Have you switched to c++11/14? How much did it make a coding easier?
I don't know about the 14 one, but if I remember, 11 had the auto keyword, which I thought was very useful. I didn't find anything to do with the other 11 features that I recall, like the lambda stuff.
C++14 mostly works a few kinks out of C++11 -- little fixes and enhancements to the stuff that didn't even exist before. If you like auto, one thing of note is that in C++14 auto works for function return types (not to be confused with writing auto before the function name in order to write the return type after, which was already in C++11 for similar yet different reasons). I also recommend, even in C++11, becoming passingly familiar with decltype, which can be used to get auto-like effects (of tying a type to a variable rather than repeating the type explicitly) in some situations where auto wouldn't work.
I'd also recommend a familiarity with at least the concept of smart pointers (which were added in C++11), for the same reason I'd recommend a familiarity with at least the concept of container classes -- they both make it easier to avoid a lot of the dangers of pointers and dynamic memory. In particular, the shared_ptr + weak_ptr combo can help avoid dangling references (although you have to code the weak_ptr uses for the case where the thing they refer to goes away, but they make that pretty easy).
That's my two cents' worth on the nearly universally applicable, anyway; make of it what you will. ;^)
As for lambdas, as far as I can tell they're mostly to help support functional programming composability styles -- sort of thing you'd find useful to no end if you came from a Haskell background, but it's an entirely different mindset with its own pros and cons...
Switching gears, I wonder whether an issue with the whole text tileset limit has less to do with a specific character set and more to do with the fact that it's mapped to a specific character set instead of either mapping to specific tiles (more like the graphics pack method, but for the things that are currently character-based tiles) or else to tiles 1 through n in a tileset of at least n tiles, either way requiring (for good user experience; I doubt it could be program-validated) that the tileset provided make sense with/match up to whatever is mapped to them in the raws and init files. Unicode, of course, would provide a way to achieve the latter sort of mapping, with the added bonus that if the raws/inits were written in Unicode the tiles used could still be specified as letters/symbols, but the disadvantage that Unicode has a lot of extra complication because it's designed for universal text handling, not game spritesheets. Also just my two cents' worth, feel free to take it or to leave it. ;^)