Any chance of this getting an update to .05?
Also would you mind adding a version that overwrites/deletes vanilla races so the worlds gen with nothing but vilous races?
.05 was basically just a bug fix release compared to the next major version of DF to come out. This mod works fine with it without any changes needed. As for how to remove the vanilla races... I don't actually need to provide any modded files to do so. if you simply edit the file creature_standard and entity_default, and remove all lines pertaining to humans, gobs, dwarfs, and kobolds. They will no longer be generated. I don't even thing you need to edit the entity file if you remove the creatures ( but you may get error log spam when you make a new world. )
for example, the start of creature_standard.txt will look like
///all of the other creatures between the object start tag, and the gremlin entry are gone, meaning they will never spawn the defaut races!///
[DESCRIPTION:A small humanoid creature with a mischievous, toothy grin.]
and the entity_default.txt will look like. This is optional, as removing the creature entries will stop them spawning anyway, but it stops the error log spam about missing creatures whenever you generate a world.
///every thing here was the above ground default civs.