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Author Topic: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread  (Read 51613 times)


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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #465 on: September 11, 2014, 10:45:33 am »

Drinking the tea, Ketemos flinched at the liquid's flavour, nearly retching at its bitter taste. Coughing, he continued the conversation.
"What is...this? It's not exactly something one comes to like instantly I would believe. A remedy to some ailment?" As he said this, he looked into the tea, curious and unsure about taking another sip.

Regardless of what the elementalist said, Ketemos continued on, pushing aside talks about history or tea for now. "As for history, I find that getting several opinions is better than just one opinion; easier to see any biases or such...but enough about that for now. Best to get back to business." He took another sip of the concoction, somewhat unsure if it was a good idea.

"The automaton is back at my abode; would it be feasible for you to travel with me there or shall we have to arrange something else?"

"It has mild medicinal properties, and can help with some ailments, but I drink it mainly for its high nutrient content. We can melt in some goat cheese to moderate the flavor if you would like." Tonk answers.

He pauses in consideration. "I will attend your castle in the storm once a link to that Nexus system I have head about exists in my home town. Or perhaps when I find a boat willing to take me. I would go now, but Wild Red has just told me that he is about to come into something big, and will need my appraisal services soon. He is not the sort of person you say no to."

(Needless to say, this RP occours before the shit hits the fan)

"Your phrasing betrays the fact that you are ignorant of these Orcish Dragons. They did not declare war on you. One did perhaps, but they lack the unity to make such a decision as a group. The four remaining despise each other. It is only their mutual fear of the Chimeras and the extinction of their line that keeps them from each other's throats. Do you know which one attacked you? I could offer better council if you did." The voice briefly adopts an air of superiority, which is quickly purged mid-sentence. Perhaps you have won an inkling of respect.

The dragon grinned wryly before replying. Reliable information was not easy to come by, so he was delighted to get a second opinion on his distant kin. " You are right about my lack of knowledge – We did try to ask some orcsish slaves about their former masters, but the knowledge we gained from them was scant at best, if not even confusing in regard to their nature. As for my attacker, the cur had only the courtesy to give out his position within their pantheon. " He spat out the name, content to show his hostility towards the dragon in question. " Grand Stratagem - is what his followers call him. Even as we know him to be a god of provocation, he has achieved as much. It may be a bit vexing, in the sense that he has achieved his aim, but Newbellum Castle has decided to take him up on the offer. "

She falls silent for a second, but then begins speaking of her own dealings with the beasts. "I was born in a distant land, and flew across the sea on a kite of silk as a hatching to make this island my home. I was taken in by an Orc as a pet, and soon caught the attention of one of their Gods, who calls himself Master of Monsters. The Master took me in, raised me to maturity, taught me much, and even fathered my first few clutches of children. The Orc Gods, as a rule, however, a forbidden from breeding into predominantly non-draconic blood - it is the great decree of their long dead matriarch. When Master's brothers found out about me, they raided his lair at Glow Lagoon, slew my children, and beat me to the point where they assumed I wouldn't survive."

The creature lets out a sound that must be her version of a sigh. "A small Harpy Band took pity on me, and helped me to recover as much as I could, and to find this very hideout, where I have been hiding for ages."

Auratus listened to her story silently. For one of a spotless lineage like himself, copulating with a mere immortal beast of might like his host, was obviously out of the question. The notion that his kin on the island would do so was as such certainly distasteful in its own right, but not all that surprising. The reaction it had earned from its siblings, however, had the dragon massaging his temples. After a while, he broke the silence. " … how appalling. A dragon harming his kin is already frowned upon, but going as far as killing one is a traitorous act against dragonkind as a whole. While I might not think of Halfbloods as true dragons, they are of sufficient lineage that one should consider them kin. " Leaning back into his chair, he sighed deeply. After kneading his brows in thought for a few moments, he locked his eyes at the dark depths of the ceiling. " Without a doubt, their actions can only be considered a grave outrage. Let me assure you that I sympathize with your loss, and will take their offence into due consideration for any interactions that might arise with those three. "

Leaving their darker topic behind, Auratus found himself to be in what he would consider his element. Seeing as both children were from immortal blood, both would be a good choice, or so he felt. Still, the boy might easily be displaced by someone with more talent, whereas it should be quite harder to find another being as his sister, her possibility for enough future strength to back up her character somewhat of a selling point to the dragon. " Indeed, once he sees your child we will know. Considering his character, he should be interested, but maybe exactly because of your similar nature, he could turn out to be uninterested instead. " Offering a non-committal shrug, he continued. " Regarding my choice, how about this then? Call for Blake, and I will assure you that I will maintain friendly relations with you and your family in the future, for as long as you do the same. " The face of the dragon was betrayed with slight anticipation, the proposal to follow seemingly striking his fancy. " Call for Linda, and I additionally promise that when I act against our mutual foe, my claws will be netted with the venom you offered previously. " Suddenly seeing the possible error in his offer, he hastily corrected himself. " Obviously I don't plan on killing him on account of being a fellow dragon, but severely punishing him is something that I feel to be proper. As such, what you would give me for the later agreement can't be a lethal venom. "

"I guessed it would be the Grand Stratagem," The voice tuts, "you mustn't engage him on his terms if you can avoid it. He is the youngest of the lot, I doubt even now after all these years he will have reached full maturity and his final form, but that doesn't make him the least dangerous. Only the Master of Monsters has better natural strength than he, and only the one at the arena more skill in the combat arts. In terms of using mortal assets and armies effectively, he is unrivaled among his Pantheon."

The fact that your adversary is not yet fully grown is quite telling, to the point that you can almost certainly peg him to the bloodline known as the Deep or Monstrous Dragons. Unlike most breeds, which reach adulthood before their 2000th birthday, the Deep Dragons undergo a final molt and assume aspects of various cave monsters sometime between their 3000th and 4000th year of life. You are vaguely aware that there has been some nasty history between the Deep Dragons and the rest of dragon kind, but are unsure of the details; For the very reasons you just brought up, Draconic history is reluctant to make note of Dragon on Dragon conflict. You do, however, know that most earth dragon bloodlines, including your own, descend from a Clockwork Dragon who took several Deep Dragonesses as mates about 60 lengths of Bellian History ago.

The voice falls silent briefly. "I know little of your strength, or the force, that your Pantheon commands, but I would hazard a guess that you can ill afford directly answering his challenge on his home turf. I would recommend either finding a way to align with one of his brothers against him, the fact that he is so formidable in adolescence has them all fearful and resentful of what he might accomplish in adulthood, or turn his own strageties against him, and kidnap from the tribes he favors near his lair. It is said he dreams up his tactics by putting himself in his opponents situation, and imagining what it would take to provoke himself, so he could very well be vulnerable to any tactic he chooses to use." 

The voice chuckles, "One of my bites is Death to Harpy, Orc, Bellian, and most Chimera, but only mild irritation to a large Dragon. If I donate venom, it will be your responsibility to find a dose or concentration that achieves the desired amount of injury or suffering. The very fact that you offer me more for Linda, however, implies that you have use for her, and that she will be wanted and accepted. Since there are few  opportunities for halfbreeds to obtain that, I will not deny her."

You hear a sound that can only be described as a massive string instrument being played for about 45 seconds, and then the room falls silent. You watch the candle burn for a few minutes, before a young woman clothed in fine Silks seemingly emerges from the darkness and joins you at the table. She wears a veil to cover her eyes, but the bits of her face that you can see seem to conform with Bellian standards of beauty. She is large, about six and a half feet tall, but of a seemingly delicate build.

"Linda, this is the Bellian God Pyrite. Pyrite, this is my daughter Linda. I believe you have some business with her?"

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #466 on: September 11, 2014, 11:32:29 am »

Tulwor had not bothered to wash the blood and gore off his skin. He stank so deeply of death he could even smell it himself. His body ached, godly endurance stretched to the limits. He'd not sought anyone's company after returning home with his sister's mangled form - the battle on the beach was lost, and he had no wish to be reminded of his failures. There was only so much brooding he could tolerate, though. They teetered on the brink of abyss, but any sort of surrender or cowardice were absurd thoughts.

He found Ketari in the Throne chamber. She was trapped in her bird form now, from what he understood - he'd dragged her away from the carnage, forsaking the fight and his hunt for the wretch Wild Red, and for a moment there it had seemed like she was... dying. Recovery would still take its time, it seemed.

'Sister,' he growled. 'What will we do? Kiatown will fall without us. My craft has been nothing but failure; I do not know if I trust in myself to work my forge now, even if I knew what to do. There is one thing I need from you - the Crucible has forged a warrior. Only a final ordeal is needed. I have no time for monster-hunting. I would ask you to gift me a Barker or several, so she could defeat it in battle and be released to aid Kiatown. Then I will... find the others, perhaps, and aid them how I can.'

Ask Ketari for a Barker or several. Put it/them to fight Sarah. Should she succeed, she will be released from the Crucible and Tulwor will have to tell her a few things.
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!

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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #467 on: September 11, 2014, 01:09:34 pm »

Auratus was pleased,  his host having given out good information. This was knowledge he could work with, and he already had to keep his mind from drifting of to further planning. After the arachnid had finished talking about tactics, he spoke, a grin stealing itself unto his face " Your advice seems valuable indeed. Should it turn out as useful as it seems, I would think the other gods to be grateful as well. " Actually, hoping them to be grateful may have been more accurate, but the dragon was loath to lessen praise he found to be in order. At the very least, they should refrain from troubling her in the near future. He thought Pyrite to have enough interest for his kin to make sure of that much. " As for the matter of your venom, I guess you are right in the sense that I will have to either find a way to strengthen it, or someone who is able to. " He shrugged lightly. " At worst, its effects won't do as much as we would like, so it is not like we would loose much by trying, whereas the gains could be quite... satisfying, I would say, for both of us. "

It was as the arachnid had deduced – he did value her daughter higher than the son. Their kin, no matter how far removed, had participated in the war before time, and as the results had shown, they had not been on the side of the gods - at least not on their good one. In a sense, her bloodline made her perfect to be an instrument of his wrath, as she was bellian enough to not arise undue discontent among the mortals, but at the same time also a faint symbol of enmity towards them. Obviously she would also need a fair modicum of power, which just might clash with her fine features in the case that she would retain them, a nice touch to her inhuman eyes. Yes, he mused, she should suit him and her purpose well. After the supposed parting words of the mother, he gave a polite nod towards the darkness above – the dragon still not sure if she was actually able to see him or not.

" Yes, I would think so. " Answering towards the so-called mistress of the house, Auratus directed his gaze at Linda, addressing her a breath later. " After some deliberation, your mother and I have arrived at the conclusion, that having a priest of her bloodline would be advantageous to both of us. You are to become a pupil of mine for that purpose, studying and preparing for the task in divine Newbellum Castle. With your heritage and under my guidance, I have little doubt that you should exceed any mortal priests that see it fit to serve me. You would be among my highest priests in short order, a position which would be a reward in and of itself, with the influence stemming from said position sure to benefit you yourself and your family as well. Any further favour would be according to your merit. Are there any remarks or questions from your side? "


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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #468 on: September 11, 2014, 01:19:05 pm »

The flock of birds that was Ketari-in-many regarded him sullenly.
"Want Barker?" They all suddenly squawked together. "Want arm. Want not mangled."

One hopped closer, regarding him with beady, bright green eyes.

"You make champion. One against many." It cawed. A different bird took over. "No good. Want monster. Rip, tear!" Another cawed loudly, flapping it's wings.
"Want monster. Eat, eat. Will kill them. Kill Red. Kill pirates."

The birds spoke together again. "Take barker. Take few. But hunting beasts. Not warriors. Different, different."
The birds made a sound that almost resembled a growl. "Hard to think as many. So many eyes. So many thoughts. Red die. Orcs die. All die. All die."

One of the birds cried, and a pair of barkers loped forward. "They obey. Kill champion. Or fought off. Either."
The birds were silent for a moment before they spoke again.
"At least month like this. Hate, hate, hate! But you unharmed. Worth."

One could be forgiven for seeing a spark of humour in the countless watching eyes.
"Well. Maybe not, yes?"

Give Tulwor two Barkers to do with as he wishes.


She'd spoken of a monster. Time to make one.

Ketari-in-many flew over to her barker island, the sand of the small beach familiar beneath her claws by this point. Shapes slid through the shadows in the shade of the trees, and they came to her call.

Create a new pack of 40 out of the barkers there. Set this pack to guard the castle - in particular, the Final Egg, but general defence as well.

If it doesn't count as 'fine manipulation', and Sarrani (the mouse) is up for it, make it the core intelligence of a combined SuperBarker out of fifteen barkers - both miracles combining the wooden flesh into a form vaguely between a dragon and a four-armed gorilla.

She let her hate fuel her concentration, forcing her aggregate mind into one task. Create the beast. Kill those who had inflicted this upon her. The simple minds of the barkers would disappear during the process, or remain in just enough capacity to ease Sarrani's control over her new body. It might produce a compelling to obey Ketari, and if it did, well, she certainly didn't mind that. But intelligent beings are deadlier than the mindless, and as something that flew Ketari was confident she could destroy it if it went rogue.

She was annoyed that Meltip had died. She'd hoped to kill her herself for conspiring with the harpies, or possibly using her words of command to force her to kill the basilisk first. It would have been nice, but ah well. She'd have revenge on Red, at least. She'd make certain of it. Maybe she'd try eating something that wasn't a bird? Such was the rage bubbling inside.
You fool. Don't you understand?
No one wishes to go on...


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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #469 on: September 12, 2014, 01:50:27 am »

After thanking Oinkiny for his delicious pie, Pyrite went to see Dennis.

"Dennis, have you heard about Meltip's basilisk? Apparently it's running amok in Selma's Gate, maybe even seeking revenge. What do you make of all that?"

Sneak into Kiatown and announce my desire for individuals willing to become monstrous and powerful in exchange for obeying my commands, notably assisting against the siege. While I am flexible with regards to specifics, I am particularly interested in the following:
-A monstrous anti-infantry beast, designed to wade into the enemy's ranks and wreak havoc with its impressive strength and armor
-A brood mother, designed to spawn beastlike chitinous horrors to serve her in droves

Call a military meeting to discuss the current situation, ensure there is, in fact, somebody qualified in charge, and determine what the military needs or wants to prevail in this siege. Let the participants sit well apart from me and each other if they're concerned about what happened the last time I called a meeting to discuss military affairs.

Travel to Selma's Gate and assist in the ruin of Wild Red. If that involves battling his forces, sow terror and destruction amongst any who would dare challenge the Young Bellian Gods.

Retain both miracles.[/b]
« Last Edit: October 04, 2014, 02:20:21 am by IronyOwl »
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #470 on: September 12, 2014, 02:26:30 am »

Tulwor blinked at the flock-Ketari's outbursts. He shrugged. She was wounded and upset, and, also importantly, a bird. He couldn't fault her.

'You have much honor, sister. I am grateful,' he said. He knew better than to let her know he'd have preferred not to have to carry her off and leave the battle. He could've survived one puny cannon shot. Still... 'It was worth it to carry you to safety from the battlefield, as well. I will see if I can craft you a new arm... but likely it would come to life and try to strangle you in your sleep. Perhaps later. Thank you for this gift.'


With the Barkers along, Tulwor entered the Crucible. The central chamber would finally see some use.

'Sarah,' his voice boomed in the machinized halls. 'There is little the Crucible can teach you now. You have been reforged; you have been reborn. Only a final step remains. A test, to prove you are ready to fight foes of flesh and blood! Step into the central chamber and take your freedom... Hero.'

Do the Barker fight. Given the low combat power of Barkers, Sarah should have no trouble defeating them, but hey, it's a ritual.
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #471 on: September 12, 2014, 12:44:44 pm »

Auratus was pleased,  his host having given out good information. This was knowledge he could work with, and he already had to keep his mind from drifting of to further planning. After the arachnid had finished talking about tactics, he spoke, a grin stealing itself unto his face " Your advice seems valuable indeed. Should it turn out as useful as it seems, I would think the other gods to be grateful as well. " Actually, hoping them to be grateful may have been more accurate, but the dragon was loath to lessen praise he found to be in order. At the very least, they should refrain from troubling her in the near future. He thought Pyrite to have enough interest for his kin to make sure of that much. " As for the matter of your venom, I guess you are right in the sense that I will have to either find a way to strengthen it, or someone who is able to. " He shrugged lightly. " At worst, its effects won't do as much as we would like, so it is not like we would loose much by trying, whereas the gains could be quite... satisfying, I would say, for both of us. "

It was as the arachnid had deduced – he did value her daughter higher than the son. Their kin, no matter how far removed, had participated in the war before time, and as the results had shown, they had not been on the side of the gods - at least not on their good one. In a sense, her bloodline made her perfect to be an instrument of his wrath, as she was bellian enough to not arise undue discontent among the mortals, but at the same time also a faint symbol of enmity towards them. Obviously she would also need a fair modicum of power, which just might clash with her fine features in the case that she would retain them, a nice touch to her inhuman eyes. Yes, he mused, she should suit him and her purpose well. After the supposed parting words of the mother, he gave a polite nod towards the darkness above – the dragon still not sure if she was actually able to see him or not.

" Yes, I would think so. " Answering towards the so-called mistress of the house, Auratus directed his gaze at Linda, addressing her a breath later. " After some deliberation, your mother and I have arrived at the conclusion, that having a priest of her bloodline would be advantageous to both of us. You are to become a pupil of mine for that purpose, studying and preparing for the task in divine Newbellum Castle. With your heritage and under my guidance, I have little doubt that you should exceed any mortal priests that see it fit to serve me. You would be among my highest priests in short order, a position which would be a reward in and of itself, with the influence stemming from said position sure to benefit you yourself and your family as well. Any further favour would be according to your merit. Are there any remarks or questions from your side? "

As you speak, you note an expression of pride take root and grow on the woman's face. By the time you finish, she is nearly beaming. "As you will it lord, so it shall be done. I only request a few hours to bid my sibblings farewell, and write a message expressing the same to my father, should it be your intention to leave today."

Tulwor blinked at the flock-Ketari's outbursts. He shrugged. She was wounded and upset, and, also importantly, a bird. He couldn't fault her.

'You have much honor, sister. I am grateful,' he said. He knew better than to let her know he'd have preferred not to have to carry her off and leave the battle. He could've survived one puny cannon shot. Still... 'It was worth it to carry you to safety from the battlefield, as well. I will see if I can craft you a new arm... but likely it would come to life and try to strangle you in your sleep. Perhaps later. Thank you for this gift.'


With the Barkers along, Tulwor entered the Crucible. The central chamber would finally see some use.

'Sarah,' his voice boomed in the machinized halls. 'There is little the Crucible can teach you now. You have been reforged; you have been reborn. Only a final step remains. A test, to prove you are ready to fight foes of flesh and blood! Step into the central chamber and take your freedom... Hero.'

Do the Barker fight. Given the low combat power of Barkers, Sarah should have no trouble defeating them, but hey, it's a ritual.

(Two Barkers are not even an actor. I don't have to roll that.)

Sarah makes short work of the Barkers before her. The first is sliced twain with a single blow from her sword, which she tosses aside in a single fluid movement as she leaps at the second. The barker lasts less than a minute wrestling with your champion, before it is torn apart beyond repair by Sarah's bare hands.

She turns to you. "Was that an acceptable performance, Lord?"

After thanking Oinkiny for his delicious pie, Pyrite went to see Dennis.

"Dennis, have you heard about Meltip's basilisk? Apparently it's running amok in Selma's Gate, maybe even seeking revenge. What do you make of all that?"

The vampire is found out in Ketari's Barker forest, studdying the various plants that produce the Bird Eater's strange minions. He turns, and gives you a small grin as you aproach.

"Good of you to come out and join me on the Domains, even if it is just busniess..." He trails off briefly, before continuing, "Basilisk. Intelegent, by animal standards, but completely resistant to being tamed or controled execpt by a child of lowborn murderers raised by highborns. Unless you can find another person like that, I'm afraid it will eventually become a problem to any civilized existance in its vicinity, reguardless of its present intentions."

escaped lurker

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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #472 on: September 12, 2014, 03:37:45 pm »

As you speak, you note an expression of pride take root and grow on the woman's face. By the time you finish, she is nearly beaming. "As you will it lord, so it shall be done. I only request a few hours to bid my sibblings farewell, and write a message expressing the same to my father, should it be your intention to leave today."

He gave it a short pause for thought, as it dawned on him that getting his priestess-to-be into the castle might pose a bit of an inconvenience for both of them. Chell really had made it easy in that regard. Well, she either would have to tag along, and be carried by him – a sturdy fishernet, or similar, should do just fine – or have to find a way herself. Satisfied with that matter, he gave a nod of approval.  " I have business in Selma's Gate, so be in the harbour in three hours. The ship that will bring me there might be delayed beyond that, but won't leave before. " With a bemused grin, he continued. " Should you fail to come in time, you just might have to find a way to Newbellum Castle by yourself. "

About to stand up and depart, the dragons mind drifted to the veil in front of her eyes. Maybe it had been her previous custom, but there soon would be no need for the charade of being a normal bellian. Then again, if he mentioned that she should be proud to show her heritage now, she just might go to the harbour without it, and knowing the general bellians xenophobia that was not something that she should risk just yet, at least not before being formally affiliated with him. Later would have to do. " Well then, I will take my leave first. "

Walking through Kiatown's streets after his departure – the small houses of the populace a good indicator of their inferiority if compared to a dragons lair, or so he mused – the dragon had time to ponder the situation. Linda seemed enthusiastic enough, which was good, but how long it would hold up was something that he would have yet to see. True enough, he planned on rewarding her greatly, but that did not mean that her task of becoming a priest to him would be easy. There was also the matter of her relatives in the castle, the new information he had gained non-withstanding. Yes, he supposed, with much more things to do than he alone could, having a priest to take care of some more mundane tasks really might turn out to be a good idea.

Before going on to Selma's Gate, Auratus will wait until those three hours are over, and then depart as soon as possible.


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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #473 on: September 12, 2014, 07:21:39 pm »

Pyrite smiled a little. "So you don't think Wild Red will be able to handle it? That's good... slightly worse for Selma's Gate, but such is the price for the actions of their king, I suppose."

He glanced around at the forest. "Enjoying Ketari's works? I've been thinking perhaps I should get some servants of my own..."
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #474 on: September 13, 2014, 12:11:32 pm »

As you speak, you note an expression of pride take root and grow on the woman's face. By the time you finish, she is nearly beaming. "As you will it lord, so it shall be done. I only request a few hours to bid my sibblings farewell, and write a message expressing the same to my father, should it be your intention to leave today."

He gave it a short pause for thought, as it dawned on him that getting his priestess-to-be into the castle might pose a bit of an inconvenience for both of them. Chell really had made it easy in that regard. Well, she either would have to tag along, and be carried by him – a sturdy fishernet, or similar, should do just fine – or have to find a way herself. Satisfied with that matter, he gave a nod of approval.  " I have business in Selma's Gate, so be in the harbour in three hours. The ship that will bring me there might be delayed beyond that, but won't leave before. " With a bemused grin, he continued. " Should you fail to come in time, you just might have to find a way to Newbellum Castle by yourself. "

About to stand up and depart, the dragons mind drifted to the veil in front of her eyes. Maybe it had been her previous custom, but there soon would be no need for the charade of being a normal bellian. Then again, if he mentioned that she should be proud to show her heritage now, she just might go to the harbour without it, and knowing the general bellians xenophobia that was not something that she should risk just yet, at least not before being formally affiliated with him. Later would have to do. " Well then, I will take my leave first. "

Walking through Kiatown's streets after his departure – the small houses of the populace a good indicator of their inferiority if compared to a dragons lair, or so he mused – the dragon had time to ponder the situation. Linda seemed enthusiastic enough, which was good, but how long it would hold up was something that he would have yet to see. True enough, he planned on rewarding her greatly, but that did not mean that her task of becoming a priest to him would be easy. There was also the matter of her relatives in the castle, the new information he had gained non-withstanding. Yes, he supposed, with much more things to do than he alone could, having a priest to take care of some more mundane tasks really might turn out to be a good idea.

Before going on to Selma's Gate, Auratus will wait until those three hours are over, and then depart as soon as possible.

You depart and wait at the boat. Linda shows up two and a half hours later, hurridly tells you that she *may* have accidentally stabbed a Mercede Party Goon who insulted her father on the way over, and would like to leave early if possible.

Regardless if you agree or not, (anybody possibly after her thinks twice about barging onto the boat you have employed), you make it back safely to Newbellum Castle with your prize come the end of the day.

New Resource: Linda the Wrathful (+3)

Pyrite smiled a little. "So you don't think Wild Red will be able to handle it? That's good... slightly worse for Selma's Gate, but such is the price for the actions of their king, I suppose."

He glanced around at the forest. "Enjoying Ketari's works? I've been thinking perhaps I should get some servants of my own..."

"We shall see. If he can't, it becomes Auratus' problem I suppose. And unfortunate for the serpent, he'd be the one among us who is unaffected by a Basilisk's gaze."

The priest shrugs, "Indeed, the bird eater is a fair mistress, and shows potential in the divine crafts. I have some good tests in mind for her once this present situation calms down a degree. I'd offer you advice on servant making, but you seem to be the sort with a design in mind already."

escaped lurker

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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #475 on: September 13, 2014, 04:23:09 pm »

Raising an eyebrow slightly, the dragon was not dissatisfied by the girls actions, but rather the reason behind them. He really would do good to temper her spirit, before letting her attain any power beyond that of a mere mortal. After leaving as planned – exclaiming that the notion of him fleeing from possible mortal pursuers would not only be laughable, but also insulting – he had spent most of his time in pondering. Had the claimed hate between the four siblings been worthy of exploitation once he had heard of it, after becoming aware of what had pertained elsewhere, he decided that it might as well become a necessity.

Taken by such musings, by the time they had arrived at the castle, he had barely spoken with her. Settling himself down into his personal throne, he sought to change that fact. " First off, while residing on these islands, any action you might take will easily fall back unto me. As such, I would advise you to not anger any of the residents, be they draconic, divine, or plainly of powerful heritage. The orcs you might have already seen are servants of Pyrite, and as thus the only thing that may put you above them is but your arachnid blood. Any matter that should arise would be between you and them, and believe me when I say that they won't take kindly to being stabbed. I further expect you to stay focused on your schooling, and as such are forbidden from pursuing any illicit relationships while residing here. " The later was especially in regard to her kin, as he had no doubt the children of the scorpion could find her alluring. Overall, her character and loyalties might need some work, but as her lineage and nature were promising enough, he decided her to be worth the effort – having her killed or a mother by one of the other residents would be wasting her potential, and any effort he might have put into her until then.

After waiting for a positive reply from her, he continued. " Having said that, I will inform you that for now you are to study draconic law, draconic history, and bellian history, with an emphasis on the war before time. The bellian accounts may be faulty at times, but without such knowledge you would be hard pressed to understand my viewpoint and actions. " He grinned slightly. " It will also cause you to realize how the common mortal would view your mother, or yourself. Which reminds me, has her blood blessed you with any traits or abilities that might be worth pursuing? " As an afterthought, he added. " Right, thinking of it, I will require you to show your heritage proudly, so loose the veil. If anything, it might even be insulting to your distant relatives which reside here. "


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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #476 on: September 13, 2014, 04:47:23 pm »

"We shall see. If he can't, it becomes Auratus' problem I suppose. And unfortunate for the serpent, he'd be the one among us who is unaffected by a Basilisk's gaze."

The priest shrugs, "Indeed, the bird eater is a fair mistress, and shows potential in the divine crafts. I have some good tests in mind for her once this present situation calms down a degree. I'd offer you advice on servant making, but you seem to be the sort with a design in mind already."
Pyrite shook his head. "Mm. Either not really, or not just one. It feels like I should have servants like these, but every time I try to think of some, I come up with a people, not a swarm of tools. If you've any insight on the matter, I'd like to hear it."
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #477 on: September 14, 2014, 03:51:58 pm »

Once the end of the month was nigh, each of the gods had a visitor:  barker, bearing a parchment calling the god to the throne room. There, the flock that was Ketari nestled on and around the throne.

"Soon heal. Actions to take. Needed."

The birds stared around at the gods, once assembled.
You fool. Don't you understand?
No one wishes to go on...


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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #478 on: September 14, 2014, 03:56:59 pm »

Pyrite folded his arms over his chest.

"Find subjects to warp into suitably monstrous army-breakers, see what the current Kiatown army is up to. Also thought about diplomacy, but I don't think there'd be as much point from a position of apparent weakness."
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Isle of the Young Gods: Game Thread
« Reply #479 on: September 14, 2014, 03:59:21 pm »

"Soon. Throne. Could smite. Or control. Seeds in brain. Germinate, control. Corpse-puppets. Power of throne capable. Control new army as result. No loss if new army defeated."
You fool. Don't you understand?
No one wishes to go on...
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