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Author Topic: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).  (Read 12088 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« on: July 18, 2014, 04:40:31 pm »

253 - Opal 17: GleamTrades, Mountain home of the Earth of Temples.

A young dwarf is about to discover to be careful what she says and that certain nobles have ears everywhere...

Spoiler: Meeting the King (click to show/hide)

Diary of 'Doc' Inod Oslanishon

253 - 1st, Obsidian.

Well, I guess that'll teach me to keep my mouth shut. It appears that my comments last season over the stupidity of certain nobles involved in the hospital rebuild were overheard. Now I find myself personally picked by the Duke to lead an expedition to colonise one of the nastiest bits of real estate I've seen. The Kings instructions came just in time, as I was summoned to the Duke of Gleamtrades 2 days later. I pretended to be shocked, surprised and horrified by his (very smug) announcement and it appears he bought it. Of course, quite a lot of that reaction was genuine so no tribute to my acting skills. From the tone of the interview it seems the "fail in such a miserable way no one will want to even try to do this again" faction is now dominant. I could almost hear his glee at the thought of announcing my coming, untimely, painful, death by Goblin.

253 - 6th, Obsidian.

Success! Turns out there are plenty of people looking for the opportunity to get away from the stultifying influence of the mountain homes. Several candidates quickly changed their minds when I showed them the destination however. They obviously didn't like the thought of a parched desert in spitting distance of our ancient foes. Still, I think I have selected a good team. I myself will lead the expedition and act as chief medical dwarf.

We have 2 inexperienced but keen warriors -

Dobar Nefekavuz is an axedwarf, he seems like a determined sort. He also says he can cook, which could come in handy if no one better turns up.
Meng Roldethkikrost is a swordsdwarf, she was recommended by Cog as having great leadership potential, looks like she is going to be in charge of the military for a while. I get the idea it would be best to stay on her good side though, she also seems a little paranoid.

A miner, Etur Udeshkadol, has also dabbled in a few other crafts. No doubt he will be a great asset.

Nil Zonbelal will be our smith, she is a skilled armour smith. She also has some experience negotiating with merchants.

Zay Konosakur is our farmer/brewer/animal trainer.

Este Aserar is a glass maker and dabbling mechanic, she has also seems interest in architecture.

Out Of Character:
Welcome all! Rhymedmanison is my first attempt at a community fort. It is also my first attempt at an embark near an evil biome. My intent is to build most of the fort around the cavern layers and magma see, with limited surface penetration (perhaps just a few skylights and the entryway). I have a few vague ideas of fort layout, but only a few firm ideas so far. I intend my journal entries to be mainly from Inod's point of view, with a few other (non-fort) characters as well.

Contributions/journal entries are welcome, please feel free to take a dwarf for yourself! I'll try to keep a list of those available at the start of this thread. If your dwarf has aspirations away from there starting skills, let me know and I'll try to accommodate it in the story.

The starting six bring a fairly broad set of skills, I'm intending the defence of the fort to be primarily it's military with limited use of traps. Architectural traps on the other hand will be encouraged :D

If you would like to claim a dwarf, please post to let me know and provide a nickname. If you have time a short explanation of why your dwarf joined the expedition and there goals and motivations (along with any pet hates/emotional tiks!) would be extremely useful.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2014, 02:18:28 am by mounf »


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Re: Gleamtrades (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2014, 05:13:23 pm »

Would I be able to claim Iton, perchance? Or should I wait until the first migrant wave?


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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2014, 05:27:57 pm »

Dwarf Roster

Starting 7

'Doc' Inod Oslanishen
My point of view character and leader of the fort.

Skills: Novice swordsdwarf, Adequate Shield User, Adequate Armour User, Adequate Dodger, Competent Teacher.

Skills: Adequate Axedwarf, Skilled Shield User, Adequate Armor user, Novice Dodger, Novice Cook.

Skills: Proficient Miner, Adequate Carpenter, Competent Mason.

Skills: Proficient Armoursmith, Adequate Metalsmith, Adequate Mason, Novice Appraiser.

Skills: Competent Grower, Competent Animal Trainer, Adequate Brewer, Adequate Leatherworker.
Claimed as Zay by Zaerosz

Skills: Proficient Glassmaker, Adequate Mechanic, Adequate Mason.
Claimed as Este by Snackfox

Wave 1 - Summer 254:
  Ineth Kirurist (M)- Blacksmith
  Ral Gimthob (F)- Novice engraver
  Reg Arzeslikot (M)- Farmer
  Solon Gikutedem (F)- Novice engraver/kickass Broker
  Zan Sazirmegid (M)- Miner
Wave 2 - Autumn 254:
  Aban Thobsarcesh (F) - Carpenter/Crossbow maker
  Dastot Listlokum (M) - Clerk
  Kol Sakrothastesh (F) - Crossbowdwarf/hunter
  Tholtig Thukkannokim (M) - Crossbowdwarf/Gemcutter
  Unib Dastotbal (F) - Cook
  Vabok Cuborudib (M) - Mason/engraver
  Zasit Mokezablel (F) - Miner

Wave 3 - Spring 255

Spoiler: unclaimed (click to show/hide)

Starting materials

I've started out with a raw materials type build, plenty of coal and wood, a few basic metal ores. Basic food, alcohol and seed supplies. 3 picks (I'm drafting the military dwarfs as miners for the first few months) and weapons for our 2 warriors. With us are a few gease and ducks, a breeding pair of cats and 5 untrained dogs.


I've added the starting map to the map archive. Yearly maps will be posted here:
« Last Edit: July 23, 2014, 06:40:53 am by mounf »


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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2014, 05:34:09 pm »

Can I claim the glassmaker? Call her Este.


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Re: Gleamtrades (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2014, 05:37:22 pm »

Would I be able to claim Iton, perchance? Or should I wait until the first migrant wave?

Iton is yours! Do you want to assign her a Nickname?

Welcome to Rhymedmansion. Please note the change of thread name, I'd accidently named it after the Kingdoms capital rather than the fort...

If you have time please provide a short introduction to why your dwarf is a member of the fort and their drives and interests.


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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #5 on: July 18, 2014, 05:47:45 pm »

Hm... let's call her Zay. As for why she's there, "She is put off by authority and tradition" and she's always wanted to get the chance to work with desert animals.


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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #6 on: July 19, 2014, 02:19:10 am »

Reserved in case an index is needed!


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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #7 on: July 19, 2014, 03:04:20 am »

The scene: Year 254, 1st Granite.

Spoiler: Admiring the view (click to show/hide)

The wagon rolls to a halt on the edge of a hill. Seven dwarfs stare around it. Shading their eyes against the glare of the sun, they cluster around the leader.

"Well, this seems to be the place all-right", says Iden, "look, that must be the stream Planetime", she points to a thin ribbon of water, pathetically winding across the desert in the distance.
"Are you sure?", Zay looks dubious, "THATS not on the map", she gestures at the unpleasant, rolling purple and red landscape to the North, "according to this The Disusting Steppes are way to the North!".

Iden sighs and crumples, "This map is at least 200 years old, I guess the landscapes changed in that time. I suspect the Duke new about this though when he gave me the directions, the bastard. Anyway, the animals are exhausted and we haven't got any more fodder for them in any case. So here it is then."
The other dwarfs except Meng at her, then look back out across the blasted, unhealthy lands. Meng is still glaring at the slimy, twisted mockery of plants growing on the steppes.

"Meng, is something bothering you?"

She points at some evil looking plants to the north. "I swear those plants are staring at me...."

"Okaay... Well, by order of the Duke of Gleamtrades, I name this fortress 'Rhymemansion'"


"Told you the Duke was a bastard."

Journal of Doctor Iden Oslanishen: 254, 1st Granite.

Well we have arrived. The place does look unpleasant. The more I think about it the more certain I am that the cartographic 'error' which put us right next to The Disgusting Steppes was nothing of the sort, I suspect the Dukes influence. He certainly looked smug when he gave me the directions (mind you, I've never seen him not look smug). I think we will all feel better once we get properly established underground. The land around us looks unpleasant, but so far we have not seen a single living creature other than ourselves and our livestock. Our orders from the King are firm, dig in, survive and build.

First order of business is to secure storage space underground for our kit and some basic workshops whilst we get ourselves established in a temporary dwelling. The thin dessert sand layer should prove a boon for this.

Journal of 'Doc' Oslanishen: 254, 5th Granite

Digging into the side of the hill, then down into the sandy ground our miners have hollowed out temporary storage space for the most important items from the cart.

Spoiler: Humble beginings (click to show/hide)

254, 10th Granite

We have struck both Hematite and Magnetite, 2 ores of iron found in as many days! We have also started digging into rock. This part of the fortress may be only a temporary home, but that is no reason it cannot be comfortable. I have ordered our miners to begin digging out a 3 level corridor, with catwalks on each level, this should allow us to build an easy to navigate starting area. To keep the Duke happy I plan to keep the above surface fortifications relatively simple and most of our below ground construction will remain rough and un-smoothed for now.

A flock of large, flightless birds have been sighted across the stream. I am told by Zay that they are called "Ostriches". Perhaps a hunter or 2 will choose to immigrate here... They are fast on there feet but seem fairly harmless. So far, they and 1-humped camels are all we have seen so far. Zay is hopefully watching the horizon, I think she's hoping for something more interesting to turn up. Whilst we wait I've set her to training up the dogs we brought with us for war.

Turns out Meng was not imagining things, some of the corrupted plants round here have large meaty Eyeballs... Those things are freaking us all out, Meng most of all. Bad enough when she thought we were all watching her, now the land is doing it too...

254, 13th Slate

A cloud of foul purple smoke is drifting across the Disgusting Steppes. As a precaution I have ordered everyone inside.

254, 27th Slate

The poor draft animals which hauled the wagon out here were starving, given we now have a butchers workshop, Zay slaughtered and butchered them, so now we have plenty more food. We also have a dormitory. It's a bit primitive but at least no one is sleeping on the floor anymore.

Etur, our skilled miner commented that he can't swing his pick without hitting some sort of metal ore. I've ordered work started on a temporary forge. Looks like we are well on the way to penetrating the caverns late this year.

254, 18th Felsite

Hmm, Another cloud of foul smoke. Sooner or later something will get caught in one and we'll find out what it does.

254, 1st Hematite

We have survived our first spring! Summer has arrived, our forge is up and running. I've been hearing a lot of grumbling about there being nowhere to eat recently so I've designated a small room to be dug out as a dining and meeting room.

254, 8th Malachite

I have an office :) it's crammed into the upper gallery, but at least now I can get some paperwork done. First order of business is to get our inventory in order. We're a little short of booze, I've ordered more plump helmets distilled. I'll ask Zay to get another plot started to give a bit more variety.

« Last Edit: July 19, 2014, 03:24:51 am by mounf »


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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #8 on: July 19, 2014, 03:12:53 am »

Italics is
Code: [Select]
[i] [/i], not [it]. Also, if we could get some ostriches we can easily have eggs and meat for years; they mature in a single year, grow to the size of a dwarf and a half in two, lay 10 to 15 eggs at a time, and live for 35 to 45 years.


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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #9 on: July 19, 2014, 05:34:36 am »


The first new migrants have arrived. I will add details at the end of the post.

Zaerosz - we're a little short on wood for lightweight cages, but I'll look at creating a few choke points and cage traps near the entrance to capture some animals for training. Italics now sorted to thanks.

The scene - Doc Inods study: 254, 20th Malachite

Doc Inod is working late in her study when a knock comes at the rough wooden door.

"Come in", she shouts, slightly surprised, none of her fellows bother to knock any more. She recieves another surprise as an unknown head pokes round the door.

"Erm, hi? Are you in charge?"

"I am, who in Armoks name are you?"

"We just arrived and..."


She nods, "yes: myself, my husband and 3 others. We met on the way here".

"Wait, your immigrants???"

"oh yes, rumours about a new settlement have been flying around the mountainhomes, we couldn't wait to come  see for ourselves.", she frowns, "the eyeball and tentacle plants were a bloody shock though."

"I know what you mean. OK, I'm Inod Oslanishen, everyone around here calls me "Doc". Pile into my office here and lets take a look at you."

Diary: 254, 20th Malachite

Well this is a turn up. I'm astonished to say we have immigrants, looks like word is getting around the mountainhomes allready, I guess we are just lucky that no one has reported back on the weird plants and strange purple smoke yet.

Solon Gikutedem is a proficient trader and negotiator. I've appointed her as our broker, to a sigh of relief from Nil.

Her husband, Ineth Kikrust, is a skilled metalsmith.

Spoiler: Ineth (Blacksmith) (click to show/hide)

The other couple are Zan Sazimegid, a miner and his wife Ral Gimthob.

Spoiler: Zan (Miner) (click to show/hide)

Finally there is Reg Arzeslikot, a highly skilled farmer.
Spoiler: Reg (Farmer) (click to show/hide)

I have assigned Reg to assist Zay in the farms and kitchens. Ineth joins our smiths and Zan has immediately been handed a pick and directed to join Etur in digging out the living quarters (now expanded to 10 rooms, enough for all our current residents. This frees Dobar and Meng from mining duties, as some basic armour will soon be ready they are being reassigned to the first squad, the name was suggested by Meng, "The watchful gazes". Given she is still muttering about the plants watching her, I'm not sure this is a good sign.



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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #10 on: July 19, 2014, 07:39:15 am »

Diary of Doc Inod: 5th Galena.
The Watchful Gazes are now armoured up and off to do some training. There training armour is basic: iron helm and mailshirt and leather boots, leggings and gloves. I'd expected them to go with something heavier, but Dobar explained that they would be lighter on their feet this way, but still have reasonable protection. He'll let me know when he thinks he and Meng are ready for heavier protection.

Este pointed out that apart from our 2 warriors we are very vulnerable to attack. She suggested we use some of the iron we've been mining to make some simple spring loaded traps with suitable menacing pointy implements. She assures me she is quite capable of making them foolproof (though I fear she may be overestimating some of the dwarfs the Duke is likely to send in our first "official" migration wave), but effective against the uninvited.

26th Galena:

More foul smoke has drifted through the steppes. I fear we came close to disaster as a herd of wild camels just missed walking into it. I have begun preparations for a small curtain wall to protect the depot and garbage dump.

1st Limestone.

Autumn. Work on a better dining hall is progressing, once it is done the miners wil start seeking the caverns. Dobar and Meng have been battering away at each other for a while. They assure me their skills are improving, but it still looks like random surgery to me. So far they have not done more than bruise one another. But I feel my profession calling. I fear a hospital may be required.

Zay has requested we capture a few of the local dessert creatures for training. Apparently Ostrich eggs make excellent food. To that end I will order the construction of some cage traps out on the plains and see what we get.

22nd Limestone

The autumn brings more migrants! Another 7 dwarfs have chosen to make their home with us.

Aban Thobsarcesh, a skilled carpenter and crossbow maker and her husband Dastot Listlokum, a clerk.

Kol Sakrithastesh, a hunter and her husband Vabok Cuborudib, a skilled Mason and Engraver.

Tholtig Thukkannokim is a skilled Gemcutter and also hunts. His skill with Gems is to important to risk him outside, so i've told him no hunting. His wife Unib is a reasonable cook. I've set her to turn our raw food into something a little more palatable.

Spoiler: Unib Dastotbal (cook) (click to show/hide)

Finally Zasit Mokezablel is an appentice miner. He was handed a pick and put straight to work!

Kol and Tholtig form our second squad, the sculpted rocks. For now, on Mengs advice, they are training in hand to hand combat with hammers. They will switch to crossbows at a suitable time.

254, 7th Sandstone:

Success! A test shaft has been dug from a safe location and penetrated a vast underground cavern. The shaft emerged directly over a small lake. For now I have ordered the shaft seeled and then continued further underground.

254, 9th Timber:

Our exploration shaft has struck gold. No doubt a stream of gold crafts will keep some of the nobility back home happy and off our backs.

254, 13th Timber:

Finally the promised caravan has arrived. I've told Solon to take a look and see if there is anything we can use. Particularly some food and drink to bring a little more variety into our lives. We also need as much wood as the caravan is carrying, finally any useful wood goods we can get.

254, 17th Timber:

Well, our exploration shaft hit semi molton rock. The miners assure me there must be other caverns around here somewhere. They also report digging through a vein of sphalerite. Gold and Brass, if we survive we get to be rich! For now I've ordered the miners to finish the new dining room and bedrooms. Nice places to eat and sleep should do wonders for the morale of everyone, this will also provide room for the promised migrants.

I had a brief meeting with the outpost liaison. It was fairly quick and she headed straight off with her guards afterwards. She seemed rather pleased with herself. Didn't seem too impressed by what she has seen here. I'd be offended, but I guess she will be reporting exactly what we want to the Duke.

Diary of Cerol Lecadrigoth, diplomat.

I've arrived at Rhymedmansion. My briefing from the Duke was simple enough. Take a look around and report back to him the progress these misfits have made. I get the impression that he is desperately hoping for this venture to fail in a truly spectacular fashion.

My first impression was worrying. The dressed stone stockade protecting the entrance is obviously well built, hardly the slapdash affair I would have expected some noble hating Doctor to design. There are also clearly more dwarfs than the initial seven who set out. I guess some of the disaffected caught wind of this place, what fools to give up the safety of the Halls!

I was greatly reassured as I made my way underground. In spite of the number of dwarfs here (I estimate 15), they appear to have achieved little of note. I was shown into what they called their "dining room" (a small room hewn out of sand with a grand total of 4 tables) before being shown into a tiny cubbyhole of an office, hardly the room of a great administrator. I saw only a single dwarf under arms and though she glared at me and muttered "i've got my eyes on you, stranger", it would appear that this is not going to turn into any form of great military stronghold just yet. I (or my successor) will have to keep a close eye on this in our next visit.

Overall I expect the baron to be pleased.

Oh, the leader gave me a request for us to send more wood, leather and fuel in the next caravan, I was tempted to lose it, but I suspect this place will collapse without any assistance from me.

Diary of Doc Inod - 10th Moonstone

The merchants are packing up. Solon got a variety of supplies, unfortunately they didn't bring fuel or wood this time, I've ordered some from the liason for next year. We got a huge stack of foodstuffs, far more than expected. It seems the mountainhomes can't get enough of spiked iron balls, weird, but since we had some spare we were able to trade them. Next year we should have some crafts ready to be sent back, keep the Duke off of our backs....

I guess winter must be here, the stream just froze. I hate this desert.



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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #11 on: July 20, 2014, 03:19:03 pm »

Scene - 254, 2nd Moonstone

In an empty cavern, deep below the fortress of Rhymedmansion.

Hulking shapes move in the dim glow of the fungi, searching for the source of the tapping and muffled curses they can hear. With a thump and a slither of small stones a pick axe breaks through the cavern wall.
Etur stared through the dwarf sized whole in the cavern wall and looks around, satisfied. He turns back to Zan. "There, I said there would be more caverns somewhere! Go get Vabok to give me a hand. I'll get started blocking this hole up. Oh and alert Meng, best not to take any chances."

There is plenty of loose rubble lying around, the hole is soon sealed to chest height, when Vabok looks up and freezes, grabbing Etur's upper arm to stop him.


Vabok points, terrified, at the 2 lumbering bipedal shapes in the distance. They are casting about, obviously searching for the source of the noise which has intruded into there cold, dripping lair.

Both dwarfs try hard not to make any more noise, torn between sneaking away and leaving this to Meng and Dobar or rushing to finish closing the hole before the creatures can reach them. A few seconds pass like an eternity before the Ogres suddenly turn as one to stare with their blind eyes almost directly at the dwarfs. Faintly, but growing louder the clatter of boots and the rattle of chain mail can be heard. The Ogres begin moving, fast for such ungainly creatures. The dwarfs desperately begin to shove roughly shaped stones in the hole.

Meng and Dobar reach the bottom of the stairs, panting with effort, Vabok and Zan sit propped back against the newly finished wall. Shaking. Behind the wall shuffling and scratching can be heard.

"What did we miss??" Demands Meng, apparently upset at having run all this way and not finding anything to fight.

From behind the wall comes an enraged roar.

Dobar stares at the 2 shaking masons. "Thank all the gods for quick drying cement" he says, as he helps them to their feet.


That was a close call. I saw the blind cave ogres only a moment after the masons completed the wall! I'm not sure at the moment Meng and Dobar (who were still a dozen stairs away) could have dealt with them (they are currently only proficient with weapons and shields). Lucky escape for the fort. I think I will be leaving the 2nd and 3rd cavern layers until we have more military... At least we have a good idea where they are now though!


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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #12 on: July 20, 2014, 04:04:44 pm »

Journal of Doc - 254, 9th Opal

Our exploration shafts have penetrated all 3 cavern layers. Our masons had a close call on the second layer but everyone escaped unharmed. I've taken a look at the rough sketches the miners provided from their quick looks around. At the very least we can now dig down to the magma layer (Though it looks like a magma pool reaches the 3rd cavern layer). There is a large plateau in the top layer which can be safely fortified to provide a secure foothold in the caverns. Perhaps that should be the next goal once the dining room is dug out.

254, 22nd Obsidian

A thief was spotted making off with a spike iron ball (honestly, it seems everyone wants these things!) which had been left lying around the depot. I asked why such a thing was lying around the depot and was pointed at the temporary stockpile, which is packed to the ceiling. Ah, my fault then.

255, 1st Granite

Spring is here! I've called a meeting in the new dining hall, I'd hoped to have it dug out now, but there is still a ways to go.

OOC - Well, the end of the year came quicly. The fort is established, we have 2 squads of 2 in training (hoping for more in the first big migration wave). Our first 2 warriors (Meng and Dobar) are beginning to show signs of competence. If they survive the year I suspect they will both become weapon masters. We've discovered the 3 cavern layers, once we have a few more dwarfs (or possibly even before), I plan to begin establishing a lower fort (which will form the upper part of the final fort) in the 1st layer. We have also found magma. The question is: establish furnaces near the magma or raise the magma to a higher level, which will require a power source...

Any power source will make use of naturally running water either in the stream or possibly an artificial channel between 2 water sources at different heights (as long as this does not become an FPS killer). An interesting challenge for our dwarfs!

The meeting in the dining hall and some architectural drawings will come tomorrow. DFMA has been updated with the end of year map.

- Mounf


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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #13 on: July 21, 2014, 08:50:56 am »

Zay's Journal, 2nd Moonstone

Bloody ogres. Cant train them, cant eat them, no good for anything. What a noo new nusance. With any luck there are some rutherers in the deeps, thouh. And oh Id love to get my hands on a cave crocodile. Or better yet, a breeding pare! We'd never be short on food again! Ill hav to ask Doc to order some cage traps set up in the caverns. Maybe if we catch those ogres the soljers could use them for battle practice, even.

Well, she's functionally literate, at least?


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Re: Rhymedmansion (0.34.11 comunity fort).
« Reply #14 on: July 21, 2014, 02:28:57 pm »

The scene, Dining room construction site - 255, 1st Granite

The dwarfs of Rhymedmansion are for once in one place, all gathered in the still under construction dining hall. A few are sitting on rough rock chairs, others on boulders or the edge of balconies.

"Dwarfs!", Inod bangs an empty mug on the pillar. Other conversations fall silent, everyone was expecting this.

"I'll keep this short, so we can get back to celebrating!"

"One year has passed, since Meng, Dobar, Zay, Este, Etur, Nil and myself first arrived and struck the earth! More of you have braved the jouney from the Mountainhomes since then. 19 of us now call this fort home!"

"In this time the work of our own hands has carved out a secure entrance..."
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

"Workshops for all critical crafts."
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

"rooms for all individuals and couples."
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

"and this, soon to be completed dining room."
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

"We have also located the caverns and magma sea and established our first military units", she gestures at the 4 armoured dwarfs sitting amongst the others.

"For now we are secure. But this is just the beginning! This year we will begin a great task. To build our fort deep beneath the Earth, around the caverns that Uzel himself placed here for the Dwarfs! We will make the name Rhymedmansion a legend which will resound throughout the Earth of Temples. For those who wish to see them for yourselves, the plans for our first cavern fortifications will be posted at the entrance to this room. If you have any comments or suggestions my door is allways open."

Spoiler: Cavern secure area (click to show/hide)

She dips her mug into a nearby barrel of wine and raises it high. "I give you the Miners, Masons, Smiths, Farmers, Warriors and all the other Dwarfs of Rhymedmansion."

The others raise there own glasses in toast. In the background can be heard a mumbled "what about the fisherdwarfs? I wanted to be a fisherdwarf..."


My major priorities are:

1) finish the dining room.
2) Enter and secure part of the first cavern
3) Move carpentry, clothing and leatherworks into and around the cavern layer (Thats where much of the raw materials will be found after all).
4) Design and construct magma metal and glass forges. This will require moving ore and/or magma to the forges. I favour both. This will require:
5) A power source. Since I like the risk of flooding my forts I think this will use some form of moving water as opposed to a water reactor.

Zaerosz - Love the idea! I'll add capturing and training cavern creatures to the plans for later in the year. Tame cave crocodiles in particular would fit in very well with the military side of the fort.

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