This is a really neat idea. I was playing around a bit and ran into some problems.
First off some of the problems others have had, like infinite loading in the viewer or weird tileset numbers (like loading tileset 4x4 with 0 tiles or 0x0) and debug pngs and tileset just blank.
The solution was found quickly: Truetype. I read the top post and knew that it had to be disabled in order for DFe to work, and since I'm using LNP i checked that it was disabled... and it was. However, the default settings for the print mode is TWBT. I have no idea what this is and what it does, but playing around with it, I noticed Truetype is still active if I use TWBT even if it's disabled in LNP. Same goes for TWBT_LEGACY and Standard. The only one working for me was 2D. (Edit: TWBT stands for TextWillBeText and apparently has to be disabled aswell, at least when using otherwise default settings with LNP)
From here on I got tiles correctly loading and the viewer showing a good image. However, it was possible to watch the game, but really impossible to play with. The input lag was several seconds and almost half the inputs got lost on the way. That is what the output is looking like a lot:
Reconnecting to server...
Unable to unsubscribe to: heartbeats
Unable to unsubscribe to: commands
Unable to unsubscribe to: tileset
Unable to cleanly close connection.
Reconnecting to server...
Command sub error
Already reconnecting...
Already reconnecting...
Already reconnecting...
Already reconnecting...
Already reconnecting...
Heartbeat sub error
Already reconnecting...
Already reconnecting...
Already reconnecting...
Already reconnecting...
Already reconnecting...
Already reconnecting...
Already reconnecting...
Already reconnecting...
Already reconnecting...
Already reconnecting...
I want to add that I have a powerful PC and a good connection. I used a tool to check if I had any problems like packet loss, but everything was fine. So these two factors are not causing the issue.
A few more details:
Windows 8
Newest version of LNP and DF
dfeverywhere-0.1.9 for x64
Well.. that's my experience with it so far. If I can do anything to help debugging any of the problems any closer, let me know.
P.S.: The console shows still version 0.1.8. You might want to change that nasty string somewhere, it confused the hell out of me when I ran 0.1.9 for the fisrt time