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Author Topic: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).  (Read 12091 times)


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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #15 on: July 23, 2014, 12:53:02 am »

Uh, quick question - what are you going to do about narration if Doc dies?


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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #16 on: July 23, 2014, 03:48:59 am »

I'm trying to make sure she doesn't, but then accidents do happen...

In terms of story, Meng and Dobar are aware of the original orders (I don't think this has come up in the narration yet) so they will pass on the Kings orders to whoever survives. A pov. character for narration is trickier as no one has really developed much personality yet... I'll have to work on that. Dobar (probably our best warrior at this point), is a possibility (he's cool, level headed and getting nicely dangerous), as is Nil (Smith/architect). Meng as I see it would be another candidate, but would also fight to the death to hang on to military command, (Mind you, given that she has a furious temper and is paranoid, having her in command of both military and civil sides of the fort could be entertaining).

It rather depends on the manner of her death (or permanent catatonia) and how much of the fort is left/who is still alive on who gets chosen as the new narrator and leader (I think it would be simpler to keep both the same dwarf).


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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #17 on: July 23, 2014, 05:45:38 am »

Journal of Doc

255 - 3rd Granite

Quite the party. I think my speech went down well, no ones complained at any rate. Just wish I could remember what I said. After the stockpile fiasco of last year I decided to go through our stocks rather more carefully and discovered a horrifying fact. We have only 2 months alcohol left!!! It appears we ran out of barrels some time ago and I didn't notice. Unfortunately wood is in short supply so I've told Este to get some glass blowing started. In order to do this I've also ordered cloth bags to store some sand.

255 - 5th Granite

Zav knocked on the door a few minutes ago. I'd assumed it would be to discuss my plans for the cavern, I was half right. She mentioned that in addition to things like blind cave ogres, the caverns are full of useful creatures which could be tamed. I'd not thought of it that way before but she's right. I'll definitely be finding a way to incorporate trapping some into our plans. Maybe a bit more practice though on less dangerous creatures before starting on the cave crocodiles?

Hmm, I must mention the use of Cave Crocodiles in warfare to Meng, I can almost see her turning cartwheels at the thought.

255 - 26th Granite

Migrants have been spotted! The promised migration wave has been spotted in the distance. Moments later:

It made terrifyingly short work of a wild camel before moving in the direction of our new citizens. I've ordered the Watchful Gazes to attack. Now we will see what their training was worth..

The Werelemur is distracted, tearing a camel apart when they arrive. To the relief of us all, Meng and Dobar take it down quickly, Dobar gets the first confirmed kill of the fort, bisecting it with a blow of his axe.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

With the excitement on the surface over, I wandered down to the dining room to meet our new dwarfs. A quick headcount revealed we now number 45 adults and 7 children. Looks like we got alcohol production started just in time.

They bring a surprisingly good set of skills, I've interviewed everyone and include a summary below:

A hammerdwarf and 2 speardwarfs (one of the speardwarfs is also a skilled metalsmith). A total of 6 hunters and Marksdwarfs. 2 Highly skilled animal trainers, a skilled furnace operator, a miner, a brewer and a weapon-smith. 2 Of the hunters appear to be crack shots. We also have a number of dwarfs with miner farming skills, however several appear to be in good shape, I've marked them down for future military recruitment.

I've set up 4 squads of 2 for sparring practice. I've also set up a squad of 5 marksdwarfs who will be focussing on crossbow practice.

255 - 3rd Felsite

I'd ordered a stockpile for blocks to be positioned in the caverns, in preperation for walling them off. Unfortunately I forgot to specify rocks only! This led to the near deadly incident described below, the situation being saved only by The Watchful Gazes and a random Gosling..

A steady stream of dwarfs was delivering charcoal bars to the new stockpile, when, from the darkness charges a blind cave ogre. Whilst the majority run back up the stairs to the safety of the barracks (getting in the way of the Watchful Gazes, who are on there way down in response to the commotion), several haulers run deeper in the cave. They are saved only by the action of a panicking Gosling, which distracts the Ogre, leading him on a chase around the rock pillars by the pool and giving the haulers time to escape up the stairs.

Meng and Dobar arrive to this unusual sight. Not pausing for a moment they charge. Dobar reaches the action first. The Ogres countercharge knocksing him over. Thinks might have gone badly for him but Meng launches a flurry of blows with her -iron short sword-, distracting the Ogre and giving Dobar time to recover. Now facing the 2 of them the Ogre is finally overwhelmed and Meng delivers the coup-de-grace. The Gosling escapes unharmed.

Spoiler: ogre fight (click to show/hide)

255 - 4th Felsite

During the battle with the Cave Ogre, barely anyone was paying attention to the cloud of dense purple smoke drifting through the Foul Steppes. Meng and Dobar have barely returned to sparring when a cry comes from near the entrance "What in Hell is THAT!!!" Flying over the wall is a creature which was once a vulture. Looks like our evil region has claimed it's first victim. The creature is flying around attacking everything it can see, so far it has claimed 3 other vultures, been flung into a wall by crossing a weapon trap and scared the pants of a couple of Masons working on the roof of the blockhouse overlooking the courtyard. I've sent Meng and Dobar to investigate (those 2 are keeping busy this year). But I have little hope they will be able to close with it. Incredibly they manage to catch it. It is concentrating on tearing to shreds a common Vulture when they attack. It takes horrific punishment to put it down. Meng reports both she and Dobar put weapons right through it's head, disembowelled it, severed it's spine and removed a number of limbs before finally Dobar got in a clean cut and bisected it. What damage might a larger creature infected by the strange purple smoke have done. In spite of it's terrible wounds it fought back, the 2 dwarfs remain unharmed only through their defensive skills.

I've increased the priority of the armour and weapons for our new military squads. Soon our military will number 12 out of 45 adults. I just hope this will be enough. This attack has also revealed our vulnerability to the flying undead menaces. We need to get everything down to the caverns.

255 - 13th Felsite

Etur, the miner of the original 7 has organised a party, to celebrate Meng and Dobars victories. Seems like a good opportunity to dedicate the new dining room as well.

Unfortunately I was to busy too attend as I was trying to calm down Tholtig, one of our new marksdwarfs who stormed into my office wearing only a helmet, leather high boots and a face like a thundercloud. It appears that at some point I assigned the military uniforms and forgot to check sufficient armour was available. I've given the crossbow squad permission to wear their normal cloths beneath (or indeed instead of) their uniform. He seemed a bit happier when he left.

255 - 18th Felsite

Elven merchants have come. Now some may condemn the elves as smug, cannibalistic, tree loving troublemakers. But I see no reason we cannot do business with them. In exchange for our fine stone and metalwork they sold us many planks of wood, a variety of seeds and plants, a selection of fine cloth, a wolf and an eagle. Perhaps they will in future bring some female animals, giving us breeding pairs.

A crundle crept into the cavern work-site and was quickly dispatched by the military. I've ordered some cage traps to be prepared, maybe we might catch some interesting beasts for Zav.

255 - 2nd Hematitie

Summer has arrived. I've checked our stocks again. Looks like the alcohol situation is improving:

I've noticed people also seem happier with the variety of food and drink. As we now have some outdoor seeds I think it is time to start an outdoor farm plot to improve variety still further.

Geshud plunged into the butchers shop earlier, grabbed some reindeer bone and claimed a workshop. I hope he produces something interesting.

An engraver/mason by the name of Vabok popped into my office to suggest what he described as a "hall of history". A room to commemerate the founding and history of our great fortress, with a new wall engraved at the beggining of each year. I have to say I find the idea intriguing, it needs a better name though.


Well, the spring certainly turned out exciting, a werelemur, a blind cave ogre and a red smoke vulture thrall all fell to the Watchfull Gazes. Also, we know what the red smoke in the evil region does. That vulture took a lot of punishment before it went down. Looks like the sparring regime has been succesfull though, for reference:

Meng: swordsdwarf-proficient, fighter-professional, dodger-competent, wrestler-novice, armor user-competent, shield user-talented.
Dobar: axedwarf-Adept,  fighter-expertl, dodger-competent, wrestler-novice, armor user-competent, shield user-proficient.

Meng is also now a skilled teacher.

I'll add the new dwarfs to the roster.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2014, 08:11:09 am by mounf »


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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #18 on: July 23, 2014, 08:12:49 am »

Zay's Journal, 18th Felsite

The elves are here! Self-riteyus twits they are, but they know their way around animals. And booze. Sweet, sweet Longland beer... But the main focus is the animals! I now have a wolf and an eagle, both male. No eagle egg stew for us yet, but we'll get their there. And honestlee wolves make far beter guards than dogs do.

Ive also been edje egu taking reading and riting lessons from Ral Gimthob in the last few munths. I never really needed to learn more than the basics back at Gleamtrades but now that I'm a part of future grateness I need to learn right fast.


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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #19 on: July 24, 2014, 07:59:31 am »

255 - 7th Hematite

This is a alpaca bone chain.  All craftsdwarfship is of the highest quality.  It is decorated with alpaca bone and reindeer bone. 

Maybe we can build a high quality prison with it? Geshud is now an master bone carver. The Duke did want high quality crafts, something suitably macabre perhaps. I wonder if there is any sort of animal he particularly likes? I feel an evil smile coming.

255 - 22nd Hematite

Aban Thobsarvesh paused briefly from producing masterwork quality beds to give birth to a boy. She immediately resumed work (now that's dedication to your craft).

255 - 6th Malachite

The second baby, a girl, is born to Ral Gimthob, Engraver.

Zasit Ishlummeng, one of the recently arrived immigrants (a great animal trainer as I recall) burst into my office today.

"You can't sell off these amulets to the Mountainhomes! It's just not on!" He holds up an, admittedly rather impressive, bone amulet as an example.

"Well, I confess that does look rather fine. But we really do need goods to trade so I don't think..."

"No, I forbid it."

I glare at him, "What, precisely, makes you think you are in a position to forbid anything?"

"As Mayor, Dwarf law permits me to require certain items be produced, or to forbid their export."

"Mayor??? Since when!"

"2 months ago. I sent you a memo."

"Ah." I look down guiltily at the growing pile of paperwork on my desk. "OK, well in that case I'll see to it that amulets are not exported. Good day."

"Oh, one other thing, as mayor, I'll need better quarters. Just a heads up old chap."

He wanders off, looking satisfied. Poor fellow must be bored with the lack of animals to be trained. Now we have more wood and access to the caverns I'm ordering more cage traps built.

255 - 20th Malachite

More migrants, 8 plus a child. I guess people still haven't heard about the eyeball plants yet.

2 more crossbow dwarfs, a great woodcutter, an adequate carpenter.  The rest can work as haulers for now.

255 - 16th Galena

A human caravan has arrived. I've sent goods to the depot for trade.

Rith has reported a creature captured in one of our traps. I go up to the blockhouse to take a look.

Well, well. It appears that we have caught a lone goblin. Either sneaking in to steal goods or our children. Meng has come up with us and stares for a moment at the goblin. "DOBAR, TO ME!" she yells, "MARKSDWARFS TO THE TOWER!".

I nearly jump out of my skin, I had no idea any dwarf could shout that loud. She turns to me.. "With all due respect Doc, this is a military situation, there may be more of them and your the only Doctor in the fort, so please get yourself somewhere safe NOW."

I hurry to do as she has asked. Once safely back behind the depot I tell all the other military dwarfs to assemble in the courtyard, I'm sure Meng and Dobar, covered by our Marksdwarves and supported by the human caravan guards can deal with any more thieves, but best to be safe.

"AMBUSH" yells a caravan guard. The guard stops and begins loosing arrows from his bow at the 4 goblin axemen rushing towards him. Frustratingly they are just outside the Marksdwarves range.

"COME ON", yells Meng, charging out with Dobar to the caravan guards assistance. There is a brief explosion of violence and then 4 dead goblins. The astonished guard can do little but thank the 2 dwarfs as she makes her way into the fort with the last wagon.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

In the excitement no one had noticed a second goblin thief get caught in another cage trap. I've restricted all civilians to the safe parts of the fort for now until Meng gives the all clear. As I stand by the entrance explaining why he can't go construct a cage trap to Dobar (no relation to our axe dwarf). A cry comes from the archers tower: "An ambush, curse them!" as a pike goblin triggers another cage trap. This time with no one outside the fort to worry about, Meng and Dobar hang back inside the gate, waiting for the Goblins, who, instead of charging, mill around their trapped leader, unsure of what to do.

"Dobar, Tholtig, Kol", Meng names the most experiences warriors, "with me, the rest of you hold here".

The 4 of them charge out at the waiting pike goblins. This time, the fight is harder. Tholtig is wounded, a wound to his shield hand causes him to drop his shield. He is then stabbed in the foot and drops to the ground, unable to stand. Meng takes a pike thrust to the lower back, luckily her mail shirt holds and she quickly deals with her attacker. The last of the goblins down, the 2 squads hold position over the wounded Tholtig.

It appears the fighting is over, so I order the civilians out to recover Tholtig and the trapped Goblins. Cursing myself for the lack of foresite I order the construction of a small hospital. Honestly, I have the gall to call myself a doctor and I don't even have a place to care for the wounded yet.

Trading with the humans was very satisfying for both parties, a variety of metal, bone and stone crafts were exchanged for much needed wood, cloth and leather. We also got a wide variety of seeds, above ground plants and some interesting new drinks to try.

255 - 1st Limestone

Autumn has come, bringing another goblin snatcher in a cage trap.

In the caverns the hospital is under construction (near the pool) along with stockpiles for buckets and soap, with the cavern region now safely walled off, a stairwell is built from the main corridor down to the caverns, the old entrance will be blocked up. The military are back to training now. Aother goblin thief bumps into Meng, it does not end well for him.

Tholtig has made it back into the fort, it appears his wounds are already healing well, so far no sign of infection, but I'll be getting soap production started for the future. I believe his wounds are likely to leave him with nothing worse than a slight limp.

The appearance of Goblins has given us all a renewed sense of purpose, they know we are here and will return in force. As I walk the halls of Rhymedmansion I see that everyone, for once, is busy..


I must admit the ambush came as a surprise, I'd not expected it till next year. Still, the military acquitted themselves well. Not quite unstoppable death machines yet, but I think at least a few will survive long enough to get there. The lack of a hospital (or any soap!) was a mistake which might have had deadly consequences, but that should be resolved soon. Thankfully the first injuries of the fort do not seem to serious. I'd put the cage traps down to capture animals for training, they also seem to work well as an early warning system.

The cavern section for the low fort is now mostly blocked off (apart from the bit with the pool, more work will be done on that soon, I'll be moving one of the squads down to explore the rest of the top cavern layer later in the year and clear out any nasties on the far side of the pool. I'm also looking at sites for our magma forges.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2014, 08:26:35 am by mounf »


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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #20 on: July 26, 2014, 04:18:09 pm »

255 - 24th Limestone

One of the children: Zefon Kastral has come of age. He has been handed a pick and told to go make his mark on the world.

255 - 5th Sandstone

Luckily it appears to be in the bottom cavern layer and (at least for now) no threat.

255 - 9th Sandstone

I've called Zefon to my office. There is an important but dangerous task to be performed....

Zefon approached the wall grimly. He knew the dwarfs had handed him this task as he was the youngest and therefore most expendable in the fortress. But this is his chance to show everyone what he is made of. He places his hand wall he is to dig out. The stone is hot to the touch. Grimly he hefts his pick and begins to dig out the wall, counting each strike. At the 58th blow the wall begins to bulge inwards, the stone is glowing and seems to be starting to flow. Blinking the sweet out of his eyes, he continues to cut into the wall.

Suddenly it seems to loose all cohesion, falling towards him as raw molten magma, he scrambles backwards up the slope watching the shimmering blood of the earth slowly fill the space he left behind and feels the satisfaction of a job well done. As he reaches the stairs he finds Doc and Meng waiting for him, along with Etur, the chief Miner.

"Not bad youngster", says Utur, handing him a strawberry wine.

Meng smiles a rare smile "Even managed to hold onto your pick."

"OK lad, party in the Dining Hall!"

13th Sandstone

More migrants, A miner/marksdwarf, 2 additional Marksdwarf, a brewer, a skilled Cook and a skilled weaver. 3 others (now haulers) and a child, bringing the population to 64 adults, 6 children and 3 babes.

255, 26th Sandstone

It has been seen across the lake from cavern plateau. The military are on the plateau in case it attacks. It seems, however, quite happy to sit there. I have discussed this creature with Meng, her opinion is that it would be safest if our Marksdwarfs could deal with it.

I order all the accessible paths from the lake blocked to prevent it getting in that way (thankfully it can't fly). Tension runs high as the creature swims through the lake, incredibly it ignores the dwarfs on the plateau, instead choosing to return and explore deeper into the cavern. With the walls in place we are safe. I send the miners and the masons out to create shooting gallerys around the cavern, determined to find and destroy it.

255, 10th Timber

A weregopher sneaks into our compound. Kills a kitten, turns into an amphibian man and runs away. I.... don't know what to say.

255, 12th Timber

The dwarfen caravan has arrived!

255, 14th Timber

Ineth Kikurist, gemcutter has been possesed.

A thief is spotted by the mayor, who charges the kobold, bowling it over. Astonished, it runs away. All dwarfs are ordered back behind the walls and the military is on alert.

255, 16th Timeber

2 goblin snatchers are caught in cage traps. A Marksgoblin ambush triggers another cage trap. The remaining Marksgoblins continue on to attack the fort. They are cut down at the entrance by the dwarfs in the archery tower.

We trade crafts and metal goods for a great deal of leather, timber and coal.

255, 24th Timber

Another ambush, this time of swordgoblins, led by a crossbow goblin. They have snuck into the very entranceway of the fort and are spotted from the archery tower. The Marksdwarfs on the tower loose their bolts. The 2 squads in the courtyard, The Sculpted Rocks and The Laborious Bridges, charge. The goblins go down quickly. Tholtig, wounded in the last attack does not give the goblin he faces a chance to swing it's weapon this time:

255, 1st Moonstone

Winter is upon us. The goblin attacks seem to have ceased. I send the military back to training. Just as they turn there backs a cry goes up from the dwarfs around the gate "Thief!" I almost feel sorry for those to Kobolds, finding themselves turning a corner just to arrive in the middle of 2 squads of the fort military. They do not have long to regret it at least.

255, 4th Moonstone

The forgotten beast Nolthag is no more! It was spotted from a gallery overlooking the cavern, to be honest, I'm almost dissapointed how quickly it was over:


I really was surprised how quickly that giant spider forgotten beast went down, I'd thought I would have to fill it with bolts to take it down, all it took was 2 shots though. I suspect in melee it still would have killed most of the fort.

2 ambushes in the second year, could be the dwarfs are living in interesting times.



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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #21 on: July 27, 2014, 02:47:12 pm »

255, 10th moonstone

The magma forges will soon be ready. Deep beneath the lower cavern layer, they await only the installation of iron floodgates. I just hope the crafts will keep the nobles back home happy. Our new mayor proved surprisingly adept at keeping the liaison happy and well away from the work in the caverns. I hope the Duke still remains oblivious to what we are doing here, my fear is as we continue to survive in spite of goblin attacks he will become suspicious and start sending spies with the migrants, if he has not all-ready done so. Oh, that's a cheery thought.

Solon came to report on the trading, seems he struck an excellent deal as always, at the end he handed me a letter, said it was given to him along with others for Meng and Dobar by one of the caravan guards.

Doctor Inod (or her successor).

It has taken some time to insert a dwarf I know to be trustworthy into the caravan guard. Send any messages to me through him.

You may be interested to know that the liaisons report to the council last year seamed to please the Duke. Well done. I trust however that the report does in fact not reflect the true state of my new fortress.

Our patrols report that the usual harassment of our halls by Goblins has cut back sharply. We do not know why yet, but I fear war will come soon. Prepare yourselves.

I expect a full and accurate report on the state of Rhymedmansion by return.

His Majesty, King Staketyphoon, by the grace of Ingish Freshbuds, ruler of The Earth Of Temples.

The caravan has left, taking with it a letter from me (along, I suspect, with one or 2 others).

256, 11th moonstone

Solon has given birth to a boy! I rush to congratulate her. In all honesty I had not realised she was pregnant.

As I take a walk around the courtyard I notice that our animal stockpile is rather full. In addition to the five pigs (mmmm bacon) we bought from the caravan, we have 10 Goblin prisoners (not sure what to do with them). 2 Male and one female ostrich (I suspect Zev is going to be pleased), 3 female camels and 2 female Buzzards. Right, new animal training zone clearly required.

256, 26th, moonstone

Another forgotten beast, this time in the second cavern layer... I'm not sure where they keep coming from.

This is a concern, there is a passageway from the second to the first layers, if we open a way into the fort it will sense it and come for us. Meng believes we can use this to tempt it into a Marksdwarf ambush. I just hope she is right.

256, 12th obsidian

Zev tells me he has learnt a few things from training our ostriches.

Dobar is now being called "Dobar Nefakavuz Kanmorul" - "Dobar Fancymine the Taupe Page", apparently he chose the name himself. His skill with the axe is described by Meng as 'Legendary'.

Finally, some great news from the depths, the magma forges are in operation! I've ordered a job lot of iron to be made. It's time to start training the smiths.

Spoiler: Magma Forges (click to show/hide)



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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #22 on: July 27, 2014, 04:42:25 pm »

PTW. Not bad mounf, not bad at all! Oh, and just to give you some shit, it's foresight, not for-site, though maybe the narrator is just a bad speller. :P


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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #23 on: July 29, 2014, 08:24:47 am »

256, 19th Granite

The Forgotten beast Camaba is dead, cause of death, multiple crossbow bolts through just about everything. The ambush worked.

Migrants! a total of 21 Adults, 2 children and a baby, wow, we need more living quarters:

On the military side, 2 Axedwarfs (one of them also an Armoursmith/Mason), a Hammerdwarf (also a great Farmer) and a Great Lasher (interesting, we need a whip). Also a Marksdwarf Leatherworker and a Marksdwarf/Animal Trainer.

On the civilian side, a great engraver. A Mechanic/Weaponsmith, a highly skilled Blacksmith/Weaponsmith, another great Mechanic and an Armoursmith. I can honestly say I've never heard of such a useful group. Finally, we also have 2 junior medics, a Suterer/Wound Dresser and a Bone Setter/Wound Dresser. Soon we will have a properly set up and staffed hospital, before I do this though, I know it is time to hand over book keeping and management to better suited dwarfs, I order suitable offices constructed in the cavern fort.

Spoiler: New clerks offices (click to show/hide)

256, 3rd slate

With all the forgotten beasts in the top 2 layers dead, I order the drawbridge to the North of the cavern pond opened. It is time to claim that section as well. As a first step, I have ordered the terracing of several slopes and the construction of walls. A little more work will be required, but soon we will have another safe area to work in. To complete the walls we will need a lot more rock blocks. Time to move the masons workshops to the caverns

For workplace safety I have moved the Watchful Gazes to the new barracks in the first cavern, there they are in position to respond to any attacks.

256, 11th of slate

A Giant Toad is chasing a hauler around the cavern! Meng responds instantly, Dobar is further away and a little slower to get there. Still, the onlookers have no doubt Meng can easily deal with this. They are surprised therefore to see her crawling away moments later, her leg pouring blood. Witnesses state: "Well, she, err, decided to take it on without a shield or weapon and tried to punch it to death instead", obviously I need to have words with her, after I've finished stitching her up.

Dobar arrives moments later and quickly destroys the vile creature, disabling it quickly and then decapitating it in fine style as if to say, "Look, Meng, this is what happens when I REMEMBER MY DAMNED WEAPON!!!"

Damn it. Barely has Meng been brought to the hospital, accompanied by a concerned Dobar, than a cry goes up from across the Cavern "ARGGGH! Giant Olm!!! Run!".

"I've got this", says Dobar, picking up his axe and heading out of the room. He's back not long after, "OK, dealt with.".

No bones are broken, but Mengs' upper and lower right leg are a mass of lacerations and several nerves appear severed. I fear she may not be able to use that leg again.

256, 14th Slate

Adil Ekirvutok, just wandered by, muttering about bones. Great, another useless bone artifact to clutter up the place.

256, 25th Slate

Ooh! Behold Ebbusok, "The Trite Voice", a Bone Warhammer! Not sure how useful that is, but as we now have a hammer lord, perhaps he'll be willing to give it a try.

256, 12th Felsite

Elves have arrived to trade. Suitable goods have been transferred to the depot.

256, 19th Felsite

The mayor interrupted a kobold thief as it tried to sneak into the fort. It stabbed him in the leg as it ran. Luckily the wound seems fairly minor.

256, 1st Hematite

A good trade with the elves, over 100 planks of wood and a great deal of cloth in return for 2 bronze minecarts and a few iron weapons.

Meng has returned to training. She is still unable to walk properly on her wounded leg, but seems determined to learn to wield crutch, sword and shield all together.

256, 6th Malachite

Tragedy strikes, one of the babies of the fort has been found dead, drained of blood. It would appear we have a vampire among us:

I've moved Momuz Amoststizash into place as  our new manager and Dastot Listlokum as book-keeper. Both seem far better suited to the tasks than I ever was. Now I will be able to concentrate on medicine and the increasing load of designing the fortress. Given the presence of a vampire I think I had better start thinking about appointing a captain of the guard.


Thanks Splint. Error corrected.

Mengs injury was unexpected, I think this was due to her being off duty at the time and leaving her weapon and shield lying around somewhere. as she was near the creature when I ordered her squad to attack it, she immediately went for it without going to pick up equipment. Looks like we got additional doctors just in time.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2014, 08:29:20 am by mounf »


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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #24 on: July 29, 2014, 02:05:32 pm »

Methinks some background checks are in order...


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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #25 on: July 30, 2014, 10:03:47 am »

256, 22nd Malachaite

Migrants have arrived.

Another useful group of dwarfs, 2 skilled Marksdwarfs, another Bonesetter/nurse, a Great brewer. a furnace operator, a Weaponsmith, a Blacksmith and a great mechanic. 10 dwarfs, bringing with them a child and 3 babies, a total of 123 dwarfs (including minors).

I've started to notice a large number of dwarfs are sitting around idle now, it is also about time we started expanding the military. I've announced that any who wish may join a training squad. We now have enough dwarfs for 2 marksdwarf squads of 5. I'll also set up some better assignments for our melee dwarfs, Meng and another good trainer will head up 2 training squads. It will be up to them to turn our new recruits into Dwarfen death machines. Remaining weapon-masters will be organized as the core of our military, those who are skilled but not yet legendary will continue to train in 2 man squads. One of the 2 marksdwarf squads will also take the position of fortress guard.

256, 27th Malachite.

Our miners have begun digging out the hall of memories. Each season a 12x2 urist block of marble will be engraved, telling the story of this fortress. This will also form the centrepiece of the necropolis. I've placed all this in what appears to be a good thick layer of marble. In anticipation of this being dug out, I've ordered production of pig iron to commence. I have ordered Vabek and Ablel, our most skilled engravers, to finish engraving the walls of the dining hall.

256, 8th Galena.

Apparently Ustuth Koganes, one of our bone carvers has locked himself in the craft workshop, muttering, "yes, yes, that is how it shall be". I guess we are due another bone artefact. You'd think with all the Masons and smiths around here, people would build something out of a material which is NOT bone.

256, 18th Galena.

A human caravan has arrived. I'd best get Solon to pick out some suitable trade goods.

256, 19th Galena.

Ustuth, burst into my office brandishing a shortsword, the likes of which I had never seen before. "Behold! Agsethkokeb Sebshosodur! Achedwelled the Mired Roots", He exclaims.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
I have to admit, it is rather nice, made from the bones of the Giant Toad which crippled our military leader too. It seems appropriate somehow.

Meng bursts in moments later, "Goblin snatchers in the traps!", she snaps.

We rush to the surface as the military assembles to see Kib Regsefol, one of our recent immigrants, wandering unconcernedly towards the stream with a fishing pole. Before anyone can shout a warning, he is surrounded by a squad of Macegoblins, led by a Swordsdwarf, who have sprung from hiding in the featureless desert! Our military charges out but he is brutally beaten to death moments before they can arrive. 6 heavily armed dwarfs avenge him moments later. Tholtig demonstrates once again how much he has learned since his injury, engaging and demolishing the enemy Swordsdwarf and 2 Goblins with great efficiency.

Spoiler: Tholtigs combat report (click to show/hide)

I've ordered all dwarfs to stay inside for now, whilst we wait in case of further ambushes.

Another ambush, lashers led by an elite crossbow goblin. They are revealed as the crossbow goblin looses a bolt into the leg of a human caravan guard. Tholtig leads the charge of the Sculpted Rocks and the Laborious Bridges, they quickly dispatch the lashers and help the wounded guard deal with his attacker.

South east, at the gates of the compound another ambush of hammergoblins jump out of hiding to attack one of the wagons. This turns out to be a tactical error.

The Turquoise Punches and The Problematic Doors, in reserve just inside the gates, charge out to finish the hammergoblins. They spot a squad of bowgoblins to the south, but they are allready running.

All squads pull back to cover the last wagon as it makes it's way into the fort.
Spoiler: aftermath (click to show/hide)

256, 25th Galena

The battle over, Nil, one of our expert smiths decides to throw a party for the victors.

Meng has presented her 'suggestions' for re-organizing the military to face the increasing Goblin threat, as follows:

The watchful Gazes
This will be one of the 2 professional melee squads:

Led by: Meng Roldethkikrost (swordmaster)
Kol Sakrithastesh Etomgomom Rul (Kol BlazedCudgels the Innocent Dourness of Muting - Hammer Lord)
Bomrek Lilarstakud (Spearmaster)
Udil Endokokol (Lasher)

The sculpted Rocks
The Second melee squad:

Led by: Dobar Nefekavus Kanmorul (Dobar Fancymine the Taupe Page - Axe Lord)
Tholtig Thukkannokim Gusilnunar Edol (Tholtig Amberochre the Copper Crevice of Weathering - Hammer Lord)
Zon Eshtansebsur Ngumrash Edol (Zon Smithvales the Sickness of Insights - Spear Master)
Doran Alanththimshur (Hammer dwarf).

The Problematic doors
Melee sparring, Sazir Thikutthalal and Urvad Zimaban, both novice axe dwarves.

The Crazed Pillars
Axe sparring Squad, Udib Godenneth and Dobar Akrulecem, both with no military experience.

The Fenced Humility
Sword sparring squad, Stinthad Ducimodshith and Dakost Itonenkos, both with no military experience.

The Brass Bastions - Fortress guard
Crossbow squad.
Led Bukentamost, Risen Tanid, Deler Duralsazir, Alath Limulalek and Kogan Degelluzat.

The Mechanical Pulleys
Crossbow squad.
Rith Bufutsazir, Tholtig Tusungmurol, Tulon Degeliden, Nil Nishrungak, Inod Robekatis.

She has included a number of new volunteers in sparring squads and suggests that as skills improve and we can add more dwarfs to the elite squads a proper training regime under established weapon-masters be set up, however, that is a task for a year or 2 down the line.

I've called Alath Limlilak to my office, he is now captain of the guard, it will be his job to hunt down the Vampire who lives amongst us.

The new giant frog bone short sword has been assigned to Meng, it seems appropriate that she should wield an artefact weapon made from the bones of the creature which wounded her.


All our professional melee and crossbow squads are now active and training. The sparring squads are awaiting suitable barracks. I plan to set up proper training squads once we have enough elite warriors to maintain a strong military with a few spare to lead training squads.

The professional melee squads are in full iron plate armour, The training and crossbow squads have an iron mailshirt and helm, leather gloves, high boots and leggings. Weapons are still iron, however the first steel bars should be available soon. I plan to concentrate on producing steel weapons first whilst our armoursmiths continue to train up with iron.

We now have plenty of tame camels and ostriches, time for Zay to start the ostrich farming! I'll also start placing traps in the top cavern.

The Goblins seem to be getting frisky.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2014, 10:08:24 am by mounf »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #26 on: July 30, 2014, 10:13:35 am »

Frisky goblins are good for business if the job is fighting. And you may want to have a coffin/slab made, just in case the swordsdwarf decides he doesn't wanna stay down. If my memory is right, player creatures may still come back to haunt the fortress even if they were enemies.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #27 on: July 30, 2014, 10:16:54 am »

Zay's Journal, 27th Galena

Ostriches! So many ostriches! Huge eggs, lots of meat, excelent all round. And we have camels too. I don't think Ive ever had camel cheese before. Ostrich egg biscuits with minced camel cheese sounds tasty, though. Need to pass that on to the farmers, get some cheese producktion going. Bet itd go well with plump helmet wine. Ooh, speaking of helmets, I wonder if I'll ever get a helmet snake to train. The young ones arent very big but I've seen them grow to the size of six adult dwarves laying end to end. Awful bite on them too, so they'd be good goblin repelant if nothing else.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #28 on: July 31, 2014, 03:22:37 pm »

256: 8th limestone

A cloud of foul smoke is drifting through the Foul Steppes, first time we've seen that for a while. Luckily there is nothing in the area.

256: 19th Limestone

More foul smoke. Erm, has anyone told the merchants to keep out of it?

256: 22nd Limestone

A pet dog was caught in the purple smoke. Now opposed to life it turned and charged towards Meng who was just coming out of the compound gate, armed only with her crutch and unarmoured. It latches onto her leg briefly but she shakes it off and begins beating it with her crutch. The rest of her squad and the sculpted rocks join her and slowly cut the fiend to pieces. The kill belongs to Zon who decapitates the fiend with her spear.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

It appears that the only thing that could stop this dog was complete bisection. Looks like we should aim to train up more axe dwarfs if these sort of attacks are going to continue. Must remember to discuss it with Meng once I have finished sowing up her leg.

256: 26th Limestone

It appears someone did tell the merchants about the dangers of the Northern steppes. They sensibly head off to the south.

Coming past them the other way, Dwarfs were spotted. Only 6 this time. Maybe the word about Goblin ambushes and evil eyeball plants (not to mention occasional smoke storms turning everyone they touch into unliving abominations) is getting out. Nonetheless,  new dwarfs have come to join us, including an Axedwarf and a Swordsdwarf, they have been added to training squads.

256: 10th Sandstone

A strange beast has been spotted in the caverns. It seems to periodically give of bursts of dust and worryingly it can fly. I'm told by Solon that the beasts noxious dust could be extremely deadly and could injure or kill Marksdwarfs even behind our fortifications. A melee attack would also seem to be suicidal. Hmmm.. We need a plan. In the meantime in case it heads round the north of the cavern, where it could fly over the incomplete walls I've ordered the masons to expedite the wall building. I've also prepared a plan to evacuate the caverns if needed.

256, 3rd Timber

Buzzards are apparently terrorizing dwarfs in the surface compound. I've asked everyone to try to ignore them....

Our first batch of steel weapons are complete, we also have over 80 steel bars.

256, 18th timber

Merchants (and the liaison) have been spotted. I order our best crafts and statues to the trade depot. I think 2 of them in particular will amuse the Duke:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I can't help wondering if our rock crafters are not happy with me...

256, 21st Timber

In the middle of arming the forgotten beast trap, Edzul Othilral, our best mechanic suddenly storms off and claims our only mechanics workshop. This should be interesting.

In spite of the fear of the forgotten beast in the caverns, one of our dwarfs has organised a party. Any excuse for a drink I suppose.

258, 24th Timber

The forgotten beast trap is ready. Time to see if it works..... Vucar has already overflown the Northern works. Luckily with everyone recalled to the south of the cavern and the access drawbridge sealed, he flew off again without anyone being harmed. Now he is searching the caves to the east. Perfect. I order the miners to cut through the trap corridor into the cavern.

Vucar is casting around to the east of the caverns, looking for targets for his deadly dust. He suddenly twists in mid-air. Some strange sense has revealed a path to the dwarfs he detests suddenly open. With a belch he drops to the ground and slithers towards it. The sense of dwarf suddenly dissipates, cut off by rock. Disappointed he rushes on with an angry croak, through a rough tunnel into a room. On the far side is a drawbridge, recently closed. In the dim room he sees furniture, a storeroom? It matters not, with glee he hurls himself at the dwarfs creations, twisting round them and crushing them to dust with his immense strength. There is a sense of movement behind him. He turns to see a rock bridge has risen near soundlessly, blocking the way out. He throws himself at it, but it is unyielding. Vucar, dread beast, is trapped, belching and criaking imptently. At the mercy of the dwarfs.

I headed up towards the mechanics workshop and clapped Edzul on the back, "Great job! Those bridges worked flawlessly!"

Edzul grabbed me by the front of the shirt and stared blankly at me for a moment, "Gems, need GEms, and LEaTher, and meTaL, more Metal, And SilK." He runs off to the stockpiles.

Right, strange mood. Sounds like whatever he makes is going to be impressive.

258, 22nd Timber

The merchants are safely in the trade depot. The military was on standby but no sign of goblins.
256, 1st moonstone

Winter has arrived, the merchants seem happy with the trade, fine quality crafts for wood, fuel, some gypsum powder (finally!), some dye and almost 80 planks of wood. I think this years supply of crafts should keep the nobles back home happy. As usual, I've asked the Mayor to keep the new liaison distracted and out of the caverns. All in all it's been a good autumn. One forgotten beast trapped. A cave in should deal with that.

With the forgotten beast and trading out of the way it is time to start thinking about what industries should be moved to the cavern next and where they should go.


That forgotten beast gave me a real scare. I guess I shouldn't have put the sealing off of the cavern fort back to such a low priority. Luckily, in spite of flying over the worksite (all the dwarfs had been pulled out of it just before this). It didn't see anything worth attacking until the room was ready to trap it. I'll get round to dropping a large block of stone on it sometime.

@splint - They do, that's happened to me in the past. I've got a few spare tombs set up though, so the goblin/dwarf was buried in one of them.

@zaerosz - We now have about a dozen tamed ostriches, I'm going to set up an area for them to start laying eggs. I'm having to slaughter a lot of our tamed animals at the moment as the cage traps are proving a bit too effective. No helmet snakes seen so far yet, but we have another eagle (only normal sized sadly).


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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #29 on: August 05, 2014, 03:19:05 am »

Doctor Inod.

I am impressed by the progress you report. The quality of the goods you are sending back is pleasing the greedier amongst the nobles, whilst those who support me are pleased by the reports of the fate of the Goblins probing attacks on your fortress. I am also delighted to state that the Duke is not happy with your continued existence.

Unfortunately, due to your growing wealth, Rhymedmansion will be made a Barony next year. The nobility will therefore be sending you a suitable Count in the near future, this will make it effectively impossible to continue to hide the true wealth and power of your fort.

My scouts report that Goblin forces are massing. It is likely you will soon find yourself under attack. Be prepared.

Morul Staketyphoon, by the grace of Ingish Freshbuds, King of The Earth Of Temples.

I guess it's time for the old fort to be shut down and the cavern fort to be improved then.

256, 6th Moonstone 

Damn It! The vampire strikes again, Urvad Zimaban, an aspiring Axedwarf, has been found dead, drained of blood. I've asked Alath to step up his investigation.

256, 7th moonstone

Very nice:

256, 27th Moonstone

I've been taking stock of the remaining areas of the upper fort. We will need to move the following down to the caverns.

Woodworking workshops.
Mechanics workshop/stockpiles.
Craftsdwarfs workshops.
Food Industry.
Main Stockpile.
Military barracks.

Finally, we will need to move the depot to the caverns. This will require a new grand entrance to the fort. I have spent some time looking into the possible areas this can run through.

For now, I've handed plans for the wood industrial hall to the miners. Digging the artificial lake which will be required to cover and hide the main entrance pathway should help train up our newer miners quickly.

256, 2nd obsidian

We've completed a minecart track to make moving marble to the flux stockpile quicker, this will free up more haulers to make cleaning up building sites a lot quicker. Excavation and smoothing of the woodworking hall continues. Etur estimates 3 months till it is ready.

256, 28th Obsidian

Steel weapon forging is complete. We have 10 steel short swords, 10 spears and 10 battleaxes of varying qualities. Production of another 4 sets of full iron armour is also complete. I've ordered all of our remaining fuel be used for steel bar production. It's been a quiet year, no sign of the expected goblin siege. Time to get ready for the new year party.


It really has been a quiet year apart from the drama with the forgotten beast at the start. I think I will probably randomly select a dwarf from a future migration wave as noble and try to fit his personality into the background story.

I'm hoping we will be in a position to abandon and close down the old fort by the end of the next year. The entrance hall project is however fairly ambitious, so it may take a little longer than this.

Think I finaly got minecart tracks and ramps working, marble seems to be delivered to the flux stockpile much more efficiently now.
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