Get ready for adventure mode, wait through the updating world screen.
(5)What "updating load" screen? It goes by so quickly that you barely notice it.
Start a human adventurer with no stats or attributes!
(1)You need a mod for that, right? You download a mod, only to find out that it's a virus; your computer locks up. Suddenly, you remember that you don't actually need a mod for that. Oops.
Download, gen world, start adventure mode, be confused by all the changes to combat since it seems grabbing the throat is an automatic switch to no quarter combat.
(5)You kill an entire town's worth of people before you figure out how to avoid escalating combat. At least nobody got away to tell the tale!
Download, gen world, start dwarven adventurer, be confused by HOW THE HELL DO I GET OUT OF THIS MAZE OF A DWARF FORTRESS?
(3)You ascend a giant stair thing, BUT IT LEADS TO ANOTHER FLOOR! Looks like you're trapped forever.
(1)You begin to download Dwarf Fortress, but it's taking forever. You decide to download from a third-party website. Unfortunately, it's really just a virus; your computer locks up.
Hire actual pirates to fix my computer
(3)They fix it, but they plunder your credit card number.
Speak to EVERY deity. At the same time.
(3)You manage to get most of them into the same area, but you're too tired to yell.
Steal DF's concept and code and publish it.
(5)Your game "Fortress of Dwarves" sells millions of copies, making you quite rich.
Give all the Dwarven warriors free socks and booze, in return for their allegiance.
(3)Only one is turned to your side. The rest charge you.
(2)You think it involves tilesets, but that's all you can figure out.