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Author Topic: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread  (Read 51595 times)


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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #90 on: July 10, 2014, 05:52:14 pm »

She was silent for a moment, and regarded him breifly with an amused expression. After a few seconds, she nodded back and smiled.

"That we are, so board quickly, lest we leave you behind... and being made of gold, you must be too heavy to swim, yes?" she said playfully.
You fool. Don't you understand?
No one wishes to go on...

escaped lurker

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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #91 on: July 10, 2014, 06:36:27 pm »

She was silent for a moment, and regarded him breifly with an amused expression. After a few seconds, she nodded back and smiled.

"That we are, so board quickly, lest we leave you behind... and being made of gold, you must be too heavy to swim, yes?" she said playfully.

" I would manage, trust me on that." He replied, nonchalantly stretching his wings before sitting down. " Guess there are times when only having two cities around is useful after all. " A few moments after speaking that, he abruptly faced the boatswomen. " There are only those two around, or weren't they? "

Letting his gaze wander back to Ketari, he queried her as well. " Either way, looks like you were waiting on someone, no? If it was your Brother, we might even want to opt for me waiting until the next trip after all... "


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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #92 on: July 10, 2014, 07:38:36 pm »

The girl shrugs, and remains silent for a bit before answering. "Beats me. Havn't been here much longer than you have. I heard the Bellians had at least some sort of foothold on the dry side of the island before the fort when up though..."


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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #93 on: July 10, 2014, 07:41:03 pm »

"I was waiting for you, gold-scales. I knew you were coming - I saw when I flew overhead. Now, boatswoman, let us be off."

When they arrived at Kiatown, it didn't take her long before she arrived at the morgue. There, she explained her plan to the person wanting help, and used her boon to control a mouse or rat into watching. When it saw something mangling the corpses, it would eithr explain it to me if it could, or follow it from a distance and see where it goes, depending on the boon ability.

If the explanation to the morgue-person doesn't count as an interaction, Ketari found the commander of the guard, and requested all captured orcs be turned over to her service.
You fool. Don't you understand?
No one wishes to go on...

escaped lurker

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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #94 on: July 11, 2014, 04:25:06 am »

The dragon raised his eyebrows slighty, as if surprised by the answer. " Is that so? You have my gratitude then. " He acompanied his words with a polite smile - a bit too stiff and devoid of warmth to be taken as an honest one, but not completely unfriendly either.

" So, acquired any leads on that harpy goddess yet? Judging by how riled up you were about her when we first came here, I have little doubt that you can't wait to prey on her. " Auratus decided to humour her good will with mirroring back some of the same. Unlike her brother, he was not sure how to think of her, especially that safe for all the wisdom she ought to have gained, her savagery appeared second to none of the other gods that made their home in the Castle.

The girl shrugs, and remains silent for a bit before answering. "Beats me. Havn't been here much longer than you have. I heard the Bellians had at least some sort of foothold on the dry side of the island before the fort when up though..."

Before speaking, he offered back a shrug of his own. " Well, nothing to be surprised about, I guess. In the case that you gain more knowledge on this matter, be sure to share it with me. Not like you wouldn't have ample chances to do so, seeing as I will rely on your talents for the time being. "


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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #95 on: July 11, 2014, 05:31:38 am »

" So, acquired any leads on that harpy goddess yet? Judging by how riled up you were about her when we first came here, I have little doubt that you can't wait to prey on her. "

"Alas, none yet. But such quarry can't be hunted straight away - even mice can kil a snake in great numbers. But I am going to catch the bird-goddess, and when I do I'll tear her apart and eat her!   Rip and tear and devour her, yes!

Should I leave some feathers left? Ah, but I want a trophy, but to leave some seems a waste... "
The last part seemed more to herself than to the dragon, a thoughtful expression on her face.
You fool. Don't you understand?
No one wishes to go on...


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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #96 on: July 11, 2014, 10:42:20 pm »

Turn 1: Dreamers

Year 764, Month of:




Finding a good sized chunk of empty castle space near your quarters in the castle, you begin to focus on creation. Nothing too difficult, just some mundane rubies. The hardest bit is getting them to come out pre-cut, but after about 10 or so attempts, you manage to get the process down to the point where you can repeat in en mass. You spread your arms, exert your will, and the room you are in fills to the brim with the red gems!

+New Resource: 3 Tonnes of Ruby

Your next creation attempt, however, is much more vexing. Making something as complex and precise as a telescope is hard enough as is, but making one of artifact quality pushes you to the edge of your limit and skill. You get the enchantment working a few times, but manage to throw off the delicate balance or clarity the mirrors with each blessing, ruining the mundane for the divine. After a week of trying, you manage to exhaust your well of divine energy for the time being.

Deciding that a swim would do you well, you dive into the ocean in search of pearls. To your dismay, however, it seems as though no pearl oysters live in the waters around the Domain Islands, but just as you are about to give up, you catch a break; A small tribe of primitive shrimpling nomads driving a herd of sunfish. After a bit of bartering, the chieftess is willing to offer you her elaborate pearl necklace, the centerpiece of which is a green speckled pink orb the size of your fist, in exchange for the sort of service that you are more than willing to provide...

+New Resource: Stunning Pearl Necklace   

Emerging on the beach near Kiatown, you are quick to enter the city where you announce your identity and intentions. At first people seem suspicious of your claim, and feel it a bit inappropriate to host such a festival in a time of war, but luckily somebody thinks to send for the Heralds. Both Messel and Hialarth confirm to the crowds that you are who you claim to be, and the widow of Wildefair even offers you some money and an office with which to tackle the logistical issues inherent in organizing such an event.

As you you plan, and the festival grows closer, excitement grows. You sense some opposition to the plan, but much of it seems to be political in nature rather than moral; It would seem that some of Hialarth's enemies fear that she is parlaying her status as Herald and close relationship with the gods into power to meet her political ends. Such sentiments, however, are expressed quietly, if at all; If a god wishes to throw an orgy and personally attend, the traditional moral arguments of prudish mortals tend to go out the window fairly quick.

The festival begins, and over the course of the events you meet a few people and learn a few things...

Party Notes
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Stepping off the dock at Kiatown, you are at once recognized for what you are. Unlike some of the other gods in your group, there is no mistaking you for a meer Bellian. You announce your intent to mingle with high society, and are quickly whisked away to do just that.

You spend a few days attending parties and chatting with nobles, most of whom are rather nervous in your presence. It is rather hard to learn anything, as everybody seems too worried about offending you to speak freely. When Hialarth is around, things go a bit smoother, as she, for better or worse, is less afraid of you than the others. In the end, you do pick up enough information so that you might be of some use to Messel, including basic descriptions of the ten highborn families in town.

Notes from the Mingling:
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Satisfied with what you have learnt, you track down the home of Messel. You announce your presence, and are allowed inside. The Elder Messel offers you a low bow, and a seat at the head of his modest table, where he is sifting through a great many letters written on the stationary of various high houses. He looks exhausted; judging by the military uniform strewn about the two room cottage, he likely just got back from an extended rotation on the wall.

The young herald lies naked in his hammock at the back of the room, with his leg tightly bound. His father explains that there was an accident at Pyrite's festival of pleasure, and that the boy is presently in too much pain to sleep without drugs. He then takes a seat at the middle of the table, careful not to position himself too close to you without your blessing, and inquires as to the nature of your visit.


Your arrival at Selma's Gate is just as successful as your visit to Kiatown. The people at once recognize you, and pay the proper respect. Things get a bit complicated, however, when you declare you intentions to have an audience with each of the pirate lords; Word quickly gets back that none of the three is willing to let either of the others have the first audience. Observing such a petty reaction to your divine invitation, you figure that it will be no difficulty at all to play them against each other.

The situation is sort of solved when the owner of the local playhouse offers his private box, which is a neutral space large enough to host all three lords and their attendants at the same time.

You arrive early, and have the box decorated to your liking. You also demand to have the actual performance for the night cancelled, as you and your guests would have more important things to focus on, and you found the subject, a historical drama depicting the slaying of the Gear Dragon Quoxklang, to be distasteful.

The pirate lords arrive, and are granted entry in the order of the power of their fleet.

The first to enter is Kell the Crone, admiral of the first fleet. She is a Bellian Woman somewhat older than childbearing age, adorned in fine red robes trimmed with gold and rubies. She offers a deep bow, and stands at attention, waiting to be invited to take a seat.

Next to be allowed in is the Dread Pirate Scion, a truly ancient man dressed in a once fine, but now tattered and frequently mended, black sailors outfit. You recall hearing once that the Dread Pirates wear the clothing that they have spilled and shed the most blood in to formal events. His ancient legs more or less useless now, he is carried in on a coushined platform by two servants. As he is unable to rise and bow, he offers tribute instead; You are presented with an armored dress made of pink scales.

"These be the remains o' the Rose Dragoness Glamelix," he declares in a voice softened, but not weakened, by age "slain in the war before time by the vile House Riptide, an' recovered by my predecessor 97 years ago this month. I give 'em freely to honor your gloryiousness, and to see what is left of ta fine lass delivered to the claws of 'er kin who may treat her with the correct rites an' respect."

+Lesser Artifact: Dress of the Rose Dragon

Unable to stand awaiting an invitation to sit, Scion bids his attendant to hold him at head level with Kell.

The last pirate lord, Rook the Searoc, enters. You notice at once he is, in a way, more like you than the others, as he is a Gargoyle: a misfit race made of earth and by Tellen and Clammor during the early days of history. Like most of his kind, he resembles a hunched stone Bellian with monstrous features, but instead of the traditional eagle wings, his are the swimming fins of a Penguin.

His behavior, perhaps because he is a misfit banned from most forms of traditional Bellian Worship, is a bit unorthodox; He approaches you, bends down, and kisses each of your feet. Then, unlike the other two, he promptly takes a seat.


Retiring to your libarary, you spend several weeks composing a poem that examines the power and justice of Rexxis, the Strengh of Valor, the mood swings of Autumn, the destructiveness of Alvin, the sweet morality of Unia, the wild and dangerous chaos of Abbey, the genius of Telen, and the Compassion of Multia.

The poem is then wrapped into a dream, and mixed with the contents of one of your many writings on style, simplicity, nuance, and grammar in literature. You then reach across the stars, and into the formless realm of dreams, where you feel around for hours, until you find the sleepthoughts of the sleeping poet, crack them open, scoop out the trivial musings of her mortal mind's subconscious, and replace it with the fantasy of your own creation.

The next morning you feel prayer energy flow into your body for the first time. Your actions have satisfied the mortal, and her satisfaction has given you strength.

+1 Prayer Energy!

Happy with your work, and hoping on your mother's power that the poet's own imagination and life circumstances don't end up detracting from its message, you set out on a voyage for Port Selma, in search of the pirate lord who flies your mother's flag.

Sadly, you find the docks empty, save for a few guards who wont give you the time of day. It would seem that Auratus is also in town, and that the spawn of the Stone Dragoness is moving without a disguise, and hosting an audience of the pirate lords at the theater.

You join the crowd waiting outside the playhouse and can't help but chuckle at the irony; you are a god hoping to meet a mortal, surrounded by a throng of mortals hoping to lay eyes on a god. Eventually the meeting ends, and the pirate lords leave; As luck would have it, the lowly admiral of the 3rd Fleet is the first to exit the building, and you at once have idea as to why he might fly Telen's flag; He is a Gargoyle.

Gargoyles fall under the category of misfits, which includes all the non-Bellian sentient beings created by the Bellian gods. As a general rule, misfits are shunned by every deity save their own creators, and of course Multia, who bills herself as the divine sponsor of all the downtrodden. Gargoyles in particular were spawned during the first age of peace, when Unia arranged it so that each Bellian God was married to a Bellian Goddess.

In many ways, the pairing of Telen and Clammor was bad, even by the low standards set by marriages involving Bellian deities. Telen, then even more proud and aloof than she presently is, would never permit herself to mix blood with or even show fondness for her assigned mate, and Clammor, with several historical exceptions of which your mother is not one, preferred to bed men. Still, they were expected to dwell together, and in time found common ground in their mutual appreciation of skill and knowledge, and for the duration of their marriage, they did little but create things. Many new ideals, ideas, artifacts, inventions, philosophies, designs, and equations were born from this union. Gargoyles were one such product of this 'marriage of the minds'.

You know a bit about Gargoyles, both from your mother and your studdies. They tend to live underground in huge compact comunities, which are ruled by the smiths lucky enough to know the secrets of Gargoyle production. Telen had once expressed passing concern that these reproductive secrets were dying out faster than they were being taught, as no Gargoyle wished to undermine the power he wielded by teaching it to others, but then added that there were enough Gargoyles left so that they had time to try and sort the issue out on their own before she or Clammor would have to step in and take drastic action.

Back in the present, the pirate lord's race actually raises at least as many questions as it answered. If he worshiped your mother because he had little else in the way of choice of deities, then his flags spoke nothing of his values or intelligence... but then again, as almost all Gargoyles are made with a male form, they almost exclusively worship their patron over their matron. You wonder what could have pushed this one into both piracy and Telen worship. The fact that he has flippers as apposed to the typical wings might also be a hint... perhaps he was made with a purpose in mind.

In search of more answers, you try to approach the pirate lord, but are swiftly rebuked and roughly handled by his guards, a pair of red headed barbarians.

A bit dejected, you return to port and signal for Chell, so that you may return to the island and meditate on what you have learned.


You do your part well enough. Swiftly smithing the ideal set of dream in your forge, you cool them in water and hurl them across the stars, confident that they will find their intended dreamer. You then settle down, and several minute later the soldier's dream begins playing in the fires of your forge...

She handles the first test with the most grace, honor, and skill, by rescuing the child, and then compromising your dream with her logic. You get the feeling that Sarah must have been trained to deal with fires, as once she gets the child out, calms down, and examines the room, she concludes that the fire in front of the old coward should burn out long before the structure becomes compromised. She waits in the burning building for about two minutes, suffering from the smoke, but when her prediction comes to pass, she drags the equally suffering old man out of the building, and doesn't return.

The second test is also a pass, but her methods leave much to be desired. Sarah rallies a few locals to her cause, before slipping out in the dead of night, skillfully avoiding the opposing champion, and setting fire to the opposing siege engines and killing the operators. The siege operators are technically combatants, and technically armed, but they are nowhere near the skill or numbers of the small band killing them off one by one. You begin to get the feeling that Sarah's training, and perhaps the training of the entire Bellian Army on the beach, might be heavily focused in cowardly siege tactics.

The third test starts out all right for Sarah, but promptly goes down hill fast. At first it becomes quite clear that the soldier dosn't have it in her to kill the old king in a cowardly fashion, but just as she is about to leave, the soldier's mind again bleeds into the structure of your dream. A battle hardened Bellian officer, covered in scars and wearing a patch over his right eye appears next to Sarah, and begins chewing her out.

"YOU WILL KILL HIM!" The one-eyed officer shouts, spraying spittle into the dreamer's eye as the rest of the dream seems to freeze around them "HE WOULD KILL YOU, AND YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY! EVERYONE YOU LOVE, DEAD, BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T KILL HIM! BECAUSE THE FACTIONS GOT A HOLD OF THEM, AND LET THEM RUN RAMPANT ACROSS KIATOWN IN A MURDER FRENZY!"

You begin to get the feeling that the officer is no longer talking about the king. He continues his tirade, and his voice becomes lower, and more dangerous.

"If you don't kill these Orcs, I will see you dishonorably discharged. You will be exposed for the coward that you are. Nobody will touch you. Not for love. Not for employment. Not even for friendly recreation. Hell, nobody will touch your daughter either... I'll see to that myself, coward. I'll see you both ruined."

Sarah opens her mouth to speak, but the officer again cuts her off.

"Shut up. Do your duty to the Bellian People. Slaughter. Those. Orcs."

With that the officer vanishes, and with tears in her eyes, Sarah turns and plunges her blade into the neck of the evil king, who is now bound and gagged for good measure.


Stepping off the Kiatown docks, you walk the streets of Kiatown, marching on the morgue. People stare and pigeons flee in your wake.

You arrive, enter, and introduce yourself. The stunned undertake passes out. When he come around a few minutes later, you share your plan with the greasy little Bellian. Not one to turn down a goddess, he leads you to the corpse vault, and you command the first rat you see to report to you on the nature of the corpse mangler.

The undertaker offers to let you spend the night in his apartment, so that the mouse may report back to you and you may react quicker. The apartment is a small room with a small bed above the morgue. You get the bed, and the undertaker, out of respect to the bird eating nature of his guest, heads to market and buys a peafowl, which he cooks for a shared dinner. He then spreads his blanket on the floor and falls asleep. You lie awake, daydreaming about harpies and what they might taste like.

Your mouse returns a few hours before dawn. It reports that a strange creature wearing a cloak entered the vault with a key, sawed some limbs off the corpses, put them in a bag, and ran. The mouse was able to get a good look at the creature while it worked; although it dressed and walked like a man, it seemed to be assembled out of various animal parts, and while cloaked it was able to move freely at night without drawing attention to itself.

When the creature left with its bag of loot, the mouse followed. The mouse reports that it was able to trail the thing, and that it moved a bit slower than the average Bellian. The mouse followed as far as Sea's Bounty, a pub in the fish packing district, before a nasty owl spotted it. The mouse was able to hide from the nightbird, but lost its query in the process.

The undertaker is still asleep. You could wake him up and explain what you know. Or you could return home and try to solve his problem with your remain miracle. Both of the above is also an option.

Newbellum Castle:
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« Last Edit: July 14, 2014, 01:44:31 pm by Weirdsound »


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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #97 on: July 12, 2014, 12:59:17 am »

Pyrite stalked towards the masked magic user, as much intrigued by her ability as her decisions on what to do with it. Mortal magic was a fascinating subject to him; it wasn't part of his normal focus, but it was knowledge that could improve power and happiness. He wasn't entirely sure what to make of it, but loosely assumed it must be a good thing, if not necessarily the best thing.

Still, he'd caught somebody doing something punishable at his festival; a part of him couldn't help shouting 'boo' at her and seeing what happened.

"I hope," he said, barely able to keep himself from laughing, "that you're not profaning my sacred festival with any blasphemous sorceries." He leaned in ominously, wondering if she'd take him seriously or not.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #98 on: July 12, 2014, 01:45:08 am »

Looking over her shoulder, the elementalist spots you and gives a slight chuckle. "I didn't think a creature who grew up as much in Barbarian lands as he did in Bellian would consider such arts profane."

She offers a wide smile, and a slight breeze suddenly runs through your hair. You sense some fear in her, but she masks it well. No surprise in her either; She wanted to be caught. "I'd offer you my name, but I'm sure there are some people here who would gladly be pleasured by my powers now, and then form a lynch mob to get me after the festivities... Still, I am glad you noticed me. I'll pretend that my body first drew your attention to my actions."


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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #99 on: July 12, 2014, 02:09:39 am »

Pyrite chuckled. Bold but not mindless, and witty to boot.

"Well, now that your wiles have drawn me to your talents, what draws you to my festival? I should like to think you needed no excuse, but those with as many gifts as you have tend to be busy indeed."
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #100 on: July 12, 2014, 04:40:59 am »

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« Last Edit: July 13, 2014, 08:35:46 pm by micelus »
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando

escaped lurker

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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #101 on: July 12, 2014, 06:36:52 am »

Satisfied with what you have learnt, you track down the home of Messel. You announce your presence, and are allowed inside. The Elder Messel offers you a low bow, and a seat at the head of his modest table, where he is sifting through a great many letters written on the stationary of various high houses. He looks exhausted; judging by the military uniform strewn about the two room cottage, he likely just got back from an extended rotation on the wall.

Showing one of his more amiable expressions, the golden dragon tried to dispel some of the anxiety which the mortal in front of him showed. If Messel the Older would be unable to talk his mind freely, making progress on the matter at hand was bound to become more complicated.

" Be at ease, as your plea for divine guidance has reached our castle, and I have come to answer it. " He offered him a broad smile, intent on lowering the wariness of the man. Seeing as Auratus had plenty chance to practice it lately, he was quite sure that it would have the intended effect. " While I may not be Unia, I do place value on family bonds, and can assure you that none of the other gods that now hold sway here, have my talent in manoeuvring through noble society. "

Ever humble, he continued in a more serious tone. " Whom ever you choose, your children and you are bound to live far wealthier and better than before. So even if one of the potential betrothal partners would have only half the wealth of another, it won't really influence the quality of life that you and your kin will lead from now on. "

During most of the talking, he retained eye contact to the mortal – just giving enough pause with it as to not intimidate the same. " What would negatively influence your family, would be to marry into houses feuding with each other – doing so could easily sour and ruin the bonds that you now share. " He paused for a bit before continuing, making sure to give more weight to the gravity of his words. " You will soon be joining the higher circles of society, and as such I can guarantee that people will try to make use of your son being a herald. To that end, I need to know which of the different causes is one that you feel sympathetic or disdainful for. "


The pirate lords arrive, and are granted entry in the order of the power of their fleet.

Auratus was most pleased with himself, the situation, and behaviour of his guests. He accepted and handled the offered dress with utmost care, albeit wearing the scales of a dragon like the skin of a lowly animal was a sickening prospect to him. It was good that this piece had been turned over to him, and he told as much towards the dread pirate. " Your deed already marks this day as one favourable for those that are of dragon blood. I will make sure that no hands will taint these remains any further. In the place of my deceased kin, I offer you my gratitude. " To that he nodded deeply, stopping only before the beginning of a bow. He would have to enshrine the remains later on, but the whole matter of visiting here had already turned into a success.

After the the respective introductions were over, he gestured each of them to take a seat. While the gargoyle had seated himself on his own, the dragon was intent on letting it slide – not only was there some sort of remote kinship in their way of birth, but he also had humbled himself a good deal more than the others. Waiting until they were fully focused on his presence, he began to talk.
" Well then, I am pleased that all of you found the time to attend, and think some of you might even anticipate which direction our talk will be heading to. " He briefly scanned them before continuing, not really awaiting nor waiting for a possible answer to his query. " For many years, Selma's Gate has been beyond the reach and interest of most gods and countries, moulding it into the haven for your trade that it is now. Let me be blunt, in that I say that the coming of the new pantheon puts this haven of yours into jeopardy. "

He made a pregnant pause, leaving some time to let his words sink in – but retaining his posture, as to make sure that no-one would fall into his next words. " Some of the gods are already planning to push back the orcs, and are as sure to pick a side between the  factions that vie to control Kiatown as well. By that point, it will become just like a proper Bellian City-State, and sooner or later their gaze will be drawn towards this city. Sure, it might take a few years to unfold properly, but the only options then are to fight a fruitless war over lands you have no real interest in, or abandoning this safe haven of yours in search of a new one. "

Another pregnant pause, during which he locked eyes with each of the three lords, before continuing. " That is, unless this city strengthens and expands, to a point where it would not be in Kiatowns interest nor power to interfere in your business. That, my exalted guests, would be my plan for this matter. "

Rising to his full height, he spoke, his words full of conviction, and booming with vigour. " Install Me as the main deity of Selma's Gate, and I will make it so! Honour me, and receive my blessings! That is the offer that I make not only to you, but all the pirate lords which come here. " Still standing, he lowered his voice to its normal volume. " Let me assure you, that those that would not do so will receive no disadvantage either, as their absence from here is certainly not in my interest, nor my goal. If anything, they would be overall more welcome, as I am not bound by notions of mortal races like they themselves or most other gods are. "

Taking again his place at the table, he – finally, one might say – gave word to the three pirate lords in front of him.
" Well then, what is your reply? Feel free to ask questions and speak your mind. "

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #102 on: July 12, 2014, 08:31:59 am »

Tulwor pondered the warrior woman. Her choices had been... unusual. Unintended. She was not a warrior in the mold of Tulwor himself, no. But then, he was familiar enough with the usual methods of trickery and strategems in the way these Bellians fought. Give him a horde of barbarians any day! - but no, she had called upon him, not any barbarian.

She had been brave in the first test for certain, undaunted by seeming danger. That she had gone about it another way was not a bad thing, in the end - he could hardly expect everyone to be like himself. The fact she had been able to twist the internal logic of the dream spoke of great willpower, in fact.

In the second... well, she was not a coward. Still, he could not help being disappointed. Victory in battle was worth nothing if gained by underhanded means. He would need to teach her, perhaps. The idea appealed to him - only good could come from getting to know this woman better, in the process.

The third test... Tulwor grunted. She had been bent into obedience by threats and tyranny. Did that make her a coward? Yes, he supposed - there was no getting around that fact. Her original crime in killing those prisoners had been cowardice as well, if he thought about it.

No, she was not worthy. But perhaps she could be made worthy.


Tulwor found his adopted sister quickly. She was someone he had never met before, but a great grin spread to his features at the thought of meeting more of his kin. Before Chell could even say a word, Tulwor had closed her in a near-crushing embrace.

'Well met, sister! I am Tulwor, son of Mortus, and I require your aid. I need to be with the Kiatown Army by dawn.'

Once there, he would disguise himself, before finding or luring Sarah somewhere private. He had an offer to make.

Tulwor travels to the Army camp and finds/lures Sarah in a secluded place to administer his judgement.
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #103 on: July 12, 2014, 11:16:53 am »

Pyrite chuckled. Bold but not mindless, and witty to boot.

"Well, now that your wiles have drawn me to your talents, what draws you to my festival? I should like to think you needed no excuse, but those with as many gifts as you have tend to be busy indeed."

She smiles, and draws a bit closer to you. "To attend? I need no excuse. To show off? I was testing the waters. I am not the only elementalist in town. One of the strongest, but because I am so strong so young, I am also the most resented. I was given... the honor... of attracting your attention to see how you might react by my peers."

Some of the other partygoers begin to stare intently at the elementalist, and you sense twinges of malice intermingling with their lust. She takes another step forward, and presses herself against you. "It seems I am drawing attention from the elements I know react poorly, and must soon take my leave. Do either my talents or my flesh interest you? I already have my answer, so we need not meet again, but if you would like a reunion I can assure you that the desire is mutual."

" You will soon be joining the higher circles of society, and as such I can guarantee that people will try to make use of your son being a herald. To that end, I need to know which of the different causes is one that you feel sympathetic or disdainful for."

The elder Messel eyes you suspiciously. He looks alot like his son, right down to the boyish features. Messel the Elder could not have been much older than his son's present age when he first became a father. "Is this a test? I had heard you were just mingling with them. Surely you have your own sympathies or dislikes by now. Will a wrong answer draw your wrath?"

His face returns to ease before you can answer though. "Luckily for me, the honest answer is also the safe one. Before the fort went up and the siege began, I did mercenary work as opposed to proper soldiering. I have served in both partisan militias, and they both treated and payed me well. I am but a humble soldier, so I can't say I possess a great understanding of the difference between the two. As for the Populi, I hear they want a republic. I can't claim an understanding of that either, but I hear people calling it unstable fairly often... I am both a mercenary and a father, so I have reasons to both accept and reject instability."

The man smiles weakly. "And even if I did know enough to have an opinion, you are the god here. Yours would matter more. I called, you answered, you are not hostile. That is enough to earn my trust."

Rising to his full height, he spoke, his words full of conviction, and booming with vigour. " Install Me as the main deity of Selma's Gate, and I will make it so! Honour me, and receive my blessings! That is the offer that I make not only to you, but all the pirate lords which come here. " Still standing, he lowered his voice to its normal volume. " Let me assure you, that those that would not do so will receive no disadvantage either, as their absence from here is certainly not in my interest, nor my goal. If anything, they would be overall more welcome, as I am not bound by notions of mortal races like they themselves or most other gods are. "

Taking again his place at the table, he – finally, one might say – gave word to the three pirate lords in front of him.
" Well then, what is your reply? Feel free to ask questions and speak your mind. "

At your offer, all eyes turn to Kell, the pirate lord who presently runs the town.

She leans back, averts her gaze, and shrugs. "My allegiance falls to the mother of the bow, and as she has two children in the new Pantheon, I fear I cannot make you my personal object of worship here... But that said, I seeeee your logic, and have no intentions to draw your wrath. While my fleet rules Selma's Gateeee, I will not stand in your way. To show that I have no ill-will towards you or your plan, I will be glad to quietly offer a sizeable amount of gold to the construction whatever temple or shrine desire to build here."

The Gargoyle seems significantly more receptive to your offer. "If you are implying that you would not find my prayers repulsive, I would give them to you in a heartbeat. From what I know of the sons Telen sent to the island, one would have no use for a pirate, and the other no use for a being with stone instead of flesh. I will give you my devotion, and do all that is in my power to see that others do as well."

The old pirate ponders your words carefully, but his expression darkens as the other two speak. "Ya both be either morons or cowards. His Glory 'asn't been around fer long, so 'e has an excuse, but you two should know better."

He turns to you, makes brief eye contact to show a lack of fear, and then breaks it to show respect. "Forgive me bluntness ye of Glory, but these two so-called pirates are flatterers. The plan, as you present it, will cause this town to burn and bleed. There be too many pirate lords powerful enough to rule and pious enough to other things ta object to yer plan, that visit this town with some regularity. Letting em live would undermine your rule, and reactively acting against em would likely hurt the town and undermine your intent to protect it."

Scion sighs, and leans back in his chair. "I'm not sayin' that I'm not intrested in divine favor; It has been too long since any god took intrest in any Dread Pirate. I'm not even sayin' that your idea is a bad one. I'm just sayin' that asserting yer dominance will take more than just a threat or bribe thrown at every notable Pirate Lord who turns up on these shores. If yer scheme is ta have any success, ya need to establish a powerful presence on the ground, and quickly."

'Well met, sister! I am Tulwor, son of Mortus, and I require your aid. I need to be with the Kiatown Army by dawn.'

Once there, he would disguise himself, before finding or luring Sarah somewhere private. He had an offer to make.

Tulwor travels to the Army camp and finds/lures Sarah in a secluded place to administer his judgement.

Chell happily returns the embrace, and readies her boat for travel. Enroute, she fills you in on some of Mortus' adventures over the last few years. Stories of note include a great battle against one of Black Carapace's kin from the distant desert lands, a torrid affair with Autumn, and a remodeling of the End Times Tavern at the edge of the Ice Realm where departed souls await Glaciana or one of her servants to escort them to their final fate.

Arriving at the small holdfast on the beach belonging to Sarah's unit, it takes you a few days to get the soldier woman alone. The one eyed officer keeps the people under his command constantly busy, with petty chores, exercises, and drills in typical Bellian trickery. Eventually, however, she gets a few days leave, and you are able to approach her on a lonesome stretch of beach between the camp and Kiatown.

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #104 on: July 12, 2014, 11:21:46 am »

Tulwor was glad to find the woman alone at last. He'd been at the edge of his patience, ready to just swoop her off from the midst of them. Though, perhaps he should've just done that, in the first place.

He threw off his disguise, revealing himself in all his divine glory with the sound of waves crashing. The feeling of his presence would be enough to tip Sarah off to who he was, and there was no-one who'd have mistaken him for a mortal by appearance. He stood still for a moment as the woman turned, then spoke:

'Sarah, daughter of Seth!' he said, with a voice like thunder. 'You prayed to the gods for redemption or courage. Your prayers were heard; I, Tulwor, the Stormbreaker, have come for you.'

He came closer, towering over the woman. 'You were tested, Sarah, and you failed - but you showed a... spark. You are not lost yet. You may not be great, but you may become so. I have come to offer you a way to regain your honor - to have the strength and courage to stand up to tyrants, to face any foe without fear, without hesitation. It will not be easy; you will be forged anew, passed through a crucible.'

'If you are willing, gather your weapons, your family, and we will depart. Or walk away, Sarah - if you wish to continue living in a world where men are slaughtered in the night with no honor. A world where your daughter will grow in fear of tyrants, a world where cowardice and cruelty reign. The gods will not make this offer twice.'
« Last Edit: July 12, 2014, 11:43:49 am by Digital Hellhound »
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!
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