I dunno about any sort of external editor, but the perl script that Putnam passed me still decrypts the announcement/dipscript/help folder crap just fine.
# Script to encode and decode the Dwarf Fortress compressed
# announcement / help / dipscript files.
# Released into the public domain by Ilmari Karonen (Vyznev).
# Do whatever you want with it.
# Usage: Run once in your main DF folder with the --reverse switch to
# decode all compressed files from data/ to data_src/. After editing
# the decoded text files, run without the --reverse switch to update
# the compressed files. See below for more options.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Compress::Zlib qw'compress uncompress $gzerrno';
use Getopt::Long qw'GetOptions';
my $basedir = ".";
my $datadir = "data";
my $textdir = "data_src";
my $usage = <<"END";
Usage: $0 [options] <subdir(s)>
--reverse, -r
Decode compressed files into text files, rather than the opposite.
--force, -f
Overwrite target files even if they are newer than the source files.
--quiet, -q
Print nothing unless something goes wrong.
--verbose, -v
Show exactly what is being en/decoded.
--basedir=<dir>, -d <dir>
Look for the data/text directories under <dir> instead of "$basedir".
Subdirectory containing compressed data files (default: "$datadir").
Subdirectory containing uncompressed text files (default: "$textdir").
The remaining arguments should be file or directory names found under the
data/text subdirectories.
GetOptions( 'r|reverse' => \my $reverse,
'f|force' => \my $force,
'q|quiet' => \my $quiet,
'v|verbose' => \my $verbose,
'd|basedir=s' => \$basedir,
'datadir=s' => \$datadir,
'textdir=s' => \$textdir,
) or die $usage;
undef $quiet if $verbose;
# strip trailing slashes, strip base dir names from subdirs
# XXX: this is kind of a kluge, but allows use of command line completion and/or shell wildcards for subdirs
s!/*$!! for $basedir, $datadir, $textdir;
s!^\Q$basedir\E/!!, s!^(\Q$datadir\E|\Q$textdir\E)/!! for @ARGV;
$_ = "$basedir/$_" for $datadir, $textdir;
my $srcdir = ($reverse ? $datadir : $textdir);
my $dstdir = ($reverse ? $textdir : $datadir);
die "Source directory $srcdir not found.\n" unless -d $srcdir;
mkdir $dstdir or die "Error creating target directory $dstdir: $!\n" unless -d $dstdir;
my %skipdirs = ("." => 1, ".." => 1); # don't recurse into these directories!
# traverse the directories:
my @stack = (@ARGV ? reverse @ARGV : ".");
while (@stack) {
my $name = pop @stack;
# catch errors with eval, resume from next entry:
eval {
my $srcpath = "$srcdir/$name";
my $dstpath = "$dstdir/$name";
s!(^|/)(\./)+!$1!g for $srcpath, $dstpath; # strip useless /./ from paths
if (!-e $srcpath) {
warn "$srcpath does not exist.\n";
elsif (-d _) {
# make sure the target directory exists:
unless (-d $dstpath) {
mkdir $dstpath or die "Error creating $dstpath: $!\n";
# push contents of source directory on stack:
opendir DIR, $srcpath or die "Error opening directory $srcpath: $!\n";
push @stack, reverse map "$name/$_", grep !$skipdirs{$_}, readdir DIR;
closedir DIR, $srcpath or die "Error opening directory $srcpath: $!\n";
else {
# assume it's a file:
if ($reverse) {
die "$srcpath already has .txt suffix, skipping.\n" if $srcpath =~ /\.txt$/;
$dstpath .= ".txt";
} else {
die "$srcpath doesn't have a .txt suffix, skipping.\n" unless $srcpath =~ /\.txt$/;
$dstpath =~ s/\.txt$//;
my $srctime = (stat _)[9];
my $dsttime = (stat $dstpath)[9] || 0;
if ($dsttime >= $srctime and not $force) {
# XXX: if the times are identical, silently assume the files to be up to date
warn "$dstpath is newer than $srcpath (use --force to overwrite)\n" unless $dsttime == $srctime;
if ($reverse) {
decode_datafile($srcpath, $dstpath);
} else {
encode_datafile($srcpath, $dstpath);
# set the target file's timestamp equal to the source file's:
utime $srctime, $srctime, $dstpath;
# announce any errors caught by eval, then resume from next file:
warn $@ if $@;
# decode compressed DF data file to a plain text file:
sub decode_datafile {
my ($zipfile, $txtfile) = @_;
my $filename = (split "/", $zipfile)[-1];
# decode compressed file to text file
open my $zip, '<', $zipfile or die "Failed to open $zipfile: $!\n";
binmode $zip;
local $/; # slurp mode
my ($len, $deflate) = unpack "Va*", <$zip>;
close $zip or die "Error reading $zipfile: $!\n";
defined $len or die "Something went wrong reading $zipfile!\n";
# verify length tag (also works as a file format check):
die "$zipfile has mismatched length tag ($len != ".length($deflate).").\n"
if $len != length $deflate;
# kluge: deobfuscate index file
my $index_mode = ($zipfile =~ m!/index$!);
warn "Note: automatically deobfuscating index file $zipfile\n" if $index_mode and not $quiet;
# decompress input data (secondary format check):
my $data = uncompress $deflate;
die "Uncompressing $zipfile failed: $gzerrno\n" unless defined $data;
# open output file:
open my $txt, '>:crlf', $txtfile or die "Failed to open $txtfile: $!\n";
# extract line count from data stream:
(my $n, $data) = unpack "Va*", $data;
warn "Decoding $n lines from $zipfile to $txtfile\n" unless $quiet;
# extract and print lines from data stream:
foreach my $line (1 .. $n) {
(my $len, my $len2, $data) = unpack "Vva*", $data;
die "Error: length mismatch for line $line: $len != $len2\n" if $len != $len2;
(my $str, $data) = unpack "a[$len]a*", $data;
warn "Warning: expected $len bytes for line $line, got only ".length($str)."\n"
if $len != length $str;
# kluge: deobfuscate index file
$str =~ s/(.)/chr(255 - ($-[1] % 5) - ord $1)/seg if $index_mode;
warn "Warning: non-ASCII characters found on line $line of $zipfile.\n" if $str =~ /[^\t -~]/;
warn "Warning: first line \"$txt\" does not match file name $zipfile.\n"
if $line == 1 and $str ne $filename;
print $txt $str, "\n";
if ($verbose) {
s/\\/\\\\/g, s/\r/\\r/g, s/\n/\\n/g, s/\t/\\t/g for $str;
s/([^ -~])/sprintf "\\x%02X", ord $1/eg for $str;
warn " line $line: \"$str\" ($len bytes)\n";
# close output file:
close $txt or die "Error writing to $txtfile: $!\n";
# encode plain text file to compressed DF data file:
sub encode_datafile {
my ($txtfile, $zipfile) = @_;
my $filename = (split "/", $zipfile)[-1];
# open input text file:
open my $txt, '<:crlf', $txtfile or die "Failed to open $txtfile: $!\n";
my @lines = <$txt>;
close $txt or die "Error reading $txtfile: $!\n";
# strip newlines and trailing blank lines:
s/\r?\n$// for @lines;
pop @lines while @lines and $lines[-1] !~ /\S/;
# consistency checks:
warn "Encoding ".@lines." lines from $txtfile to $zipfile\n" unless $quiet;
warn "Warning: first line \"$lines[0]\" does not match file name $zipfile.\n"
if @lines and $lines[0] ne $filename;
if ($verbose) {
foreach my $line (1 .. @lines) {
my $str = $lines[$line-1];
my $len = length $str;
s/\\/\\\\/g, s/\r/\\r/g, s/\n/\\n/g, s/\t/\\t/g for $str;
s/([^ -~])/sprintf "\\x%02X", ord $1/eg for $str;
warn " line $line: \"$str\" ($len bytes)\n";
# kluge: obfuscate index file
if ($zipfile =~ m!/index$!) {
warn "Note: automatically obfuscating index file $zipfile\n" unless $quiet;
s/(.)/chr(255 - ($-[1] % 5) - ord $1)/seg for @lines;
# prepend length tags:
$_ = pack "Vva*", length, length, $_ for @lines;
# concatenate lines, prepend count tag and compress data:
my $data = pack "V/(a*)*", @lines;
my $deflate = compress $data;
# write output file:
open my $zip, '>', $zipfile or die "Failed to open $zipfile: $!\n";
binmode $zip;
print $zip pack("V", length $deflate), $deflate;
close $zip or die "Error writing to $zipfile: $!\n";