I'm trying to make a human-only world , removing the elf/dwarf/goblin/kobolds entities and making some adjustement to the human one so they get noble position similarly to dwarven ones (in order to make it playable similarly to dwarves in fortress mode too) , i changed the biome start/support to ALL_MAIN
The generation works well enough, as the various human towns/hamlets are built all over the world as desired after 100 years of worldgen :
But after looking for how those civilisations are doing, i noticed ... no war at all, that's a big problem to get siege in fortress mode then or to have things happening in adventure too.
Looking at the reason, i think it could be the ethics, due to all those civs coming from the same entity definition, it's obvious all those civs will have the same ethics and will then not go at war over such difference.
As unfortunately i do not find anything to make those civs going at war despite sharing the same ethics (looks like even having war sphere does not make them going at war more) , i guess the only way would be to make a lot more entities entries with each having different ethics.
But is there another way ? I mean i would like to have 2 civs going at war for reasons like territory expension, or just wanting more power etc... , as despite 2 civs could share the same ethics, it does not mean they don't want something like domination or more territory.