Yet more confusion: reactions this time.
Are we not allowed to specify wood as a reagent material? EG: [REAGENT:A:1:ITEM_WEAPON:WOOD:NONE:NONE] won't work because the game doesn't understand wood as a reagent?
PLANT_MAT (though it will accept any plant mat, so don't make strawberry whips ) also one of those NONEs needs to swap with WOOD/PLANT_MAT as it is currently looking for any weapon called WOOD
WOOD is a material token
I can use my wood as a weapon! Err... wait...
So a couple of observations:
I modded four kinds of club into the game and then built them in a workshop. However, the orders list had four 'Make club' options, - each standing for the variations, but none specified. So to differentiate between them you could add the adjective into the title, but then you'd get [adjective][namewithadjective] - eg: small small club.
So it seems like you may as well ignore the adjective and just name the item including the adjective in the title.
Item distinctions: Colour me baffled.
The game doesn't distinguish between these objects when it comes to crafting. They exist seperately, but you can only craft the fourth object a great club - which I haven't even made the reaction for yet.
[NAME:small club:small clubs]
[NAME:Craft club]
[NAME:Craft small club]
I'm aiming for: Make wooden club/Make small wooden club
What I get in fortress mode is : Make wooden great club
Looking at object testing, it's stopped distinguishing between them now. It just has great clubs available. So previously it was distinguishing between them by adjective before... but that creates the above (albeit minor) naming problem.
I assume it's just picking the biggest club available to the race and going with that one. Which is technically fine... but not quite what I was after.
I cannot make head not tails of the logic here.
Sorry for the spam, but I didn't want to make an entire thread revolving around some system quirks.