They got watercanons against the heat, they got coca cola for the odd diabetic, may the summer begin!
My lol today is the curse of the easterbunnies:
I'm working inside the container, a little girl who comes allways with her grandpa, who is a nice dude, starts asking me many questions. She expressed her surpise at all the garbage that didn't belong in there (yeah folks if your kids can tell you don't get the benefit of the doubt), she found a tiny plush rabbit, smaller than a golf ball. I asked her if she liked rabbits and she said yes,
wrong answer kid...
You see my dad got this really tacky easterbunny statue from his, uhm aesthetician I think, I'm pretty sure she allready got it as a gift and didn't like it. So my dad is bad at throwing stuff away so he gifts me the tacky easterbunny statue (god I can't I'm giggling as I write it). It winds up in the office of the particular parc happened to work at that day. Should I have thrown it away by now? Definitly! BuT iT wAs StIlL iN It'S oRiGiNaL bOx.
As soon as she answered that she liked rabbits I saw my opportunity to get rid of the easterbunny curse, I swear I jumped out the container and ran to our office, then handed her the easterbunny statue, most proud of myself that I had managed to remember such a worthless object lying in the backroom. Told her yeah it's not that great but it's something right?! You can throw it away if you don't like it I won't be mad. But since I'm pretty sure I was being kidmired, I doubt she will let her parents throw it away without putting up a fight, and so the curse lives on