4 would die. The whole point of 4 s to draw fire, it's an expendable unit. We get one kill for two deaths (might end up with 1 death if we get lucky).
We get one unit per turn. For a ratio:
Turn 1:
T1: 5+1 = 6 shadows vs 5 soldiers => -2 shadows, -1 soldier, 4 shadows, 4 soldiers.
Projected turn two with a mirror action of turn 1:
T2: 4+1 shadows = 5 shadows vs 4 soldiers. =>
Worst case scenario if the enemies behave as they did during T1: -2 shadows, -1 soldier = 3 shadows, 3 soldiers.
Best case scenario if the enemies behave as they did during T1:: -0 shadows, -1 soldier = 5 shadows, 3 soldiers.
Medium case scenario if the enemies behave as they did during T1:: -1 shadow, -1 soldier = 4 shadows, 3 soldiers.
Projected T3 unit numbers:
Best case: 5+1 shadows = 6 shadows vs 3 soldiers.
Worst case: 3+1 shadows = 4 shadows vs 3 soldiers.
Medium case: 4+1 shadows = 5 shadows vs 3 soldiers.
We come out on top in any situation provided the soldiers behave as normal.
We get a guarantied kill and at worst, break even, at best we lose nothing and end up in a great flanking position as we can mutate the two that got into that position as well as move units closer.
We should actually have 3 use a dash for reactionfire instead of 4 and move 4 North East one space.
6 would dash and kill the soldier, mirroring the dead shadow that killed the other soldier.
Move 1 Southwest, next turn we will mutate 1 with energy gather traits. and the turn after that, melee range energy transfer traits, which we will be applying to Shadow 8 after that with the intention of making him a magic tank and have a 100% resist 2 magic. 1 would be removing the foreign trait on the last turn possible and otherwise transferring energy to 8 to make him as tanky as possible to rush the likely to come reinforcements several turns from now.
Move 8 Southwest to make room and get ready to mutate magical resistance the next turn.
2 mutates longer dash and prepares for a charge next turn.