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Author Topic: ☼Bellweasel☼ - Cleansed in carpling blood  (Read 9659 times)


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Re: ☼Bellweasel☼ - Hell has no room for negativity
« Reply #15 on: July 24, 2014, 12:09:03 am »

Senshuken's log, Entry Number 1: Bellweasel or bust!

We're here! We're here! Bellweasel is everything I hoped it will be and more! The tunnels and rooms are being dug as we speak and are thus a blank canvas for which I shall engrave the history of not just our new home but also important events from the history of our people whenever the mood strikes me! I expect that there shall be some truly wonderful scenes for me to engrave that will be inspired by the events that happen here in Bellweasel. Already I am getting ideas for the already famous 'Battle of the Goat' and the orc blood that rains down from the skies will make an awesome backdrop to create my masterpiece!

I've started to hear stories that our supply of alcohol is starting to run dangerously low and that we might have to resort to drinking something called 'Waster Water.' Sounds like an elven brew to me and quite a weak one at that so its no wonder that brave dwarfs are heading out into the blood covered jungle in an attempt to find something stronger to brew up. I shall ensure that their heroic efforts are engraved on our walls for all time!
Cause every silver lining has a cloud, and it won't be alright on the night; There's nothing at the end of the rainbow and there's a tunnel at the end of the light!


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Re: ☼Bellweasel☼ - Hell has no room for negativity
« Reply #16 on: July 24, 2014, 02:55:20 pm »

All right then! AustralianWinter, you are bedwarfed. Your dwarf is the Buzzcrafter (i.e., brewer). You've killed a goblin and a succubus, and you like cave tortoises for their shiny shells. mate888, you are endwarfened with a Prat. You are the daughter of Senshuken, and you like sun vultures for their propensity to explode. And boy did you represent today! Take a look.

18th Timber

I’ve finally found something to be upset about. And you know what? Bereavement isn’t as much fun as I thought it would be. A pack of giant cave spiders has been lurking in the region lately. Mistem was on her way inside for a training session when she spotted one. She chased after it. It ran, but she pursued it until she caught up and forced it into a fight, which she promptly lost. It reminds me of the tragic Legend of the Mighty Cave Fish Man (see below). Now my lover is dead and I’m sad …

Oh, who am I kidding? Life is great! My bedroom is awesome! Maybe I’ll give Sethal another look.

But my lover’s demise was only the beginning of a chain of events that cured a few of us of our magical happy prison of joy. Just as I was getting the news about Mistem, we had our first contact with another civilization. An olog snatcher who was sneaking up to our gate casually sliced both legs and the head off of the Plump Helmet Man Spawn who detected him. We decided to leave him alone, on the theory that he would just run off on his own, as snatchers usually do. We figured one dead dwarf per day was enough, and besides, it was hilarious to see him covered in the blood of his own kind. But it must have been the falling orc blood that enraged him beyond reason, and he charged into the fort, forcing us to give chase.

Once the olog recovered from his rage, he realized he would soon be swamped by our war beasts, and he ran away. Zaneg and I pursued, along with the war animals, but he stayed a step ahead all the way to our outer border.

That’s why the fortress was defenseless when Sensedchasms, the Prat who was screaming about iron bars, went berserk. She headed directly to the well. Around the well were several of our pets, and a child: Kogsak Autonomywalled, daughter of mate888.

Kogsak narrowly escaped as Sensedchasms got distracted by a helpless cavernkeet chick, so the story ends well for her ... or maybe not. You see, by pure happenstance, her mother, mate888, passed by as the drama was unfolding. Here is her contribution to the protection of her two-year-old daughter:

It was Zaneg who finally took down Sensedchasms, but not before she had slaughtered a frill lizard, a cavernkeet and her chick, and a shaggy badgerdog in her lust for murder.

The good news is that all of this coincided with the arrival of our first trade caravan from the homeland, just as we were nearing the last of our booze. We now have a little more, and we managed to pick up some pig tail seeds, so we’ll have brewable crops soon, thank Armok.

One final note: Before leaving, the olog shouted out the names of all his civilization’s nobles for some reason. Their High Warlord is a drow. You read that right. The orcs made an elf their leader. I will enjoy punishing them for that.

The Legend of the Mighty Cave Fish Man

From the Dwarven oral tradition

Once upon a time there was a cave fish man named Proot Muckscented. Proot was big and strong, by cave fish man standards anyway, and boasted that he could beat any cave fish man at flipper judo, which was the traditional cave fish man test of strength. The other cave fish men feared Proot, because he was so confident in his boasting, and he strutted about with a great deal of ungainly fish swagger. So they never challenged Proot, and they let him spawn with the choicest cave fish women, which is pretty revolting if you think about it.

One day a goblin lasher named Uxnu Itchingsack came by looking for hospitals and orphanages to vandalize, and saw Proot strutting and preening in front of the other cave fish persons. Uxnu laughed, and gave Proot the finger.

“I challenge you to a contest of flipper judo,” Proot shouted, filled with confidence in the rightness of his cause, and his ability to throw any opponent with his mighty flippers.

“I don’t have flippers,” replied Uxnu. The goblin lasher hit the cave fish man in the head with his iron whip, and the severed part sailed off in an arc!

“It was inevitable,” said the other cave fish men, as Uxnu cooked and ate Proot fishsticks right in front of them.

The moral: Cave fish men are stupid.
I have so far executed three dwarves by means of impalement ... for bringing cats into my fortress.

Cptn Kaladin Anrizlokum

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Re: ☼Bellweasel☼ - Hell has no room for negativity
« Reply #17 on: July 24, 2014, 03:03:08 pm »

I would like a dwarf!


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Re: ☼Bellweasel☼ - Hell has no room for negativity
« Reply #18 on: July 25, 2014, 12:19:39 am »

"My daughter is in danger! I will save he- Nnnnope."

And also:
The moral: Cave fish men are stupid.
Don't blame him for trying to be the new Asax, everyone wants to be Asax at least once in their life.
My second turn's unnoficial goal was to turn everyone into vampires, and it backfired so bad, I ended up making the fort a more efficient, safer and friendlier place.
Apparently they evolved a taste for everything I love and care about


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Re: ☼Bellweasel☼ - Hell has no room for negativity
« Reply #19 on: July 25, 2014, 02:21:43 am »

Senshuken's account of events: Entry 1.

One of the dwarfs recently hunted down a cave spider and promptly got her ass eaten by it after proving that her tracking skills were far better then her fighting ones. I've been here for what feels like five minutes and I already have an epic cautionary tale to engrave on the walls! Wonderful!

Even better, one of the prats went insane and attempted to go on a killing spree, slaying a number of animals and pets before being taken down by Zaneg. Drama!

On a different note, thanks to the timely arrival of a trade caravan we now have plants to brew something proper to drink. None of that elven Water for us tonight!   
Cause every silver lining has a cloud, and it won't be alright on the night; There's nothing at the end of the rainbow and there's a tunnel at the end of the light!


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Re: ☼Bellweasel☼ - Hell has no room for negativity
« Reply #20 on: July 25, 2014, 06:29:53 pm »

Cptn Kaladin Anrizlokum: welcome to Bellweasels! You are dwarvenized. You’re my mason. You absolutely detest facehuggers (gods, this mod is weird sometimes). And hey look at that -- you’re married to mate888! God help you.

mate888: I didn’t realize my cave fish man story conflicted directly with your sig! I’ll show myself the door now.

Senshuken: Keep being awesome.

1st Opal

“GaaaAAAaaah!” cried Kokdath Boltdaubed, Psychiatrist, as he woke up and found Logem Habitfenced standing over the foot of his bed, staring at him earnestly. Logem had been there for hours. “Why are you staring at me? What are you doing in my room?”
  “We’re having a meeting,” Logem answered, as if this were the most natural thing in the world.
  “Like hell we are! I was sleeping!”
  “But doc, I need helpl!” Logem wailed. “You’re the psychiatrist! You’re supposed to help me feel better!”
  “Does this look like my office?” Kokdath yelled. “What’s wrong with you?”
  “My wife died! I’m distressed!”
  “Your wife went on a killing spree and took out most of our animals, remember? The boulder crab she beat to a paste has finally died of infection, so her death toll is now five. That crab was one week short of retirement! Now get out of here. I’ve got seeds to plant.”
  “But I’m unhappy!”

Kokdath proceeded to the fields, ignoring Logem. But Logem followed and pestered Kokdath for hours until he finally relented, and met with him in his office. When Kokdath declared the meeting closed, Logem was still unsatisfied and continued following Kokdath wherever he went. He’s still at it. Nobody knows where this is going.

Meanwhile, Cptn Kaladin Anrizlokum has been in the fortress only a few days, and has already proven his value. Today he uncovered a goblin snatcher that managed to sneak inside the fortress, and then assisted in killing the intruder.

18th Opal

Nesteth Darkdyes has taken over the leatherworks, acting very mysterious. He carried in two pieces of studded leather, a piece of hardened scaleplate, and a shadesilver bar. Nobody knows what he’s planning, and he’s not talking.

Also, Logem is still stalking Kokdath everywhere he goes, still demanding psychiatric care.

27th Opal

Nesteth finished his secret project. It’s a studded leather thigh guard. Nobody knows what the hell to do with it, but it more than doubles our fortress’s wealth all by itself. Something about that feels ominous. No thigh is worth half a fortress.

Also, Logem is still stalking Kokdath everywhere he goes, still demanding psychiatric care.

24th Obsidian

A dwarf is nothing if not obsessive, and obsession is nothing if not infuriating. After almost two solid months of following Kokdath around, subjecting him to a constant parade of “Will you see me now? Will you see me now?” Kokdath finally turned around and screamed, "WHAT??" Then Logem let loose a stream of curses like we've never heard before. I think Kokdath has the worst job in the entire fortress. 

Year 1 is now over. Stats:

Legendary status achieved: 3 (2 miners, 1 leatherworker)
Population: 22
Created wealth: 112655
Fatalities (Dwarven): 2
Fatalities (domestic animal): 15
Fatalities (hostile): 2
Other corpses created: 13

I have so far executed three dwarves by means of impalement ... for bringing cats into my fortress.


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Re: ☼Bellweasel☼ - Hell has no room for negativity
« Reply #21 on: July 26, 2014, 04:13:38 am »

I'd like a dwarf please, a mason if possible.
left eye


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Re: ☼Bellweasel☼ - Hell has no room for negativity
« Reply #22 on: July 26, 2014, 06:23:10 am »

Senshuken's account of events: Entry 2

It's been a slow couple of months. but that is okay. Engraving takes time and having the opportunity to prepare surfaces to record Bellweasel's awesome historic events on is a welcome change of pace.

Logem appears to have been following Kokdath none stop for over two months now... I'm just keeping a running tally so that if and when Logem loses his mind and attempts to murder Kokdath I will have an accurate number of days to add to the engraving. At this point I'm kind of hoping it end violently because if Logem just stops and wanders off back to doing his job then where is the drama damn it?! Getting me all excited for a dramatic murder engraving and then breaking it off after so much build up.... I must make a note to have a word with Logem to discuss murder methods. After all, this could be Logem's defining moment; His place on the walls for all time. You can't just walk up to someone and knife them after all, that just lacks style and flair.

Cptn Kaladin Anrizlokum has also made Bellweasel history by being one of the first to kill an actual intruder to the fortress instead of our insane animals or other members of the fortress! I'll be sure to get around to his engraving soon enough!
Cause every silver lining has a cloud, and it won't be alright on the night; There's nothing at the end of the rainbow and there's a tunnel at the end of the light!


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Re: ☼Bellweasel☼ - Hell has no room for negativity
« Reply #23 on: July 28, 2014, 12:55:48 pm »

And hey look at that -- you’re married to mate888! God help you.
Yay! I'm married to a mason! I'm gonna be rich! I mean... Be happily married to him because I married him for love, totally unreleted to the quantity of golden Urists he can make on his work while I do nothing but putting my little daugther in danger and then refusing to save her... I think I should rather shut up...
My second turn's unnoficial goal was to turn everyone into vampires, and it backfired so bad, I ended up making the fort a more efficient, safer and friendlier place.
Apparently they evolved a taste for everything I love and care about


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Re: ☼Bellweasel☼ - Death before sobriety!
« Reply #24 on: July 29, 2014, 09:06:20 pm »

All right! Nail, you have been dwarfulated as a mason. The very next moment after I did that, you stepped outside and giant monkeys flung poo at you. It’s almost like they knew. And now you are carrying bruises from the impact of bloody monkey poo.

You have three children, and you’re quite overweight, which must come from your preferred diet of coral snake. You absolutely detest butterflies, but who doesn’t?

mate888, don’t be so hasty with the self-judgment. You can now claim you were hormonally imbalanced! See why below.

15th Granite
A group of giant gray langurs appeared today. Nail called the alarm as the cretins flung their … you know … at him. He was struck three times -- what dreadful abuse! Nature sucks and I intend to put a stop to it.

Now I’m running after them with Zaneg. We’ve already killed one, and here’s another one in front of me.

Ouch! The son of a bitch bit me! Right in the chest!

Zaneg is yelling at me. She’s telling me to put down my notebook and defend myself. She looks quite angry! But my duty as historian comes first!

Ouch! It’s shaking me around by the chest now. There is really quite a lot of blood!

“Quit writing ouch!” Zaneg is saying. “Armok dammit, did you just transcribe ‘quit writing ouch’? Are you writing this too? Stop writing!”

(At this point, bloodstains make the journal illegible.)

2nd Slate

I’m writing from the floor of the hospital. We still have no beds in here. Man, being wounded by giant gray langurs is the worst. The Quacks say I’m lucky to be alive, because the thing opened an artery in my chest. But there’s good news: I’m definitely cured of the happiness charm!

20th Felsite

Back on my feet again, I got into a tangle with a succubus thief. The lesson I learned: succubus brains are not a vital organ.

I landed a long series of brain-dismantling blows, including twice getting my war hammer stuck inside her head and whirling it like an egg whisk, and the damned thing still regained consciousness and tried to escape! Decapitation did the trick, though.

19th Hematite

Our fortress has welcomed its first newborn dwarven infant! It’s a boy. mate888 is the mother; the child is the spawn of her union with Cptn Kaladin Anrizlokum. They named the child Tobul Disloyaltymazes. Might just as well have the infant fitted for prison stripes right now, with a name like that. Everyone is waiting nervously to find out what kind of dwarf it will grow into. Congratulations to the happy couple! ...we suppose.

This makes our population large enough that we need a mayor. Risen Shadoweddredges, one of our Quacks, was chosen for the honor, and then immediately started bitching about it, saying, “Where’s my office? Where’s my weapon rack?” and so on. Nail is working on creating all the stuff he wants, but it’s a thankless job.

12th Galena

We were unaware of the White Tigerman civilization in this area, until they showed up with their Welcome Wagon of Death. They call themselves “The Shielded Avalanche,” which is apt, given how easily they fell.

But the moment we were finished and got down to looting the corpses, a goblin ambush from The Lie of Spattering materialized. It was a squad of six goblins in rusty iron, running around whacking things with their stupid rusty morningstars. They sprung their ambush on the human trade guild representative, who promptly and compliantly died in a panicked frenzy as we watched from the fortifications.

The goblins charged the fortress as the human trade caravan scrambled to get inside ahead of them. It might have been amusing to let the human guards handle their own affairs, but the goblins were shouting things that we couldn’t understand. Senshuken, who speaks a little bit of goblin, said, “I think they’re calling us elephant rapists.”

“What do they mean? Do they mean we rape elephants, or do they mean we’re elephants who rape things?”

“I don’t know. Hey,” he shouted. “Do you mean we rape elephants? Or do you mean we’re elephants who rape?”

They didn’t answer, so I went out to ask them. Well, one thing led to another, rhetoric got heated, things escalated, goblin parts started flying here and there, and long story short, I never got an answer.

While I was having this important discussion about elephant rape, a goblin bowman from a second squad of ambushers managed to get to the entrance, and he fired an arrow into the Trade Depot. Somehow, that single arrow cleanly removed the head of a human merchant, and then the bastards refused to trade with us. As if it was our fault. Jeez.

One final note: This battle earned me an epithet. My name used to be Astesh Armorfurnaced. Now I’m Astesh Armorfurnaced the Blighted Flute of Tusks. How badass is that?
I have so far executed three dwarves by means of impalement ... for bringing cats into my fortress.


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Re: ☼Bellweasel☼ - Death before sobriety!
« Reply #25 on: July 30, 2014, 04:50:06 am »

The blighted flute of tusks. Oh. God.

Diary of Nail, sublimiest mason of all
Hmpf. Critics! Don't know great art from art to throw shit at. Or great artists. Since they threw at me. At least the new mayor appreciates my work. He nagged our leader for the best furniture and he immediately came to me, big grin on his face.
left eye


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Re: ☼Bellweasel☼ - Death before sobriety!
« Reply #26 on: July 30, 2014, 08:33:01 am »

I should have announced the name change in this style.
I have so far executed three dwarves by means of impalement ... for bringing cats into my fortress.


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Re: ☼Bellweasel☼ - Death before sobriety!
« Reply #27 on: July 31, 2014, 10:46:35 am »

Hello again! We’ve got a tremendous fun session ahead of us today, with carp-related bloodshed, spider-related bloodshed, bloodshed, and possibly the most disturbing news item ever seen: "As Dostustamur, Fearcrafter cancels Harvest soul from nearby corpses: Seeking infant."

O Game, how painful it is to love Thee.

(If anybody knows how to stop the messages from showing up with bits missing, I’m all ears.)

10th Limestone

Another clutch of giant jumping spiders showed up today, if “clutch” is the word I want. And in no time at all, one of them earned a name by murdering another Deathcrafter.

But this time we didn’t take it passively. I led the soldiers out into the field, and we hunted down three of the massive beasts. Even against dwarves as skilled as we are in the art of bloodshed, they put up a tremendous fight, and the only reason I was able to defeat mine was because knocking me over again, and again, and again, finally wore the beast to exhaustion.

Now we know we can defeat them, at least some of the time. The next step is to wait, and hope that the one that killed Mistem will return so I can have my vengeance.

Efforts to weaponize the mad animals have failed so far. We’ve built a walled, mechanized Hell Pasture for them to spill out of in the event of an attack, but so far we haven’t been able to get any into the pasture before they go mad.

16th Limestone

We’ve heard rumors of massive caverns deep beneath the surface of the earth; today Zotir discovered the truth of it. We’ve also heard that powerful beasts from ancient times roam those caverns, so we’re treating this with … well, with no caution at all, really. Excavation of the Great Loveheart Hall, my memorial to Mistem, is proceeding at full speed.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

2nd Sandstone

I’ve been hearing weird rumors lately about fish-related markings on the floors, and fishy noises around corners. I always dismissed it as the idiocy of our fortress’s stupid idiot kids, because of how stupid our stupid, stupid kids are … but I digress.

Today Vakun Dakostdal, one of the kids hanging around the well, transformed into some kind of fish monster! He called himself an acolyte of the carp god, and proclaimed himself anathema to all the works of Armok.

Making things far more terrifying, the carp monster child evoked a wave of evil magic that paralyzed every dwarf in the settlement for a time. Ironically, this made things worse for the carpling, because his death became a slow and horrific one: he was torn between the teeth of the fortress animals, who were unaffected by his magic. And that’s why the area around the well is drenched deep with blood once again. That well must be cursed, and I am going to keep the hell away from it.

It’s all quite a tremendous shock. This fortress … what can I say? I don’t know how long the mind of a dwarf can hold out against forces this dark. Well, when my time comes, why fight it? When insanity beckons, I will answer!
I have so far executed three dwarves by means of impalement ... for bringing cats into my fortress.


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Re: ☼Bellweasel☼ - Death before sobriety!
« Reply #28 on: July 31, 2014, 11:39:38 am »

(If anybody knows how to stop the messages from showing up with bits missing, I’m all ears.)
Press F10, or F11 twice. It temporarily fixes it.

I’ve been hearing weird rumors lately about fish-related markings on the floors, and fishy noises around corners. I always dismissed it as the idiocy of our fortress’s stupid idiot kids, because of how stupid our stupid, stupid kids are … but I digress.
Aahhhhh, good luck. Temples help, maybe, a bit. I would really, really recommend getting a Ward of Armok from somewhere.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2014, 11:41:31 am by Meph »
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Re: ☼Bellweasel☼ - Death before sobriety!
« Reply #29 on: July 31, 2014, 12:42:28 pm »

Senshuken's account of events: Entry 3

One of the children in the fort transformed into some sort of fish monster, cast some kind of spell that paralyzed every dwarf in the fortress so it could monolog... only to be torn apart by our trained animals who were not targeted by the paralysis spell.

...I love this fortress.
Cause every silver lining has a cloud, and it won't be alright on the night; There's nothing at the end of the rainbow and there's a tunnel at the end of the light!
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