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Author Topic: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).  (Read 12093 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #30 on: August 06, 2014, 09:35:50 am »

257, 1st Granite - Rhymedmansion dining hall

"My fellow dwarfs!" Doc is standing on the balcony overlooking the crowded dining hall. "This has been a good year!"

"Our fort has weathered more raids and the attentions of 3 fell beasts from the depths of time and the earth and still we stand! Next year I fear will be worse as a terrible creature is coming, our first noble!"

"But, leave the future to itself! Let us celebrate all we achieved in the last year, firstly, our mining, smelting and forging industries continue to grow. Already our warriors wield masterwork weapons! Our first minecarts are even now delivering marble to the stockpiles!"

"Our Masons have a fine new crafthall in the caverns in which to practice their art:"

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

"Woodcrafting will soon also be moved. Those of you in the gem, clothing and food industry will be pleased to know that permanent homes for your industries are planned in the next years."

"The hall of history is now ready! 256 was the first years history carved into it's walls. I invite you all to explore and enjoy the artwork within it."

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

"Finally, it is time for our first great project to be begun, to be completed in time for the 5 year celebrations! A great entryhall and barracks! No longer will we trade on the surface under the blinding light of the sun. Instead caravans will enter a great underground entry hall, go through a doorway into a glass roofed dome, down a helical ramp and enter our trade depot! The construction will also include suitable barracks for our military and the entryways to the uncleared areas of the caverns. I have posted plans on the noticeboards and invite your comments!"

"Enjoy the party and lets drink to another good year!"

Spoiler: Military roster (click to show/hide)

257, 13th Granite

A huge flock of vultures has been harrasing everyone on the surface. I have sent our marksdwarves out to get some practice.

257, 21st Granite

A cloud of foul smoke is drifting again. Looks like nothing is likely to get caught in it.

Alath came to speak to me earlier. He has carefully examined the histories given by the dwarfs who arrived in the 2 waves before vampire attacks began. The only discrepancy is Udil Endokokal, who is a highly skilled lasher in spite of having apparently no military experience. Suspicious but hardly damning. I've passed on the suspicion to Meng as she heads his squad. She has promised to quietly keep an eye on him. I have an idea to unmask him if he really is a vampire. For this purpose I have ordered 2 puppies chained up in the Foul Steppes.


I've put the latest plans on dfma


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #31 on: August 12, 2014, 05:29:11 am »

257, 7th Slate

Tobul Asteshbidok, an unmarried hauler has been found dead. The vampire again. Damn it, we need some proof it's Udil. I won't just condemn a dwarf on suspision.

257, 19th slate

Work has begun on the artificial lake which will cover the entrance skylights.

257, 11th felsite

The elves have arrived to trade. I've ordered the military to alert in case they have brought goblins with them.

257, 23rd felsite

The mining out of the woodcraft hall is complete, I have a strange urge to party to celebrate..

257, 1st Hematite

Our usual trade with the elves: Wood and cloth in return for gems, statues and crafts.

Summer has arrived. Work goes quickly on the site of the artificial lake. Things seem worryingly quiet.

257, 19th Hematite

Monom, our apprentice glass-maker just wandered past, looking blank. I recognise the look now. Another dwarf intent on creating some remarkable artefact.

257, 28th Hematite

I just got a stark warning about the dangers of living in a fortress with so much ongoing construction when myself and 4 others found ourselves trapped in the trade depot worksite after removing the wrong ramps. Luckily after some time, someone heard our cries for help and came to dig us out before we got to hungry. I really must be more careful in future.

The wood hall is completely smoothed and the workshops built! The miners have also dug out the first level of our new main stockpiles, for finished goods and furniture. Everyone is busy hauling all the junk cluttering our old stockpiles and workshops to the new stockpiles.

257, 29th Hematite

Thats really quite pretty, I'm rather taken with it:

257, 24th Malachite.

Looking out from the top of the final wall to seal off the caverns a child sees something huge moving in the caverns, it emits periodic bursts of dust...

What is it with deadly dust and forgotten beasts around here? I'm tempted to let our marksdwarfs have a crack at it, as it can't fly it shouldn't be able to get close enough to them to harm them with it's dust.

257, 28th Malachite

Damn it. Yet another dwarf has fallen to this cursed vampire! When we have proof, that creature is dead if I have to arrange the 'accident' that kills it myself.

257, 11th Galena

The human caravan has arrived, in case of ambush, Dobar has taken the Sculpted rocks out to meet it.

257, 28th Galena

A kobold thief is caught trying to sneak into the compound by Zon Eshtansebsur Ngurash Luk. He does not survive for long against the spearmaster.

Trade with the humans is a successful as always. Many gold and stone crafts were traded for booze, raw ingredients with which to make more booze and cloth.

257, 1st Limestone

Autumn is already here. This year is passing fast.

A lone kobold thief runs into the Watchful Gazes and is trapped on the edge of the dig site. I almost feel sorry for him.

257, 17th Limestone

We have finally closed all the possible ways into the cavern fort. We are secure from flying underground attack.

257, 3rd Sandstone

Migrants have been spotted for the first time this year. I wonder if this wave contains the Baron?

Diary of Onul Eturcog, Baron of Rhymedmansion

What a journey... Miles of desert, with the fear of Goblin ambush always with us. It was a relief to see the low walls of Rhymedmansion up ahead. I'm still not sure why I was chosen to be it's Baron, can't say I'm looking forward to it in all honesty. OK, it's a position in which to enrich myself and look after the family interest but it's a small compound in the desert with little military. The only redeeming feature seems to be the good quality of the trade goods coming out of it. But what do I care about art? Honestly, better if they produced fine armour, weapons and traps given the increasing goblin threat and give me a chance to practice with my crossbow.

Looking ahead at the low, unimpressive, wall I can't help but feel a little dispirited. The liaison reported little of interest going on here since last......

Well, THAT wasn't in the report. Either he was blind or this was dug out in the last year. Interesting. I proceeded to the gate, walking through a pile of goblin remains outside. Hmm, quite a few spent crossbow bolts around, maybe I'll get to see some action around here after all...

As I pass through the gates I see a pile of cages to my left. Hmmm, lots of camels, some strange large birds (all obsiously tame) and.. Gobins! My first look at our ancient enemy. They don't seem to much of a threat in a cage though. Some of the cages have cobwebs on. Honestly, how long have they been there?

Descending into the fort I pass what is obviously a military barracks. It's bigger than the last report, but obviously not home to a huge military. Still those that I can see are now armed with steel weapons. There armour is only iron, but well crafted and obviously well cared for. A powerfully built dwarf walking on a crutch (though heavily armed and armoured) glances at me as we pass. "New migrants? Good, down the corridor. Small office at the end, Doc should be their."

The others follow this 'advice', but I slipped away to satisfy my curiosity. To the east the main corridor opens out to the third floor of the dining room. Can't say I'm much taken with art, but it seems nicely decorated. It is quiet considering it is supposed to be the hub of a fort of over a hundred inhabitants. Could they all be busy? Leaving the room I retrace my steps. The rooms off the corridor obviously once housed the forts industry, but all are strangely empty. A large stairwell to the west is very active so I head there next. It descends deep into the ground, and opens out into...

Spoiler: View of the cavern (click to show/hide)

Oh my! The cavern is a hive of activity, everywhere I look dwarfs are running about, carrying all sorts of goods to Armok knows where. I can see the entrances to a number of halls and workshops and all around is a cacophony of hammers, picks and all manner of tools. In the distance I can even here the squeaking of a minecart. Unbelievable. The stories from this place mentioned it as being pleasent enough to live in if you ignored the local eyeball plants, but nothing like this ever came up! Well, no way they can hide it any longer. I can just imagine the screams of shock from certain members of the nobility.... I bet the king will be pleased. In fact, hmmm, my father always said (admiringly) that this new King was sneaky... I wonder....

Time to go meet the good Doctor. Better give him a heads up about the requirements for my suite before the position becomes official.

Diary of Doc

New migrants:

An expert stone mason/engraver, a glass maker and a novice furnace operator, a macedwarf, 2 marksdwarves, 3 haulers and of course our new Baron and his wife. The baron himself seems to have gone for a walk, I'm not sure I feel comfortable about him wandering around poking his nose into everything that's going on here. His wife is an interesting case though, I recognise her from the mountainhome hospital as a novice bone setter. She has expressed interest in becoming what she describes as a "battlefield medic". Given that we now have a reasonably strong medical team I have no problem with this. Seems like a dwarf with her head screwed on straight. Somehow I can't see her having married a complete idiot, which could be a good or bad thing....

Soon after I sent them on the way, Onul turned up. He didn't have a huge list of demands, just let me know he'd be needing a suitable suite for himself his wife and son. Asked that we have it ready when he is confirmed in his position. He also said he wished to help in the defence of the fortress. I'm not sure how that will combine with his duties as a noble, but I'm sure a place in the fortress guard can be arranged. Strangely he seems fairly reasonable, certainly very interested in the plans for the future of the fort. I'm pleasantly surprised.

257, 25th Sandstone

Another dwarf found, dry and empty of blood. There is growing unrest in the fort due to the deaths.

257, 13th Timber

The caravan and liaison have arrived. The military went out to meet them, flushing out a master thief...

Some goblin spearmen jump out of ambush on an ox directly in front of the gates, the military are onto them in moments. Another squad of maceman leap from hiding, catching Atir Settatddodok out in the open changing a cage trap.

A mace shatters several of his ribs, then the training squads arrive to take apart his attackers.

I also order that in future all children are to be confined to the fortress, I know they like to follow our military, but following them onto the surface whilst on military alert is a little too risky.

257, 22nd Timber

Atir has a number of broken ribs, they are to be set and a cast applied. Some rest should then see him back to normal.

Trading was successful, more cloth and leather in return for gold and brass crafts.

Nil Zonbelal, one of our armoursmiths has claimed a workshop, the furnace workers tell me he is babbling in a strange tongue and looking for metal bars. I hope this will be something worthwhile.

257, 27th, Timber

We have a new guest in the depths, down in the 3rd layer. It has no way to get into the fort, we'll deal with it when we need access to those caverns.

257, 17th Opal

It's been a quiet winter. Digging out of the entrance way has commenced, our second mining team, having gotten practice digging out the soft sand for the artificial lake is carving through rock like it is loose soil, meanwhile the 1st team is continuing to work on various projects in the cavern. The craftsdwarf shops are being dug out of a column in the cavern, a trapped access tunnel to the rest of the cavern has been dug out (soon we will have to deal with the forgotten beast lurking there) and the rooms for our Baron, Onul have been dug out and are being decorated.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #32 on: August 12, 2014, 07:02:32 am »

Keep an eye on the suspect and watch if he goes on break. Last time I had a vampire I noticed he feigned a break to drain a dwarf. Nice story so far!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #33 on: August 15, 2014, 09:11:12 am »

257, 28th Opal

Nil emerged from his workshop today, looking stunned and clutching a dazzling golden helm. Nokorteling - "Deadcoast". Sadly it appears that he remembers nothing of creating this. If only someone had thought to hand him some of the steel bars we have lying around. He says gold is to soft to make good armour, but maybe it can go with a ceremonial position of some kind.

Spoiler: Nokorteling (click to show/hide)

257, 1st obsidian

I'd ordered the military down to the cavern in preparation to punch through and tempt the forgotten beast Bitrak Quulacelo  into range of our Marksdwarfs. Meng noticed Udil slipping away as she headed down to the breach. She rushed after him but momentarily lost site of him in the bedrooms, only to see him emerge from Zasit Mokezablel (one of our best miners) room and proceed to the stairs. Zasit was still in his room, pale, tired and with blood on his neck... She reported in to me and suggested we deal with the forgotten beast first. Now she is certain who the vampire is, he can wait..

Bitrak charged the entrance of the compound, ignoring the Marksdwarfs stationed in the galleries overlooking it. They, in turn, ignored him, as they had used all the forts bolts in training. Out of the entrance came Udil, who charged the beast. Bitrak let out a burst of frozen extract, which immediately exploded on contact with the air. The force hurled Bitrak himself into a column, tearing off both his front legs and one rear one! Udil was thrown into the cavern wall, but sprang back to his feet and punched the forgotten beast. Bitrak collapsed, his ill formed salt body broken apart.

Docs office, Rhymedmansion, 1st Obsidian

Meng, Alath and myself are waiting when Udil comes in.

"Firstly, congratulations on killing your first forgotten beast, not bad to add it to your tally", I say, "One buzzard, one forgotten beast and several citizens."

"Thanks Maam, I.... What?"

Alath steps forward "Tobul Asteshbidok: Fishery worker, Edzul Thikuutkalur: Furnace operator and Kivish Tunmneg, a peasant, plus 2 children. All drained of blood while they slept. Finally, Zasit Mokezablel, attacked but survived. You were seen coming out of the room."

"You can't prove that!"

Meng smiles grimly, "Not yet. But we will in time. Of course, a fort is a dangerous place, there is always the possibility of.... unfortunate accidents."

"Why this meeting then, why not just do away with me quietly?"

Meng shrugs, "That's the way I'd do things. The doc however has other ideas."

Doc nods, "I'm going to give you an opportunity. We can do things Mengs way, or you can go into exile. You'll never drain the blood of a fellow dwarf again. But the denizens of the caverns will be yours to feast on as you wish. It's a chance for an honourable death. It's the best offer your likely to get..."

Docs journal
Surprisingly, Udil accepted the offer. I suppose the chance to go down fighting is preferable to being 'accidentally' turned into a smear on the floor by a cave in or locked in a room filling with magma.

I'm just not comfortable with killing a fellow dwarf that way, evil undead murderer or not. It looks like even the relatives of those he killed accept this decision with no more than some grumbling.

257, 13th Obsidian

We have a new guest in the upper cavern.

It appears to be emitting some sort of vapour. I've ordered the cavern sealed for now. I think this will be one for Udil.

A number of Kobolds have also been sighted in the fortress entrance, they ran before anyone could deal with them.


The end of a fairly quiet year. Still no goblin siege, a few forgotten beasts, but finally the vampire is identified. He will be given the chance to die heroically defending the fort from forgotten beasts.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #34 on: August 15, 2014, 09:21:54 am »

Heh, gotcha ya sneaky little shit. let's hope he can take down that toxin spewing freak before he goes. Unless it's something that messes with lungs, in which case it won't bother him in the slightest.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #35 on: August 16, 2014, 05:27:12 am »

1st Granite

Dining hall

Doc is once again standing on the balcony overlooking the hall.

"Friends! We are gathered once again to celebrate the passing of another year in our new home!"

"Work on the new entrance continues at a fine pace, I would like to thank our indefatigable 2nd mining squad for their hard work." A number of heavily muscled dwarfs, their picks on the table, give a cheer and raise their mugs.
Spoiler: Artificial lake site (click to show/hide)

"The cavern fort is nearly complete. Our wood workers have a fine crafthall in which to ply their craft. Gem working and craft workshops will soon be moved, food production will follow, we will also begin a clothing industry." Several dwarfs whose clothing is looking tattered look pleased.
Spoiler: Wood craft hall (click to show/hide)

"The goblins have not yet attacked in force, but Meng tells me we are ready for them, so, let them come!!!"

"My plans call for the entrances to our fort through the lake to be made from cut obsidian. We will need an obsidian farm, so work on the water wheels will commence this year!"

"The vampire who plagued the fortress has been caught. He is now exiled to the caverns where he will face death at the limbs of the creatures which dwell within."

"Finally, for those of you who have not yet met him, please welcome our new Noble, Onul Etturcog. Sir, do you have anything to add?"

Onul raises his mug and gestures for Doc to continue with a grin.

Spoiler: Noble quarters (click to show/hide)

"The fortress plans will be placed on the usual notice board, I've also added our current ledger and the military roster. Places in the military will soon be available, so if you wish to volunteer, put your name forward now!"

Spoiler: Ledger (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Military Roster (click to show/hide)


It's been a fairly quiet year again. Still no sign of the expected Goblin siege.

@splint. Yep, caught the little bastard! I'm sure there will be a nasty forgotten beast to deal with him in the future. We do seem to attract the dust and poison spewing ones.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #36 on: August 17, 2014, 08:01:42 am »

15th Granite

The Baron just poked his head into my offices. "Everything allright with your quarters Baron?" I asked.

"Erm.. Yes, must say I'm really pleased with them. It's not that actually, it's my wife, she's well.... Perhaps you could take a look Doc?"

Rather mystified I followed him to the craftsdwarfs workshop. Sure enough, there is Logem, staring blankly at a block of wood and a rock. "Yes, yes, that will do it, that will do perfectly". She murmurs.

I drew the Baron aside. "Don't worry about it, she's obviously been struck with some sort of inspiration, possibly possessed by the spirit of some great craftswoman. Just leave her to finish what she's working on and she should be fine."

The Baron looks relieved. "I'd heard of that! Does it happen often around here? It only happened once or twice a decade back home."

I nod, "About once a year. We think it's all the activity and excitement of creating new goods triggering it. Don't worry, it hasn't done any harm to anyone so far."

25th Granite

Behold Torisharist Onsor Amluth - Crownassaults the Erasure of Vegetating"

28th Granite

Etur began his exile today, entering the upper cavern to take on the beast Othri Dusladabe. The battle was brief, othri's poison vapour seamed to cause it serious problems, wheras Etur seemed impervious to it. Etur's whip lashed into it again and again, chipping bone and bruising muscle and internal organs, finally, a precise strike smashed the beasts skull. Etur shrugged and headed for his new barracks and his exile.

1st Slate

An industrial accident? I don't know what to make of this, the minecart should be being guided by a dwarf. The rail tunnel is restricted, yet there was a collision? Sabotage? Or just a weird accident.

The spear masters (Bomrek PatternMachines) lower leg is badly broken and will need some time in a cast to heal. For now, I've removed her from duty.

258, 17th Slate

A cloud of foul smoke has drifted by.

258, 25th Slate

Yet another forgotten beast, again with the deadly dust? It's in the top cavern layer, so I have ordered all jobs there cancelled and am preparing to seal the fort.

Udil engaged the forgotten beast. Like others of its kind it proved as much a physical danger to itself as to its attackers. Udils whip caused serious damage before the deadly dust began to take effect on him.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The arrival of the marksdwarfs in the shooting gallery overlooking the fight quickly ended the beasts attack.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Udil himself can barely be seen through the cloud of miasma surrounding him. What we can see does not look good. Somehow I can't feel very sympathetic. Still, maybe being crushed by a bridge or cave in might not have been such a bad fate after all.

Spoiler: Ouch (click to show/hide)

258, 16th Felsite

The elves have arrived to trade.

258, 28th Felsite

A cloud of foul smoke is drifting through the steppes, it looks like a flock of ravens and an eagle are close to it.

Military has been alerted and moved to work sites and access points, we have thralls incoming!

One of the thralls spots a duck and a child playing on top of the compound walls, it quickly tears the ducks throat out, then proceeds to bite the child repeatedly. For a moment it looks like the sculpted rocks might arrive in time, but the child dies from blood loss before they can intervene.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

A brawl between a half dozen war dogs, the Sculpted rocks and the mechanical pulleys on one side and 3 raven and one eagle smoke thrall on the other breaks out. It is over fairly quickly, without further injury to any dwarfs.

I sadly order a coffin placed for Rith, Dwarfen child. At least the tombs in the hall of memories are nearly ready.

258, 7th Malachite

Spoiler: Torrisharist (click to show/hide)

Urrithasol, created by Kubuk Asizthikut, one of our engravers. Sadly he does not remember any of the skills that went into creating it.

Trade with the elves was successful. In return for a dozen gold goblets we get wood and plenty of cloth for our new clothing industry.

258, 12th Malachite

Udil Endokokol, vampire, has been found, dead, in his barracks. It looks like he died from multiple infections in his many rotting body parts. Given he was the cause of death of most of the dwarfs lost in the last 3 years I do not feel much sense of loss. I guess killing 2 forgotten beasts earns him a place in the catacombs with the honored dead though.


The vampire problem is finally solved, taking out 2 more forgotten beasts in the process of an extremely unpleasent death.

Progress on the main entrance is good. I don't think the cavern depot will be ready for this autumns caravan, next years though... Food and clothing production and the main barracks are still in the old fort. They should be moved within 2 years. I think it will then be time to shut off and probably flood the old fort.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #37 on: August 17, 2014, 09:36:45 am »

Good riddance with the vampire.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #38 on: August 19, 2014, 04:58:31 pm »

Meng has informed me that the problematic doors, our Axedwarf training squad are now ready to join the regular military squads, after which she and another carefully chosen dwarf will retire to form 2 new melea training squads. First though, she has recommended that they and the Lucky Boards (who are beginning to show signs of skill with their warhammers) be offered the chance to prove themselves by exploring the second cavern layer fully. This fits in well with my own plans. For both a reliable power plant and the obsidian factory, we will need a source of water, hopefully there is one in either the third or second cavern layer.

Didn't take long for our explorers to find trouble:

The hammerdwarfs are first to attack.
Spoiler: Fight (click to show/hide)
They get knocked around a bit, but are unhurt.

The more experienced axedwarfs demonstrate how it should be done:
Spoiler: End of Fight (click to show/hide)

One less blind cave ogre to worry about. Sazir Bookempire gets the final blow, decapitating the Ogre.

258, 16th Malachite

Yet another Blind cave ogre, yet another decapitation...

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

258, 18th Malachite

Curse it! A forgotten beast in the top cavern. It is between the tunnel to the 2nd cavern layer and the fort. If it chooses to go down to the 2nd cavern it will catch our 2 less experienced squads without any support! I can only hope that the large number of dwarfs in the fort will tempt it into an attack. At least this one looks vulnerable to conventional melee. I've sent the elite Sculpted Rocks to engage it.

Too late, Iton Kogankurel, a child was exploring the caverns...

After killing him, Moldath continues down to the lower layer. Unfortunately it seems the Problematic Doors, the more experienced axe squad had returned to the fort, leaving just the inexperienced Lucky Boards to face the beast.

Sodel Emenkel, is the first of the 2 soldiers to see the beast, forgetting about his hammer he attacks with his teeth instead. This does not go well as Moldath ignores his attacks and bites him in the left leg, injecting his venom before ripping the leg clean off.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

As Sodel desperately avoids further attacks
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

his squad captain, Goden Cattenthunen arrives and begins smashing her hammer into the beast with all her strength
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The badly wounded beast turns and strikes at her, though she is able to avoid injury she is knocked over and briefly stunned. Sodel takes the opportunity to crawl away, unfortunately he does not get far, as he passes out from loss of blood he sees Tholtig and Doren thunder past him. The 2 hammerlords attack the beast. In spite of it's rage, the beast simply cannot get a clean hit on either, when it attacks one hammer lord he goes on the defensive, whilst the other attacks. This simple tactic works well.

It takes time, but finally the beast is beaten down. Dobars arrival and the subsequent decapitation with his axe is almost an anticlimax.

Sodel however has bled to death. Sadly the surviving dwarfs return to rest and recuperate. Goden is also limping slightly, leaving her first toe, left foot behind. Bitten off by the beast.

I've now specifically designated areas of the fort in which children are permitted. I can only hope they will obey these restrictions.

258, 7th Galena

A blind cave ogre attacked Zon Eshtansebsur Ngumrash Luk, an off duty member of the sculpted rocks. The fight starts with Zon being continually knocked over and avoiding blows.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Eventually he finds an opening and goes on the offensive.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

A quick review of creatures in the caverns reveals a surprise.

I suspect Zay will be happy.

258, 11th Galena

The human caravan has arrived. I've sent the sculpted rocks to escort them in.

258, 10th Limestone

The humans depart happy, we traded crafts for a variety of finished goods.

258, 23rd Sandstone

Another flying forgotten beast with deadly dust in the top cavern layer. I've ordered the cavern entrances sealed. We will need a cave in trap for this one.

A raven smoke thrall is created by the foul smoke. It attacks a miner and is quickly dispatched by the Watchful Gazes before it can do much damage.

258, 1st Timber

A second raven smoke thrall is dispatched without much difficulty in the courtyard by the Watchful Gazes.

Meanwhile in the caverns:

The deadly forgotten beast Omethu is attacking a peahen. This should be a quick battle, but the peahen is staying just outside the range of most of Omethus deadly dust. Omethu on the other hand is being thrown all over the place by it's own dust...

The battle continues for 10 days, until Omethu finally bites the peahen in the head.

The caverns are locked down, keeping us safe from the peahen murdering menace.

258, 15th Timber

The caravan is here. Our outpost liaison with them. The Watchful Gazes move out to escort them in, the Sculpted rocks take up position in the compound, covered by the Marksdwarfs. Looks like we have a new liaison again, wonder what happened to the old one.

I've never tried GCS silk farming. I'll add it to the todo list for next year, what could possibly go wrong.

It's been a very military few months. But whilst all this was going on, construction of the main entrance has been going well.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #39 on: August 20, 2014, 10:23:00 am »

258, 1st Moonstone

Zon Limulrerras (metalcrafter) has claimed a magma forge. I'm hoping for something interesting.

258, 12th Moonstone

A successful trade... More leather and fuel for golden crafts.

The Baron came by earlier:

"Hey, doc, I ordered the goods our craftsdwarfs requested. Just thought you should know we are now being recognised as a county. The liaison was rather disparaging about my rooms though, said they did not 'project a suitably martial air'. Not quite sure what he meant by that, after all most of the nobles back home wouldn't know which end of the sword to hold. Still, I could do with another weapon rack and armour stand, just to keep up appearances, don't you know? Would you see to it? Oh, any progress with those bucklers?"

I assured him that the bucklers were being made and the I would look into another armour stand and weapon rack. Seems very reasonable really. Meng insists that shields are superior to bucklers, but it seems the Bar... sorry, Count, thinks otherwise. He certainly keeps ordering the things.

Must say I'm getting on surprisingly well with this new noble, he keeps telling us we need to make things (usually bucklers, crowns and spears), but they are fairly useful. He seems happy enough training with the fortress guard and has a few interesting ideas about a "Dwarfen Sauna".

258, 21st Moonstone

A coffin with an image of our first necromancer king. I wonder how this will go down with the King if he comes here, I think it would be perfect for his tomb.

Spoiler: Ikudesesh (click to show/hide)

258, 3rd Opal

A cloud of foul smoke once again drifted across the steppes. There is a Herd of wild horses in the same area. This could be interesting.

258, 10th Opal

A horse smoke fiend is dispatched by the military. It is tough but is no match for both melee squads.

Construction of the spiral ramp is under way. Sadly it will not be complete by the end of this year, but next year we should be able to welcome the Dwarfen caravan to the new Depot in style. The power plant channels and machinery rooms are dug out, gearing systems, waterwheels and floodgates are being installed. We will need to clear out the 2nd and 3rd cavern layers to connect to the water source and sink.

259, 24th Obsidian

A kobold thief has been spotted by the dogs at the entrance.

The cave in to destroy the forgotten beast Vucar Damidtarem is complete. The support is being hooked up to the artifact lever in the dining room. That can be pulled at the new year party..

Progress on the power plant is good. It is all dug out, floodgates and bridges to control water flow are in place and mechanisms, gears and axles are being installed.

Design of the weavers/clothesmakers areas is complete. Digging is now starting. The main problem is we are running out of hands to haul all the dug out stone out of the way with all the digging going on!

260, 1st Graniter

New year is here allready!

I'm getting a little concerned about the safety of our minecart system:

The artifact lever in the dining hall has been linked up to the support, perfect timing for the new year party.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #40 on: August 21, 2014, 05:28:42 am »

259, 1st Granite

Rhymed Mansion dining room

Once again the new year party is in full swing.

"Dwarfs! I ask for a moments silence to remember Rith, killed by a foul smoke husk, Iton and Sodel, killed by the forgotten beast Moldath last year."

"Progress on the main entrance is going well. Only 3 more levels need to be dug out and the ramps will be connected to the cavern."

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

"Access to the 1st and 2nd caverns is currently restricted until the forgotten beasts Vucar DamidTarem and Omethu Vaficeoma are dealt with."

"Now, if someone would just pull that lever!" Doc gestures to a lever at the end of the dining room.

The dining room shudders briefly.

"Well, One down, just Omethu to deal with now! With cavern access available again, we will be able to activate the power plant. With mechanical power we can build the Obsidian farm and complete the entrance ramps in the artificial lake! With power available many exciting new projects will be feasible!"

"Digging of the clothiers area is under way to, so no more tattered rags for us!"

"I've placed the plans on the noticeboard, along with the military roster."

Spoiler (click to show/hide)


I've created a summary of the current projects/constructions in the fortress in an attempt to remember all the things I'm intending to do.

Spoiler: List of projects (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #41 on: August 25, 2014, 04:12:52 am »

259, 5th granite

Another new year, another child taken by a mood.

259, 6th granite

And now the count is demanding we make another crown... Not sure what his obsession with them is.

259, 27th Granite

A cloud of foul smoke drifts by.
Only 2 layers of the spiral ramp remain to be dug out. We are so close!

259, 5th slate

The control room for the power plant has been built. The control levers are now being connected to the floodgates and bridges which will regulate water flow into the power plant.

259, 20th slate

Foul smoke drifts across the steppes.

259, 2nd Felsite

Tun Kasonul, the child in the fey mood went insane today. He attacked a war dog and was rapidly torn apart. It appears that, having selected items for his construction, he was unable to collect them, being confined by my instructions that children stay in the safe part of the fort. I find this death particularly hard as it was my own orders that caused it.

259, 15th Felsite

An elven caravan has arrived. Good job, we're running low on booze.

259, 18th Felsire

Another forgotten beast, this time in the bottom cavern layer. That makes 3 down there which will need clearing out.

Omethu, forgotten beast is trapped!

259, 1st Hematite

Summer is here. With Omethu trapped access to the upper 2 caverns is open again. I'm extending the main access stair down to the 3rd cavern and ordering the feed tunnels to the power station dug out.

259, 2nd Malachite

It's been assigned to Dobar. He will make good use of it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #42 on: September 02, 2014, 03:00:03 am »

259, 9th Galena

The Brass Bastions, stationed in the fortifications overlooking the site of the new (and not yet open) 3rd cavern entrance, spot the forgotten beast Assithi:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

259, 17th Galena

With one beast down, the miners breach the lower cavern. Marksdwarfs are allready in position on the fortified galleries overlooking the breach.

The next forgotten beast, Os, charges for the cavern breach and is taken down by a volley of bolts.

The third cavern entrance is turning into a forgotten beast graveyard.

The final forgotten beast in the cavern, Apa - The Mine of Fate is not taking the bait though, so the Watchful Gazes have been sent to find and flush it out.

Soon pieces of the beast are scattered around the cavern.

29th Galena

I order the source and sink sluice levers for the power plant pulled. Now we will see if this design works...

3rd limestone

Not a great success. The wheels seem unable to extract power from the water pouring through below them. It appears that there is not enough drainage from the system. I've made some changes to the plan to see if these will help.

259, 24th Sandstone

Right, power plant attempt no 2. Pull the lever!

259, 7th Timber

Damnit I'm a Doctor, not an Engineer! The new power plant seems to work fairly well, all the wheels produce power, but the water flow is tremendous, rapidly draining the lake on CL2. We really need power for the obsidian farm, so I've come up with a new, simpler design using the much bigger CL3 lake.

Rather than a single, large power plant, each pump stack will be fed by a small power system drawing water from one of the lakes. This can be easilly turned on and off as required.


Power plants with water flowing between levels are hard... The first design started working eventually, but rapidly flooded the lower cavern (and dropped the fort from 70+ to ~24 fps.) I changed the design to deposit water directly off the map edge, which stopped the cavern flooding problem, but still killed the fps and rapidly drained the lake on the mid cavern level.

In light of this, the new plan is to put in small plants of 1 or 2 water wheels, drawing from the cavern lakes and exhausting water off the map. Each pump stack/mill which requires power will have it's own dedicated power plant, so they can be quickly and easilly switched off via a floodgate (and preserve fps and water) when not required.

Thats the plan anyway. If it doesn't work it's either a wind farm or dwarfen power reactor!

All forgotten beasts have been killed except the one trapped in the cave-in room in the top cavern which I forgot (ironically).


  • Bay Watcher
  • War is a valid form of diplomacy.
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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #43 on: September 02, 2014, 03:50:36 am »

Was the Star Trek bit really needed? :P


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #44 on: September 06, 2014, 04:00:49 pm »

259, 11th Timber

The outpost liaison has arrived, along with this years caravan.

259, 21st Timber.

We are a Duchy.

Excellent trading, in return for masterfully prepared meals and crafts we have a few hundred tanned hides, plenty of alcohol (local production is worryingly low, must get a move on with moving food/alcohol production to the caverns), lignite, coal and (finally) a substantial amount of gypsum powder.

259, 3rd Moonstone

Winter. Some troglodytes were making a nuisance of themselves in the 2nd cavern, the Sculpted Rocks were despatched to deal with them.

259, 1st Opal

Tulon Degeliden, a Marksdwarf and part-time mason has claimed a masons workshop, and immediately collected a large gold nugget. Hopefully this will produce something suitably stunning...

259, 11th Opal

A cloud of foul smoke has drifted by.

Construction of the lower (melee) barracks around the entrance is now completed.
Spoiler: Lower Barracks (click to show/hide)

259, 23rd Opal

Marksdwarfs are stationed around the third cavern entrance waiting for the beast to make it's move.

259, 1st Obsidian

Urnot is refusing to approach the entrance to the 3rd cavern layer, instead preferring to swim around the lake near the old powerplant exhaust. I've asked the miners to dig out a Marksdwarf fortification overlooking that part of the lake. In the meantime we'll shut off access to that cavern.

Ah.. It helps if you connect up levers to the drawbridges if you want to do that...

Luckilly Urnot continues to swim around the lake whilst the mechanics work.

259, 10th Obsidian

Tulon Degeliden, the Marksdwarf/Mason in a mood went mad today. No one knows why, he had picked up a gold nugget and sat staring at it for months, perhaps still being on active duty was somehow preying on his mind? He charged out into the cavern and started loosing bolts into the Dwarfs around him, wounding a child, before Rith Bufutsazir, one of his squadmates, returns fire, killing him with 2 bolts.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I've evaluated the child's medical needs, a single crossbow bolt through the arm, chipping the bone and cutting a sensory nerve. He'll recover with only slight impairment.

259, 13th Obsidian

Vispol Mitecobras the Deeps of Robustness, we went up to the compound to take a look. I was surprised to see Dobar standing outside with a strange smile on his face. The rest of his squad tell me he just nodded to them, said "wait here" and casually wandered outside.

This should be interesting. Spotting Dobar, Vispol lets out a war-cry and charges at him, Dobar neatly sidesteps and with a swing of his axe takes off the Minotaurs foot. Dobar is on him in a moment, his axe, Rashgurstukon - "attack squashed", spraying blood in arcs as he removes both of Vispols legs before cutting the creature in half at the waist. Splattered in blood, Dobar walks back in, he looks disappointed...

Spoiler: Death of Vispol (click to show/hide)

259, 20th Obsidian

The new Marksdwarf fortifications are manned and ready. Next time Urnot hauls it's ugly body out of the water, it's in for a surprise.

259, 23rd Obsidiob

A kobold thief snuck into the fort. Unfortunately he decided to try to steel from the Wathcful Gazes barracks. This went about as well you would expect.

Spoiler: Oops! (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: ouch (click to show/hide)

Meanwhile in the caverns, Urnot keeps pulling himself out of the water, taking a bolt to one of his many limbs, then diving back in. At least it is good training and a morale boost for our Marksdwarfs, still upset over having to kill one of there own.


@Splint - I just couldn't resist.

It's the end of year 6. Power problems have put the obsidian farm and therefore the entrance way behind schedule. I'm hoping to put the new power design to the test, but there is a forgotten beast pincushion wandering about the lower caverns refusing to die.

I hope next year we will acutally see some goblins. Year 6 and no sign of a siege, I'm beginning to wonder where they are!
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