I'm trying to make a reaction that'd take leaves (the kind processed to a bag from a plant) and make bone items out of them.
Actually, I'm not trying, I'm currently at the phase where I evaluate what I want to do and ask questions about it. So...
[NAME:make deep ivory bolts]
[REAGENT:leaf container:1:NONE:NONE:NONE:NONE]
What I am missing is how to assign a proper material to it, and how to restrict it to the one single plant whose leaves I've decided look like bones. If I give the leaves the material properties of bone, the bolts will still be leaf-based bolts and so won't be stockpiled properly - how do I make them be stockpiled properly?
I'm pretty sure I can't use any of the hardcoded reactions, because the bone carving ones take corpse parts and I can't make the leaves be corpse parts... or can I?
Also, should I just use a reaction class token to restrict the reaction by putting it on the leaves of the plant in the plant definition?
Is there a way of wrapping up reactions in a menu, or is that hardcoded? I'm considering only making a bolts reaction to avoid clutter, but there are other uses for bone...
...actually, how would I even write a decorating reaction?