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Author Topic: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread  (Read 51514 times)


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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #525 on: October 09, 2014, 05:53:39 pm »

"Their father was able to set a few of them up with decent spouses and positions on the Bellian mainland, but most of them still dwell here in their early adulthood. All my earlier children were slaughtered for the crime of existing, on the day I received these injuries... long ago. Between my loss, and the acquirement of Haze as a pet, my pets and caretakers were Harpies, whom I could not produce offspring with."

With way more effort than it should take a creature of her nature, the spider lowers herself to the ground on a thread of silk, perhaps to get a better look at you.

"If by scholar of the body you refer to somebody who takes lots of pets for pleasure, most of my children qualify. Several have also been trained by their father in the art of financial manipulation, but I am told it will be difficult to merely place somebody else at the head of Haze's operation while we are hated, our trade routes are besieged, and all the prospective heirs are too 'monsterous' and 'unrefined' to make interacting with the general Bellian public their usual business."

Her eyes close when you mention Horizon Creatures. "I know everything about them that the Master of Monsters did while I was his pet, which isn't much, but I suppose is likely more than you know now."

The three remaining eyes snap open, and she draws closer to you. At this distance you can tell that only two of them still work. "How about this for a deal then? A one year contract. I will be your adviser on local affairs, and you will be my healer. After that, if we develop an acceptable level of fondness and trust, I could see myself as your pet, or concubine or sister if you are uncomfortable viewing kin as less than an equal."
Pyrite couldn't help but smile widely at this. "Agreed! And as it so happens, I did conserve a bit of divine power in coming here, so we could start immediately if you'd like."

He grimaced at the extent of the damage, wondering if he'd be able to fix it all in one (successful) attempt. That she had been stuck like this for what was likely decades or longer was truly appalling, and reinforced his conviction that this island's medical talents were utterly abysmal and in dire need of his assistance.

"So what did this to you?" he finally asked. "And how did you end up on the island to begin with?"

Mortus shakes his head. "Aggressive, no, suggestible, yes. Remember, we be talking about the fellow who sent a Pantheon ta this island in large part because Ketari told him she wanted ta hunt harpies. Rexxis wouldn't come up wit the idea to kill a fly on his own. The rule of thumb is, if Rexxis comes up with something particularly violent o' anti-barbarian, blame Valor. He is very good at convincing his king that they have a duty ta slaughter anything posing a threat to the lives and superiority o' their people."

The ferryman blinks, "About 200 years ago, a bunch of us were actually considering doing away with Valor, but then ta Red River Rebellion happened, a bunch of Barbarians and Misfits started killing Bellians, and we found out dat he was ta only member o' the Pantheon who could deal with Alvin in a straight fight... but that be neither here nor there. Which god do ya all want to call on fer help? I'd be glad ta answer questions o' offer advise on ta matter."
Pyrite shook his head. "For my part, I have no idea, save that Telen would probably be less than enthusiastic. Well, she might be, but only if I told her about something I was hoping to figure out myself, heh. Any advice you have would be much appreciated."

He shrugged slightly. " I see no reason to hide that I have prior arrangements with good Scion here, and that his comrades in attendance were more or less invited by me. The fact remains that they did good in this battle, and that they will get more use out of these prisoners than we would. Further, thinking ahead, I doubt there is a need to remind you that Kiatown is still besieged. With their armada it will be an easy feat to crush the blockade, empty any beach near their cannons reach from the orcs, or even ship some soldiers towards that orcish fortress. I think paying them up-front while we have the means to do so, should prove superior to any vague promises of divine favour, which, in all honesty, might even take some time to arrange due to the current, complicated situation. "

" Well, while it is true that one might consider them guests of mine, I am willing to be generous. If you were to acquire their help on your own, in exchange for which-ever favour you are willing to give, I won't hold a grudge against either of you. If not, it would just mean that the glory of both battles would be solely attributed to their might, and my dealings with them. " Giving a reassuring nod to the mortals in question, the dragon's face turned into a lopsided grin. " I just hope their luck will be better than the last pirate you had dealings with. Which reminds me, her Basilisk is still out and about. Should it harass the city beyond Wild Red's death, I will deal with it. There will be no need to needlessly throw your men at an enemy that I could defeat so very easily. "
Pyrite winced slightly at the dragon's barb. It was a good one.

He shook his head at his claim about the prisoners, though. Leave it to the dragon to have no use for flesh. "I'll have to disagree that they can make better use of the prisoners than we could, though. The rank and file, probably. But the officers are more likely to be of specific value to us, and possibly of dubious loyalty or tastes to them.

I suppose we could just ask them, though. What's your take on the loot, prisoners or otherwise? For that matter, how do you feel about the siege and blockade, and possible rewards for breaking them?"
he said, glancing at the Dread Pirates.

"As for the basilisk..." he continued, turning back to Auratus. "I have need of it, or plan to sometime soon. If it does become necessary to deal with it, I'd appreciate it if you could capture it unharmed and deposit it into the care of the priest. He knows how to handle the spawn, at least, and I could assist him if he needs special considerations to handle an adult."

Hearing Pyrites other query, Auratus slightly gloated in response. During the rest of his spiel, the same never really left his face, try as badly as he might to loose it. " Oh? And here I thought this was about getting back Selma's Gate, or maybe even some payback for what he did to you. " As if in great worry, the dragon began to rub his chin in played thought. " So you were out to fulfil the prayer of House Lionpaw? In that case, I fear that I will have to disappoint you. To make an allegory that we both should be comfortable with, if your dear, wise mother Telen could smith greater wonders than industrious Clammor, how could one still consider him the god of smithing, and not her instead? "

Drawing the dagger, the dragon started to slowly twirl it in his right claw, clearly enjoying himself somewhat while doing so. " In that vein, we have here a prayer for revenge, targeted at the most notorious criminal that the local bellian society has yet come to know. If I would not be able to fulfil it, how could I ever embody revenge to the mortals who choose to follow me? "

" I dearly hope you can understand that I see it quite necessary to fulfil this particular prayer, and since neither of you have made any comment, nor voiced any plans on it previously, I already have taken a step to ensure it will be none other than I who will do so. As it was I who killed him, I neither think it was an undue step. " Auratus stopped the play of his claws, the hilt of the dagger topside.  After heightening the inset topaz to make it visible to all – and making sure that it would not be set above his own eye-level – he coldly stared at the gem. " I think the person in question would also agree. Or would you not? Wild Red? "

Tilting his head, he held the dagger next to the membrane covering his ear, even turning his eyes slightly upwards as if in anticipation of an answer. With none coming, he pouted slightly. " Shame. I guess I did not include any way for him to speak. "

Smiling broadly once more, he continued. " Well then, while they originally wished for his head, there is no doubt that his imprisoned soul is a far greater revenge than plain death. For all we know, his deeds might have netted him a cushy position in the afterlife of which-ever god he followed. I am sure the grieving general's family will see it the same way. Allow me to put it quite bluntly. The moment this blade pierced Wild Red's heart, his corpse has become useless. No matter if you quarrel about the decoration on top of it's spine, or feed it to the fishes in the harbour – The Prayer will be mine. If you feel the need to blame anyone, then blame your own limited fortune in this battle. "
"Clever..." he muttered appreciatively, leaning back in his chair. "I knew there was no chance you wouldn't want the prayer for yourself, but I was expecting you to have to haggle over it along with all the other spoils of the battle. I suppose getting the soul was your own doing, though, so I guess I'll have to let you have that one."

He grinned. "Actually, if the corpse isn't of any interest to anyone else, I'd like it for something minor. Just a better use of it than dumping it into the sea.

Ah, but the armor..."
His grin turned to a frown. "When you say 'safekeeping,' what exactly do you mean? That thing may be the real culprit behind this fiasco, you know."
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #526 on: October 09, 2014, 06:04:24 pm »

With Sarrani

They took off together, the new warrior getting used to her wings. Ketari laughed.
"You are mine, Sarrani! See how I bless you! A mighty being now indeed! You shall be my guard and advisor, should I wish it! We have many foes ahead. We shall conquer them! Consume them! Gahahaha!"

"Teheheeee! As you say m'lady, it shall be done. I hope they taste like nuts and cheese."

Mortus Meeting

Having just been able to restore herself to her humanoid form - if it was still weak, it was still preferable to flock-form - Ketari attended the meetign with Mortus.
"Interesting. Wonder what dragon tastes like. Could be interesting. Close enough to bird. Worth a try.

Would prefer a boon rather than a god themselves come here to meddle. It was our Island, yes? That was the point of our expedition. Having other gods come here ruins the point."

Mortus pauses in thought. "Giving ya the island was the original intent, and to the best of my knowledge, it still is. It dosn't mean ya have to go things completely alone, expecially in the early years... That said, if ya would prefer a boon, the safe bets would be Telen or Glaciana - those two hardly ever leave their domains. I also can't imagine your own mother playing well enough with others to lead an army, come to think of it. Clammor usually prefers gifts to action as well, but he is also not above field testing some of his toys from time to time..."

He shakes his vulture head, "If you want to avoid your chosen helper showing up and trying ta run ta show, I wouldn't suggest calling Alvin or Pakka. Valor would also be prone to showing up himself, but he might wind up busy with ta same crap I'm having ta deal with back home... Oh. Autumn. This is the time of year in which she would love to show up and wreck cities and armies. Might want to avoid her even if ya want ta army."

This... was what he should have expected, was it not? He would have to take measures immediately. Kinslayer or not, humiliation or not, Grand Stratagems death would be a loss for dragonkinds low numbers. If worst came to be, it even could drive the rest of his brothers into a war that they simply could not win. Leaving enough time aside to stop massaging his temples, Auratus spoke out.

" Tell me, do we have to decide right here and now? "

" Tell me further, could this document be voided, if my kin were to return your daughter unharmed and out of their own will, possibly with a fitting reparation to settle the matter? "

Mortus sighs. "Listen. I know plenty about Draconic Law lad. I know where ya want ta go with this. I also know that there be elements in Rexxis' court just waiting fer ya ta prove yaself disloyal. I did what I could ta soften da blow, if ya be smart, ya suck it up and let this one go."

Horrified, you fetch Auratus, and the two of you manage to drag an explanation out of the mortal. It would seem that her studies of Draconic history have caused her to adopt a strong prejudice against Bellian Kind, and that some of the books she 'read' contained magical rites and spells used by dragon priests of old, some of which were still part of an active framework and thus potent. Her new worldview lead her to the conclusion that a Bellian God and/or his followers had no right to knowledge of the magnitude contained within the hall, and her new powers gave her the means to do something about it!

Doing his best to hide the smirk which had stolen itself unto his face after he found out that Linda had – almost overnight – become a worthy instrument, the dragon gave Ketemos a conciliatory pat on the shoulder. " If your hall had this effect on someone whose lineage is half arachnid, I have little doubt a mere mortal mind would have suffered damages. Let me handle this. "

Having said as much, Auratus walked over to his priestess, elated by her explosive progress and showing as much by smiling brightly. " If your intention was to impress me, I can't help but recognize the result. Voiding an enchantment made by a god, if you were still within the boundaries of mortals mere weeks ago? Most impressive. Choosing you to become a priestess of mine was indeed the right choice. "

After giving his last sentence some weight by adding a nod, the dragon creased his brows in worry. He had wished to temper her character before letting her attaining might, and he sensed a clear hint of insanity in her current actions. " Still, while I can't bring myself to find any true wrong with your reasoning behind this destruction, the decision to actually do so does elude me. Ketemos is a god, and you have willingly sought out to anger him? Do me the favour, and explain your decision behind doing so. "

Linda rubs her temples, seemingly already picking up one of her masters habits. "I'm not... quite sure what I was thinking. It just felt... right while I was in that room and the knowledge was pouring into my head. The thought that there was an element of stupidity or risk to the action didn't even cross my mind until it was way too late to turn back. If this inconveniences you, lord, I apologize."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #527 on: October 10, 2014, 12:21:04 am »

Pyrite couldn't help but smile widely at this. "Agreed! And as it so happens, I did conserve a bit of divine power in coming here, so we could start immediately if you'd like."

He grimaced at the extent of the damage, wondering if he'd be able to fix it all in one (successful) attempt. That she had been stuck like this for what was likely decades or longer was truly appalling, and reinforced his conviction that this island's medical talents were utterly abysmal and in dire need of his assistance.

"So what did this to you?" he finally asked. "And how did you end up on the island to begin with?"

The damage looks to be a bit much for a mortal healer, especially considering few of them know anything about invertebrate physiology, but should not be beyond your abilities to mend with a bit of luck and divine energy.

"The dragon didn't tell you the story?" she tuts, "Ah well, no harm in telling it again. As a youth, I sailed off on a silk parachute in search of a home and got blown to sea. Chance found me an island. I was taken in by the Orcs, and raised initally as a beast to fight in their pits, but on of their gods, The Master of Monsters, heard tell of me, and claimed me as his own."

"I was his pet and pupil for several hundred years," she hisses nostalgically, "When I grew old enough I became his mate as well. That is what triggered my doom; The Orcish Pantheon follows several edicts put in place by their late mother, including one forbidding the mixing of blood with non-dragons. The four despise each other, and live to catch one another breaking the rules so that they may dole out punishments. When I was discovered, the other three made my master watch while they slaughtered our children and tried to do the same to me, only failing because they underestimated my resilience and left me to die in agony..."

She stops talking for a spell as her body twitches and spasms, eventually she speaks again. "I learned much during my time amoung the Orcs and their gods. Since we have an agreement, you can pick my mind as you see fit."

Pyrite winced slightly at the dragon's barb. It was a good one.

He shook his head at his claim about the prisoners, though. Leave it to the dragon to have no use for flesh. "I'll have to disagree that they can make better use of the prisoners than we could, though. The rank and file, probably. But the officers are more likely to be of specific value to us, and possibly of dubious loyalty or tastes to them.

I suppose we could just ask them, though. What's your take on the loot, prisoners or otherwise? For that matter, how do you feel about the siege and blockade, and possible rewards for breaking them?"
he said, glancing at the Dread Pirates.

Deltrox, the youngest of the lot, in his late fifties or early sixties, answers your first quarry. "I think you got us pegged. We got 'nuff good men in need of promotions to fill up any vacant officer positions on our boats. We don't want to mess around with Wild Red's mad goons..."

He then glances to Scion, deferring the second answer to him. "We just be getting into town. I don't know enough 'bout the siege or blockade to negotiate that at tha moment. Ya know what flag the blockade fleet be flying?"

The old man then shakes his head, and grips the handle of his chair. "There is a good chance the Blockade fleet may just depart once they hear we be around and on your side, and although I could squeeze another battle out o' me men without risking a mutiny, they 'ave been working and fighting hard and deserve some leave at Selma's gate. Unless ya think Kiatown be falling on the 'morrow, I'd suggest giving it a few weeks."

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #528 on: October 10, 2014, 09:17:16 am »

Selma's Gate Meeting

Tulwor grinned like a child as he stomped into the meeting. This day was one they would sing songs about. All the anxiety and frustration of the past months seemed to have fled him, even if only for a while. He had not been able to meet Wild Red in honest combat, but that was a little matter - though whatever business the dragon had attempted was somewhat off-putting. That was in the past now, however; now was the time for spoils!

'What a battle!' he boomed. 'Pirates! After this, we will find the strongest drink you have! Victory calls for celebration!'

He leaned forward to look upon the treasures on display. Nothing in particular caught his eye. It was a shame there were no captured monsters for him to claim.

Something the dragon said caught his ear. 'I think, dragon, that you'll find it was I who slew Wild Red. To whom does the honor go in a battle - the one who fights and downs his enemy, or the one who comes in only when they are helpless and gives them one last blow? Whatever you did with the man seems... dishonorable, as well. But... this is not a night for squabbling. Come, the sooner we are done here, the sooner we may celebrate. If I am to make a claim, it is for that whip. I always have an use for good weapons.'

The two others would no doubt haggle long through the night, but Tulwor was happy to leave it to them. The blockade had to be broken - they'd figure out some way to get the pirate fleets to join. Still, they were pirates - he hoped Pyrite had a plan to stop them from looting Kiatown themselves after breaking the blockading fleet. If only the storm had worked out as he intended.


Mortus Meeting

In a rather more somber mood, Tulwor spoke up at the meeting with his father. A mix of anger and shame at not having acted welled up in him.

'For once Rexxis sees sense. We will kill this Orcish dragon and save my sister. I... swear to do so or die trying, Father.'[/b]

His jaw tightened. He had left Chell to her kidnapper for all too long - he had been wrong to delay, no matter what the danger to Kiatown or anything else.

'I would think...' Tulwor started, but hesitated. He glanced at Ketari. 'Perhaps we should call for Mother - Fletchtania. We will be hunting the dragon, will we not? Who better to aid us than the Huntress? I have no doubt that the coward would flee if we approached with an army.'

And... he had failed that army on the beach. Their bodies still lined the way to Kiatown's gates. He supposed they had been doomed even without his intervention... but it was impossible to say now.
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #529 on: October 10, 2014, 10:51:50 am »

Ketari did not frown, but she didn't look happy at the idea. "I have no wish to be under Mother's shadow again, blood of my blood. I was not a obedient child, and I am sure she has no great fondness for me."
She paused, and conceded.
"Mother is better than the others, and blood does bind... I suppose she may be the best choice."
You fool. Don't you understand?
No one wishes to go on...

escaped lurker

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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #530 on: October 10, 2014, 02:19:10 pm »

Selma's Gate: Talkshow Edition! (Yes, do ignore this. Why else would it be transparent? ;3)

Deltrox, the youngest of the lot, in his late fifties or early sixties, answers your first quarry. "I think you got us pegged. We got 'nuff good men in need of promotions to fill up any vacant officer positions on our boats. We don't want to mess around with Wild Red's mad goons..."

He then glances to Scion, deferring the second answer to him. "We just be getting into town. I don't know enough 'bout the siege or blockade to negotiate that at tha moment. Ya know what flag the blockade fleet be flying?"

The old man then shakes his head, and grips the handle of his chair. "There is a good chance the Blockade fleet may just depart once they hear we be around and on your side, and although I could squeeze another battle out o' me men without risking a mutiny, they 'ave been working and fighting hard and deserve some leave at Selma's gate. Unless ya think Kiatown be falling on the 'morrow, I'd suggest giving it a few weeks."

The dragon nodded in contemplation. " True enough. Having sailed under Wild Red, I doubt any of them to be all that sane. I guess we will have to find another use for them then. As for the state of Kiatown, well, I would say that it is rather dire. One of Wild Red's men blew up in the command-tent when we tried to take the siege back to the orcs, and, well, chaos ensued. Orcs entrenched near the western walls, and all about the jungle, a fleet with Turnbell's Sigil blockading the water ways. Without intervention, I daresay that the city will be soon starving, and destined to fall before this year ends. Well, luckily we got Oinkiny, so I think we can wait a month to see if your presence here is threat enough for the blockading fleet to turn tail. "

He took an inquiring glance at Canvas. " Getting back at the prisoners. Are all of them long-time members of Wild Red, or are some of them remaining from Meltip? If the later, I would call for a different treatment for said individuals. Right, also - if one of them has caught your eye, do say so. As far as I have seen, you have done well enough in protecting the shrine to deserve a reward, and neither do I plan to disregard your future wish. Not that your reward has to be from that stage, mind me, just giving you the option is all. "

He grinned. "Actually, if the corpse isn't of any interest to anyone else, I'd like it for something minor. Just a better use of it than dumping it into the sea.

Ah, but the armor..."
His grin turned to a frown. "When you say 'safekeeping,' what exactly do you mean? That thing may be the real culprit behind this fiasco, you know."

" Do we... want to know? No, wait. Don't answer that one. " Auratus hid a nauseated smile. God of the flesh indeed - if not for his somewhat scholary interests, he would have thought him the son of Multia instead of Telen. " Still, while I said that it is useless in regard to the prayer, we still might want to display the corpse in Kiatown for a boost of morale. Showing his soul to the selected few of the city who will be able to ascertain such things, would pale in comparison to openly displaying his corpse for the masses to see. I am quite sure there are enough corpses around that also could do for which-ever interest you would hold in them, so does it need to be Wild Red's? "

" As for the basilisk, it would indeed be far more valuable alive than dead – especially for me, I might add. Trust me that I won't kill it off easily, but I won't make any promises of giving it to you for anything but study. The kind of study where it stays alive and in a single piece, I might add. "

" Regarding the armour, I would not know of any function that it might hold, nor what you think to know about it. To be honest, I actually don't even care what it is that it does. What I do know though, is that it is made out of the remains of a dragon, and that is enough reason for me to claim it. By safekeeping I merely mean to have it tucked away in my hoard, lest it will be tarnished further by hands unsuited to bear it. A practice that I intend to make a habit of, I might add. To that end, I would also like to get that Steering Wheel. "

Getting ready to start the bargaining, he quizzed Pyrite. " But do tell me, what do you wish to claim as your own? Since our guests don't have any interest in them, you could easily get more than enough subjects for the experiments you are infamously known for. Seeing their current predicament, it is not even their place to complain either. "

'What a battle!' he boomed. 'Pirates! After this, we will find the strongest drink you have! Victory calls for celebration!'

He leaned forward to look upon the treasures on display. Nothing in particular caught his eye. It was a shame there were no captured monsters for him to claim.

Something the dragon said caught his ear. 'I think, dragon, that you'll find it was I who slew Wild Red. To whom does the honor go in a battle - the one who fights and downs his enemy, or the one who comes in only when they are helpless and gives them one last blow? Whatever you did with the man seems... dishonorable, as well. But... this is not a night for squabbling. Come, the sooner we are done here, the sooner we may celebrate. If I am to make a claim, it is for that whip. I always have an use for good weapons.'

The dragon merely shrugged at the light accusations of the giant. " You are right to claim that there is enough glory and spoils to last all of us, and I personally doubt we would have gotten this result any other way. Still, it was me who harrowed the Robber Dragon from the onset of the battle, picking off most of the sailors on deck, and forcing it to flee. Who came in to swoop which one's victory, is a topic that we better leave to rest. All of us put up a good fight, and we can be more than satisfied with the result. "

Shacking his head slightly, he sought to leave the topic behind. There would come no good of arguing with Tulwor, nor was there any reason to. " As you have said, this calls for a celebration. Too bad Oinkiny is busy elsewhere, as tasting his cooking is quite exhilarating, if I might say so. "  Taking a glance at the objects in question, the earth dragon spoke out. " Though I do have to say, that adamantine also looks promising. If you have no interest in smithing it, I would take it for the taste alone. "

Hidden Library

Linda rubs her temples, seemingly already picking up one of her masters habits. "I'm not... quite sure what I was thinking. It just felt... right while I was in that room and the knowledge was pouring into my head. The thought that there was an element of stupidity or risk to the action didn't even cross my mind until it was way too late to turn back. If this inconveniences you, lord, I apologize."

Auratus gave a non-commital shrug. " Actually, I doubt there is a need to do so, at least towards me. It is long since known that mortals do tend to change with the acquisition of power, and I would think it a side effect of gaining so much of it in such short a time. Still... "

Glancing at Ketemos, the dragon stated his own thoughts in a rather plain manner. What happened had clearly transformed into a boon for himself, but had an undesired effect for the son of Telen. " I wonder, how should we handle this matter? It is clear that your system was in need of some limitations or refinement, but neither of us could have foreseen this turn of events. Well, as I have gained from it, I don't plan to appear ingrateful, nor would I like of you to hold a grudge against my priestess. Tell me, how do you want to go about this? "


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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #531 on: October 10, 2014, 03:44:18 pm »

The dragon nodded in contemplation. " True enough. Having sailed under Wild Red, I doubt any of them to be all that sane. I guess we will have to find another use for them then. As for the state of Kiatown, well, I would say that it is rather dire. One of Wild Red's men blew up in the command-tent when we tried to take the siege back to the orcs, and, well, chaos ensued. Orcs entrenched near the western walls, and all about the jungle, a fleet with Turnbell's Sigil blockading the water ways. Without intervention, I daresay that the city will be soon starving, and destined to fall before this year ends. Well, luckily we got Oinkiny, so I think we can wait a month to see if your presence here is threat enough for the blockading fleet to turn tail. "

Scion scratches his beard, and directs his servant to hold him so that he may peer out onto the stage. "...That be Rattigont the Dark's fleet. He isn't much of an admiral; Any single Dread Pirate fleet could crush his, and an armada consisting o' three o' us would be plain overkill. His presence does raise some other concerns... Rattigont himself be Turnbell's son. A demi-god. I wouldn't underestimate him in single combat."

"I helped him raid the Temple o' Pakka at Verdant Beach a few years back," Bane chips in, "I know fo' a fact that he sails with several skilled priests, master thieves, an' assassins trained at 'is mother's temple. He could be using them ta cause all sorts o' subtle trouble up an' down tha coast witout you lot knowing."

"And that is not the worst of it..." Deltrox adds, "Those priests he has will 'ave a direct line to Turnbell's temple in Redveil Port. Red's family will already know of his defeat, and I'd be shocked if they let it 'o witout trying ta avenge him. I'd 'xpect more trouble from dat lot in four ta six months..." 

He took an inquiring glance at Canvas. " Getting back at the prisoners. Are all of them long-time members of Wild Red, or are some of them remaining from Meltip? If the later, I would call for a different treatment for said individuals. Right, also - if one of them has caught your eye, do say so. As far as I have seen, you have done well enough in protecting the shrine to deserve a reward, and neither do I plan to disregard your future wish. Not that your reward has to be from that stage, mind me, just giving you the option is all. "

"If I had a fleet, I'd let Nell Hound, the water elementalist on stage, sail under me in a heartbeat," The Herald answers without hesitation, "those with their souls baptized with water tend to be obedient and trustworthy, and Nell has a reputation for being an asset to whichever Pirate Lord he serves under."

She shakes her head, and give the dragon a somewhat melancholy glance. "Ogov, the Tactician, is a personal friend and mentor of mine, and I wouldn't mind be awarded his service, but speaking as your herald, I'd have to recommend he not be spared. I have little doubt that blowing up the meeting tent entirely his idea. Wild Red would not have come up with that sort of sneaky shit on his own. Not his style... I guess we could blame it on Rattigont though."

"As for the rest," Canvas says after pausing to inspect one of her tattoos, "the warrior captain Jorgen is a mercenary with a bad reputation for using whatever fleet he is attached to in pursuit of his own agenda. The Shark-Kin I was just talking too before shit went down; She had just signed on with Red's Fleet for a taste of the surface life and piracy... I don't know much about Makko, except that I am pretty sure he didn't come from Meltip's fleet."

"The Rest are all loyal Redites," she decides with a shrug, "though I might add his family may be useful bargaining chips should whoever is in Charge of Port Redveil decide to give you trouble as the Dread Pirates expect."

'What a battle!' he boomed. 'Pirates! After this, we will find the strongest drink you have! Victory calls for celebration!'

"We can hit the taverns," Deltrox answers sheepishly, "We have been at sea for awhile, and I doubt we have much left that would be fit to share with a god."

In a rather more somber mood, Tulwor spoke up at the meeting with his father. A mix of anger and shame at not having acted welled up in him.

'For once Rexxis sees sense. We will kill this Orcish dragon and save my sister. I... swear to do so or die trying, Father.'[/b]

"I'd rather ya not die trying lad," Mortus answers, "It would be a lot o' time and hassle to put ya back together again." Given his mood, it is tough to tell if your father's words are practical advice or dark humor.


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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #532 on: October 10, 2014, 05:28:05 pm »

Mortus pauses in thought. "Giving ya the island was the original intent, and to the best of my knowledge, it still is. It dosn't mean ya have to go things completely alone, expecially in the early years... That said, if ya would prefer a boon, the safe bets would be Telen or Glaciana - those two hardly ever leave their domains. I also can't imagine your own mother playing well enough with others to lead an army, come to think of it. Clammor usually prefers gifts to action as well, but he is also not above field testing some of his toys from time to time..."

He shakes his vulture head, "If you want to avoid your chosen helper showing up and trying ta run ta show, I wouldn't suggest calling Alvin or Pakka. Valor would also be prone to showing up himself, but he might wind up busy with ta same crap I'm having ta deal with back home... Oh. Autumn. This is the time of year in which she would love to show up and wreck cities and armies. Might want to avoid her even if ya want ta army."
"Say, here's a thought," Pyrite said. "Do you know what each of the gods thinks of us, and how much that might affect their aid and judgement?

Speaking of, I'm curious. What sorts of boons do you think Glaciana might send?"

He paused.

"...and speaking of that, I... have need of your services, actually. Four mortals important to me were slain in Wild Red's attack. Well, three and a fourth I'm dubious of, but I did get him killed so I figure I should bring him back if I'm bringing back the others. And it's not too expensive."

He cleared his throat.

"Also, the Pirate Lord Meltip the Indecent was foremost among them, but she was a Harpy Worshiper so I'm not sure if you've even got her soul. If not, I'd be willing to make a go of getting hers back, but in the meantime the others were General Nightcharm, House Nightcharm's framework manager, Lord Ryder Infelix, lord of House Infelix on the island- oh, I don't know if you heard but I own them now, or did before I got their patron killed- and... well, General Lionpaw, the fat one who was likely not long for the world anyway.

Meltip I'd very much like back for various reasons. Nightcharm I need for his framework expertise, and apparently his House isn't handling his demise too well. Ryder's children are more than capable, so to be honest I don't strictly need him, but I liked him and was trying to turn Infelix's luck around. Lionpaw... I get the distinct impression Hialarth was going to murder him anyway, but I did get him killed.

So... I suppose my question is how expensive it'd be to bring back a capable mortal for a very good cause, and if you've seen what's left of Meltip wandering around."

The damage looks to be a bit much for a mortal healer, especially considering few of them know anything about invertebrate physiology, but should not be beyond your abilities to mend with a bit of luck and divine energy.

"The dragon didn't tell you the story?" she tuts, "Ah well, no harm in telling it again. As a youth, I sailed off on a silk parachute in search of a home and got blown to sea. Chance found me an island. I was taken in by the Orcs, and raised initally as a beast to fight in their pits, but on of their gods, The Master of Monsters, heard tell of me, and claimed me as his own."

"I was his pet and pupil for several hundred years," she hisses nostalgically, "When I grew old enough I became his mate as well. That is what triggered my doom; The Orcish Pantheon follows several edicts put in place by their late mother, including one forbidding the mixing of blood with non-dragons. The four despise each other, and live to catch one another breaking the rules so that they may dole out punishments. When I was discovered, the other three made my master watch while they slaughtered our children and tried to do the same to me, only failing because they underestimated my resilience and left me to die in agony..."

She stops talking for a spell as her body twitches and spasms, eventually she speaks again. "I learned much during my time amoung the Orcs and their gods. Since we have an agreement, you can pick my mind as you see fit."
"Well... my first question would be the obvious- why do they hate each other so?

For my second question, what can you tell me about the Master of Monsters? Philosophy, hobbies, outlook, abilities... anything, really."

" Do we... want to know? No, wait. Don't answer that one. " Auratus hid a nauseated smile. God of the flesh indeed - if not for his somewhat scholary interests, he would have thought him the son of Multia instead of Telen. " Still, while I said that it is useless in regard to the prayer, we still might want to display the corpse in Kiatown for a boost of morale. Showing his soul to the selected few of the city who will be able to ascertain such things, would pale in comparison to openly displaying his corpse for the masses to see. I am quite sure there are enough corpses around that also could do for which-ever interest you would hold in them, so does it need to be Wild Red's? "
Pyrite chuckled. "Oh, it's nothing. It's simply that Oinkiny was caught in the blast along with me and my pirates. Unlike the pirates, he survived. Unlike me, he was injured. I rather say he's displeased with Wild Red over that, so I was going to gift him his corpse to cook and eat.

However, if you'd like to display it, that's arguably better. I do intend to bring Oinkiny to Kiatown personally next month, make sure he makes it this time, so potentially we could combine the two. I'm... not really sure how public cooking and eating compares to public festering, though."

" As for the basilisk, it would indeed be far more valuable alive than dead – especially for me, I might add. Trust me that I won't kill it off easily, but I won't make any promises of giving it to you for anything but study. The kind of study where it stays alive and in a single piece, I might add. "

" Regarding the armour, I would not know of any function that it might hold, nor what you think to know about it. To be honest, I actually don't even care what it is that it does. What I do know though, is that it is made out of the remains of a dragon, and that is enough reason for me to claim it. By safekeeping I merely mean to have it tucked away in my hoard, lest it will be tarnished further by hands unsuited to bear it. A practice that I intend to make a habit of, I might add. To that end, I would also like to get that Steering Wheel. "
"Oh yes, certainly," he responded to the bit about the basilisk, a little too quickly.

"However, for the armor... I believe it may contain a fragment of The Robber Dragon's soul. Well, Oinkiny suspects that, rather. In any case, if true, it might be the true culprit behind Red's Rampage, and therefore... well, what's your view on torturing traitorous kin?"

Getting ready to start the bargaining, he quizzed Pyrite. " But do tell me, what do you wish to claim as your own? Since our guests don't have any interest in them, you could easily get more than enough subjects for the experiments you are infamously known for. Seeing their current predicament, it is not even their place to complain either. "
"Hm... the Sorceress is of the most interest to me. I've been thinking about getting someone to run errands across the sea for me, and I'm interested in her raw power and sorcerous nature.

The Elementalist is likely next on the list... but really, I have possible use for all of them. The kin most likely for ransom, the High Priest probably just to interrogate and maybe torture... I'm sure I can threaten the tactician into being sufficiently useful, and if not I'm sure I can make him regret that decision. The captain and warrior-captain... well, I don't have a ship or crew yet, but I'm sure I could get one if I needed more errand-runners and they proved amicable.

Other than that, it's mostly just the dread cones that intrigue me, and that more because of curiosity than because I'm certain they'd be useful or because I want to sell them. I'd like to know what the artifacts do, but the odds that I'd want or use any particular one seem fairly slim. The other treasure... well, it's nice, but it's still just shiny stones and barrels of ink to me."
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #533 on: October 10, 2014, 05:41:58 pm »

"...and speaking of that, I... have need of your services, actually. Four mortals important to me were slain in Wild Red's attack. Well, three and a fourth I'm dubious of, but I did get him killed so I figure I should bring him back if I'm bringing back the others. And it's not too expensive."

He cleared his throat.

"Also, the Pirate Lord Meltip the Indecent was foremost among them, but she was a Harpy Worshiper so I'm not sure if you've even got her soul. If not, I'd be willing to make a go of getting hers back, but in the meantime the others were General Nightcharm, House Nightcharm's framework manager, Lord Ryder Infelix, lord of House Infelix on the island- oh, I don't know if you heard but I own them now, or did before I got their patron killed- and... well, General Lionpaw, the fat one who was likely not long for the world anyway.

Meltip I'd very much like back for various reasons. Nightcharm I need for his framework expertise, and apparently his House isn't handling his demise too well. Ryder's children are more than capable, so to be honest I don't strictly need him, but I liked him and was trying to turn Infelix's luck around. Lionpaw... I get the distinct impression Hialarth was going to murder him anyway, but I did get him killed.

Ketari sat forward, her eyes narrowing.

"If you bring back Meltip the Indecent, give her to me. We, yes? She consorted with harpies to burn the forest that grows my pets! Her death was far too quick. I do want to see my new servant in action, after all."

She leaned back.

"I hold off on the harpies from this business of the orcs, but do not forget, no. I was already planning to punish the bitch before she died. I will not accept her strutting around both unpunished, but blessed with new life."
You fool. Don't you understand?
No one wishes to go on...


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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #534 on: October 10, 2014, 06:01:09 pm »

Ketari sat forward, her eyes narrowing.

"If you bring back Meltip the Indecent, give her to me. We, yes? She consorted with harpies to burn the forest that grows my pets! Her death was far too quick. I do want to see my new servant in action, after all."

She leaned back.

"I hold off on the harpies from this business of the orcs, but do not forget, no. I was already planning to punish the bitch before she died. I will not accept her strutting around both unpunished, but blessed with new life."
Pyrite grimaced. "She conspired as such because she didn't understand the true cost of such an action... and because she didn't know she'd be my servant yet.

And besides, even if I can bring her back, her fleet is shattered. Surely that's punishment enough for planning to cross you but never actually doing so?"
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #535 on: October 10, 2014, 06:16:52 pm »

"Say, here's a thought," Pyrite said. "Do you know what each of the gods thinks of us, and how much that might affect their aid and judgement?

Speaking of, I'm curious. What sorts of boons do you think Glaciana might send?"

He paused.

"...and speaking of that, I... have need of your services, actually. Four mortals important to me were slain in Wild Red's attack. Well, three and a fourth I'm dubious of, but I did get him killed so I figure I should bring him back if I'm bringing back the others. And it's not too expensive."

He cleared his throat.

"Also, the Pirate Lord Meltip the Indecent was foremost among them, but she was a Harpy Worshiper so I'm not sure if you've even got her soul. If not, I'd be willing to make a go of getting hers back, but in the meantime the others were General Nightcharm, House Nightcharm's framework manager, Lord Ryder Infelix, lord of House Infelix on the island- oh, I don't know if you heard but I own them now, or did before I got their patron killed- and... well, General Lionpaw, the fat one who was likely not long for the world anyway.

Meltip I'd very much like back for various reasons. Nightcharm I need for his framework expertise, and apparently his House isn't handling his demise too well. Ryder's children are more than capable, so to be honest I don't strictly need him, but I liked him and was trying to turn Infelix's luck around. Lionpaw... I get the distinct impression Hialarth was going to murder him anyway, but I did get him killed.

So... I suppose my question is how expensive it'd be to bring back a capable mortal for a very good cause, and if you've seen what's left of Meltip wandering around."

"Eh. The topic of ya lot doesn't come up that much. I would suspect that any parent would favor 'is or her child. Beyond that, I know at least half ta male pantheon will likely think with their pelvis an' favor Ketari."

He pauses in thought. "Multia will likely use the whole thing as a test ta see who she can manipulate and control with ta most ease, although if I'm not mistaken, she has some history with ya that might werk in yer favor Pyrite.

Clammor was impressed wit the lot of ya. He might be fair..."

The ferryman gives his head a bemused shake when you mention the souls, "I collected all o' them 'cept Meltip, but once a soul be on the boat, it be Glaciana's property, not mine. She likes ta dangle desired souls over the Pantheon's head, but if she owes ya a boon, and I mention you desire those three, ya might get what ya want.

As for Meltip, I'd try the lighthouse at ta mouth o' ta harbor at Selma's gate. That is where pirate souls, Bellian o' not, tend ta wa-"

At this point, he is cut off by Ketari.

(Blargh. Interrupted by life mid post. Will respond to the other stuff later tonight or tomorrow)


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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #536 on: October 10, 2014, 06:37:09 pm »

"Her losing her fleet was hardly the result of her wickedness. She was never punished by me, and so she could feel she has escaped retribution for her betrayal. The price for betraying me was always going to be death. It just depended on the when and the how... and the how long.

Either she would have abandoned her gods to serve you, or she had not, and either way she is untrustworthy. Even I do not hug serpents to my bosum, so to speak, yes?"

At the mention of the male gods 'favouring' Ketari, she laughed. "My favour for a dead dragon? I suppose most women get a lower price for theirs."
You fool. Don't you understand?
No one wishes to go on...


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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #537 on: October 10, 2014, 07:06:37 pm »

"She never crossed you, either. Perhaps you could scheme to punish her for planning to betray you?

She could have served multiple gods easily enough. That she was careful to keep her worship of male deities low suggests she took both ends of the deal seriously, does it not?"
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.

escaped lurker

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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #538 on: October 11, 2014, 01:52:48 pm »

"If I had a fleet, I'd let Nell Hound, the water elementalist on stage, sail under me in a heartbeat," The Herald answers without hesitation, "those with their souls baptized with water tend to be obedient and trustworthy, and Nell has a reputation for being an asset to whichever Pirate Lord he serves under."

She shakes her head, and give the dragon a somewhat melancholy glance. "Ogov, the Tactician, is a personal friend and mentor of mine, and I wouldn't mind be awarded his service, but speaking as your herald, I'd have to recommend he not be spared. I have little doubt that blowing up the meeting tent entirely his idea. Wild Red would not have come up with that sort of sneaky shit on his own. Not his style... I guess we could blame it on Rattigont though."

"As for the rest," Canvas says after pausing to inspect one of her tattoos, "the warrior captain Jorgen is a mercenary with a bad reputation for using whatever fleet he is attached to in pursuit of his own agenda. The Shark-Kin I was just talking too before shit went down; She had just signed on with Red's Fleet for a taste of the surface life and piracy... I don't know much about Makko, except that I am pretty sure he didn't come from Meltip's fleet."

"The Rest are all loyal Redites," she decides with a shrug, "though I might add his family may be useful bargaining chips should whoever is in Charge of Port Redveil decide to give you trouble as the Dread Pirates expect."

Auratus lightly tapped his chin in thought. Having Canvas around certainly was helpful enough that he would not mind rewarding her. " Speaking as my Herald, is it? Well, if he is the mind who thought up what happened at the beach, I would actually be impressed by his wit. Disregarding the damage it dealt to us, as a tactic it gave them a resounding victory. Then again, I do suppose that not only Rattigont could have had his hand in that one, but Grand Stratagem as well. Not that I think the later would think up such a strategy, but then again I certainly don't know enough about him to think otherwise either. "

" But I digress. If Ogov was indeed involved in that matter, I guess Pyrite will have his ways with him. On the other hand, you seem to know him well enough. Ascertain that he is innocent in that regard, and he should get a lenient sentence. As for the two mages, I can easily imagine Pyrite developing an interest in both of them, so it will come down to what else he wants from that tribune. "

Pyrite chuckled. "Oh, it's nothing. It's simply that Oinkiny was caught in the blast along with me and my pirates. Unlike the pirates, he survived. Unlike me, he was injured. I rather say he's displeased with Wild Red over that, so I was going to gift him his corpse to cook and eat.

However, if you'd like to display it, that's arguably better. I do intend to bring Oinkiny to Kiatown personally next month, make sure he makes it this time, so potentially we could combine the two. I'm... not really sure how public cooking and eating compares to public festering, though."

" Giving Oinkiny the corpse, you say? " After thinking it over for a few moments, a smile painted itself unto the dragons face. " I like it. It might provide an even better spectacle than I had originally intended. Imagine the boarsman cooking the corpse publicly in Kiatown, maybe even offering some choice cuts to those vindictive enough to share in such a meal? Your idea does indeed sound charming. Let's have it that way then. "

"However, for the armor... I believe it may contain a fragment of The Robber Dragon's soul. Well, Oinkiny suspects that, rather. In any case, if true, it might be the true culprit behind Red's Rampage, and therefore... well, what's your view on torturing traitorous kin?"

Auratus slightly frowned at Pyrites knowledge. The god clearly had more information than he personally would have liked him to have. " Truth be told, I did suspect something hiding in that armour, and had planned to investigate it given the chance. If there is some sort of soul remaining in there, my opinion on torturing it, really would depend on how sentient it is. As I can hardly insist on depriving you of your revenge, if it came to pass I still would wish for a reasonable sentence. We can leave that matter until then, or so I hope. "

"Hm... the Sorceress is of the most interest to me. I've been thinking about getting someone to run errands across the sea for me, and I'm interested in her raw power and sorcerous nature.

The Elementalist is likely next on the list... but really, I have possible use for all of them. The kin most likely for ransom, the High Priest probably just to interrogate and maybe torture... I'm sure I can threaten the tactician into being sufficiently useful, and if not I'm sure I can make him regret that decision. The captain and warrior-captain... well, I don't have a ship or crew yet, but I'm sure I could get one if I needed more errand-runners and they proved amicable.

Other than that, it's mostly just the dread cones that intrigue me, and that more because of curiosity than because I'm certain they'd be useful or because I want to sell them. I'd like to know what the artifacts do, but the odds that I'd want or use any particular one seem fairly slim. The other treasure... well, it's nice, but it's still just shiny stones and barrels of ink to me."

" Well, the cones are indeed intriguing. With that much inherent power in them, even I would feel confident that I could put them to use in various ways. Especially raising some treants does sound charming. Then again, you specialise in such antics, and I am certain you could twist them into something of your own devices. Gifting immortality, reviving a dead one... " the dragon leaned in close, whispering in the halfgod's ear " Yes, maybe even healing your own affliction, if it proves itself troublesome? " Taking a step back, the dragon shrugged. " Of all the things on that stage, they clearly are of the highest worth, especially for you. While I also might get some use out of them, I would call it fancy at best. "

Leaving aside the matter of the cones, the dragon would have a use for most of the things on display. Even if the artifacts could be of dubious worth, he was willing to gamble on them. " Besides the two draconic remains which I feel obligated to take, I have to say that the trumpet has a nice touch to it. If no-one else wants it, I'd most likely also would take the staff, but both items are somewhat of a gamble. The adamantite, well, I guess Tulwor would suit it best, if only for the reason that most of the rest on display does clearly not. Maybe he even has use for the warrior, seeing as he has that enchanted boat of his. "

" The mages... I actually would like to take one of them into my employ. As for which one, I guess we might want to talk to them first, and then decide this matter further. Else, I do agree that neither gems, ink, nor coins are hard enough to come by, as to warrant much of our attention. I'd suggest we split them somewhat evenly. "

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #539 on: October 11, 2014, 02:10:27 pm »

Tulwor perked up again. 'Oh, yes, dragon. I would offer any of these sailors a place on Corusu's Wing, if they'd agree to serve under her captain. That ship is not meant for piracy, though - but I am sure they would find the life of foreign shores and unknown sights pleasant as well. Perhaps I should ask this Shark-kin? We may all make our offers, and let her choose her future.'

He grunted. 'I will gladly take the adamantite if you have no need of it. I have not had a chance to work with such material before.'
« Last Edit: October 11, 2014, 02:12:07 pm by Digital Hellhound »
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!
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