The only major criticism about the update is (not even the crashes or bugs), but the absolutely awkward, clunky dialogue system.
I like the new way rumors and talking work as a whole, but it's very rudimentary at best.
You have your companions telling you the same paragraph about the hill titan in the area while you're sneaking around in an ancient tomb. You make a small remark about the weather and they don't even acknowledge it, other than to tell you about the roc that's kill twenty five in its lust for murder. The long strings of "It is terrifying" does not count as a conversation. And when you tell a villager you just murdered their son, or you tell the local lord you just killed the beast that's been terrorizing the hamlet, all you get is "It was inevitable."
That's not even bringing up the UI of the new conversation system. It starts off great from the first menu, but when you get into the rumors menu and you're flooded with options to tell them all fifty dingoes you killed on your travels, it starts to get annoying. I thought animals that weren't named weren't counted as historical figures? Why should we be able to tell Joe Schmoe about the random camel that attacked you, as if they'd care (They don't care either way, it's always 'inevitable'.)
I get the old UIs being unintuitive, but a whole new interface for conversations does not need to be that cluttered. As well as the events list in your adventurer log.