Yay, new players!
Habit RPG is basically this:
except you actually watch yourself level up. At level 2, you can buy equipment. Level 3 or 4, you start getting item drops. Level 10, you choose a class which comes with special equipment and abilities. With friends, you can do quests and fight monsters by doing your tasks (and take extra damage by missing tasks).
When I first looked at the site, it didn't suck me in, but now that I've gotten going, it's amazing. Example: about an hour ago I said to myself, "I should probably water the plants." Normally, that thought would have fallen straight onto the floor and been forgotten immediately. But in this case, I then thought, "hey, I should make an easy to-do task for that and get some points." And the plants were watered before I did anything else. POINTS, bitches.
I'm currently a level 11 mage with full swashbuckler summer gear (saving up coins for the mage summer gear now) and a pet Shade Dragon which only needs to eat one or two more things to grow into a mount. Naturally, I want to ride my dragon, so I'm frantically trying to think of things I can do to click that "task complete" button. 5 minutes of exercise? Done. 30 minutes of reading? Done. 1500 words for my novel 2nd draft? Done. Come on, baby, drop some chocolate!
My apartment is clean because every cleaning task I can think of for points, I do immediately. There hasn't been a dirty dish in my sink since I started this. I'm getting exercise every single day. I'm on track to finish that 2nd draft by the end of the month. I'm making art every day, doing prep work for next school year, writing articles for the magazine I work for... Doing lessons on DuoLingo, learning the names of all the tiny countries in Africa on freerice.com, etc. etc. etc. This thing is just awesome. It's a skinner box used for good!