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Author Topic: The Fell Peak [Community Fortress] - platinum blunt weapons for everyone!  (Read 12737 times)


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Re: The Fell Peak [Community Fortress]
« Reply #45 on: July 19, 2014, 10:30:22 am »

Am I in the militia yet?


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Re: The Fell Peak [Community Fortress]
« Reply #46 on: July 19, 2014, 02:57:31 pm »

I like how Vorus has strong opinions, this is how I imagined him.

He doesn't really have a problem wearing armor but he refuses to use weapons because he likes to beat his opponent with his bare hands, or feet, or teeth.. Whatever, he's kind of an animal. If he beats you and you are using a weapon he will think that much less of you.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2014, 03:00:35 pm by bluwolfie »

Lord Braindead

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Re: The Fell Peak [Community Fortress]
« Reply #47 on: July 19, 2014, 05:59:57 pm »

The Log of Idek
19th Sandstone 660
I've met another fromer member of the travelling group today, but not really in a pleasant manner.
I was drawn to the forges because of some rather loud argument that happened there. When I peaked my head in, I saw no less then five dwarves watching Beirus and a short tempered lass called Misting Walrus yelling at each other.
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Aparrently she considered the armor that Beirus forged for our militia of substandard quality and while he made no attempt to claim otherwise, he never said that armor was his forte, he was still quite put out by her attitude. I managed to calm both of them down and after Beirus admitted that her armor was better then his and she apologized for blowing up on him.
From now on Beirus will concentrate solely on weapons and leave the platemail to Walrus.

On that note, I didn't get around to ask her about her nickname yet. Im sure there is an interesting story behind it.

2nd Moonstone 660
Since we need far more metal to equip our militia, we have started to mine some shafts to search for other metal veins. We are mostly looking for iron since I fear that copper armor isn't going to cut it in the future.
While digging the first part of the first shaft, Castor struck gold. The weird part is that not a single one of us cares one bit about that.
Dont get me wrong, gold is nice to look at, but it has no practical purpose. To heavy to forge bins or barrels out of it, to malleable for weapons and armor. Wars where fought for this stuff and here we are, tossing it aside.
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8th Granite 661
Gold, gold and nothing but gold in this blasted mountain. We found a small vein of hematite on the slope and mined as much as we could without opening a path to the outside. We decided to mine deeper and are beginning to dig a spiral of ramps deep into the earth. Once we find a layer that shows some promise, we will carve tracks into it to haul the ore back up to our smelters.
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15th Granite 661
Today its exactly one year since our arrival at Igrishilrom. Compared to how we started, we have truly come far.
Our number has tripled and while we dont exactly dine like kings, we have enough to keep everyone well fed. Our militia is training every day to defend us against an enemy that so far has made not a single move against us. The threat of the goblins seems farther away every day we live in our settlement.
Im not quite sure when this place became less of a refuge and more of a home to us, but somewhere along the way it happened. While we planned to move on toward the north in the first days here, talk about that plan has died down a lot. The big question is, will it be worth it?

We dont have a live in luxury here, but we are free. Is the risk of moving on really worth a fleeting dream of a golden dreamland? What if we moved on just to find the north conquered by the greenskins long ago? And what would happen to those other unfortunate souls that roam the tundra?
I doubt that we have accepted our last refugee into our halls. What would become of them if there was no one here?

Well, I dont want to make an entry just to ramble so I will report the only noteworthy thing that happened since the last one.
We found some marble on our way deeper into the mountain. Iron ore is still nowhere to be found, but Beirus and Walrus are still very excited by this.
While we lost much of our history and identity in the years of service to the goblins, some skills where passed down and those two still remember how steel was made in the old days.
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18th Granite 661
I guess I jinxed it when I rambled about other people out there seeking refuge.
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Today, a huge group arrived at our doors. No less then twenty dwarves and two elfs, half starved and nearly frozen to death, where brought in by Mafiawhales squad. We ushered them to the rooms near the forges, the warmest place we got, and fetched some food and drink for them.
After getting a bit warmed up, I asked them who their leader was and after some shuffling a dwarf named Pyer stepped forward.
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What really got me on the wrong foot, was that she bowed before me and humbly asked to speak with the lord of Igrishilrom. I finally got used to being the de facto leader of the motley band that makes up our population and then someone comes along and declares me a lord.
So I told her that while I was in charge here, I was certainly no lord that sat on his ass and ordered the filthy peasents around. Thank you very much.
She was much more at ease after that. Probably she expected some self important twit to rule this place that would just toss her out if she wasnt groveling enough. At least thats how the greenskins run everything from a dark tower to the outhouse in a troll pit.

Anyway, the truly shocking part was their story. During the winter, Datans group had stopped near the settlement where they where forced to work and some of them had snuck out to trade a few odds and ends with the merchants. However, they also gossiped quite a bit and so they learned about, and I quote her here "the fortress Igrishilrom, that has risen against the greenskin oppression and raises a mighty army to free their bretheren". Suddenly being considered a lord seemed far less intimidating.

I looked around to the others that stood around and listened to her story and the expressions of some of them truly shocked me. Dewsif had the decency to look surprised, but made no motion to contratict that description, Mafiawhale smirked and looked pleased that this story was floating around and Doctor Skull, who was tending to the injured, calmly stated that it was overdue for dwarves to spill blood and sweats against the goblins instead of for them.

Once my attention settled back on Pyer, she resumed her story. Embolded by the tale of some mystical stronghold that bore the same name as our hole in the ground, they started to steal and hide everything they could and prepared to rise up against their overseers. It didnt work out quite as planned, they where found out before they where ready, and the resulting battle was far too bloody. Approximately 20 to 30 of them died, another 20 or so recaptured. They started their journey to us with next to no supplies and lost another eight to hunger and cold on the way.
The two elves that where with them, where actually merchants who they had met on the way and who had helped them out.

It was a lot to digest and I told her that she could stay and everything else would be sorted out in the next days.
I hoped everything would become more manageable if I took the time to write everything down and sort my thoughts, but sadly this isnt the case.
The only thing I know is that I will probably scream my lungs out if I see Datan ever again.

20th Granite 661
Getting everything settled is proving quite difficult. Once the hardships of their journey wore off, some dissappointment settled in. We where not quite what they expected. At least they werent downcast very long and instead started working with us to make this place resemble the rumours a bit more.
Im not sure if I like that idea.

The dormitory has become far to small so we will start by carving proper rooms for everyone in the rock. The elven merchants had some wood with them, so we can at least build more beds. Metal or rock would simply get to cold in this place.
We paid them very good for the meager amount of wood they sold us. They helped those in need, without any hope of compensation and giving them a pouch full of gemstones seemed like a good way to show our gratitude. Iamblichos was quite pleased that they liked his work.
The two of them will stay for a few more days and then be on their way. Meanwhile I will probably keep running around, trying to somehow keep everything going.
Just a few minutes ago Fortestro came in and was very excited about something she wanted to show me. Lets just hope its iron ore.
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Notes: Since Alev asked, here is a full list of our current military.

1st squad, led by Dewsif - Militia Commander / Axedwarf
ShadowHammer - Hammerdwarf
Vorus - Wrestler
Guylock - Recruit, training for Swordsdwarf
Spehss - Hammerdwarf
one unclaimed Hammerdwarf

2nd squad, led by Mafiawhale - elite Marksdwarf
Alev - Marksdwarf
Torg - elite Marksdwarf
three unclaimed marksdwarves

@bluwolfie: I will keep that in mind for the next updates. Once we got some steel, I wanted to give some of the military some more screentime.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2014, 06:40:05 pm by Lord Braindead »


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Re: The Fell Peak [Community Fortress]
« Reply #48 on: July 19, 2014, 06:09:52 pm »

Is there even anything for the militia to concern themselves with? I seem to have had more trouble with cavern animals and wild beasts than we've seen on an evil glacier.


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Re: The Fell Peak [Community Fortress]
« Reply #49 on: July 19, 2014, 06:10:12 pm »

The Log of Idek
20th Granite 661
Getting everything settled is proving quite difficult. Once the hardships of their journey whore—wore— off, some dissappointment settled in. We where not quite what they expected. At least they werent downcast very long and instead started working with us to make this place resemble the rumours a bit more.
Im not sure if I like that idea.

I don't mean to be a grammar Nazi, but you might want to correct that.


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Re: The Fell Peak [Community Fortress]
« Reply #50 on: July 19, 2014, 06:22:28 pm »

Do we have a kitchen for Tasrak to work in?

Lord Braindead

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Re: The Fell Peak [Community Fortress]
« Reply #51 on: July 19, 2014, 06:47:33 pm »

Is there even anything for the militia to concern themselves with? I seem to have had more trouble with cavern animals and wild beasts than we've seen on an evil glacier.

Forgotten Beasts and cavern wildlife pretty soon. Im still not sure if its a bug that the goblins stay away or if I just havent produced enough wealth yet.

I don't mean to be a grammar Nazi, but you might want to correct that.
The whore has been stuffed back into the closet. Thanks for catching that one.

Do we have a kitchen for Tasrak to work in?
Not yet. The food situation is still barely below critical.
At any given point in time, there are 20-30 units of food and booze around and every time it looks like its slowly getting better, a migrant wave doubles the population again. Preparing meals at this point would result in a few dwarves easily occupying all avaible stacks of food, considering the distances involved for a noticeable time and thus starve other people.

Tasrak is currently mostly brewing booze and harvesting.

Lord Braindead

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Re: The Fell Peak [Community Fortress]
« Reply #52 on: July 19, 2014, 08:16:57 pm »

11th Felsite - Frozencrypt, Goblinsettlement
Song slowly strode along the line of kneeling dwarves. Only six where left, the others hat already died from their wounds from the battle or the revenge of the guards afterwards. He truly hated being here, but it was necessary. Bringing five full squads along was for all intents and purposes overboard to quell a little slave uprising, especially considering that they hat more important things to prepare for. None the less, the slaves where getting uppity lately and it couldnt hurt to remind them who ruled this pityfull world. Two months ago, a nearby settlement hat nearly 80 slaves rebelling and now the same was happening here.

"I will ask one more time..." Song turned to the slave next to him. "What in the name of our lord and empress, posessed you to even consider to raise against your betters?" No one answered him and his mood was slowly turning sour. He made a short gesture to the goblin standing on the other side of the slaves. His barbed iron whip cracked once across the back of the dwarf, gouging a deep and ragged wound across his back and sending him face first into the dirt.
Said beloved empress, altrough feared was a more apt term, had so far not heard any of the rumours the slaves spread around. Even if they where true, a few runaway slaves where no threat what so ever, but it stirred up the others. If something like here happened more frequently... He shuddered at the thought to have report
that to his ruler.
"What is it? You didn't seem so subdued a week ago. Twelve of us died in your stupid temper tantrum and you all know what the price for such a crime is." Song walked a few steps more and looked at the dwarf that kneeled before him. It was a rather old looking one, probably male. It was hard to guess under all the grime. His right arm was chained to his neck while the left one was missing below the elbow, the wound only badly dressed and oozing foul smelling liquid into the cloth. He drew his sword and prodded the wound which caused the slave to wince in pain. "Well? How about a little deal. You paid with an arm for your crimes. If you tell me where you wanted to go, I will show mercy. Just tell me the location and you will be spared."
For the first time, the dwarf looked up and spoke in a raspy voice. "You can shove your mercy greenskin. Igrishilrom shall rise!" He tried to scream the last part as loud as his dry throat allowed him to. Another gesture of Songs hand and he too lay bleeding on the ground.

There was a moment of silence that was broken by the sobs of the women second to last in line. "Master, please. Please spare my son at least." While she tossed a quick glance at the boy of barely 14 next to her, Song walked over to her and forced her chin up with his sword to look at him. "I told you the price. Tell me where Igrishilrom is and you and the boy shall live." She took a deep breath, seemingly thinking her decision over one last time. "To the south. In the mountains of the Unspeakable Axe. Next to the volcano there."
The outraged cry of another dwarf was silenced by the crack of the whip again while Song took a step back, a pleased grin on his scarred face."Your compliance is much appreciated. Estrur?" The lasher coiled his whip back up and walked over to Song. "Yes General?" "Take your squad and travel to the Unspeakble Axe. I dont care about the laws. This cannot be left standing. Find me this Fell Peak they keep blabbering about and show these slaves what a mighty army truly means. As for you..." He turned back to the dwarves. "Execute them all. Impale the heads on pikes in the slave quarters. They shall see what their defiance gets them."

The Log of Idek
25th Slate 661
Something strange happened today. A weaver named Litast that came with the last group was running around the fortress, speaking in tongues.
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He seemed to want something and after much guessing we managed to find out that he wanted to have a clothiers workshop constructed. Doctor Skull is at a loss whats wrong with him and told me that it would probably be better do try to accomondate him since he seems on the verge of going insane from whatever is plaguing him. I had the workshop build at once and Litast immediately ran to it and started sketching things with a piece of coal on the workbench. He is still speaking nonsense trough. Apparently he wants cloth of some kind but we are not sure which kind and we dont have any.
Some of us are now trying to manufacture some for him.
I hope he will be alright.

3rd Hematit 661
Litast is still in his workshop. He seems to eat and drink now and then if something is left there for him but his condition seems to be getting worse.
We still havent been able to get him cloth and rumors are beginning to spread. Some see a bad omen in what happened to him.
I personally don't know what to think about this. Doktor Skull is st____
There is a sharp line from the last word to the right of the piece of parchment and some inkblots are below it.
Beneath that, written hastily and in a shaky script is written:

It was an omen. They have come.

Notes: Doublepost again but this is just so much better of a cliffhanger then breaching the caverns.
If we all die screaming now, blame Castor for jinxing it.  ;)
« Last Edit: July 22, 2014, 02:22:56 pm by Lord Braindead »


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Re: The Fell Peak [Community Fortress]
« Reply #53 on: July 19, 2014, 08:34:43 pm »

Send us to our deaths, now! What is my gear, by the way?


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Re: The Fell Peak [Community Fortress]
« Reply #54 on: July 19, 2014, 09:57:43 pm »



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Re: The Fell Peak [Community Fortress]
« Reply #55 on: July 19, 2014, 10:58:01 pm »

I say we hole up and let the doom clouds take the dumb sods. They think they can even come close to breaching our fort? Hah. Let them choke on it.


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Re: The Fell Peak [Community Fortress]
« Reply #56 on: July 19, 2014, 11:18:16 pm »

I say we hole up and let the doom clouds take the dumb sods. They think they can even come close to breaching our fort? Hah. Let them choke on it.
You know what happens to heretics? They get BURNED. Do you want to get burned?


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Re: The Fell Peak [Community Fortress]
« Reply #57 on: July 20, 2014, 05:05:44 am »

Quote from: Frontestro link=t. opic=140702.msg5492190#msg5492190 date=1405828681
I say we hole up and let the doom clouds take the dumb sods. They think they can even come close to breaching our fort? Hah. Let them choke on it.
You know what happens to heretics? They get BURNED. Do you want to get burned?

I'm just saying gobbos arnt worth our time which could be better spent fighting forgotten beasties and GCSs. We have a cavern to turn into a fort.


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Re: The Fell Peak [Community Fortress]
« Reply #58 on: July 20, 2014, 06:28:10 am »

I reckon we should just open a separate route into the the caverns that doesn't go through our fort (that we can close with the pull of a lever, of course) and let the goblins duke it out with the forgotten beasts.
"is it harmful for my dwarves ? I bet it is"
Always a safe default assumption in this game 


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Re: The Fell Peak [Community Fortress]
« Reply #59 on: July 20, 2014, 11:07:42 am »

I reckon we should just open a separate route into the the caverns that doesn't go through our fort (that we can close with the pull of a lever, of course) and let the goblins duke it out with the forgotten beasts.
Tentative +1.
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