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Author Topic: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread  (Read 51568 times)


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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #510 on: September 23, 2014, 05:31:35 am »

((Major typo in my actions; corrected. Also, changed.))

Ketemos watched as the others spoke; war was not his forte. Regardless, he mentioned a fact or two that could be of some help.

"I hardly have the experience to give any advice on our defences, but if I may interject, I do have a functioning Gate from here to Selma's Gate itself. We could...potentially sneak in behind their forces and do whatever we like in Selma's Gate...we might even be able to draw away some of the attackers surrounding Kiatown. I also plan personally to distribute a few blessings to the colony's defenders...although that will be too little to end the siege."

« Last Edit: September 23, 2014, 05:41:24 am by micelus »
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #511 on: September 25, 2014, 04:49:54 am »

'Wha- Insult you, dragon? I do not care what bad blood exists between you and them, but you should not allow it to interfere with the war,' Tulwor said with a frown. 'Well, perhaps you are right in that they are too distant. But if we are to let this siege continue instead of breaking it now - I may very well destroy those siege engines, yes - we should ensure the city will not starve. I would much prefer a fight, but someone must bring food and supplies to the mortals. One of you will be more suited to such a task, I should think.'

He considered what he could do with the siege engines without involving himself too directly. Being subtle was not his area. But... there were some things that would be both enjoyable and subtle.

'Consider this. It has been too long since I have last wrestled with a storm,' he said, patting Helmhammer. 'I could drive a storm into the siege fleet from the sea. I do not think they would see a god's blows in such an attack, only nature's wrath. I am sure there are many storms to be found on the sea - I would prefer not to use Corusu's storms.'

He shrugged. 'After that... I would join you to hunt Wild Red. Perhaps I should bring the storm to him, instead. His ships will not triumph so easily against the sea itself.'


Helmhammer: Find a storm/typhoon on the seas and initiate combat with the goal of driving the storm where I wish - in this case, to wreak havoc on the blockading fleet.

2 Miracles: Call down divine lightning among the stolen siege engines; do try to be precise, but anything goes as long as they get destroyed...

Interaction: Join the hunt for Wild Red! Seek to kill him in honest battle.

« Last Edit: September 29, 2014, 12:57:06 pm by Digital Hellhound »
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #512 on: September 26, 2014, 06:01:22 pm »

"Hopefully...although I might as well as be cautious in this matter..."

Ending the discussion over the gate, Ketemos spent a while in the company of the elementalist, before hammering out the deal and leaving for Newbellium with the intent of making a small adjustment to the Nexus Gates.

1 Miracle (from this turn and only if applicable): modify Nexus Gates to only be useuable by those who would obey Ketemos' values or those who have express permission to use them.
1 Miracle: Put into bank

Ketemos returns to his room, and begins tweaking the divine equations behind the Nexus Gates so that they may only work for people who share his academic and Utopian value system, or for people with his express permission. It takes a few days, and you make a few mistakes along the way, but eventually the scholar god is able to implement his new design with no discernable unintended side effects.

+The Nexus Gate has been modified
+Ketemos has banked a Miracle

"Its for the best." You sister answers matter-o-factly. "I'm going to have enough messes to clean up when you start bringing dates home."
"Heh, true. Um..."

He pursed his lips for a moment, considering whether to continue.

"Byyyyyy the way, I seem to have been tainted by a Horizon Being to bear Horizon-tainted spawn and be susceptible to occasional control. So if I start acting strangely or bringing home a lot of odd-looking children, it'll probably be that and not just me being me."

He cleared his throat. "Just... thought you should know."

Your sister seems briefly shocked by this news, but regains her composure quickly. "Let me know if there is anything I can do to help... and try not to make any messes."

escaped lurker

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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #513 on: September 28, 2014, 02:48:58 pm »

In response to Tulwors chiding, Auratus replied in a haughty manner. There was no doubt as to who was the perpetrator here, and who the victim. " Do not misunderstand. It is they who bear enmity towards dragonkind as a whole, their driving reason devoid of any justice, but wanton murder. Any conflict they seek, they shall gain – what I do is merely mirroring their hateful nature back at them. " Grinning slightly, he added. " Obviously, I do so with added compensation. Still, you are right. This is not the time for such quarrels. "

Seemingly contemplating the matter for a bit, he eventually nodded at the giants suggestion. " That storm could prove useful, but if anything, do send it towards the blockade. Not only would attacking Selma's Gate possibly hinder our own plans, since most of the people there are of bellian blood it would also bring harm to a good deal of our own followers. "

Ketemos watched as the others spoke; war was not his forte. Regardless, he mentioned a fact or two that could be of some help.

"I hardly have the experience to give any advice on our defences, but if I may interject, I do have a functioning Gate from here to Selma's Gate itself. We could...potentially sneak in behind their forces and do whatever we like in Selma's Gate...we might even be able to draw away some of the attackers surrounding Kiatown. I also plan personally to distribute a few blessings to the colony's defenders...although that will be too little to end the siege."

The dragon also addressed Ketemos plans. " As for your play in retaking the city, I would say we accept the offer. It would not do us well to run into the enemy fleet on open water, where they could gain an advantage – and if it were merely to exhaust our powers before we have finished what we have set out to do. "

After the meeting had ended, the dragon retired to his chamber, thinking over the course of his actions anew. With both Tulwor and Pyrite in attendance, going on the offensive against Wild Red and his forces was far more viable than initially. Trying to place both cities out of his reach, and bearing the stolen skin of one of his elders? For troubling him so much, he had a special punishment in mind for the pirate.

He would create a weapon, or so he decided, and one that should come most unexpected to the victim. Being armed with his claws, Auratus had no real need for weaponry, especially not the small silver dagger which he envisioned, but the blade was not really suited to combat, nor was it the most important part in this particular arrangement. Inlaid in the handle, a clear topaz, would be the key. Whereas the blade only sought to draw out the soul of its victim, the gemstone would have to imprison it – leaving its fate, or possible use, up to the dragon. Chuckling slightly at his own designs, the dragon started to expand his energies. Wild Red had it coming.

Spend 1 Miracle
Try to create aforementioned dagger. A device to imprison one single soul if the bearer of it was slain with said blade.

First Interaction

Travel together with Pyrite and Tulwor to Selma's Gate, using Ketemos Portal. Face off against Wild Red – and any of his armies that might want to interfere. If the dagger turns out successful, try to slay the Pirate with it. Else, killing him and be done with it shall do.

Second Interaction
If Wild Red was slain in the fight, pressure his remaining armies into servitude. Not like half of them weren't pressured into his service either. Give their command to Canvas / let her finish the job.
Should Wild Red prevail, leave the battlefield and disguise myself as a barbarian pirate. Try to get close to Wild Red afterwards, and assassinate the cur. Obviously with the dagger, if it succeeded.

Mis Action
Place Linda in the Hidden Library, to let her study draconic law.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2014, 11:23:35 am by escaped lurker »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #514 on: October 04, 2014, 02:20:12 am »

Seek out Linda's mother for a visit.

Go with the others to assault Wild Red. If that involves engaging his forces, attempt to sow terror and havoc amongst his forces and send a message to onlookers.

Retain both miracles.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #515 on: October 08, 2014, 06:10:18 pm »

Turn 5: Wrath of the Young Gods!

Year 764, Month of:



The Smiting at Selma's Gate:

After concluding their meeting, Auratus, Pyrite, and Tulwor waste little time setting their plans into action. A half day passes while the Dragon assembles a simple dagger shaped soul-stealing device, and Ketemos makes a few simple and temporary changes to the Nexus gates to allow his fellow deities to pass through.

Arriving at the port town on an overcast afternoon, the gods quickly make their presence felt. Tulwor, the giant, alternates between swimming and wading to reach one of Wild Red's ships, before climbing aboard and proceeding to lay waste to its pirate population with Helmhammer.

Pyrite, meanwhile, busies himself hunting down the Pirate Lord's men on the docks, warping and twisting those he catches with divine energy until they are subjected to gory deaths, and any onlookers are subjected to a close up show of the halfbreed god's power. To further the effect, he occasionally takes a pause to eat one of his victims in full view of the public.

The Dragon Auratus, intent on punishing the pirate lord personally, launches an attack on Wild Red's flagship Bride of the Robber Dragon. Flying above his mark, he alternates between swooping in to pick off sailors with his claws and pelting the deck with a combination of divine energy bolts and hacked up globs of molten gold.

Although vastly outnumbered, the Bellian gods quickly find themselves at an early advantage; Tulwor finds his efforts completely unhindered, as no weapon or warrior aboard the ship he is attacking proves capable of harming him, and the pirates seem unwilling to point their big guns at one of their own ships. Red's men prove willing, however, to open fire on the docks of Selma's gate in hopes of hitting Pyrite, but the son of  the scorpion proves just resilient enough to shrug off grape shot, and too illusive a target to nail with a cannonball; Lots of damage is inflicted to the locals, their buildings, and even Red's own men, but Pyrite remains firmly in the fight.

Auratus' duel with the flagship, meanwhile, quickly devolves into a stalemate. Although Wild Red finds himself facing the same issues in hitting the Dragon as his men do in hitting Pyrite, Auratus decides to wait until either the ship has been sunk or the deck sufficiently depopulated before swooping in for the kill on the Pirate Lord; Although he is confident he could easily best the Barbarian in a fair fight, the dragon is far less sure that fight would be a fair one after factoring in Red's armor, crew, and whatever potential traps he might have on deck. As time passes, Auratus' confidence grows; It is becoming apparent that his strength and divine energy will be more than enough to outlast Red's hull and men.

Recognizing that their admiral is in trouble, a few of the other ships in the fleet approach the Bride of the Robber Dragon and open fire on Auratus. In addition to cannonballs, the newcomers also show that they have a few casters aboard, as various elemental projectiles and annoying debuff spells begin to harass the son of Tonneth. After several minutes of this abuse, Auratus finds himself with little choice but to fall back, regroup, and wait out a few nasty hexes that managed to slip through his divine resistance. Wild Red, unwilling to risk going another round with the Dragon, turns his injured flagship around and limps towards the open sea. The vast majority of his fleet follows.

Panic begins to set in for the Bellians; Wild Red's escape now seems likely. It is at this point, however, that fate decides to play a cruel trick on Wild Red.

As the Barbarian's fleet approaches the mouth of the harbor, they encounter a truly massive armada heading in the opposite direction. The divine perception of the Bellian Gods allows them to see the flags on the incoming ships; Each flies a crowned head impaled on a trident, the standard of the Dread Pirates!
Digging deep to fight through the agony and weakness hexes afflicting him, Auratus sprints across the harbor skies, picks out Trident Omega the flagship of the Dread Pirate Scion, lands aboard it, and starts barking orders.

It takes a few minutes for word to get around the armada, which seems to be composed of three Dread Pirate Fleets, each rivaling Wild Red's in size, but soon enough the sound of cannon fire erupts through the harbor as the Armada engages the fleet! A good number of Red's ships are shredded in the opening minutes of this new battle, and several more are captured, but many turn tail and flee to join up with the blockading fleet near Kiatown; The dread pirates, though numerous, have clearly been caught unprepared and poorly organized by the battle, and in-spite of the combined best efforts of Scion and Auratus, only an inadequate handful of ships are deployed to chase down the runners.

The Bride of the Robber Dragon, meanwhile, although damaged by Auratus' earlier assualt, manages to punch a hole in the attacking armada and make a break for it! Wild Red feels a rush of hope as his boat enters open waters, which builds as he spots another of his ships that had escaped the dread pirates approaching his position. Giving a few simple instructions to the highest ranking surviving officer he can find, the pirate lord retreats to his cabin to catch his breath. He fails to notice the fact that Tulwor is at the wheel of the approaching 'friendly' ship, and that said ship is on a collision course with his own. None of the men left on deck notice either, until Tulwor is so close that they can hear him shouting challenges to Wild Red, at which point it is far too late for evasive action.


The ship Tulwor appropriated and the Bride of the Robber Dragon become entangled and begin to sink. The giant god hops over, amped for battle, and begins tearing up the deck of the Flagship, hoping to find and fight the pirate lord while there is still ground to stand on. Auratus, having recovered most of his strength and having seen the collision, is quick to fly over and join the search.

By the time they find their mark in the ruined remains of his cabin, the water is already up to his waist and rising quickly. Furthermore, a large bit of wood has managed to impale Wild Red in the leg during the collision, inflicting a wound that is both excruciatingly painful and likely lethal. As the honest battle Tulwor had wanted to slay the pirate in is now impossible, the giant, perhaps reluctantly, yields to the Dragon's wishes, and allows Auratus to kill Wild Red and harvest his soul with the dagger he had prepared.

The Dread Pirates are quick to move in and take the town; Over the next few hours they assist Pyrite, as well as Canvas' temple guard, in hunting down all of Red's men in Selma's Gate with ruthless efficiency. They also destroy or capture the ships left behind to fight Pyrite at the docks with little fanfare.

As night falls, a group of exhausted victors meet in the private box at the Selma's Gate theater to split up the loot which is piled high on the massive stage. Scion, the oldest of the dread pirate lords, opens the meeting by humbly requesting that his lot be allowed to take the captured ships, sailors, food, and supplies to recoup their losses in the fight, and adds that he has no objection to the gods present splitting the captured officers and loot as they see fit, as the dread pirate holds are already full of treasure following a successful sacking of Volcano.

A Meeting Has Assembled featuring the Dread Pirate Lords Scion, Deltrox, and Bane, the Bellian Deities Tulwor, Pyrite, and Auratus, and the Herald Canvas. The point of this meeting is to discuss the distribution of the following loot and captives from the battle:

-Makko Hogshead, Captive Pirate Captain: +4
-Tilda Thorn, Captive Pirate Captain, Adopted Daughter and Mistress to Wild Red: +4
-Jorgen Flaut, Captive Pirate Captain and Warrior: +8 [Actor]
-Holland Wik, Captive Pirate Captain and High Priest of the Robber Dragon: +5
-Mild Red, Captive Pirate Officer, First Cousin and Wife to Wild Red: +1
-Ogov Flave, Captive Pirate Officer and fleet tactician: +3
-Nell Hound, Captive Pirate Officer and Water Elementalist: +8 [Actor]
-Cephlidquid, Captive Pirate Officer and Shark-kin Sorceress: +12 [Actor]
-50000 Redsport Dubloons: +15
-350 Gallons of Kracken Ink: +20
-30 Pounds of Adamantine Wafers: +20
-250000 Assorted and Poorly Organized Coins and Gems: +30
-15 Dread Pine cones: +50
-Corpse of Wild Red: +1
-Red Dragon Armor: +10 [Unknown Artifact]
-Ruby Trumpet: +7 [Historical Artifact from the War Before Time; Powers Unknown]
-Golden Staff: +7 [Unknown Artifact]
-Dragon Bone Ship's Wheel: +7 [Unknown Artifact]
-Strange Shark-Tooth Whip: +7 [Unknown Artifact]

Auratus, Tulwor, and especially Pyrite have all gained worshipers in Selma's Gate.

Auratus has claimed Wild Red's soul!

Wild Red's Fleet is no more! Those of his ships that have survived the battle have joined up with the blockading fleet, increasing its strength.


Following the loot distribution meeting, you jog down the coast at super-human speed, slip through several orcish siege camps, and vault the city walls to visit Kiatown in search of Linda's mother. You find the house of the Merchant Haze seemingly under siege by a handful of local troops, but they are wise enough to let their god pass unhindered.

When you arrive inside, and state your intention to meet with the mistress of the house, you are quickly led downstairs into what you instantly recognize as a trapping chamber; A room built by mega arachnids too injured to hunt, designed to aid in self defense and the capture of the flesh they crave. It is designed to confound the senses of a visitor, but said design is one that you are familiar with. Detecting your host is a simple matter of directing your eyes to see in the dark, and looking up in the right direction.

She is a spider, about twice the size of a horse, and you can tell she is in bad shape. She is missing three legs, five eyes, and most of the spiny hair that you can tell used to cover her body. Her head and abdomen are disfigured and covered in ancient scars; Judging by the location of some of the injuries, it is probable that she has suffered some brain damage as well.

After several seconds, she hisses softly. Her means of speaking are vastly different from your father's, but luckily your ability to translate renders this irrelevant.

"You look strong. And to be of similiar blood. Are you the one the dragon spoke of?"


Seeing as you dealt with the captured pirates at the meeting earlier, and the ones who escaped are now safely party of another large fleet, you return to Newbellum Castle, place Linda in the hidden hall, and retire to your chambers to plan your next move.

Neither of your posted second interactions seem relevant, so you may come up with another one for this month!

A few days later, you are called to deal with an incident at the hidden hall... (See below)


Work on the hidden hall goes by faster, and has better results, than you could have hoped. Within a matter of days you have enchanted a room to send stored information of your choice into the mind of the occupant at a rate approximately equal to the content of four thick tomes per day.

Shortly after you finish, you are approached by Auratus to allow Linda to be the hall's first student; He is training her to be a proper priest, which requires her to study draconic history and law. Finding no reason to disagree, you lead the young halfbreed into the hall, and set it up so that her mind is flooded with the relevant information. You then return to your room to work on your latest invention; The Clowns Eye.

+Minor Artifact, Clowns Eye

By making the effects of the artifact relatively minor, and also providing an easy way for them to be dispelled, you are able to render its production more or less trivial in terms of difficulty. Still, you find the process to be time consuming; It takes you a few days searching the tomes in your room to find just the right method of applying divine energy to the eye, and another few hours of careful craftsmanship. Eventually, however, the artifact is created exactly as you envisioned.

Happy with your work, you head down to the Hidden Hall to fetch Linda, only to find catastrophic disaster. Linda sits in the center of the hall laughing, surrounded by burnt and torn books. Furthermore, you detect that all the magic you had worked so hard on weaving has been dispelled.

Horrified, you fetch Auratus, and the two of you manage to drag an explanation out of the mortal. It would seem that her studies of Draconic history have caused her to adopt a strong prejudice against Bellian Kind, and that some of the books she 'read' contained magical rites and spells used by dragon priests of old, some of which were still part of an active framework and thus potent. Her new worldview lead her to the conclusion that a Bellian God and/or his followers had no right to knowledge of the magnitude contained within the hall, and her new powers gave her the means to do something about it!

Critical Fail on Modifying the Hidden Hall!
-Linda the Dragon Priestess has arisen!
-The Hidden Hall has been ruined! Luckily the structural integrity of the rooms themselves has not been damaged, so Labyrinth Domain has not been defiled.

You spend the rest of the month trying to salvage what you can of the books in the hall, and cleaning up the mess Linda had left.

Your attempt to visit Kiatown has failed...


You climb up to the lookout, and ingoring Corusu's threats and insults, focus your mind's eye on the area surrounding Kiatown. The Orcs, and their siege engines, soon come into view. Digging deep into your iron will and divine soul, you channel some of your life force into fierce lightning, which you call down onto the Orcish force from above! In a matter of seconds all the siege engines are destroyed, and notable causalities are inflicted among their men.

The Orcish Siege Force has lost their Seige Engines, and has suffered some losses as well!

Deciding that you are not yet finished, you swim out to sea in search of a storm. After a long week and a half of searching, you find a decent sized one, and begin bashing it with Helmhammer! The storm fights back, tearing at your flesh with wind and hail and lightning, but after a few days struggle, it gives in and allows you to direct it back towards the Isle of Plenty!

You lead it to the gates of Kiatown, and more importantly the blockading pirate force. Sadly, however, this does not have quite the effect you intended. It turns out pirates are actually pretty good at dealing with storms; They see it coming, take shelter in a small cove, and close their sails. By the time the storm has passed, you note little damage to the fleet.

The storm wrangling endeavor, however, was not a complete waste of time and effort. A brief window presents itself between the weather system's departure and the blockade returning to its position at the mouth of Kiatown Harbor, and several Bellian ships take advantage of the opening to leave. Assuming they intend to fetch help, backup from the closest City State should arrive in three months at the earliest.

Several Ships from Kiatown have managed to Run the Blockade!


Getting through Corusu's storm as a flock of birds is tough. Tracking down Sarrani the wonder rat in such a form is somewhat easier. Convincing said rat that said flock of birds is actually the goddess responsible for its intelligence is just plain hard, takes much longer than you would have thought. After several hours of work, however, you manage to convince the creature to allow you to modify it.

The actual process is a bit tough to perform without hands, but you allow your anger to guide you in the creative process, and after a hard night's work Sarrani is transformed into a massive winged humanoid make of plant matter, with a terrifying jaw and amazing strength. It howls an oath of loyalty to you, before launching into the pre-dawn sky to test out its new wings!

Super Barker Sarrani has been born!

NPC Report:

-A good portion of the blockading fleet has departed, following the coast eastward. It is clear they don't want to lose everything fighting the gods or the Armada, but they have left enough boats behind to maintain the blockade... Judging by their departure route it is likely the remainder of the fleet is still in the area, perhaps taking advantage of Orcish Hospitality.
-Oinkiny attempted to go to Kiatown to provide food, but was unable to get past the Orcish Siege Force and Corusu's storm unaided.
-The Merchant Haze, the man in large part responsible for keeping Kiatown Supplied with food, has not been heard from since the Orcs made it across the beach pass.
-The food situation is getting quite dire in Kiatown.
-Rumors from Kiatown indicate that there has been some sort of military coup, and a new faction lead by a dictator controls much of the city.
-Mortus has arrived and called a meeting. See Below. Feel free to start individual RPs with him as well.


The Ferryman arrives near the end of the month, and wastes little time in assembling everybody in the throne room. In his hands are two emerald scrolls, decrees or orders from Rexxis himself on a miraculous parchment that only he can produce.

With a cold look on his vulture face, and none of his usual good humor, he unfurls one of them and solemnly reads. "It has been brought to my attention that Chell, a Child who bears the blood of the Bellian Divine, has been taken hostage by a Dragon claiming to be a Barbarian Deity. This cannot stand. The Young Gods of the Isle of Plenty therefore are tasked with retrieving her and ending the life of her kidnapper. The Young God deemed most responsible for saving Chell and killing her assailant will be rewarded with the right to name a Bellian of their choosing Monarch of Kiatown, and a new high house will be established in honor of the Monarch's patron should the chosen monarch not already be of high birth. Help from a more established god will be provided, as per described in the second decree you have been sent. So Decrees Rexxis, King of Gods"

Without a word, Mortus conjures a table in the middle of the room, and unfurls the second scroll upon it before beckoning you all close. He dosn't bother reading this one, but allows you all time to do so yourself. There is a large blank space labeled 'name here' at the top of the document. The rest reads as follows.

The Young Gods of Newbellum Castle have been tasked by myself to rescue a kidnapped child and slay the dragon responsible for her abduction. By popular vote, they have drafted you out of the entire pantheon, save for Mortus who is needed on other business, to aid them in their quest. You are hereby ordered to either travel to The Isle of Plenty with a Host to aid the new pantheon as they see fit, or offer each of the Young Gods a boon of your choosing that they may use in pursuit of this end - Your choice. Furthermore, you are responsible for deciding which of the Young Gods was most responsible for accomplishing this task once it is accomplished, so that I may reward him or her. You have until one month after receiving this decree to provide the aid as instructed.

-So Decrees Rexxis, King of Gods

"Well lads and lassie, it looks like we have a choice to make." Mortus says darkly while producing an emerald pen, "Ya have the whole pantheon save me ta choose from. Whoes help, and judgement, do ya want?"

Newbellum Castle:
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NPCs and Actors:

Locations and Map:


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #516 on: October 08, 2014, 09:06:26 pm »

Pyrite smiled, exhausted but content. Today had been not only successful, but very fun.

"So, quite the spoils we've got here," he said, shifting contentedly in his chair. "That corpse is worth more than gold, but otherwise it's primarily the captives I'm interested in. I have to admit I'm curious about the artifacts, though.

...and those cones,"
he added, peering down at them. "Anyone know what those are?"


"You look strong. And to be of similiar blood. Are you the one the dragon spoke of?"
"I assume so," Pyrite said, shrugging lightly. "Though if I might say so, you look terrible. Your daughter wasn't exaggerating when she said you had been injured."

He smiled, despite internally wincing at the thought of brain damage. "Ah, but more formally, I am Pyrite, Bellian God of Knowledge, Pleasure, and Improvement. I have come here because I was eager to meet with distant kin, and because I felt there was an opportunity for mutually beneficial arrangements. More specifically... your condition. I assume I'd be able to mend you fully, given enough luck."

His smile turned a bit sheepish. "And, of course, appropriate compensation. I'd be glad to assist kin, but surely mending from this would be worth quite a lot to you?"


"Well lads and lassie, it looks like we have a choice to make." Mortus says darkly while producing an emerald pen, "Ya have the whole pantheon save me ta choose from. Whoes help, and judgement, do ya want?"
Pyrite cleared his throat.

"You seem a bit... troubled," he began, sounding very much like he didn't want to. "Might I ask which particular aspect of this debacle has you in a foul mood...?"
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #517 on: October 08, 2014, 10:04:27 pm »

Pyrite smiled, exhausted but content. Today had been not only successful, but very fun.

"So, quite the spoils we've got here," he said, shifting contentedly in his chair. "That corpse is worth more than gold, but otherwise it's primarily the captives I'm interested in. I have to admit I'm curious about the artifacts, though.

...and those cones,"
he added, peering down at them. "Anyone know what those are?"


Pirate Lord Bane, an ancient man with one arm and a missing nose glances at the stage. "I think those be Dread Cones, which 'ave something to do with Ent Reproduction. I 'ear rumors that a coven of hags in The Powder Port of Redveil, the dead bastards seat 'o power, be offering a king's ransom in gold or a boon in exchange for em."

You know of the Ent only through stories. Tree People who fought alongside the dragons during the war before time. Supposedly their hatred of Bellians is so intense, that they kill your people on sight without mercy or exception. They were supposedly driven to the northern most reaches of the world, and are separated from the Bellian Border by thousands of miles and countless nasty Barbarian Tribes.

"I assume so," Pyrite said, shrugging lightly. "Though if I might say so, you look terrible. Your daughter wasn't exaggerating when she said you had been injured."

He smiled, despite internally wincing at the thought of brain damage. "Ah, but more formally, I am Pyrite, Bellian God of Knowledge, Pleasure, and Improvement. I have come here because I was eager to meet with distant kin, and because I felt there was an opportunity for mutually beneficial arrangements. More specifically... your condition. I assume I'd be able to mend you fully, given enough luck."

His smile turned a bit sheepish. "And, of course, appropriate compensation. I'd be glad to assist kin, but surely mending from this would be worth quite a lot to you?"

The creature clicks her fangs together, and shifts around on her web a bit. You can clearly see that her motor abilities are quite impaired as she struggles from one strand of silk to the next. "Right to the haggling... You must indeed be kin then."

She pauses a moment for thought, and you notice her right fang has an involuntary twitch to it. "What you offer is indeed worth more than alot to me, but I doubt I have anything of value to you," She eventually answers, "My pet Bellian who handles the material things has gone missing, and his advisers don't hold out much hope for his return. If you want me to run favors for you, I would have to refuse that; If I show my face above ground, the things that did this to me might find out I survived, and they would kill me. If you are willing to heal me in exchange for offspring, silk, venom, or the vague promise of future repayment, I suspect we can do business. Otherwise, we can negotiate a smaller favor..."

The creature pauses again. You wonder if it is just ponderous by nature, of if it is suffering some cognitive impairment. "The other Bellians think my ill-fated pet has a secret stash of food somewhere. He doesn't. They are threatening to slaughter this household unless we tell them where the non-existent food is. You can help me with that, you are their god, no? They fear 'the monster below', so they will not move yet, but if one servant lets on to how weak I am, I am in serious trouble."

"You seem a bit... troubled," he began, sounding very much like he didn't want to. "Might I ask which particular aspect of this debacle has you in a foul mood...?"

"The fact that me little girl has been taken, an' Rexxis needs his admiral elsewhere, so I can't help, is a bit off-putting lad," Mortus answers, "but don't me mood scare ya. You are not the people who have me miffed."


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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #518 on: October 08, 2014, 10:52:21 pm »

Pirate Lord Bane, an ancient man with one arm and a missing nose glances at the stage. "I think those be Dread Cones, which 'ave something to do with Ent Reproduction. I 'ear rumors that a coven of hags in The Powder Port of Redveil, the dead bastards seat 'o power, be offering a king's ransom in gold or a boon in exchange for em."

You know of the Ent only through stories. Tree People who fought alongside the dragons during the war before time. Supposedly their hatred of Bellians is so intense, that they kill your people on sight without mercy or exception. They were supposedly driven to the northern most reaches of the world, and are separated from the Bellian Border by thousands of miles and countless nasty Barbarian Tribes.
"Interesting. Don't suppose you could guess what they intend to do with them?"

The creature clicks her fangs together, and shifts around on her web a bit. You can clearly see that her motor abilities are quite impaired as she struggles from one strand of silk to the next. "Right to the haggling... You must indeed be kin then."

She pauses a moment for thought, and you notice her right fang has an involuntary twitch to it. "What you offer is indeed worth more than alot to me, but I doubt I have anything of value to you," She eventually answers, "My pet Bellian who handles the material things has gone missing, and his advisers don't hold out much hope for his return. If you want me to run favors for you, I would have to refuse that; If I show my face above ground, the things that did this to me might find out I survived, and they would kill me. If you are willing to heal me in exchange for offspring, silk, venom, or the vague promise of future repayment, I suspect we can do business. Otherwise, we can negotiate a smaller favor..."

The creature pauses again. You wonder if it is just ponderous by nature, of if it is suffering some cognitive impairment. "The other Bellians think my ill-fated pet has a secret stash of food somewhere. He doesn't. They are threatening to slaughter this household unless we tell them where the non-existent food is. You can help me with that, you are their god, no? They fear 'the monster below', so they will not move yet, but if one servant lets on to how weak I am, I am in serious trouble."
Pyrite clicked his teeth together. "Hnn, that's unfortunate. No doubt your prowess would have been much appreciated if and when the Orcs assault the walls.

The soldiers, at least, I can deal with for free. I'll let them know on my way out that there's no food here, that I don't want this residence disturbed regardless, and that I'm working on getting them all the food they need in the near future.

As for the rest, I'm not opposed to services for vague future favors, and I might have a few other ideas as well. I'd like to hear about what you can offer at the moment, though."

"The fact that me little girl has been taken, an' Rexxis needs his admiral elsewhere, so I can't help, is a bit off-putting lad," Mortus answers, "but don't me mood scare ya. You are not the people who have me miffed."
"Ah," Pyrite responded, clearly relieved but still apologetic. "We did intend to rescue her right away, but we didn't know where she was and didn't think we could take them directly in a fight... though Tulwor wanted to anyway. So we needed to prepare, but then this happened...

Speaking of which, how... negotiable is the dragon's death? Fitting as it'd be to murder a God of Provocation, I was hoping for a slightly less severe response."
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.

escaped lurker

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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #519 on: October 09, 2014, 12:31:30 am »

Inspecting the wares with a keen eye, Auratus wandered the stage. It would seem that the deceased pirate lord had taken most of his wealth with him – how it never occurred to the human to build a hoard, beyond the dragon.

After sating his curiosity on the displayed wares, he addressed Scion's words. " While it is a bit belated, I officially bid you welcome. I am pleased to see that your business seemingly was as successful as your return was timely. " Leaning in to the old pirate, the dragon bared a most triumphant smile. " I will have you tell me how it went in detail at a later date. "

They might even have been too successful, leaving the dragon to wonder how he would make good on his part of the bargain. Either way, it would be for then, and he once more addressed the room at large. " Well then, I don't see on what grounds we would deny your request. Besides, by the practices of this town, you will run it once we depart. Still, care to enlighten me, how much use will these prisoners of war be to you? Except those that manage to capture the interest of one of us three, I doubt we would get as much use out of them than you possibly could. "

Auratus looked towards the two gods. " Either way, how much worth would you deem their part in this battle? Without their intervention, Wild Red very well might have gotten away, as would have most of his army. Still, it was us who made them turn tail and flee. Taking all of this into consideration, I would think one third sounds reasonable. Any thoughts on this matter? "

" Further, if you two want to argue about Wild Red's remains, whose life I have claimed, do feel free to do so. What I want, is to take his armour into safekeeping. "
The dragon smiled wryly. " Obviously, there are other things that also would be of interest to me, but let us hear what you envision as yours first. "


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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #520 on: October 09, 2014, 01:12:24 am »

"Interesting. Don't suppose you could guess what they intend to do with them?"

"Beats me, but if they be offering that much, it has to be something big. An immortality spell perhaps, or a particularly nasty curse on a particularly high value target..."

The Dread Pirate scratches his non-existent nose, "I'd ask 'round the Harpy Worshiping commune west o' Kiatown, just inland o' the beach, if ya want ta know more 'bout Hag magic. I think they got a coven there."

Pyrite clicked his teeth together. "Hnn, that's unfortunate. No doubt your prowess would have been much appreciated if and when the Orcs assault the walls.

The soldiers, at least, I can deal with for free. I'll let them know on my way out that there's no food here, that I don't want this residence disturbed regardless, and that I'm working on getting them all the food they need in the near future.

As for the rest, I'm not opposed to services for vague future favors, and I might have a few other ideas as well. I'd like to hear about what you can offer at the moment, though."

"I've got spawn I could part with if you need a priest or servant. Just tell me what qualities you value in one, and I can make some recommendations... I need to get rid of them anyway; I should look into replacing my pet soon, and Bellians tend to make a sticking point over another man's children, and some of my children would take it poorly if I replaced their father too quickly."

Another pause. "I could also trade information. My stories will be dated by a few hundred years, but I know much about the private lives of the Orc Gods. I've also been around long enough to know things about the Harpy and Chimera, but my information on them is not as... first hand... as it is for the Orcs."

One of her legs twitches abruptly, forcing the creature to frantically adjust her grip on her web. "Lastly, I can hide and guard things for you if you need me to do so. This chamber is one of many that I've had; I've been lurking beneath these lands for a long time, and I've had many pets build me many homes and traps. If you restore me, I suppose I can even look after most of them at once."

"Ah," Pyrite responded, clearly relieved but still apologetic. "We did intend to rescue her right away, but we didn't know where she was and didn't think we could take them directly in a fight... though Tulwor wanted to anyway. So we needed to prepare, but then this happened...

Speaking of which, how... negotiable is the dragon's death? Fitting as it'd be to murder a God of Provocation, I was hoping for a slightly less severe response."

Mortus shakes his head. "It isn't negotiable. Rexxis had Valor chirping in his ears, trying to talk him inta ordering you lot ta kill all four o' the Orc Gods. I had to talk him down to just killing the one, and it wasn't easy ta accomplish that... I'm gonna have ta watch my back 'round Valor for a spell; He wasn't pleased wit me 'bout that."

Inspecting the wares with a keen eye, Auratus wandered the stage. It would seem that the deceased pirate lord had taken most of his wealth with him – how it never occurred to the human to build a hoard, beyond the dragon.

After sating his curiosity on the displayed wares, he addressed Scion's words. " While it is a bit belated, I officially bid you welcome. I am pleased to see that your business seemingly was as successful as your return was timely. " Leaning in to the old pirate, the dragon bared a most triumphant smile. " I will have you tell me how it went in detail at a later date. "

They might even have been too successful, leaving the dragon to wonder how he would make good on his part of the bargain. Either way, it would be for then, and he once more addressed the room at large. " Well then, I don't see on what grounds we would deny your request. Besides, by the practices of this town, you will run it once we depart. Still, care to enlighten me, how much use will these prisoners of war be to you? Except those that manage to capture the interest of one of us three, I doubt we would get as much use out of them than you possibly could. "

Auratus looked towards the two gods. " Either way, how much worth would you deem their part in this battle? Without their intervention, Wild Red very well might have gotten away, as would have most of his army. Still, it was us who made them turn tail and flee. Taking all of this into consideration, I would think one third sounds reasonable. Any thoughts on this matter? "

" Further, if you two want to argue about Wild Red's remains, whose life I have claimed, do feel free to do so. What I want, is to take his armour into safekeeping. "
The dragon smiled wryly. " Obviously, there are other things that also would be of interest to me, but let us hear what you envision as yours first. "

The dread pirate smiles back. "I be looking forward ta sharing the story with ya. And some gifts as well. Should we wait on ya ta arrange that meeting, o' should I 'ave one o' my men plan it out?"

Scion smirks at your response to his request. "I'll give the captives ol' 'Join o' die' offer. Most will choose tha first one, and will thus integrated into me crews at half pay until they earn their liberty back. If ye can think o' a better use than fishfood for the ones who value their freedom o'er their life, yer welcome to em. Unless ya don't mind me selling ta the Orcs, there just isn't a good enough market for slaves 'round here ta justify me keeping em fed an' watered if they will not work for me."


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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #521 on: October 09, 2014, 03:16:28 am »

"Beats me, but if they be offering that much, it has to be something big. An immortality spell perhaps, or a particularly nasty curse on a particularly high value target..."

The Dread Pirate scratches his non-existent nose, "I'd ask 'round the Harpy Worshiping commune west o' Kiatown, just inland o' the beach, if ya want ta know more 'bout Hag magic. I think they got a coven there."
"I see. Thank you."

"I've got spawn I could part with if you need a priest or servant. Just tell me what qualities you value in one, and I can make some recommendations... I need to get rid of them anyway; I should look into replacing my pet soon, and Bellians tend to make a sticking point over another man's children, and some of my children would take it poorly if I replaced their father too quickly."

Another pause. "I could also trade information. My stories will be dated by a few hundred years, but I know much about the private lives of the Orc Gods. I've also been around long enough to know things about the Harpy and Chimera, but my information on them is not as... first hand... as it is for the Orcs."

One of her legs twitches abruptly, forcing the creature to frantically adjust her grip on her web. "Lastly, I can hide and guard things for you if you need me to do so. This chamber is one of many that I've had; I've been lurking beneath these lands for a long time, and I've had many pets build me many homes and traps. If you restore me, I suppose I can even look after most of them at once."
"Hm... information could be valuable indeed, outdated or no. For that matter, I've been unable to stumble across much about the Harpies or Chimaera either. And now that I think about it... would you happen to know anything about Horizon Beings? Apparently they've been altering the flesh of much of the island's wildlife.

As for children... hm. I've already got a prodigy in the wings, but he's busy studying Horizon Beings... or at least, I hope he is. Haven't visited him since I got his father killed."
He cleared his throat. "In any case, I'm not certain I have a particular opening, what with all the projects I have going, or would have going were it not for this siege and its associated issues.

Normally, though, I'd value someone inquisitive and intelligent, who could either assist me with my work or perform some useful function here in Kiatown. A scholar of the body, perhaps, though some other naturalist or maybe even commercially talented sort could work. Some manner of courtesan or trainer wouldn't be too amiss either, though I don't know when I'd be able to afford to properly set them up to go about their business.

Speaking of which, however... how do your spawn usually make out? If I'm to be honest I'd like to see more of my kin about, and if you need to get rid of them anyway I wonder if I could help set them up someplace."

Mortus shakes his head. "It isn't negotiable. Rexxis had Valor chirping in his ears, trying to talk him inta ordering you lot ta kill all four o' the Orc Gods. I had to talk him down to just killing the one, and it wasn't easy ta accomplish that... I'm gonna have ta watch my back 'round Valor for a spell; He wasn't pleased wit me 'bout that."
"Kch. Well all right then. I guess we're going to attempt to murder a fourth of the Orcish Pantheon."

He had thought the point of ruling this island was to avoid having Rexxis pass down orders whenever he felt like it, but he supposed that was the price for not being well-established enough to refuse. Or possibly even to refuse aid, for that matter.

"Well, thank you for your persistence in that much, at least. Is he normally so... disproportionately aggressive?"

Scion smirks at your response to his request. "I'll give the captives ol' 'Join o' die' offer. Most will choose tha first one, and will thus integrated into me crews at half pay until they earn their liberty back. If ye can think o' a better use than fishfood for the ones who value their freedom o'er their life, yer welcome to em. Unless ya don't mind me selling ta the Orcs, there just isn't a good enough market for slaves 'round here ta justify me keeping em fed an' watered if they will not work for me."
"I've always got use for condemned slaves," Pyrite ventured offhand. "I'm not a fish, but the principle can be similar."

Auratus looked towards the two gods. " Either way, how much worth would you deem their part in this battle? Without their intervention, Wild Red very well might have gotten away, as would have most of his army. Still, it was us who made them turn tail and flee. Taking all of this into consideration, I would think one third sounds reasonable. Any thoughts on this matter? "

" Further, if you two want to argue about Wild Red's remains, whose life I have claimed, do feel free to do so. What I want, is to take his armour into safekeeping. "
The dragon smiled wryly. " Obviously, there are other things that also would be of interest to me, but let us hear what you envision as yours first. "
Pyrite's expression turned to one of confused suspicion at the dragon's words. He stared at him for several seconds, eyes slowly narrowing, before speaking.

"...I believe they said that their holds are full," be began slowly, "and are thus content with restocking. If you still feel they warrant additional rewards, I would think boons of a different nature might be more valuable to them."

He glanced between the Dread Pirates and Auratus. "Though I do have to wonder. What exactly is your relationship with them? Might you have an ulterior motive for trying to reward and empower them with what is partially our loot?"

He leaned forward. "And more importantly..."

whose life I have claimed

"...why don't you want Wild Red's corpse?"
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #522 on: October 09, 2014, 10:26:28 am »

"Hm... information could be valuable indeed, outdated or no. For that matter, I've been unable to stumble across much about the Harpies or Chimaera either. And now that I think about it... would you happen to know anything about Horizon Beings? Apparently they've been altering the flesh of much of the island's wildlife.

As for children... hm. I've already got a prodigy in the wings, but he's busy studying Horizon Beings... or at least, I hope he is. Haven't visited him since I got his father killed."
He cleared his throat. "In any case, I'm not certain I have a particular opening, what with all the projects I have going, or would have going were it not for this siege and its associated issues.

Normally, though, I'd value someone inquisitive and intelligent, who could either assist me with my work or perform some useful function here in Kiatown. A scholar of the body, perhaps, though some other naturalist or maybe even commercially talented sort could work. Some manner of courtesan or trainer wouldn't be too amiss either, though I don't know when I'd be able to afford to properly set them up to go about their business.

Speaking of which, however... how do your spawn usually make out? If I'm to be honest I'd like to see more of my kin about, and if you need to get rid of them anyway I wonder if I could help set them up someplace."

"Their father was able to set a few of them up with decent spouses and positions on the Bellian mainland, but most of them still dwell here in their early adulthood. All my earlier children were slaughtered for the crime of existing, on the day I received these injuries... long ago. Between my loss, and the acquirement of Haze as a pet, my pets and caretakers were Harpies, whom I could not produce offspring with."

With way more effort than it should take a creature of her nature, the spider lowers herself to the ground on a thread of silk, perhaps to get a better look at you.

"If by scholar of the body you refer to somebody who takes lots of pets for pleasure, most of my children qualify. Several have also been trained by their father in the art of financial manipulation, but I am told it will be difficult to merely place somebody else at the head of Haze's operation while we are hated, our trade routes are besieged, and all the prospective heirs are too 'monsterous' and 'unrefined' to make interacting with the general Bellian public their usual business."

Her eyes close when you mention Horizon Creatures. "I know everything about them that the Master of Monsters did while I was his pet, which isn't much, but I suppose is likely more than you know now."

The three remaining eyes snap open, and she draws closer to you. At this distance you can tell that only two of them still work. "How about this for a deal then? A one year contract. I will be your adviser on local affairs, and you will be my healer. After that, if we develop an acceptable level of fondness and trust, I could see myself as your pet, or concubine or sister if you are uncomfortable viewing kin as less than an equal."

"Kch. Well all right then. I guess we're going to attempt to murder a fourth of the Orcish Pantheon."

He had thought the point of ruling this island was to avoid having Rexxis pass down orders whenever he felt like it, but he supposed that was the price for not being well-established enough to refuse. Or possibly even to refuse aid, for that matter.

"Well, thank you for your persistence in that much, at least. Is he normally so... disproportionately aggressive?"

Mortus shakes his head. "Aggressive, no, suggestible, yes. Remember, we be talking about the fellow who sent a Pantheon ta this island in large part because Ketari told him she wanted ta hunt harpies. Rexxis wouldn't come up wit the idea to kill a fly on his own. The rule of thumb is, if Rexxis comes up with something particularly violent o' anti-barbarian, blame Valor. He is very good at convincing his king that they have a duty ta slaughter anything posing a threat to the lives and superiority o' their people."

The ferryman blinks, "About 200 years ago, a bunch of us were actually considering doing away with Valor, but then ta Red River Rebellion happened, a bunch of Barbarians and Misfits started killing Bellians, and we found out dat he was ta only member o' the Pantheon who could deal with Alvin in a straight fight... but that be neither here nor there. Which god do ya all want to call on fer help? I'd be glad ta answer questions o' offer advise on ta matter."

escaped lurker

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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #523 on: October 09, 2014, 12:23:58 pm »

He glanced between the Dread Pirates and Auratus. "Though I do have to wonder. What exactly is your relationship with them? Might you have an ulterior motive for trying to reward and empower them with what is partially our loot?"

He shrugged slightly. " I see no reason to hide that I have prior arrangements with good Scion here, and that his comrades in attendance were more or less invited by me. The fact remains that they did good in this battle, and that they will get more use out of these prisoners than we would. Further, thinking ahead, I doubt there is a need to remind you that Kiatown is still besieged. With their armada it will be an easy feat to crush the blockade, empty any beach near their cannons reach from the orcs, or even ship some soldiers towards that orcish fortress. I think paying them up-front while we have the means to do so, should prove superior to any vague promises of divine favour, which, in all honesty, might even take some time to arrange due to the current, complicated situation. "

" Well, while it is true that one might consider them guests of mine, I am willing to be generous. If you were to acquire their help on your own, in exchange for which-ever favour you are willing to give, I won't hold a grudge against either of you. If not, it would just mean that the glory of both battles would be solely attributed to their might, and my dealings with them. " Giving a reassuring nod to the mortals in question, the dragon's face turned into a lopsided grin. " I just hope their luck will be better than the last pirate you had dealings with. Which reminds me, her Basilisk is still out and about. Should it harass the city beyond Wild Red's death, I will deal with it. There will be no need to needlessly throw your men at an enemy that I could defeat so very easily. "

He leaned forward. "And more importantly..."

whose life I have claimed

"...why don't you want Wild Red's corpse?"

Hearing Pyrites other query, Auratus slightly gloated in response. During the rest of his spiel, the same never really left his face, try as badly as he might to loose it. " Oh? And here I thought this was about getting back Selma's Gate, or maybe even some payback for what he did to you. " As if in great worry, the dragon began to rub his chin in played thought. " So you were out to fulfil the prayer of House Lionpaw? In that case, I fear that I will have to disappoint you. To make an allegory that we both should be comfortable with, if your dear, wise mother Telen could smith greater wonders than industrious Clammor, how could one still consider him the god of smithing, and not her instead? "

Drawing the dagger, the dragon started to slowly twirl it in his right claw, clearly enjoying himself somewhat while doing so. " In that vein, we have here a prayer for revenge, targeted at the most notorious criminal that the local bellian society has yet come to know. If I would not be able to fulfil it, how could I ever embody revenge to the mortals who choose to follow me? "

" I dearly hope you can understand that I see it quite necessary to fulfil this particular prayer, and since neither of you have made any comment, nor voiced any plans on it previously, I already have taken a step to ensure it will be none other than I who will do so. As it was I who killed him, I neither think it was an undue step. " Auratus stopped the play of his claws, the hilt of the dagger topside.  After heightening the inset topaz to make it visible to all – and making sure that it would not be set above his own eye-level – he coldly stared at the gem. " I think the person in question would also agree. Or would you not? Wild Red? "

Tilting his head, he held the dagger next to the membrane covering his ear, even turning his eyes slightly upwards as if in anticipation of an answer. With none coming, he pouted slightly. " Shame. I guess I did not include any way for him to speak. "

Smiling broadly once more, he continued. " Well then, while they originally wished for his head, there is no doubt that his imprisoned soul is a far greater revenge than plain death. For all we know, his deeds might have netted him a cushy position in the afterlife of which-ever god he followed. I am sure the grieving general's family will see it the same way. Allow me to put it quite bluntly. The moment this blade pierced Wild Red's heart, his corpse has become useless. No matter if you quarrel about the decoration on top of it's spine, or feed it to the fishes in the harbour – The Prayer will be mine. If you feel the need to blame anyone, then blame your own limited fortune in this battle. "

Mortus shakes his head. "It isn't negotiable. Rexxis had Valor chirping in his ears, trying to talk him inta ordering you lot ta kill all four o' the Orc Gods. I had to talk him down to just killing the one, and it wasn't easy ta accomplish that... I'm gonna have ta watch my back 'round Valor for a spell; He wasn't pleased wit me 'bout that."

This... was what he should have expected, was it not? He would have to take measures immediately. Kinslayer or not, humiliation or not, Grand Stratagems death would be a loss for dragonkinds low numbers. If worst came to be, it even could drive the rest of his brothers into a war that they simply could not win. Leaving enough time aside to stop massaging his temples, Auratus spoke out.

" Tell me, do we have to decide right here and now? "

" Tell me further, could this document be voided, if my kin were to return your daughter unharmed and out of their own will, possibly with a fitting reparation to settle the matter? "

Horrified, you fetch Auratus, and the two of you manage to drag an explanation out of the mortal. It would seem that her studies of Draconic history have caused her to adopt a strong prejudice against Bellian Kind, and that some of the books she 'read' contained magical rites and spells used by dragon priests of old, some of which were still part of an active framework and thus potent. Her new worldview lead her to the conclusion that a Bellian God and/or his followers had no right to knowledge of the magnitude contained within the hall, and her new powers gave her the means to do something about it!

Doing his best to hide the smirk which had stolen itself unto his face after he found out that Linda had – almost overnight – become a worthy instrument, the dragon gave Ketemos a conciliatory pat on the shoulder. " If your hall had this effect on someone whose lineage is half arachnid, I have little doubt a mere mortal mind would have suffered damages. Let me handle this. "

Having said as much, Auratus walked over to his priestess, elated by her explosive progress and showing as much by smiling brightly. " If your intention was to impress me, I can't help but recognize the result. Voiding an enchantment made by a god, if you were still within the boundaries of mortals mere weeks ago? Most impressive. Choosing you to become a priestess of mine was indeed the right choice. "

After giving his last sentence some weight by adding a nod, the dragon creased his brows in worry. He had wished to temper her character before letting her attaining might, and he sensed a clear hint of insanity in her current actions. " Still, while I can't bring myself to find any true wrong with your reasoning behind this destruction, the decision to actually do so does elude me. Ketemos is a god, and you have willingly sought out to anger him? Do me the favour, and explain your decision behind doing so. "


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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #524 on: October 09, 2014, 01:21:51 pm »

With Sarrani

They took off together, the new warrior getting used to her wings. Ketari laughed.
"You are mine, Sarrani! See how I bless you! A mighty being now indeed! You shall be my guard and advisor, should I wish it! We have many foes ahead. We shall conquer them! Consume them! Gahahaha!"

Mortus Meeting

Having just been able to restore herself to her humanoid form - if it was still weak, it was still preferable to flock-form - Ketari attended the meetign with Mortus.
"Interesting. Wonder what dragon tastes like. Could be interesting. Close enough to bird. Worth a try.

Would prefer a boon rather than a god themselves come here to meddle. It was our Island, yes? That was the point of our expedition. Having other gods come here ruins the point."
You fool. Don't you understand?
No one wishes to go on...
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