Progress update on forum MOBA:
- I have some basic lore going on but it needs some extra fleshing out still
- I only have one character done mostly for general "testing" (as in trying to figure out a good template) purposes
- Characters have 8 stats (health, physical damage, special damage, physical armor, special armor, speed, initiative bonus), each of which can be increased by items
- Characters have a unique basic attack, two regular abilities and an ultimate ability - there are no secondary resources like mana (right now - some characters might be centered around having a unique resource but nothing in that regard)
- Characters start out with all their skills (ultimate included), and certain aspects of their skills scale with their stats
- Characters can hold up to 4 items which increase their stats and possibly provide other unique bonuses
- Items can be bought at the base with gold, which is gained passively each turn, collected from around the map and from killing enemy minions and heroes
- There's no crafting system - however, certain items can be bought multiple times (without taking up an extra slot), giving extra stats this way
- The main base splits up into 3 lanes (hallways/corridors), each containing two smaller chambers
-- Characters can use teleport pads at the base to teleport to their team's chambers
-- Chambers are guarded by two golems each (one ranged and one melee) which are confined to the area of the chambers
-- Chamber golems have relatively low health compared to towers in actual MOBAs, however once they're down to 0HP, they will revive themselves a few turns later
-- To prevent the golems from respawning, players have to destroy generators present in the corners of the chambers - each golem has their own generator that needs to be destroyed
-- The main base contains 4 golems with their own 4 generators - destroying the generators and enemy golems guarantees victory
--- Upon destroying a base golem, a bridge will rise, leading to a platform containing its appropriate generator
A base, containing golems in the middle, generators in the corners, teleporter pads on the left, pitfalls and exits.
Chambers (standard and cornered layouts), containing golems, generators, pitfalls and teleporters.
A tunnel.
A game map. (4x4 squares representing bases, 2x2 being chambers and gray tiles being tunnels, with a neutral area in the middle of the map)
(I may drop the special/physical damage split for the sake of simplicity though, among other things but I'm definitely open for ideas here.)
Here be the thread for OOC/meta discussions and my pseudo-development posts.
I'm not sure when the games will begin, but probably soon, seeing as all I have to do now is to get a few characters and items done, and maybe polish up the lore a little bit.
Anyway, some changes since my last post:
- Armor reworked. Damage scaling is now based on "power minus armor" calculation and if the power is below negative then the damage effectively gets reduced (still scaling with the attack's appropriate percentage). (can't go below 1 but I don't think anyone will ever reach such an extreme disparity).
- There are 3 item types - consumables (single-use active items with no passive stats that are, well, consumed on use, they don't scale with item stages), passives (self-explanatory, they provide passive stat buffs, auras and the like) and actives (they have one or more activated abilities and provide some stat bonuses). Actives and passives scale with item stages (usually in terms of the stat bonuses or damage scaling but it depends)
- I have 2 characters finished now. The roles I'm aiming for the first round are:
- fighter (done)
- assassin (done)
- tank
- support
- area denial
- pusher
- As far as the item count goes:
3 active items
6 consumables
7 passive items
I also need to work on guardians, minions and summons' kits and stats.
If you're curious what I'm brewing up, I can share my design docs for the items and characters later, but inevitably you'll have to run a game or two to see how things stand in terms of balance and fun. (because I can only brainstorm for so long)
It may seem like a lot of micromanagement but I tried to minimize it the best I can while still keeping MOBA-like depth and diversity. What will come out of it, I don't know.