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Author Topic: First Impressions .40.01 AND BEYOND!  (Read 110437 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: First Impressions .40.01
« Reply #210 on: July 08, 2014, 09:58:10 pm »

It's rough, but I'm still loving it. Occasionally stuff happens like 1600 job cancellations from this weird weaving/clothesmaking job bug, but nothing has been game-breaking so far.

I do wish I could chop wood.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: First Impressions .40.01
« Reply #211 on: July 08, 2014, 09:59:28 pm »

In Adventure mode I walked into a goblin site as a human, claimed it, then decapitated the goblin leader there. Everyone was horrified and started to flee, even the macemen. One archer actually fired a shot at me and I quickly cut him down. I fell asleep there after giving my title to a random goblin surgeon, then inexplicably woke up to being attacked by about 12 human recruits.

I tried the same thing in a human hamlet after I left but got a bolt in the skull for the effort, I love that when I spawned a new adventurer in the same place I found the town talking about it.

Fortress mode looks gorgeous, though flying creatures seem to be spontaneously exploding; a large group of ravens tried to travel across the site and exploded all around my woodcutter, who was horrified.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: First Impressions .40.01
« Reply #212 on: July 08, 2014, 10:03:33 pm »

I do wish I could chop wood.

Is this a bug you have or are you just avoiding it because of falling trees. My experience has been that trees tend to fall on the tile opposite of you wood cutter. I cut a bunch down and got no injuries, I am actually much more worried someone will walk on the other side of the tree from my wood cutter than I am about him.
"I was chopping off little bits of 'im till he talked, startin' at the toes."
"You probably should have stopped sometime before his eyes."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: First Impressions .40.01
« Reply #213 on: July 08, 2014, 10:04:23 pm »

Well, here's something(likely a bug) I've noticed this version: I've been trying to transfer some cloth from my main stockpile(which has bins) to a stockpile right next to the clothier(which doesn't have bins). This is to cut down on job interruptions when haulers take the entire bin to pick up a single roll of thread(which also happens to contain the cloth I need >_>). Unfortunately, I can't get them to take cloth out of the bins and put it in the new stockpile. I've tried every combination of give, take, and just had to resort to disabling my main stockpile completely just so I can get rows of cloth laid out for my clothiers. >_>
This fort really does sit on the event horizon of madness and catastrophe
No. I suppose there are similarities, but I'm fairly certain angry birds doesn't let me charge into a battalion of knights with a car made of circular saws.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: First Impressions .40.01
« Reply #214 on: July 08, 2014, 10:11:23 pm »

^ I am not sure that this is anything new. I never really use bins myself except for crafts but I have heard negative things about getting stuff out of them, and this is roughly the same behavior I remember for barrels from 0.34.11. I would definitely search the bug tracker carefully before making a report.
"I was chopping off little bits of 'im till he talked, startin' at the toes."
"You probably should have stopped sometime before his eyes."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: First Impressions .40.01
« Reply #215 on: July 08, 2014, 10:22:42 pm »

Like everyone else, I never have to worry about wood again. Although for some reason I'm getting some pathing errors. I had a legendary wereturtle that came and turned back into a human, which I set my archers on. They killed it while it was climbing a tree, and now I can't get anyone to go dump the body (I.E. bring it back to my fortress) so I can use it... for... !!SCIENCE!! purposes... They don't seem to go and get anything that has a dump request that is also outside. I'll test further. Anyone else getting this?

By default, dwarfs won't dump anything outside unless it's enabled in the (o)rders screen under refuse.
Dur, I totally forgot about that. It's been too long since I've played. Thanks!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: First Impressions .40.01
« Reply #216 on: July 08, 2014, 10:53:25 pm »

So apparently now the caravan shows up in Early Autumn? And then there's this --

No outpost liaison?  How curious...
A caravan from Atir Sanreb has arrived.
Merchants have arrived and are unloading their goods.

Not as odd as the exploding buzzards, but like the announcement said, how curious...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: First Impressions .40.01
« Reply #217 on: July 08, 2014, 10:54:40 pm »

Is naming Dormitories new?  I've forgotten.
I now have one named the Sleep Inn.
"Don't worry Urist, the spider can't hurt us! He's trapped in an invisible box!"

"Don't dig for you!  Dig for me who digs for you!  Yours is the pick that will strike the earth!"

Melting Sky

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: First Impressions .40.01
« Reply #218 on: July 08, 2014, 11:02:34 pm »

Well, here's something(likely a bug) I've noticed this version: I've been trying to transfer some cloth from my main stockpile(which has bins) to a stockpile right next to the clothier(which doesn't have bins). This is to cut down on job interruptions when haulers take the entire bin to pick up a single roll of thread(which also happens to contain the cloth I need >_>). Unfortunately, I can't get them to take cloth out of the bins and put it in the new stockpile. I've tried every combination of give, take, and just had to resort to disabling my main stockpile completely just so I can get rows of cloth laid out for my clothiers. >_>

This isn't a new bug but rather an old one. A wise dwarf once said, "Burn all the damn bins!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: First Impressions .40.01
« Reply #219 on: July 08, 2014, 11:11:21 pm »

Can we build in trees, too?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: First Impressions .40.01
« Reply #220 on: July 08, 2014, 11:24:10 pm »

Can we build in trees, too?
Yes. Definitely you can on branches. Not on twigs. Not 100% sure about on top of a bare trunk section, but probably.
Cauliflower Labs – Geologically realistic world generator devblog

Dwarf fortress in 50 words: You start with seven alcoholic, manic-depressive dwarves. You build a fortress in the wilderness where EVERYTHING tries to kill you, including your own dwarves. Usually, your chief imports are immigrants, beer, and optimism. Your chief exports are misery, limestone violins, forest fires, elf tallow soap, and carved kitten bone.

Urist McVoyager

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: First Impressions .40.01
« Reply #221 on: July 08, 2014, 11:28:16 pm »



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: First Impressions .40.01
« Reply #222 on: July 08, 2014, 11:31:49 pm »

I begin my journey at a small human settlement (a long two-part divided chamber) and was immediately informed that a human army is on the way, gather your family and any friends you can.. and flee!! I bade goodbye to the Lady of the castle (if you could call it that..) and struck out westward.. I hadn't gone far before a human hammerman and archer appeared, heading east.. Members of the approaching army, perhaps??

I shouted a greeting and was met with angered spitting; these must be the feared humans on the march to the castle.. They seem to have no interest in harming me, so I followed them back east, interested in seeing what may transpire.. Though, nearing the castle, the pair adopted a east-by-northeast trajectory, not coming near the castle at all.. I've been following them quite a while now, interested in their final destination, though thus far the most exciting events have been an elk sighting and crossing a bridge at the same time two wayward farmers did.. I continue to "march" with them, out of curiosity..

The eastward travel continued, through a pleasant field of peacocks and piglets, the only other happening of any import were those of passing through a small but bustling hamlet and passing another small group of soldiers (accompanied by a glassmaker and farmer).. Our journey has come to and end, it seems, though a disturbing one.. My quarry has arrived at the eastern ocean, and as a pair they stand staring out into the blue.. A crab meanders around nearby, but their locked gazes never falter to it or any other motion.. What have they come here for? What would one of the soldiers do if I employed my two-handed sword to the base of their necks?? I shall give them but an hour to make some move, some sign of sane life, before I act insane myself!

Oddly, the hammerman was receptive to conversation (much altered from his earlier use of spittle to display his emotions) and has even agreed to join me on an adventure! This would be great news, if he would only additionally agree to MOVE FROM HIS OCEAN-FACING POSITION! Infuriating! I ask the other soldier what the purpose of their traveling is, and he replied he was heading to Ransackgranite to seek work.. WORK!! Obviously a detailed class on map-reading and navigation would have served much better, the sorry state they find themselves in!

Night is nearing now, and the nearby croaks and chirps of Toads sound curiously like laughter..

I decide to quickly travel from this place in hopes that my same-minded comrade may follow me.. After a long journey southward along the coast night falls, and I am set upon by a singular recruit serving the Mate of the Dark One, a backward-jointed translucent-haired monstrosity with pathetic broken wings.. Against my best judgement I call out a greeting. "I hate you.", cold and gurgling comes the short reply. I have yet to draw blood upon this journey, but now seems to be the time.. I can only hope my meager combat talent will see me through.

More curiosity for this odd, odd day.. I approach within striking range of the twisted bird-monster only to find he is, at the very worst, hatefully neutral concerning his inclination to end my life.. More than that, the beast appears to have trouble staying on its twisted feet, despite any visible injuries.. Being the merciful soul I am I decide that perhaps some warmth may appeal to the hideous bird, so I ignite the grass and create campfires around, and underneath, my new birdy friend. After a time it seems like the creature cares not for the heat or smoke I've so generously provided (nor does the frozen-solid water I carry with me..).. Stranger than that, I cannot seem to find the urge to cough, myself, from breathing the smoke myself and dancing circles around the freakish bird in the fire.. More curiosity for this odd, odd day.. I decide to leave the bird to its warm bed..

After a bit of travel southeast I hit the edge of the river and approach to swim across.. Well, you cannot swim across a river of solid ice, ha! I tentatively walk out onto the surface and find it stable. I head out, ten feet, twenty, thirty, and I begin to marvel; "This is the widest river I've ever seen!", I think.. After a hundred more steps a sinking feeling comes over me, the urge to vomit is strong as I realize I have hundreds and hundreds of feet of deep ocean beneath my feet.. An ocean, frozen solid! How sturdy could this possibly be?! Nearing a state of panic I turn and head (hopefully) towards land, all the way imagining I hear a coarse scraping underneath the ice below me, imagining I glimpse titanic moonlit shadows swirling below the ice..

Adopting a northwest angle I finally find land, though I think a bit of my sanity still laid out there somewhere on the ice.. After uneventful travel I come to the human capital of the realm, Clobberhoisted. Outside the castle a panicked merchant with an injured ankle bursts from a building, followed by a bat-headed humanoid simply called "the boss", who is quickly knocked unconscious by another human from behind. What is going on here?! A local warlord appears, shouting "A battle?! What's going on here?!" just as a local lye maker demonstrates near-Godly power by hurling the bat-creature to the northeast.. It slides by me, its furred skin generating a disturbing sound as it scrapes along the cobblestone. What is going on here!? I begin to wonder if I may have left more of my sanity than I thought out there on that endlessly black frozen ocean..

I near the barely conscious bat-man (*cough*) and ready my sword to end this madness, but in combat I am asked if I really wish to strike a friend.. Do I know this bat-man? Is he truly so evil, then? The lye maker with hyper-powered strength also seems to be neutral as well.. Who is the enemy here? I decide to simply let the drama unfold and lose the potential fame that could be gained by bravely beheading a tattered, tiny, unconscious, bruised, savaged chewed-upon bat-man..

I turn to watch the warlord, who has made it very clear he will show the bat-man no quarter, remove his helmet.. He has the gigantic head of a fish perched upon his humanoid body! Is this truly the capital?! Is this even a human settlement? The lye maker mercilessly ends the bat-man, and I head south trying to track down the fish-headed warlord in hopes of a non-fishy answer, but before I find him I see a deep pool of blood outside a residence.. Opening the door I find another bat-man (this time, a chieftan) beaten unconscious in the middle of a room while some nearby children watched it.. "Must.. be.. losing it..", I think..

I head south and something bursts from an eastern door and quickly heads north into the building with the beaten bat.. Moving back to see what fleeing oddity that was I see an olm-woman chieftess! Who truly rules here, the animal hybrids or the humans?? Now the previously unconscious bat-man is nothing more than a mangled corpse, and the olm chieftess slams a nearby child into a wall, shattering her leg into bits, before fleeing further north into the street.. I try to follow, but the creature exudes such speed!!

I follow the olm north and west through a crumbling alley that dead-ends, and call out a greeting. The olm woman was very well spoken and polite, right up to the moment that a human fishery worker stepped from the shadows while drawing a knife, and then jamming it into the back of her head. The unconscious olm was then violently (and leisurely) choked to death by the fishery worker. "Don't travel at night, lest the bogeymen get you!", he congenially says before walking away. WHAT IS THIS?!

Deciding to head towards the castle now to see what sights are there to behold, the game crashed.. and I hadn't saved in a while.. So sad!

THIS.. IS.. .40.01!!



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: First Impressions .40.01
« Reply #223 on: July 08, 2014, 11:34:27 pm »


Has anyone found out why we have Metal Thrones instead of anvils in these world gen forges? I am going to melt them down for steel.

Steel Anvils are worth a ridiculous amount, so Toady probably swapped anvils out for thrones to make it less exploity.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2014, 11:43:24 pm by TalonisWolf »
TalonisWolf has claimed the title of Sig-forger the Burning Champion of Lime Green!
The first time you see this, copy it i

Urist McVoyager

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Re: First Impressions .40.01
« Reply #224 on: July 08, 2014, 11:46:29 pm »

Epic story of an insane world! Sounds like 40.01 is going to be fun no matter which mode you get into, long as you avoid crashes. I'll wait until the bugfixes to worry about Adventure. I'm frequently saving my Fortress and going ahead slowly but surely.
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