moves fast! The crossbow dwarfs are not in time to reach the shooting galleries before Vera reaches the entrance to the fort. The Watchful Gazes and the sculpted rocks wait in ambush.

Spoiler: Ambush (click to show/hide)

Risen Tanid, a Marksdwarf is caught is caught as the beast rounds a corner right in front of him. Luckily, though bitten and shaken about by the head, his wounds look superficial. Meanwhile more of the Marksdwarfs loose there bolts and the melee dwarfs attack, catching Vera between the 2 squads.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

In the ensuing melee, Bomrek Lilarstakud stabs the creature in the chest, tearing the heart. There is barely time for a few more blows before the creature succumbs to this wound.

The battle is over, the only wound to a dwarf is Risen, who, bleeding heavilly and looking pale from severe blood loss, reports to the hospital.

Bomrek, in a moment of inspiration names her spear:

Gimstibmer Edudos: Twistedshores The Early Man.

260, 26th Malachite

A horrible sight awaits me on the third cavern layer, The mutilated body Stukos Akumatis, one of our most skilled mechanics is scattered around the corridor. The culprit is in the nearby cage trap, a voracious cave crawler. It must have attacked her as she connected up the outer drawbridge of the 3rd cavern layer.

260, 17th Galena

The human caravan has been sighted.

260, 24th Galena

The caravan was escorted safely in. In return for some masterwork meals we obtained wool, cloth, dye, plants and alcohol. The plants and booze should allow us to bring our drink stocks to the point where we can safely move the food industry without risking sobriety.

Due to the lack of injury and illness in the fort I've assigned myself and the other medics to do some hauling. Honestly, all the sitting around waiting for a medical callout was getting boring.

260, 23rd Limestone

Ineth Kirurist, one of our fist migrants and a legendary weaponsmith appears to be possessed, he has claimed a magma forge. I spent several minutes yelling "Steel! Make it from Steel!!" down his ear. It appeats to have worked as he has grabbed 2 steel bars. I hope this will be something spectacular!

260, 5th Sandstone

A flying poisonous snake. Lovely. Should be good practice for one of our melea squads.

Dobar tells me he would also like a chance at this creature solo. I'm concerned at risking one of our finest fighters, but he assures me that though the beast is a "challenge", he will be a match for it. Meng seems to agree. So be it.

260, 9th Sandstone

Tarem, another flying forgotten beast. Clouds of foul vapour trail behind it. This will be one for the marksdwarfs. For now it is trapped in the 2nd cavern layer.

260, 15th Sandstone

With the drawbridge to the 1st cavern layer open, the forgotten beast Stithpa slithers into the fort. There is no sign of Dobar! His squad, the sculpted rocks, attack. Mafol in particular distinguishes herself, plunging her short sword into both the creatures eyes, amidst a flurry of other blows. Around the corner comes the cry "Sorry, had to deal with an escaped buzzard!" Dobar, roars round the corner, his axe tears into the creatures wing and side, before a final blow decapitates it.


Oops, I accidently sent the axelord to kill a wild buzzard rather than the forgotten beast. Then he ended up kill steeling. Oh Well...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #50 on: September 11, 2014, 08:21:44 am »

Behold: Estrithkab - Spyname, a steel spear:
Spoiler: Estrithkab (click to show/hide)

This is the most valuable single item in the fort. Emblazened on it is an image of the crowning of our current King. I hope this is a good omen. Now, we must find a dwarf worthy of wielding such a weapon...

260, 27th Sandstone

Another cloud of foul smoke drifts through the steppes. This is the 4th this year, once again fortunately there is nothing in it's path.

Spoiler: Foul smoke cloud (click to show/hide)

260, 16th Timber

The outpost liaison and the caravan have arrived.

Unfortunately, our obsidian farm has hit a snag. The drawbridge connecting to our water source is part of the old failed power plant. Since it was closed, the lever controlling it was de-constructed. Unfortunately, to connect a new lever, we need access to the side of the bridge which is holding back pressurized water. Obviously this is a problem.

The solution, I believe, is to construct a new bridge behind the old one. The new bridge can then be connected up. The old bridge can be de-constructed, whoever does this will be washed through the new bridge which can then be raised, allowing them to escape. Volunteers will be required.

260, 1st Moonstone

A good trade, our crafts for much needed leather and fuel. The traders will be leaving happy again.

260, 26th moonstone.

The obsidian farm water supply is fixed, no casualties, though Vabok, one of our stoneworkers got very wet. Now we just need the bridges to drop water onto the magma and the farm is good to go!

260, 12th Opal.

Another forgotten beast with poison gas, Edir the Crevice of Owls, in the top cavern layer. I think we need more archery galleries in all of the caverns to be deal with this sort of thing. Most forgotten beasts seem to have dangerous dust or poison gas!

In the second cavern layer, the forgotten beast Tarem has suffered an... accident.

260, 26th Opal

I've taken a look at our stocks. Things are looking good, however I've removed all nest boxes and told the farmers to take a break.

It looks like we will be in a good position to move all food industries once the food hall is completed.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #51 on: September 12, 2014, 04:09:35 am »

260, 2nd Obsidian

Udil Eshtanzim, a hauler has created a diorite mug. It is impressive, particularly the name: "The Coalition of Thundering". Still, what sort of dwarf doesn't drink directly from the barrel?

In less pleasant news, it appears that one of the Dukes export mandates was violated, he ordered Vabok, one of our most skilled engravers and stoneworkers beaten. Luckily the only injury was the loss of a tooth and some minor bruising, but it is a reminder of the strength and severity of Dwarfen laws and tradition that the Duke, an otherwise reasonable dwarf would do this. Vabok seems remarkably calm about the whole thing though.

Spoiler: Vabok (click to show/hide)

When I asked the Duke about this he just glared at me, pointed out the mandate was clearly posted for all to see and suggested that if we had a prison then he would have had a less brutal option. I suppose that is a fair point actually, I'll order a prison constructed.

261, 1st Granite

261 has arrived. The first room of the prison is now ready:

Rhymedmansion dining room, year 261, new year party

Doc is standing on the dining hall balcony, along side Meng.

"This has been a good year for the military, Meng, you have something to say?"

Meng nods. "This year, for the first time, the Goblins struck at us with a siege!" There is a snort of derisive laughter from some dwarfs. "It was pathetic!!! But they will be back and next time they will come in more strength, unless perhaps they are attacking as a form of mass suicide!"

"Forgotten beasts continue to test us, but it is they who are found wanting! Now they will be forgotten in deed as well as in name!"

"Minotaurs also have come to test their strength. They fall against our champions without even the chance to strike a blow!"

"Our new hammer dwarfs are fully trained. However, only those who have faced an armed foe in fair combat will join the elite squads! To this end, I have asked doc to construct an arena, where recruits will have the chance to face a fully armed and armoured goblins! To encourage the Goblins to fight they will face the recruit at 2 to 1 odds. Should they win, they will be allowed to leave without further harm! This arena will also allow our marksdwarfs to practice against captured creatures." There is a mutter of approval from the dwarfs.

"I will be accepting volunteers to form an axe and a spear training squad, starting this year. Any who wish to apply come speak to me."


Doc smiles, "I have one more piece of good news for the military. The first batch of steel plate armour is ready! All pieces are masterworks and there is enough to fully outfit 2 squads of 6."

"I am informed by Dobar that he wishes to face and defeat one of every type of hostile creature we encounter by himself. As our finest axedwarf, I am sure he is up to this challenge!"

"This has been a good year for construction. The obsidian farm is finaly connected to water and magma supplies. The water dump mechanism is nearly complete. Once this is done we will be ready to begin obsidian production. At long last the entrance can be completed!"

Spoiler: obsidian farm (click to show/hide)

"The entrance itself now connects the entrance hall to the surface via the artificial lake dig site!"

Spoiler: entrance (click to show/hide)

"The new marksdwarf barracks are under construction, we hope to have all barracks completed this year, ready for the completion of the entrances!"

Spoiler: Marksdwarfs Barracks (click to show/hide)

"Work on the new farms and food hall is now proceeding. Some of you may have noticed a construction site in the middle of the cavern, this is a new project of mine! Something simple, but lacking from the fort!"

"I expect this to be a busy year for us all! Fortress blueprints are available as usual!"


It has been a good year, the Goblin siege came, saw and was chopped into itty bitty pieces (finally). The obsidian farm is nearly ready (finally) and construction on the food hall and new farms goes well. Only one death (to a voracious cave crawler).

Spoiler: List of projects (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #52 on: September 15, 2014, 09:25:24 am »

261, 5th granite

Allmost unnoticed amidst all the construction, Alath, Captain of the guard, gets her second forgotten beast kill.

Spoiler: Combat report (click to show/hide)

The caverns are free of forgotten beasts once more.

261, 5rd felsite

The magma pipe has been safely breached to provide magma for the pump stack to the obsidian farm. All that remains is to connect up the final water release bridge and the obsidian farm is ready to go!

261, 12th felsite

The water release bridge is complete and tested. I stand in the factory control room and give the orders: "Close the water floodgate and release bridges! Is the access tunnel hatch locked?", an affirmative answer drifts back from deep inside the factory plumbing.

"Magma release and aquaduct outer switches!"
Spoiler: Magma floodgate open! (click to show/hide)

"Aquaduct inner floodgate!"
Spoiler: Water floodgate open! (click to show/hide)

I wait briefly as the pressurized water and magma flood into the factory floor then, "Magma and aquaduct floodgates closed!". Finally, "Drop the water!!"
Spoiler: Obsidian production (click to show/hide)

Finally, the aquaduct outer gates are closed, the magma stack is turned off and the factory doors are opened. Time to mine out some obsidian!

Aboveground, the Elven caravan has arrived.

261, 24th Felsite

We trade gold crafts to the elves in return for cloth (they brought a bit more this year), some exotic pets and a few barrels of alcohol.

Mining out of the obsidian is complete. Our masons get to work converting it to rock blocks.

Amost Imushidon, our architect is surprised by a goblin snatcher at the gate and runs out of the fort. The goblin follows him, but runs over one of the entrance weapon traps.

Ambush! As Amost was re-enetering the gate a lasher and pike goblins spring on him from ambush. A pike goblin stabs him in the hand. Rith, Captain of the brass bastions immediately starts loosing bolts into the Goblins and Sazir, the only member of the Sculpted Rocks in the courtyard charges. Luckily Amost is fast on his feet and leaves the startled goblins behind in a cloud of sand, incredibly his only injury is a pike wound to the hand.

Sazir engages the lasher leader of the squad, then the courtyard erupts in carnage as the rest of the Sculpted Rocks arrive, bolts, war dogs and wolves crash into goblin bodies and the survivors turn tail and run. The Sculpted Rocks ignore them, instead positioning themselfs to cover Amost as he returns to the gate.

261, 3rd Hematite

Obsidian Block production is coming along well. Unfortunately the blocks were being stored in the wrong stockpile due to a clerical error. This is now corrected and blocks are being transferred nearer to the entrance construction site.

Construction of the main gate entrances is now going at last. Obsidian production is fast now the farm is in operation. I'm trying to make sure that when the time comes to flood the artificial lake and the old fort I don't accidentally flood everything! I think the flooding will be after the winter of 262.

Work on the cavern farms and food hall is also going well.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #53 on: September 15, 2014, 02:50:32 pm »

I find your use of windows pleasing.


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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #54 on: September 17, 2014, 07:59:39 am »

261, 19th Malachite

Kol Othilushrir, a child has withdrawn from society. We'll keep an eye on him and see if he produces anything worthwhile.

Construction on the entrances is going well. Soon we will be ready to move the trade depot and close off the old entrance. The second load of obsidian came out of our factory just a few days ago.

261, 12th Galena

I am called to the hospital to deal with the results of an unfortunate accident on the entrance construction site. Alath Siknugurvad, our mayor is found unconscious beneath the entrance plainly having fallen a good distance, no one seems to know what happened but it appears he was walking along a floor which was being dismantled, with the predictable results.

Spoiler: Mayor's fall (click to show/hide)

Humans have been spotted on the way in to trade. The newly steel clad Watchfull Gazes have been sent out to escort them in. In preparation I order some valuable meals moved to the trade depot.

It is well that we sent the Watchful gazes out to meet the caravan! An ambush!

Spoiler: Caravan Ambush (click to show/hide)

The human guards, need little aid it appears, they kill 3 of the attackers, however, one of their horses proves to be just as deadly:

Note to our military: Do not annoy the humans beasts of burden....

261, 20th Galena

Damn. Dadok Wardtown, one of our original 7 fell in nearly the same place as the mayor. I'm waiting for him at the hospital. Luckily the mayors injuries, though they will have him out of action for a while, are not life threatening.

Likewise, Dadoks arm is a mess, but should heal with time and care. I've recalled all medical staff to the hospital from other duties.

261, 7th Limestone

The child Kol has created Ugosh Ramtak, a tower cap cup.

Spoiler: Ugosh Ramtak (click to show/hide)

Thats a nice image of the Earth of temples first queen, but, as i've said before. We are dwarfs, we have no need of mugs, goblets or cups except for trade!!

261, 3rd Sandstone

A mining accident has left Zefon Geniussilver, one of our miners in the hospital with a broken hand. At least we are getting plenty of experience with treating broken bones these last few months!

261, 10th Sandstone

Work on the main floor of the food production hall requires briefly opening a path into the caverns. The watchful Gazes are positioned outside the breach to deal with any cavern wildlife.

A cave crocodile approaches and is expertly dispatched.

261, 17th Timber

The dwarfen caravan was escorted into the depot. We got a good trade of crafts and foodstuffs for leather, thread and fuel. This will, I believe, be the last dwarfen caravan to use the old depot.


The entrance is actually a little ahead of schedule for once. I will be in a posiiton to excavate and remove the stream bed next time it freazes, turning it into an artificial lake. Next year should see the retirement of the temporary fort (in it's ninth year!).

@splint - I'm planning for most major workshops/social areas to have windows with a decent view, though this will require extending the caverns slightly....


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #55 on: September 18, 2014, 07:29:18 am »

261, 6th Moonstone

A kobold thief is flushed out of cover at the entrance by Bomrek Patternmachine, one of the spearmasters. The outcome is messy and predictable.

261, 14th moonstone

More marksdwarf target practice.

Mining out of the frozen lake bed is now underway.

261, 7th Opal

Removing the old river bed is complete. Next year, when the river melts, it should fill the artificial lake. The process of moving food production to the new location has now begun and military are being moved to new barracks.

Foul smoke is drifting through the steppes but it is far enough away not to be a threat to the work on the artificial lake.

261, 14th Obsidian

One of our engravers wandered into my office yesterday, she looked dazed and handed me a truly stunning flute. "Laluthbomrek Nil Enir, Floodedwhips the Hammer of Beguilers", not very useful but very pretty.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

261, 19th Obsidian

The river has melted and the lake is starting to fill. A bunch of vultures is making a nuisance of themselves, the fortress guard have been sent to get some crossbow practice.
Spoiler: Lake and entrance (click to show/hide)

262, 1st Granite

The new year has arrived!

Dining hall

"This year, the new entrance to our fort is finally completed! This undertaking has been the focus of our efforts for the last 8 years. The lake is now flooding, once full we will remove the old entrance, fulfilling the Kings orders for a minimal surface presence! With it complete, we can turn our attentions to other new projects!"

"Firstly, it is time to move into the second cavern! Doing so will double our living space and provide room for a number of structures, including a hospital, an arena and a silk farm."

"This will also allow us to start moving to new, more spacious personal quarters."

"Zay tells me that, finally, Ostrich chicks have hatched! They mark the second species we have fully tamed. The next step is slightly more dangerous... Cave crocodiles!"

"Finally, once the new arena is complete, we will move to 3 elite squads of melea dwarfs and 2 of marksdwarfs, myself, Meng and Dobar will also be considering creating a small militia. Any volunteers, please talk to one of us.."

Spoiler: List of projects (click to show/hide)

ooc Things are moving along nicely. With the first major project mostly complete (the entrance and barracks) we can move on to exploiting the second cavern layer. First thing though, get outdoor plants growing on the first cavern layer.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #56 on: September 19, 2014, 09:05:59 am »

Zay's Journal
1st Granite

wve got osich bobles
tmchhhhhhhh o too man h woops
to muh wine

[The ink is smudged and runny, though all errors are transcribed as found; Zay was later found sleeping (and drooling) very heavily on her notebook, having had a bit more alcohol than socially advised, even by dwarven standards.]


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #57 on: September 19, 2014, 05:09:59 pm »

262, 13th Slate

The forgotten beast Umosh is ambushed and cut down by the Fortress Guards crossbows. Alath, the captain of the guard finnishing it with a bolt through the heart.

262, 24th Slate

Zon Limulrerras has been possesed, he grabbed a bunch of bones and is snarling at anyone who gets to near his crafts workshop..

262, 28th Slate

... and has created Amud Lelum, "The Thunders of Waning", a vulture bone crown.

The new food hall is now churning out food and drink.

262, 13th Felsite

An ambush! Cruse them!
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

They have caught Rovod Gearbristle, one of our miners out in the open, at least he is armed with his pick and the watchful gazes are not far away, guarding the entrance.

3 Goblins chase Rovod across the ditch he has just dug. The rest, including the traitor swordsdwarf who leads them, charge the greater threat, the watchful gazes. One is cut down by a crossbow bolt to the head, the Swordmaster Stinthad takes down another with a single kick.

Meng, the militia commander takes down another with her crutch.

Rovod is easily dodging or parrying the 3 goblins who are chasing him, he puts his pick into the leg of one, disabling him. Meng, spotting the traitor swordsdwarf leading the goblins, yells "Consider yourself drafted!" to Rovod and turns to engage the traitor.
Spoiler: Rovod's fight (click to show/hide)

Rovod turns on his attackers, though less efficient than the fully trained military, he is able to hold his own until they arrive. Meng, meanwhile, engages in a brief fight with the ambushers leader.

The fight over with no injuries, our military fell back to the lake entrance. The Watchful Gazes are relieved of guard duty to go rest.

262, 16th Felsite

The elves have arrived and...

Another ambush! Alone by the road construction site has been "ambushed" by an axe squad, led by a goblin spearman.

Meng proceeds to attack the goblins by herself, routing them in short order. 3 survivors make it off the map.

The elves continue on to the new trade depot, oblivious to what is happening over the brow of the hill.

262, 23rd Felsite

The elven traders are startled, as with an enormous crash, a section of the cavern across the lake falls in. The dwarfs explain it was just an engineering experiment and nothing to worry about. No trees were harmed (for once).

Trade goes well, crafts for cloth and rare animals.

262, 26th Hematite

For once a forgotten beast that does not have deadly dust, gas or blood. Dobar muttered "mine" and headed down to investigate. Lets hope this time he actually gets a chance to fight the beast.



  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #58 on: September 25, 2014, 09:51:13 pm »

What happens next‽‽


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #59 on: August 05, 2015, 04:34:25 pm »

262, 15th Malachite

Finally Dobar tracks down the beast to the second cavern lake. He watches in satisfaction as the ripples in the water come closer. In a moment the beast is out of the water and flings itself at him, for many minutes it is all he can do to avoid the worst of the beasts blows.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Sensing the patterns in the attacks Dobar throws himself to one side, avoiding the next one, his axe slices back, his first strike of the battle tears muscle in Et's leg.

Again it is back to dodge and avoid attacks. Avoiding yet another charge Dobar's foot fails to find solid ground, Et has manoeuvred him so his is back is to the Lake! Et charges, knocking Dobar tumbling back into the lake. A vast splash follows as Et follows. Stunned by the fall and unable to breath Dobar is still able to evade every attack. Another opening presents itself, this time his pomel strike bruises the creatures bone, forcing it to break off it's attack momentarily. The moment is all that is needed, Dobar buries Rashgurstukon in the beasts spine. The wounded beast is now an easy target, it's movements becoming slower and less powerful. With this respite Dobar hauls himself out of the water and turns, planting his feet firmly.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The beast tries to follow, but is weakening fast, again and again Rashgurstukon cuts into the ungainly bulk as Et tries to follow Dobar up the bank, finally, 2 powerful blows end the beasts struggles.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

262, 4th Galena

Dobar is keen to have a go but accepts that his armour is not fireproof. The Mechanical Pulleys head down to the cavern fortifications.

262, 16th Galena

A human caravan has arrived. They seemed a little taken aback by the sudden appearance of a lake in the middle of the desert, but, humans being adaptable sorts, immediately settled down to some trading.

262, 6th Limestone

We traded gold crafts to the humans for cloth, dye and alcohol, they seemed happy.

262, 12th Limestone

The forgotten beast Ast was finally spotted by our Marksdwarfs. Cause of death appears to be exhaustion due to the numerous crossbow bolts embedded in him. Nil has decided his was the bolt which killed the beast. I'm not sure how he determined this, but he has named his crossbow in any case and no one seems inclined to argue.  Behold Amemitdum "Curlcharms", a rather battered and ancient copper crossbow.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

262, 22nd Sandstone

Things seem worryingly quiet. Work on the roads continues, the walling off of the 2nd cavern layer has begun and the daylight crops area in the caverns is nearly ready for planting. Most dwarfs seem to be busy carting things around. Perhaps I should be looking at improving efficiency?

262, 16th Timber

No invaders, no strange beasts, even the caverns native fauna have stayed away from the work on fortifying the 2nd cavern. Everyone is feeling a bit on edge, but the liaison and caravan have arrived. For the first time they will both be using the new entrance in the lake, the Duke tells me he is particularly looking forward to showing the liaison around the caverns. I always suspected he had a nasty streak...

The sculpted rocks have headed up to the entrance, the watchful gazes head out to intercept the caravan.

262, 19th Timber

A cry is heard from the direction of the caravan "An Ambush! Curse Them!", it appears that our new liason has stumbled into a group of spear Goblins.

The Liason runs for the shelter of the caravan. The goblins foolishly follow and are quickly dealt with by the watchful gazes, the caravan guards and the caravans beasts of burden.

Tholtigs smile is grim as he watches the last survivor of the ambush attempt to flee, right past one of the trapped pillars by the road. A pair of spiked iron balls whistle out of cunningly disguised recesses and the goblins head is crushed in an explosion of green and red. He nods to the caravan guard next to him "OK, thats that, you can carry on." The guard sighs "Sorry, wish we could but..." he points to a disabled wagon, a goblin somehow having smashed one of the wheels in the confusion "rules is rules, we'll have to leave that wagon and bypass you this year". Looking around, Tholtig sees that most of the caravan is already receding down the south road into the distance. He shakes his head as he watches and heads down to report to the Duke.

Diary of 'Doc'

The Duke just called me in to warn me the caravan has bypassed us this year. It's a minor inconvenience as we are now self sufficient in most things but we must be more careful next year. We could have used the coal and any booze or plants they were carrying, but we can make do. I'd better go take a look at the new greenhouse and see if we are ready to start planting outdoor crops again, though not critical our alcohol reserve is down to barely 4 months. I asked him about the outpost liason and he just chuckled and headed back out. Come to think of it the human diplomat is still wandering around the place 2 months after the caravan left. I guess I ought to look into it, but somehow the thought of another annoying liaison running round like crazy trying to find the Duke or Mayor doesn't bother me in the slightest.


Sorry, slight delay there, life intervened!
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