I've filled out the folders and links menus easily enough, but I don't quite know where to start with the update section. Can it check this link?
Currently, no, because DFFD blocks Python by default. It's possible to make Python disguise itself to slip through the block, but that isn't being done right now (the hope was that MagiX' work could be incorporated, but since he left it alone for the time being, it hasn't been).
I've added that now, though, so it'll be part of the next build, which will either go out very soon (today or tomorrow, to get a bug fix out of the pipeline), or after a round of refactoring (I don't know exactly when that will be ready, but I'm guessing near the end of the week, or some time next week).
An option in the meantime could be to do one of the following:
- After uploading a new version to DFFD, update a file (e.g. a copy of whatever DFFD gives you) in your GitHub, then use a direct link to the latest version of that file (click through to view it on GitHub, then click the Raw button for the link you need)
- Change your topic to include the full version number as a continuous string and link to that
There are other options, of course; the key is that as long as you have a URL to a page you have
some amount of control over, it should be possible to get it working.
How does the downloadURL work - if it's the download page that's fine, but the actual download link changes and I don't know it in advance.
It is used as the URL that is opened if the user wants to update, so that's entirely up to you. This is only a check; the act of downloading and unpacking is left to the user (and because of that, you can use a DFFD link, even now).
Regex (help!!)?
Since I don't want to force a specific format on the file (a DFFD-only solution is not good enough IMO, and I don't know what everyone will be using outside of that), it is unfortunately necessary for the pack author to provide a
regular expression which will capture the version number (and ONLY the version number) in a so-called capturing group (marked by parentheses "()").
Fortunately, this is a one-time thing (as long as the format of your file doesn't change, you never need to touch it after it's been set once), and I'm perfectly willing to help.
For DFFD's check_version.php script (and anything else that contains a Version line like that), this field should be "Version: (.+)" (without the quotes).
If you e.g. changed the title of your forum post to "Dwarf Fortress Starter Pack 40_10 r1", you could use "<title>Dwarf Fortress Starter Pack (.+?)</title>"; if you added a line that said the same as DFFD's script, you should use "Version: ([^<]+)" (make sure there's an actual line break after it, though, so the HTML will contain a
tag). That last one would still work if you started out using the topic, and then switched to DFFD when it's available.
If you're doing something completely different, feel free to ask me. Alternatively, if you want to do it yourself (and learn regular expressions in the process), copy the entire contents of whatever URL you're using into
http://www.regexr.com/ and work on it until you get something that does the job (it should highlight precisely one thing, and if you hover your mouse over that thing, it should show just the version number as being matched by the group). If you're linking to an HTML page, make sure you're working on the source code of the page; not whatever your webbrowsre renders.
Does or can the pack version autofill, or should I add that to my prep script?
You need to add it to your prep script. There's no attempt to parse the version number; it only checks if there's a difference between the one it sees online and the one in PyLNP.json.