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Author Topic: The Fell Peak [Community Fortress] - platinum blunt weapons for everyone!  (Read 12713 times)

Lord Braindead

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With the new version out, I came back to DF. For me, that usually means genning a hundred worlds and searching for "that" embark.
Along the way, I noticed a few things about worldgen and while not getting "that" embark, I got "that" world.

So, with a world that just begs to have a story told inside of it, why not start a community fort?

The Log of Idek
Spoiler: Prologue (click to show/hide)

The Mythical Plane
Spoiler: large and nice map (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: worldmap (click to show/hide)

And here is where our roving band of misfits is heading.

A sinister mountain in the middle of the goblin empires.

To give you a rough outline of how bad this world got it, here are the sitepopulations in the year 660:
Dwarves 63,233
Elves 45,001
Humans 14,148

Goblins 346,025
Trolls 188,245

As you might have guessed, history is a long string of elves and dwarves killing humans and goblins killing everyone else.

If you too escaped from our goblin overlords, you just need to tell me the following things for a place in Igrishilrom:


(If you insist, I will wait for a matching dwarf but it will probably be easyer to get you dorfed when you can live with the wrong gender or a reeducated craftsdwarf/fisherdwarf)

Players and their dwarves
Braindead - Idek - Accountant & Manager (Founder)
InfiniteCastor - Castor - Miner (Founder)
Beirus - Beirus - Weaponsmith (Founder)
Dewboy - Dewsif - Axedwarf (Founder)
Shadowhammer - Shadowhammer - Hammerdwarf (Founder)
Frontestro - Fontresto - Miner (Founder)
Spehss_ - Spehss - Hammerdwarf in training(Founder)
Iamblichos - Iamblichos - Jeweler or Stoneworker
Vgray - Tasrak - Cook/Butcher/Brewer
Skullsploder - Dr. Skull - CMD
Mafiawhale - Mafiawhale - Marksdwarf
Lobotomite - Torg - Marksdwarf
Guylock - Guylock - Sworddwarf
bluwolfie - Glendale Vorus - Brawler
Fishybang - Fishybang - Fisherdwarf
HissinhWalnuts - Misting Walrus - Armorsmith
uber pye - Pyer - Engraver / Mason
Alev - Vela - Marksdwarf
Nail - Nail - Engraver / Lover of Battles
Cerapter - Cerapter - Axedwarf

Alev - Alev - Marksdwarf

Not dwarfed yet

Starting positions filled! Fortress will start very soon.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2014, 05:32:43 pm by Lord Braindead »


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Re: The Fell Peak [Community Fortress]
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2014, 04:00:59 pm »

This is something I can put myself into. Doesn't matter what dwarf/profession I get, as long as his title is remembered as Castor.


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Re: The Fell Peak [Community Fortress]
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2014, 05:26:53 pm »

Name: Beirus
Gender: Male
Profession: Weaponsmith

I don't mind a repurposed dwarf, once you get a metal industry going. Also, if he ever makes an artifact weapon (hopefully out of a decent metal), I'd like him to wield it and join the military.
Because everything is Megaman when you have an arm cannon.


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Re: The Fell Peak [Community Fortress]
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2014, 08:55:20 pm »

Name: Dewsif
Gender: Male
Profession: Soldier using what ever weapon you assign at embark.



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Re: The Fell Peak [Community Fortress]
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2014, 10:13:54 pm »

Name: ShadowHammer
Gender: male
Profession: Dewsif's squadmate

I'm fine with being the wrong gender, if need be. A strong military right off the start is more necessary than ever with the new version, because you can get bandit raids by summertime of the first year.


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Re: The Fell Peak [Community Fortress]
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2014, 11:01:19 pm »

I'll gladly be dorfed.
Name: Frontestro
Gender: either
Profession: miner

Miners usually last at least till the first cavern layer so I should be able to write journal entries for some time. :)

Lord Braindead

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Re: The Fell Peak [Community Fortress]
« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2014, 11:49:11 pm »

Added all of you to the list.
Depending on the profession of the last dwarf, Castor will probably become a farmer/cook or a miner.


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Re: The Fell Peak [Community Fortress]
« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2014, 08:25:54 am »

PTW.  I'll take a dwarf in the first wave.  Iamblichos, preferably a jeweler or stonecrafter.
I'm new to succession forts in general, yes, but do all forts designed by multiple overseers inevitably degenerate into a body-filled labyrinth of chaos and despair like this? Or is this just a Battlefailed thing?

There isn't much middle ground between killed-by-dragon and never-seen-by-dragon.

Spehss _

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Re: The Fell Peak [Community Fortress]
« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2014, 10:26:01 am »

That's a sweet land mass you got there. Weirdest shape I've seen.

Requesting dwarf:
Name: Spehss
Gender: either? Would prefer male, but there's really not much difference aside from glorious facial hair.
Profession: Whatever, as long as I get to become a hammerdwarf later.
Steam ID: Spehss Cat
Turns out you can seriously not notice how deep into this shit you went until you get out.


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Re: The Fell Peak [Community Fortress]
« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2014, 12:14:18 pm »

I gotta agree with Spehss_, that's has to be the most inhospitable world I've ever seen.



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Re: The Fell Peak [Community Fortress]
« Reply #10 on: July 16, 2014, 03:16:01 pm »

Name: Dr Skull
Gender: male, but I don't really mind.
Profession: Chief Medical Dwarf

I don't mind being a repurposed farmer or something but I'd prefer a migrant who arrives with some medical skill if possible. But I'm fine with the first dwarf I can be dorfed as :)
"is it harmful for my dwarves ? I bet it is"
Always a safe default assumption in this game 

Lord Braindead

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Re: The Fell Peak [Community Fortress]
« Reply #11 on: July 16, 2014, 04:53:47 pm »

The Log of Idek
9th Granite 660
My leg got better during the last week. Its still a bit stiff but I finally could walk on my own again. Since then we where taking turns, sleeping on the pelts in the wagon, so that we could walk longer. We are making good headway but its probably still a few days until we reach our destination.

However, in the meantime I got to know the others of our group a little better.
The first one I talked to for a while longer was girl who calls herself Castor.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Sadly I still dont know much about her. Shes not really talkative. Apparently her main duty was to dig out pits for the trolls the goblins keep. Im not sure about that, but it would explain why she keeps a pick around and apparently knows how to use it.

Fronestro is another woman and carrys the other pick we pilfered from the goblins.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
I think I pestered quite a bit the other day, but it seems you have to do that with her to keep a conversation going. She wasnt actually owned by the settlement we are coming from and just got transported with us for convenience sake. Her last owner had er working on some sort of small tower and she learned a bit about masonry and construction in her time there.
Between her and Castor we should be able to get a little reatreat for us build. We are barely two weeks in our journey and Im already getting sick of squatting in the snow.

Then there are Dewsif and ShadowHammer. I just cant help to think of them as "those two guys".
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
They where sold to the settlement I lived at a few months ago as simple workers, but in reality, they where gladiators and training dummys for the goblins in another settlement. They where sold below value because they tended to emberass the mighty goblin warriors during their training bouts.
An intersting tidbit is that ShadowHammer claims he got that name from the goblins. Of course I asked him why they would give him a name that isnt a thinly, if at all, veiled insult and he just smirked and said that they didnt know that they had given him that name. "And not knowing things can be dangerous." he added.

Beirus is the only on I actually knew in passing. He was working as a smith and mostly fixed odds and ends. His real passion and talent however are weapons, not that he got much chance to try his hand at them, and he dreams of creating a weapon some day that will become legendary.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Our group is rounded out by our last female companion Spehss.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
She seems the hard working type and is very focused. We discussed at length some of the finer details of our hideout, like how to get water and some fertile soil to grow us some food. A farmer like her is a great boon to us. On the other hand, her pessimism can be rather disheartening. While never saying it out loud, I have the strong suspicioun that she doesnt believe we will make it to the summer, let alone survive long enough to find a way to the north. The worst of it is that she has some good points, like our rapidly dwindling supplies and the fact that the two yaks who pull our cart are already out of food and look very tired.

None the less, I dont intend to give up yet and it seems the others wont either. Its just a few more days to our destination and then we will see.

P.S. I think I told you, dear reader, enough about me in my last entry for you to form your own opinion.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

15th Granite 660
Idek was still busy untying the yaks from the wagon when Fronestro and ShadowHammer came back up the slope of the mountain. "Are you already done?" Fronestro just nodded while Shadowhammer gestured back behind him.
"We covered the tracks as good as possible but if it doesnt snow soon, that wont fool a blind troll. Where are the others?"
"A bit closer to the volcano. The girls are looking for a good spot to start digging. The rock formations over there should help to hide the entrance. Beirus was also mumbling something about wanting to see the volcano itself."
"Sounds like a good idea actually." Fronestro replied while helping Idek up the wagon. "I havent been warm for three weeks now and it sure looks warm over there."
Idek started counting the meager supplies again. The goblins had packed for a short journey and while there was quite some booze (altrough half frozen) left, there was next to no food. The only thing they still had in abundance where pelts, which lay in a large pile at the front end of the wagon.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
While Idek was looking very intently at the two yaks, Beirus was coming back from his survey.
"I know we had the discussion already, but I still think we should build a forge up there." and he jerked his thumb back at the volcano.
"Even if we decided that it was worth the risk of getting spotted, we cant build a forge without the tools. That is, unless you have found an anvil and tools up there."
"Uhm, but we have everything we need in the wagon. Right there in the front where you are standing."
Idek blinked and looked back down on the pile of pelts. Pulling it back he indeed found a anvil standing in exactly the spot where the axle broke a day ago.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
"Wait a moment. You want to tell me that we where pulling this cart up here, mostly by hand I might add, with a broken axle and an anvil standing right where it broke?"
"Yes... I mean... I thought you knew we had that anvil there...."
"This reminds me to thank you for that bit of training." spoke ShadowHammer, who somehow managed to just appear with his hand on Beirus shoulder. Just a moment later Dewsif had his hand on the other. "Yeah. And since you helped us to find our true strength, how about we do something you like together? Like looking at that volcano again." "Sounds like a good idea. We should get a really close look while we are at it."
And with these words they gendly prodded Beirus back into the direction he had come from.

Author notes:
Not enough time to actually play today. Got back from work very late and embarking took a wee bit longer then usual.
I hope everyone is somewhat happy with the dwarves I got them. I tried to roll for seven male dwarfs upon embark but the game always gave me four guys and three girls.
Also, the group picture has a slight error. It shows a yak and a camel instead of two yaks. However, that error is rather obvious. After all, who would use a camel as a pack animal in a frozen tundra? That would be retarded.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2014, 04:56:46 pm by Lord Braindead »


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Re: The Fell Peak [Community Fortress]
« Reply #12 on: July 16, 2014, 05:29:38 pm »

Name: Alev
Gender: Doesn't matter
Profession: Some sort of warrior
« Last Edit: July 16, 2014, 05:31:10 pm by Alev »


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Re: The Fell Peak [Community Fortress]
« Reply #13 on: July 16, 2014, 06:23:46 pm »

Good stuff so far, can't wait to see how this goes...although I pray for our wood supplies.


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Re: The Fell Peak [Community Fortress]
« Reply #14 on: July 16, 2014, 06:31:19 pm »

Volcano Forge! That is all.

Actually, I would like a forge on top of the volcano, but it would probably need to be covered to ward off flyers.
Because everything is Megaman when you have an arm cannon.
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