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Author Topic: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread  (Read 51832 times)


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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #180 on: July 25, 2014, 12:33:40 pm »

Interaction I have to use or lose:

Ketari threw back her head and cawed, a harsh cry, and the Barkers followed suit, and she laughed with the joy.

"A hunt!" She called, and the Barkers howled their assent. The flock took off, forcing their ways through the storm, and soon enough flapped over the tiny fishing boats even pirates did not bother, the land rolling past under them as they hunted for prey. She thought back to where that Herald had mentioned Harpies, and angled the flight of wooden beasts deep into the forests.

The Harpy was their prey, but if it could not be found, they'd coat the woods with the blood of all they could catch. Ketari may be the Eater of Birds, but she could still enjoy the rush of the hunt no matter the beast.
You fool. Don't you understand?
No one wishes to go on...

escaped lurker

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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #181 on: July 25, 2014, 02:14:34 pm »

Looking at his future temple, Auratus was pleased by Kell's reliability. Promising indeed, and some relief to counter the investment he had to make that the shrine was guarded. Before long the city should choose to protect his sites out of their own will, but for now the gold would have to do. True enough, the future temple was still severely lacking in impression, but that would also be easily remedied in the not so far future.

That Canvas now lead the guard, was also something to be pleased about – currently employing both of the city's heralds hopefully a clear sign towards the rest of its citizens. He was sure to make good use of the female pirate, be it her influence within Selma's Gate, her contacts with other pirates, or her alleged experience in more... practical matters. Right now though, his arrangements with the gargoyle would have to take priority.

Finishing a tour of the shrine – Ux working in some draconian designs very much to Auratus liking – he sent away all in attendance, safe for Rook, and addressed the same. " It would seem the time while I was gone has been as hard on you as you suspected from the start, if not worse. While the toll it has taken on your men is regretful, it was necessary to pave the way for my position within this city, and I shall consider it a job well done. As promised, I will hear your prayers from now on. Hoist your new flag with pride - from this day onward, you shall sail under the Scarlet Mirror! "

Waiting until the gargoyle had given his reaction to this announcement, the golden one continued. " As I am from now on actively involved in such matters, I want a full disclosure on the different pirate factions, their relations, and where you fit into them. We will talk about any rules that I would impose on you, and the task I have in mind for the matter of your kin afterwards. "

If need be, the Searoc might even need to cut ties with his former faction, albeit Auratus was a bit loathe to say so outright. There was after all no need for such bluntness, especially if it very well should be without reason. As for the task? It would be quite unlike any task a dragon or god should have given until now, or so he was sure – but all in due time.


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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #182 on: July 25, 2014, 08:00:20 pm »

Edit: Hit post a bit early. Please Hold. Although I might actually do Ketari and Ketemos on a seprate post. Still need to finish Pyrite though...

Finishing a tour of the shrine – Ux working in some draconian designs very much to Auratus liking – he sent away all in attendance, safe for Rook, and addressed the same. " It would seem the time while I was gone has been as hard on you as you suspected from the start, if not worse. While the toll it has taken on your men is regretful, it was necessary to pave the way for my position within this city, and I shall consider it a job well done. As promised, I will hear your prayers from now on. Hoist your new flag with pride - from this day onward, you shall sail under the Scarlet Mirror! "

Waiting until the gargoyle had given his reaction to this announcement, the golden one continued. " As I am from now on actively involved in such matters, I want a full disclosure on the different pirate factions, their relations, and where you fit into them. We will talk about any rules that I would impose on you, and the task I have in mind for the matter of your kin afterwards. "

You note that the Gargoyle is in a foul mood today. He kisses your feet as usual, and does his best to hide his low spirits in your presence, but you can tell that something is eating at him. It all comes out when you mention the flags and the missing troops.

"I'm afraid I'm stuck waiting and losing more men, and I will sail under The Scarlet Mirror starting the day on which the clothier's strange 'backlog' is sorted out and she can make me the flags," he fumes, "I have half a mind to send my crew and loot that shop, but then I'd never get em..."

When you bring up factions, the Searoc offers a shrug. "Sometimes particularly pious pirates will form alliances and make enemies on religious grounds, and those who have earned Selma's trust, or whom the Queen just want to keep a closer eye on, will be invited to sail as part o her armada, but beyond that most Pirate Lords let their personal friendships and financial best interests determine whose side they take in a given dispute. As for myself, I tend to get along poorly with the Dread Pirates, and find myself most often aligned with Bar-Saad the Mad, Pennywise the Golden, and Jowl Riptide the Fierce. Meltip the Indecent also dislikes me, but I try very hard to not give her any reason to openly feud with me."

He blinks. "But if by faction, you mean the two fleets contending for control upon Kell's departure, which might be more of an immediate concern for you, I can speak of those. Meltip, the one with the Bellian and the Snake on her flag, is likely to win unless Pennywise or Myself decide to risk intervening against her. She keeps a Basilisk as a pet, lover, and champion, and although constructed beings such as you an I are immune to its gaze and poison, it could easily decimate an entire ship of men. She is popular around here, because she has somehow figured out how to extablish peaceful relations with the Harpies, and they send trade caravans and diplomats while she is in charge of the town.

The other fleet in contention is lead by Wild Red, your standard barbarian chieften who made the leap to Pirate Lord upon capturing a port. His claim to fame is battle armor made from the scale and bones of a red dragon, which I suppose you might find distasteful. I have heard rumors that Red might be a little bit... unstable. Some of his crew tells me he talks to his armor. I wasn't in town last time he got to rule, but I hear that he actually organized a raid on Kiatown and damn near breached their defenses!"

Tulwor grinned at the sight of the man. He'd expected some vain and greedy nobleman, but the man's appearance went a long way in dispelling his fears. His eyes were drawn to the child - did all mortals he met produce children with such frequency? - but he focused to the man himself.

'Fear not, Malcome of Skullcrest! I, Tulwor Storm-breaker, have come bearing a great gift and an answer to your prayers,' he boomed. If the child started crying, so be it. It would toughen the thing up for the future. 'The greatest ship of our age awaits you at harbor. I see you are a man with a heart for adventure; you should find her quite fitting for your needs.'

He thudded Helmhammer's shaft against the deck. 'I place faith in you, Malcome of Skullcrest. You will lose your favor should you go against my wishes. This is not a ship for war or conquest, or a merchant's greed. She will take you to strange shores and places yet unmapped by men or gods! Your expeditions will honor me, Tulwor, patron of explorers and adventurers, and in tribute I shall ask you to capture and offer the beasts and monsters of these lands to me. It would also please me, mortal,' he said, eyes moving to the journal, 'If you were to speak out the stories and reports of your travels to me and all people who will listen.'

'Let not more than one month pass between expeditions, without pressing need,' he said. 'Do this; seek out new shores, honor me with monsters and tales, and you will rise far, Malcome of Skullcrest. This pirate's treasure is only the first step on your path.'

The child begins to bawl... of course, and the mortal, after trying and failing to calm it, hands it off to his doorman to be returned to its crib, before taking a knee before you.

With the distraction out of the way, Malcome's eyes light up at your offer. "That sounds great to me. My only concern is that I will likely be away should the Orcs or political rivals pose a threat to my wife or child, but I have extended family on this very compound who can see to them if needed. Said spouse might not like the 'no more than one month between adventures' clause though. She got angry as sin at me for my latest journey, and I was hardly gone three days..."

The noble smiles, and gestures to a large side door. "From what I know of your lore, you like drink no? Come with me to my garden, I have no seat big enough for you in my home, so we shall stroll as we imbibe? I'm making wine from this wonderful jungle fruit I found, it is unaged now, but already better than that bile my uncle keeps in the family cellar. Sweet with a soft bitter aftertaste, it is, and a bit of a citrus kick. I hope I can find another tree of that fruit someday."

The Orcess ignores your first question, but answers the second.
Pyrite frowned, wondering at her refusal to address her gods' thirst. Either it was a weakness or otherwise something she didn't want to discuss, something she herself didn't understand, or perhaps something she couldn't comprehend as a question. If all Orcish gods hungered for blood, it might not have occurred to her that this was not true of all deities.

He frowned in thought for a moment longer, before taking Unrest aside, out of earshot of Bellian or Orc.

"I need some sensitive information from you. Please keep this secret, although... I'm not one for blood oaths or the like. I would merely prefer my intentions remain a secret for another few months.

Now then. This war to determine everyone's place... could it be handled in another way? By single combat, for instance? A tournament or the like? Must it be settled all at once, or could smaller, periodic challenges suffice?

What of your gods' thirst? Does that require open battle to be slaked, or are there other methods?

What do you know of your superiors' motives? Are they committed to Orcish Purpose, or have they other goals, such as that prophecy?"

You honestly can't quite tell if this kid is trying to angel for your favor, or just happens to be a boastful person.
He tilted his head at the contract, wondering idly who it was from. And, of course, what he intended to do with the family member.

"I might like to see how that goes, but it was your prayer that brought me here," he said, turning to the mother. "How do you feel about this?"

"I am little more than your slave now. On my honor your secrets are safe," The Orcess assures you, "but if you wish to kill me when you finish, so that you may be sure, I have no grounds object to that."

"I suppose the sorting of places can be dealt with in some other fashion," Unrest answers reluctantly after a long pause, "but single combat would be no good. That is for sorting individuals, not races or nations. A tournament or periodic challenges might work... if they were large enough."

The pause before speaking of her god's thirst is especially long. You can tell this is the last thing she wants to be talking about. "It is essential for the survival of Orc Kind that our gods get as strong as they can as fast as they can. Blood and souls are good food for gods."

She laughs when you ask about her leaders. "Most of the bosses, expect the old blind who makes prophecies, one are fighting for Orcish Purpose. The prophecy is dumb. It speaks of a Bellian god that is also birds. Such a being would belong to the winged ones, not the Bellians."


The mother speaks at your prodding. "No mother wants to lose a child, but times are tough and most of us are mortal. I could get over maternal fears, but it is not just maternal fears that caused me to pray. He is also my livelyhood. His sisters and I would struggle even more than we do without him."
« Last Edit: July 25, 2014, 08:21:36 pm by Weirdsound »


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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #183 on: July 25, 2014, 08:51:22 pm »

Interaction I have to use or lose:

Ketari threw back her head and cawed, a harsh cry, and the Barkers followed suit, and she laughed with the joy.

"A hunt!" She called, and the Barkers howled their assent. The flock took off, forcing their ways through the storm, and soon enough flapped over the tiny fishing boats even pirates did not bother, the land rolling past under them as they hunted for prey. She thought back to where that Herald had mentioned Harpies, and angled the flight of wooden beasts deep into the forests.

The Harpy was their prey, but if it could not be found, they'd coat the woods with the blood of all they could catch. Ketari may be the Eater of Birds, but she could still enjoy the rush of the hunt no matter the beast.

(Shoot. I ominously imply Ketari will do something devastating in Pyrite's post, and then promptly roll a Crit-Success for Ketari's action, thus allowing her to get the ball rolling on the fun! My dice love us all!)

The Barkers take off, and time passes fusteratingly slow while Ketari awaits their return. Hours pass. Then days. Finaly, the Barker flock bursts through the eye-wall of Corusu's storm once more, covered in blood. They bring with them the fruit of the hunt that they did not devour or kill on the spot, and from a glance, you can tell that it is quite a haul.

A good number of Harpies have been captured, as have some other creatures, but what most attracts your attention is a large egg hauled by five Barkers; It is easily twice your size, and radiates great power. By the way the captured bird-women look at it, you can tell at once that it is of great importance.

The harpies themselves have legs, upper arms, and wings covered in handsome deep green feathers, and rich brown flesh; they clearly hunt by hiding in the canopy. The young captured are covered in fluffy down. They have sharp hooked beaks and powerful talons, that together are consistent with the scars you saw on the herald Messel but otherwise are built much like Bellian or Common Barbarian, although perhaps a bit shorter.

Of the captured beasts, most are various monkeys, lemurs, and small apes, but one stands out. It resembles an elephant from the Barbarian Plains back home, but its flesh is a deep jungle green. You can tell by its size that it is still a baby, perhaps not yet even weaned, but your enhanced divine senses tell you that it is still nonetheless deadly; You can smell vaporized neurotoxin within a small gland a the tip of the trunk, and you know at once that this pachyderm could easily spell death to any mortal with a complex nervous system.

New Resource: Assorted Primates, +10
New Resource: 4 Adult Harpy Warriors, +12
New Resource: 12 Harpy Chicks, +6
New Greater Artifact: Mysterious Egg of Power
New Actor: Baby Neurotoxic Pachyderm [Stored as a Greater Artifact Until Modified and/or released]

[This is a Crit Success, and I usually give free RP for Crit Success, But since you are busy, I'll instead give you a 50% success bonus on your next action involving a captured harpy if you don't have time to RP with them]


Note to IronyOwl, The last post has been finished.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2014, 09:04:29 pm by Weirdsound »


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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #184 on: July 25, 2014, 09:24:05 pm »

"I am little more than your slave now. On my honor your secrets are safe," The Orcess assures you, "but if you wish to kill me when you finish, so that you may be sure, I have no grounds object to that."

"I suppose the sorting of places can be dealt with in some other fashion," Unrest answers reluctantly after a long pause, "but single combat would be no good. That is for sorting individuals, not races or nations. A tournament or periodic challenges might work... if they were large enough."

The pause before speaking of her god's thirst is especially long. You can tell this is the last thing she wants to be talking about. "It is essential for the survival of Orc Kind that our gods get as strong as they can as fast as they can. Blood and souls are good food for gods."

She laughs when you ask about her leaders. "Most of the bosses, expect the old blind who makes prophecies, one are fighting for Orcish Purpose. The prophecy is dumb. It speaks of a Bellian god that is also birds. Such a being would belong to the winged ones, not the Bellians."
"Hmmmm.... how large, would you say?

For that matter, what will decide the matter in this war? One side or the other yielding?"

Pyrite pondered her reluctant explanation for a moment, wondering what kind of threat they could face to require such desperation. Stranger still that it would be something that rewarded sacrifice over an intact military and perhaps a Bellian alliance.

His mouth snapped down into a frown at her mention of a bird god, though. Could this have something to do with Ketari's lofty ambitions? He thought for a moment, before deciding he'd tell her once they were safely at the castle.

"...could you repeat this prophecy for me?"

The mother speaks at your prodding. "No mother wants to lose a child, but times are tough and most of us are mortal. I could get over maternal fears, but it is not just maternal fears that caused me to pray. He is also my livelyhood. His sisters and I would struggle even more than we do without him."
Pyrite eyed the twins for a moment, appraising them.

"Hm... so what would you like done about it? He seems capable enough; have you particular reason to fear he'll meet an untimely end, or are you just fearful over the possibility?

And you,"
he said, turning back to the lad, "I take it you're not concerned, but presumably it'd be rough on your kin if something did befall you, and your profession is somewhat rough. Does that give you pause?"

He nodded at the girls with a grin. "And for that matter, it seems you're involved as well. What do you think of this situation? Intend to become whores in a few years?"
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #185 on: July 25, 2014, 10:03:57 pm »

"Hmmmm.... how large, would you say?

For that matter, what will decide the matter in this war? One side or the other yielding?"

Pyrite pondered her reluctant explanation for a moment, wondering what kind of threat they could face to require such desperation. Stranger still that it would be something that rewarded sacrifice over an intact military and perhaps a Bellian alliance.

His mouth snapped down into a frown at her mention of a bird god, though. Could this have something to do with Ketari's lofty ambitions? He thought for a moment, before deciding he'd tell her once they were safely at the castle.

"...could you repeat this prophecy for me?"

Unrest smiles. "It would have to be large enough so that the results say more about Bellians and Orcs than they do about a Bellian or an Orc."

The Orcess then scratches her head. "My chieften will honor the results of this seige; Should our fort outlast Bellian City, Orcs are above Bellians, but should the Bellian City outlast the fort, Bellians are above Orcs. Some Chieftens, however, are only likely to yield if the Bellians were to conquer their lands."

When you inquire further about the prophecy, Unrest frowns. "It was a stupid prophecy. It makes no sense. I stopped paying attention at the part where Bellians have one of the winged one's gods. I think... if I remember... this god does something that hurts the winged ones. But no god would hurt its own kin unless angered..."

The captured warrior pauses briefly for a second, and you catch a glimpse of horror on her face, as if she thought her words carried terrifying implications.


Shilo shrugs. "I know the army is killing Orcs on sight. I think the guard might do the same to a half of one. Even if they don't, he is far to bold and aggressive for a child. I'm also worried about Messel; He is about to marry Chance Infelix, and might use his newfound political power for revenge... You introduced yourself as an improver, right? Would you perhaps grace him with improved chances of survival?"

The boy blinks, as a lightbulb clearly goes off in his head. "I am great now... but you could make me amazing! Then I would be rougher than my profession, and wouldn't have to pause for nothing!"

"Oliver hopes to find us work with his employers someday," one of the girls answers meekly, "in what capacity we do not yet know. It would be wonderful if he could live long enough, and stay well connected enough, to do that for us."


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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #186 on: July 25, 2014, 10:41:01 pm »

Unrest smiles. "It would have to be large enough so that the results say more about Bellians and Orcs than they do about a Bellian or an Orc."

The Orcess then scratches her head. "My chieften will honor the results of this seige; Should our fort outlast Bellian City, Orcs are above Bellians, but should the Bellian City outlast the fort, Bellians are above Orcs. Some Chieftens, however, are only likely to yield if the Bellians were to conquer their lands."

When you inquire further about the prophecy, Unrest frowns. "It was a stupid prophecy. It makes no sense. I stopped paying attention at the part where Bellians have one of the winged one's gods. I think... if I remember... this god does something that hurts the winged ones. But no god would hurt its own kin unless angered..."

The captured warrior pauses briefly for a second, and you catch a glimpse of horror on her face, as if she thought her words carried terrifying implications.
Pyrite nodded to himself. A personal tournament wouldn't do, then. He'd have to ritualize the war, not replace it.

He spent a moment longer trying to puzzle out her horror and the specifics of her story. He already smelled trouble brewing; inter-Bellian and Bellian-Orc conflicts were bad enough, they really didn't need some isle-wide catastrophe brought about by Ketari's hunger. He'd have to get the full version and see if the flying goddess' whims could be sated without triggering it.

"Who would I have to talk to for the full prophecy?"

With that, he began guiding his new slaves to Chell's boat. They'd mill about the castle until he could figure out what to do with them... and he'd tell Unrest the truth when they got there.

Shilo shrugs. "I know the army is killing Orcs on sight. I think the guard might do the same to a half of one. Even if they don't, he is far to bold and aggressive for a child. I'm also worried about Messel; He is about to marry Chance Infelix, and might use his newfound political power for revenge... You introduced yourself as an improver, right? Would you perhaps grace him with improved chances of survival?"

The boy blinks, as a lightbulb clearly goes off in his head. "I am great now... but you could make me amazing! Then I would be rougher than my profession, and wouldn't have to pause for nothing!"

"Oliver hopes to find us work with his employers someday," one of the girls answers meekly, "in what capacity we do not yet know. It would be wonderful if he could live long enough, and stay well connected enough, to do that for us."
"Then it's decided!" He leaned in, squinting at the lad's body as he tried to figure out what exactly to improve. "Hm. General toughness and recuperative abilities, or did you have something else in mind, like armor plates or pure regeneration? Could also increase your speed or jumping ability, or otherwise give you means to escape danger... let your hide blend in to allow you to vanish from sight... all manner of things, really.

Whatever you decide, this doesn't always work the first time. I don't want to keep coming down here, so you'd have to come with me if you wanted me to keep at it. Your kin could come, wouldn't be the first mortals running around up there."
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #187 on: July 25, 2014, 11:54:47 pm »

Turning toward one of the Nexus Gates, Ketemos activated each Gate, ensuring that Gates farthest from each other were linked. Once activated, Ketemos walked through, appearing in each of these Gates in sequence. As he did, he continued to speak.

"As you can see, I've created a way of instant transport between areas with little exertion needed beyond the essence inherent in all deities...which unfortunately means that worship must be used to power them. Regardless, these Nexus Gates" Ketemos made sure to note the reaction of Aluorthin as well as Vincent when he said this, "are a far better alternative to travel via cart or horse or ship. I ask you people of Kiatown: do you want this? The medicine required for a dying child could be transported in an instant rather than a month. Costs for shipping could be cut down tremendously. Armies could arrive weeks at an area before the enemy. I ask that you consider the use of the Nexus Gates."


"Princess, General and Philosopher. Let us begin. What is it that you each desire? What is the future of the Island if your associates had their way?"

After he asked this question, he sat down and called to the audience.

"If any of you are scribes, come and write the words of this debate for me."

There is a murmur of approval as the God reveals the Nexus Gate, but that murmur largely becomes one of confusion and reluctance when the prayer requirement is mentioned. Nobody dares speak openly on this matter however.

Each of the factions had thought to bring their own scribe, but in spite of the general literacy of the group, nobody outside of the people making copies for the faction leaders feels that they would be able to keep pace with the impending speeches and debates. Eventually the stranger goddess Patches solves the issue by agreeing to humble herself and transcribe the conversation for you.

The three chosen speakers each open with a monologue, delivered in the order that you addressed them.

Princess Summer speaks first. Her voice is dignified and confident. "As our esteemed, holy, and learned host has pointed out, this is truly an Island of Wealth and Plenty, but also, on many levels, it is an island that is lacking. The best prospectors and Telenic Prophets have all concluded that the mountains here are rich with luxury minerals, but lack practical metals such as copper or iron. The hot climate is good for sugar and exotic fruit, but Bellian Grain and Livestock grow poorly here. The people here are virtuous, brave, and ready to defend themselves, but utterly outnumbered by potential foes; We would be in deep trouble if the Harpies, Pirates, Mountain Monsters, or anything else were to join the Orcs in fighting us.

We have gods. Indeed, we have gods all to our selves, but, our present host excepted of course, I am not sure we can rely upon them. The Dragon is just that: a dragon. The enemy. My friends in House Skullcrest, the leading authority on dragonkind, assures me that he almost definitely still holds a grudge over the war before time, and his actions seem to express favoritism for the pirates of Selma's Gate. Pyrite's parentage and motives are also questionable, and no more divine than my own to boot; I too can claim a Bellian Goddess as my mother and something far less as a father, as well as a first rate education, but I cannot even begin to pretend that I'd be worthy or competent enough to succeed in Pyrite's position. Why should he then? The children of the Huntress may be powerful, wise, and perhaps even benevolent, but they are wild like their mother, and until they prove otherwise, we must assume that they possess her lack of interest in mortal affairs.

With all this in mind then, If we cannot sustain ourselves, and we cannot necessarily depend on the gods to sustain us, then our best recourse is the fatherland. They have what we need, and want what we have. The exchanges implied by this situation have been taking place as expected, but should they stop, we would be in trouble. Therefore, it is important that we do everything in our power to keep the Bellian mainland sending supplies, and the best way to ensure this is make it in the best intrest of one or more city states back home to support us. People are usually willing to support Kin, often unconditionally. Ergo, it is in our best interest to see that our king be related another Bellian King who can answer our calls for aid, and see that our trade to the Bellian Fatherland is protected."

The General speaks next. His debate voice is weak, but he occasionally lapses into a confident and assertive tone before correcting himself. It is likely that he is more used to explaining himself to his inferiors than he is to his equals and superiors. "You paint a grim picture Princess. Very grim. What you fail to mention, however, IS THAT WITH THE MANPOWER WE ALL WASTE FIGHTING ONE ANOTHER, I COULD END THE SIEGE AND GO ON THE OFFENSIVE! ...I mean... um... We have the resources we need to break the siege and defend ourselves, but they are locked up elsewhere. With the seige over, we would need fewer standing troops, and grain prices will drop as everyday citizens will not have to compete with the city of Kiatown buying up rations en-mass. Furthermore, you underestimate our gods. Even if they are less than ideal, they should have no problem showering the raw materials we need upon us if we can't produce ourselves."

He stares at the ceiling, clearly uncomfortable in his setting, before snapping briefly back into his drill sergeant tone. "WHAT WE ARE GOING TO DO, IS CROWN A KING, SILENCE DISSENT, AND DIVERT POLITICAL RESOURCES TO BREAKING THE SIEGE... erm... I mean... the quicker we solve this, the better. For everybody. And we shouldn't solve this by sucking up to the homeland. As the princess pointed out, people help Kin, and we don't need to spend our scarce resources bailing Volcano, Quiver Town, or any other city state out of trouble.

Furthermore, the highest king, Rexxis himself, has renounced his claim to the island, and has allowed fresh dieties a chance to rule here. Shouldn't the other kings do the same? Allow fresh bloodlines to rule?"

The young philosopher speaks next. He clearly displays a love for the spotlight, but none of the blatant hate and venom usually inherent in thinkers corrupted by your father. "My fellow Bellians! What is a king anyway? I say it is but the trappings of civilization's childhood. Rexxis gave the first crowns away as motivation for influential Bellians to do well in a great, righteous, but long concluded war. That was our infancy, and this can be our maturity. Let us cast aside our kings as a grown child would his toy! Let us prove that average Bellians, speaking and debating as we do here and now, can sustain themselves and grow without a monarch!

Did you know that the first crowns were given out by Dragons? And that they enslaved and controlled the wearer and all under them? As long as we live under a crown then, we can never be fully free of Draconic Tyranny, and what our ancestors fought for can never be truly realized! Our host's esteemed father once famously said "show me a head in a crown, and I will show you a head that needs removin'," and although I can't quite get behind the violence of the statement, it does show that there is divine precedent and opinion supporting my words here today.

Without a king trade can flourish, as taxes will be non-existent, or at least reasonable!

Without kingly neighbors, we can flourish as a republic, as anybody offended us will be hard pressed to invade!

Without a mortal idol we are taught to obey without question, our minds are free to hear the will of the gods!

Let mortal power be with the people!

Let mortal power be limited and restrained from hurting!

Let mortal power elevate all mortals!

Let mortal power be free of Draconic Influence!

Let the ultimate victory of King Rexxis over the dragons reside in our rejection of his very Kingdom!

Let us all rule!"

Unrest smiles. "It would have to be large enough so that the results say more about Bellians and Orcs than they do about a Bellian or an Orc."

The Orcess then scratches her head. "My chieften will honor the results of this seige; Should our fort outlast Bellian City, Orcs are above Bellians, but should the Bellian City outlast the fort, Bellians are above Orcs. Some Chieftens, however, are only likely to yield if the Bellians were to conquer their lands."

When you inquire further about the prophecy, Unrest frowns. "It was a stupid prophecy. It makes no sense. I stopped paying attention at the part where Bellians have one of the winged one's gods. I think... if I remember... this god does something that hurts the winged ones. But no god would hurt its own kin unless angered..."

The captured warrior pauses briefly for a second, and you catch a glimpse of horror on her face, as if she thought her words carried terrifying implications.
Pyrite nodded to himself. A personal tournament wouldn't do, then. He'd have to ritualize the war, not replace it.

He spent a moment longer trying to puzzle out her horror and the specifics of her story. He already smelled trouble brewing; inter-Bellian and Bellian-Orc conflicts were bad enough, they really didn't need some isle-wide catastrophe brought about by Ketari's hunger. He'd have to get the full version and see if the flying goddess' whims could be sated without triggering it.

"Who would I have to talk to for the full prophecy?"

With that, he began guiding his new slaves to Chell's boat. They'd mill about the castle until he could figure out what to do with them... and he'd tell Unrest the truth when they got there.

Shilo shrugs. "I know the army is killing Orcs on sight. I think the guard might do the same to a half of one. Even if they don't, he is far to bold and aggressive for a child. I'm also worried about Messel; He is about to marry Chance Infelix, and might use his newfound political power for revenge... You introduced yourself as an improver, right? Would you perhaps grace him with improved chances of survival?"

The boy blinks, as a lightbulb clearly goes off in his head. "I am great now... but you could make me amazing! Then I would be rougher than my profession, and wouldn't have to pause for nothing!"

"Oliver hopes to find us work with his employers someday," one of the girls answers meekly, "in what capacity we do not yet know. It would be wonderful if he could live long enough, and stay well connected enough, to do that for us."
"Then it's decided!" He leaned in, squinting at the lad's body as he tried to figure out what exactly to improve. "Hm. General toughness and recuperative abilities, or did you have something else in mind, like armor plates or pure regeneration? Could also increase your speed or jumping ability, or otherwise give you means to escape danger... let your hide blend in to allow you to vanish from sight... all manner of things, really.

Whatever you decide, this doesn't always work the first time. I don't want to keep coming down here, so you'd have to come with me if you wanted me to keep at it. Your kin could come, wouldn't be the first mortals running around up there."

Unrest answers this one without hesitation. "You want Chieftain Great Eye, The Old One. He makes the prophecies. His tribe dwells on the west coast, a days walk north of the Tiny Folk Fort. If you are truly brave, Render, The High Priest of Fleshfire, currently dwells in our fortress that lays seige to the Bellian Town. Render is a Family Head under Great Eye, and will have been made to listen to the prophecies..."

The Orcess gives you a smirk. "But even if you could get into the fort... Render would likely just kill you... Or make you wish yourself dead."


The boy's eyes widen and a huge grin erupts across his face. "You mean you'll help me? Just like that? Awesome! I'll take the regeneration. That should make me hard to kill, right? It would also be cool if I had a weapon built right into my body, that way I wouldn't have to use rusty maces all the time. I hear full blooded Orcs have tusks... but those would make kissing... and other sorts of fun... uncomfortable or even dangerous... Hrrmm..."

He waves off the chance of failure with a smile. "You mean, if you mess up, I get a trip to Newbellum Castle as a consolation prize? You are too fecking kind. Either way, If yer kind isn't above the sort of thuggery I like to play at, I'll be glad to repay the favor with some service."


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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #188 on: July 26, 2014, 02:18:49 am »

Ketemos pondered the words of the speakers, trying to guess the personality each held. The Princess wore her mask well; lies mixed with truth. She clearly wanted to flatter Ketemos although he could not ignore that the Isle was indeed reliant on support from the Bellian States...This General seemed to radiate the very ideology of the Mercede and yet showed that he preferred battle to debate. An honest man from what Ketemos could tell...although he doubted he was. Vincent, who seemingly held no real title, was an idealist. His cause was attractive and yet so very difficult to achieve. Ketemos could not help but feel amiable to the man for his beliefs, although he tried not to show it.

The debate was not the only thing Ketemos had in his mind however; this goddess had volunteered her hand for the debate. If she came to negotiate, she knew well how to win the god's favour. Regardless, Ketemos knew to be careful of whatever she wished to discuss once the debate was over.

Ketemo called for silence as he addressed the speakers once again.

"Good arguments each of which I can find myself agreeing with. I shall think of them in the coming days and decide further action when necessary. Until then, I leave you all with a question to ponder for the day: 'What makes one the brother of another?'"

He knew that it was unlikely he would get the correct answer today, but it was a start. It also gave him an excuse to keep them here for a while longer, while he discussed with several individuals of interest.

Standing up, he approached Patches and spoke in a friendly tone.

RP1: Patches

"Thank you for your aid today; I must admit that I did not expect you to volunteer...nor did I expect you to show up or even exist for that matter. Tell me, what is it you came here for?" 

RP2: Aluorthin, Tobbin , Vincent

Finishing his discussion with the chimeric goddess, Ketemos made to speak with each of the faction leaders once again, this time of the Nexus.

"Princess, gentlemen. From what I've heard, my Gates would be desirable except for the cost of using them...would there be any way that could make your factions consider installing them in Kiatown?"

RP3: Haze and Mikkia
Regardless of whether or not he had accomplished anything, Ketemos sought out the poet Mikkia and her patron.

"Mikkia I presume? The poet? I heard that you made quite the poem not too long ago. Would you perhaps tell me about it?"
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #189 on: July 26, 2014, 04:58:12 am »

Unrest answers this one without hesitation. "You want Chieftain Great Eye, The Old One. He makes the prophecies. His tribe dwells on the west coast, a days walk north of the Tiny Folk Fort. If you are truly brave, Render, The High Priest of Fleshfire, currently dwells in our fortress that lays seige to the Bellian Town. Render is a Family Head under Great Eye, and will have been made to listen to the prophecies..."

The Orcess gives you a smirk. "But even if you could get into the fort... Render would likely just kill you... Or make you wish yourself dead."
Pyrite had little to say on the trip back to Newbellum Castle, but gathered the Orcs together to explain their role on arriving.

"Welcome to your home for a time. You'll stay here until I decide what else to do with you. You have no particular duties at this time. Oinkiny, the cook who looks like a pig, will feed you. The giant dragon is bound to not harm you, but will shower you with insults and threats should you approach. Most other residents should be only slightly disdainful at worst. You may mostly otherwise go where you please and do as you wish, though the other deities will likely not want you in their rooms."

He again took Unrest aside, however.

"I'm afraid there's something I need to tell you..." he said, leading her to the doorway to Ketari's room. The forested interior and caged birds didn't necessarily imply a bird god, but it'd help suggest what was to follow.

"We have a bird god. Ketari, the huntress. She is feathered herself, but hungers for other birds. She would like nothing better than to feast on a Harpy deity, in fact.

I do not know how accurate your prophecy is, but I do not believe it to be foolish or impossible. I will have to look into it further when I am able."

The boy's eyes widen and a huge grin erupts across his face. "You mean you'll help me? Just like that? Awesome! I'll take the regeneration. That should make me hard to kill, right? It would also be cool if I had a weapon built right into my body, that way I wouldn't have to use rusty maces all the time. I hear full blooded Orcs have tusks... but those would make kissing... and other sorts of fun... uncomfortable or even dangerous... Hrrmm..."

He waves off the chance of failure with a smile. "You mean, if you mess up, I get a trip to Newbellum Castle as a consolation prize? You are too fecking kind. Either way, If yer kind isn't above the sort of thuggery I like to play at, I'll be glad to repay the favor with some service."
Pyrite considered that for a moment.

"Regeneration... yes, difficult to kill. Take care, as that's not the same as being invulnerable... notably, while regeneration can greatly extend what it takes to kill you, it still can't help you if you die before it has a chance to recover the damage."

He grinned.

"I have no particular use for a hired goon at the moment, but I'll keep you in mind should I require such."

Grant Oliver vastly improved regenerative abilities, and the ability to harden and protrude bone at will, forming arm spikes, brass knuckles, armguards, and so on. This bone protrusion needn't be capable of especially nuanced forms, but the results should be at least comparable to steel. Make sure to explain his new abilities to him, as well as any weaknesses or side effects of them.

If this fails, haul him and his family back to Newbellum Castle so I can try again later.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #190 on: July 26, 2014, 10:43:09 am »

Unrest answers this one without hesitation. "You want Chieftain Great Eye, The Old One. He makes the prophecies. His tribe dwells on the west coast, a days walk north of the Tiny Folk Fort. If you are truly brave, Render, The High Priest of Fleshfire, currently dwells in our fortress that lays seige to the Bellian Town. Render is a Family Head under Great Eye, and will have been made to listen to the prophecies..."

The Orcess gives you a smirk. "But even if you could get into the fort... Render would likely just kill you... Or make you wish yourself dead."
Pyrite had little to say on the trip back to Newbellum Castle, but gathered the Orcs together to explain their role on arriving.

"Welcome to your home for a time. You'll stay here until I decide what else to do with you. You have no particular duties at this time. Oinkiny, the cook who looks like a pig, will feed you. The giant dragon is bound to not harm you, but will shower you with insults and threats should you approach. Most other residents should be only slightly disdainful at worst. You may mostly otherwise go where you please and do as you wish, though the other deities will likely not want you in their rooms."

He again took Unrest aside, however.

"I'm afraid there's something I need to tell you..." he said, leading her to the doorway to Ketari's room. The forested interior and caged birds didn't necessarily imply a bird god, but it'd help suggest what was to follow.

"We have a bird god. Ketari, the huntress. She is feathered herself, but hungers for other birds. She would like nothing better than to feast on a Harpy deity, in fact.

I do not know how accurate your prophecy is, but I do not believe it to be foolish or impossible. I will have to look into it further when I am able."

The boy's eyes widen and a huge grin erupts across his face. "You mean you'll help me? Just like that? Awesome! I'll take the regeneration. That should make me hard to kill, right? It would also be cool if I had a weapon built right into my body, that way I wouldn't have to use rusty maces all the time. I hear full blooded Orcs have tusks... but those would make kissing... and other sorts of fun... uncomfortable or even dangerous... Hrrmm..."

He waves off the chance of failure with a smile. "You mean, if you mess up, I get a trip to Newbellum Castle as a consolation prize? You are too fecking kind. Either way, If yer kind isn't above the sort of thuggery I like to play at, I'll be glad to repay the favor with some service."
Pyrite considered that for a moment.

"Regeneration... yes, difficult to kill. Take care, as that's not the same as being invulnerable... notably, while regeneration can greatly extend what it takes to kill you, it still can't help you if you die before it has a chance to recover the damage."

He grinned.

"I have no particular use for a hired goon at the moment, but I'll keep you in mind should I require such."

Grant Oliver vastly improved regenerative abilities, and the ability to harden and protrude bone at will, forming arm spikes, brass knuckles, armguards, and so on. This bone protrusion needn't be capable of especially nuanced forms, but the results should be at least comparable to steel. Make sure to explain his new abilities to him, as well as any weaknesses or side effects of them.

If this fails, haul him and his family back to Newbellum Castle so I can try again later.

+New Resource: Unrest the Alpha Orcess (+5)
+New Resource: 22 Orcish POWs (+16)

The spirits of your new guests rise as they explore their new home, and it slowly dawns on them that their new master is actually a god. You do notice, however, that Corusu has no bile for them, and stares at the Orcs reflectively as he did at Auratus.

When you show Unrest Ketari's room, and explain the existence and desires of the Bird Eater to her, things take a turn for frightening. The Orcess turns white as a sheet, and passes out on the spot, almost as if you have just passed a death sentence on her.


The boy takes a knee in front of you, and you promptly try to work his body with divine power. As you anticipated, however, this dosn't quite work. You feel like you come close, but the differences in anatomy brought about by his Orcish Blood cause his body to react to your prodding in unexpected and dangerous ways. As your power begins to wane, you have no choice but to revert him back to his stable original state, and announce your temporary failure.

He offers you a smile, and a request. "Hey, no problem. Can you write me a note for my boss before we leave though? I could land in deep trouble if I don't show up for the job tonight. I'm fairly sure being scooped up by the divine is a passable excuse..."

"Thank you for your aid today; I must admit that I did not expect you to volunteer...nor did I expect you to show up or even exist for that matter. Tell me, what is it you came here for?"

The goddess smiles. "Here and now, I just came because I thought it fitting. You invited the intellectuals of Kiatown, and I happen to live in... well under... Kiatown, and consider myself bright, ergo, I came because I was invited, and I felt that if I didn't eventually announce my presence, that I might meet the Bellian Gods under less than ideal circumstances."

She offers you a low bow. "I came to Kiatown, and indeed was even brought into existence, to establish peaceful contact between the Chimera and the Bellian, and to ensure that your culture's habit of throwing your dead underground to rot leads to as little waste as possible."

"Princess, gentlemen. From what I've heard, my Gates would be desirable except for the cost of using them...would there be any way that could make your factions consider installing them in Kiatown?"

Princess Summer is the first to speak up. "I would gladly see them installed if the installation isn't troublesome, but assuming they require worship of yourself in particular, I can't see them having the broad and revolutionary effect that you expect. There are just not many Bellians, even within my own faction, intellectual or charitable enough to make you a chief object of worship."

The other two leaders give roughly the same response, and they each add that they are merely representatives elected to attend the meeting as leaders by their parties, and that they might not have the authority to initiate a faction-wide Nexus Installation program on their own. They each promise to try, should you wish them to, however.

"Mikkia I presume? The poet? I heard that you made quite the poem not too long ago. Would you perhaps tell me about it?"

The woman smiles. "You just showed your hand, Lord, the poem isn't finished yet. I'm still tinkering with the rhythm and meter, and trying to decide if I should be accompanied by the lyre or flute when I recite it. The only people who would know about the poem are my Patron, My Husband, and whoever answered my prayer and sent me the idea."


When you share your mother's quarry with the room, it briefly falls silent until Vincent dares speak. "If I breath the same air as a man or woman, and share any common ancestory or culture with him or her, that is enough for me. I am that person's brother."

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #191 on: July 26, 2014, 10:53:54 am »

Tulwor smiled at Malcome's offer. 'Ah, you are clearly a wise man, mortal. I would be glad to taste this wine of yours.'

He stopped himself before he dismissed the man's talk of his wife and family out of hand. Father's talk about duty hung uncomfortably in the back of his head.

'Your concerns are... understandable, mortal,' he said, as they walked, 'but yours to deal with. If your wife's love is true, she will bear your absence and cherish those moments you have. She should be pleased by the glory and riches you'll return with, anyway.'

Tulwor had to admit he knew little of marriage or everlasting love - it seemed a difficult thing to do, to spend your life with just one person. Gods and marriage did not seem to go together, in any case.

He eagerly awaited a taste of this jungle wine.
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #192 on: July 26, 2014, 11:19:39 am »

Tulwor smiled at Malcome's offer. 'Ah, you are clearly a wise man, mortal. I would be glad to taste this wine of yours.'

He stopped himself before he dismissed the man's talk of his wife and family out of hand. Father's talk about duty hung uncomfortably in the back of his head.

'Your concerns are... understandable, mortal,' he said, as they walked, 'but yours to deal with. If your wife's love is true, she will bear your absence and cherish those moments you have. She should be pleased by the glory and riches you'll return with, anyway.'

Tulwor had to admit he knew little of marriage or everlasting love - it seemed a difficult thing to do, to spend your life with just one person. Gods and marriage did not seem to go together, in any case.

He eagerly awaited a taste of this jungle wine.

Malcome nods. "Fair enough. She also has a good deal of Skullcrest Blood in her, and Skullcrest means adventure. I'm sure she can be brought to see the matter in the correct light."

The wine is brought out, and it taste just as Malcome advertised; nearly as good as a high quality well aged glass from the mainland.

The mortal allows you to briefly enjoy your drink in silence while he works on his own, but when he is half finished, he offers you a question. "So, you think this boat will be enough to inspire up a crew for me? I'm feeling rather let down by my fellow Bellian on that front. I just hiked out to see a farmer who owed me a favor who lives outside of town, and all he could offer me in terms of manpower was a nearly lame Barbarian Slave, and his youngest son who he readily admitted cannot be trusted. Between that, myself, and two criminals I got out of prison in exchange for service, I have five people to man her. Might not be enough for what you have in mind..."

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #193 on: July 26, 2014, 11:55:42 am »

Tulwor enjoyed the lingering taste of the wine. It was quite different from the usual flavors back home. He couldn't quite say if it was better, but it was certainly refreshingly different. 'A taste to rival the finest wines of Mear,' he said, somewhat disappointed at how little there'd been.

'As for the crew; I have been among the people of this city and lit the fires in their hearts. I expect them to come flocking to you now. She'll be easy to handle, regardless, even by landmen. Is there anything more on your mind, mortal? She is called Corusu's Wing, and I will bring her to you when you are ready.'
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!

escaped lurker

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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #194 on: July 26, 2014, 12:00:35 pm »

The dragon smiled weakly at Rooks distress over the flags, and actually considered to intervene, lest it became mockery. Then again, the gargoyle really should have no problems with solving such a mundane problem himself. Most of the remaining conversation, the dragon spent in contemplation. Meltip really did sound a lot better than this Wild Red, but at the mention of his armour, he perked up.

" Unstable, is it? He just up and went to attack the single most important trading partner of Selma's Gate? While it is true that Kiatown would try to bring their politics into this place once they settled on a direction themselves, I do have an obligation towards my followers that live in there. Needless to say, I would have some objections should he want to repeat such an action, and I dare say that I won't be the only god that would object to it. Certainly Meltip would make a better leader for this city, but as that barbarian shouldn't try such foolishness twice, I think we can stay our hand in that matter. Still, that macabre armour of his does interest me... It might be worth it if you were to further look into this matter. " He had not expected much common sense from these pirates, but that was beyond what he had imagined.

" Now then, I think it is about time that we talk about the important topic at hand. " Letting his sentence pan out, a smile stole itself onto his face. " The matter of accepting the worship of gargoylekind in general. The task that I am about to offer you, is also an offer in and off itself, as you will surely see. " He cleared his throat before continuing in a serious tone. " As is known, I am a created being, born from smithing together this Scarlet Mirror, and a plethora of other, not much lesser materials. Now, I always will be more defined by being a dragon, than the circumstances that gave way to my existence, but you gargoyles are also created beings, maybe even in a process that is akin to mine. " Staring at the same intensely, he made for a small pause. " If this were to be the truth, I would not be loathe to say so. I am sure you will realize what meaning that would have to your kin..."

As the dragons voice and demeanour grew more fierce, it was a good thing that those who were sent away kept ample distance from them. Not that it would have been all that bad if someone would be able to hear it, but then again not everyone needed to know about this specific dealing. " Bring me the knowledge of your creation, and you stand to gain far more than simply another god to worship! The bellians could no longer simply consider you abominations, or treat you like the outcasts that you are today! Just like them, the so-called barbarians, or even the orcs and harpies, you would have a god that shares true kinship with you! Yours would be a god that is as close as you can ever hope to gain, unless one of you were to lay claim to godhood himself! "

Auratus lowered himself to the eye-level of the stony humanoid, and urgingly placed a hand on the same ones shoulder. " Now tell me, are you prepared to undertake this task, or do you have any grievances with it? "
« Last Edit: July 26, 2014, 12:09:31 pm by escaped lurker »
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